Verhofstadt Full Fledged Belgian Nazis Bruyne de
For Rex and For Belgium, by Eddy deBruyne and Marc Rikmenspoel. 2004
Inadvertent Guy Verhofstadt Tutorial. Beyond Leon Degrelle and Collaboration: Full-Fledged Belgian Nazis Nowadays, images of Nazi collaboration remain topical. Belgian Europarliament leader Guy Verhofstadt has recently (November 2017) called Polish Independence Day marchers Nazis. Besides being an egregious…
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Verhofstadt Belgian Congo Genocide Vanthemsche
Belgium and the Congo, 1885 1980, by Guy Vanthemsche. 2012
Belgian-Caused Genocide in Congo: An Inadvertent—And Much-Needed--Lesson for Guy Verhofstadt Author Guy Vanthemsche is professor of contemporary history at Free University Brusses (Vrjie Universiteit Brussel). It is packed with information. INTRODUCTION: CURRENT EVENTS IN THE LIGHT OF THE CONGOLESE GENOCIDE…
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Verhofstadt Belgian Nazi Collaborators Conway
Collaboration In Belgium: Léon Degrelle And The Rexist Movement, 1940 1944, by Martin Conway. 1993
Guy Verhofstadt Lesson. The “German-Led New Order In Europe” Mentality Drove Old Nazi Collaboration AND Today’s European Union! It is easy to see that the author of this work is a careful thinker. For instance,…
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Germans Built Poland is a Myth MacInnes
While Still We , by Helen MacInnes. 1985
Polish Achievements Spite the "Poles Never Achieved Anything" German Chauvinism. This is a fictional account of the 1929 war and aftermath. However it has elements that are relevant to this day, and that is what I focus on. The chauvinistic Germans not…
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Germans Built Poland is a Myth Piskorski
Historiographical Approaches to Medieval Colonization of East Central Europe, by Jan M. Piskorski (Editor). 2003
The "Germans Civilized the Poles" and "Germans Built Poland" Racist Polonophobic Myths Debunked This work discusses the medieval colonization of many European lands. The scholarly papers are in English and German. I focus exclusively on…
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European Union Likeness Was Achieved Before Third Reich Zweig
Poland Between Two World Wars, by Ferdynand Zweig. 1944
Jewish Middleman Removed. Foreign Ownership of Infrastructure. Pre-WWII Nazi Germany Achieved Virtual European Union! Second Republic (1918-1939) Economic Achievements The Partitioning powers had left Poland destitute and with very little industry. To the contrary: They had sought to suppress these developments.…
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European Union Drives Hatred Against Poland Hazony
The Virtue of Nationalism, by Yoram Hazony. 2018
Internationalist Movements Generate Hatreds More Than Nationalist Ones, With Poland Especially Vilified. European Union is Virtually the Fourth Reich. Inconsistency in Simultaneously Supporting Traditional Morality and the European Union (as by Pope JPII) Author Yoram Hazony identifies himself as a lifelong Jewish…
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European Union Germanocentrism Prefigured Zangwill
The Principle of Nationalities, by Israel Zangwill. 2010
Zionist Zangwill Pushed MITTELEUROPA (Now European Union). The Chairman (Not Zangwill!) Valued Polish Independentist Efforts, and Anticipated Nazi Germany This short book is a lecture given by the British Zionist Israel Zangwill. Speaking in 1917--towards the end of WWI—when many nations (including…
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European Union Germanocentrism Realized Laughland
The Tainted Source: The Undemocratic Origins of the European Idea, by John Laughland. 2016
Amazing Parallels Between Third Reich and EU! The European Union (EU): Germanocentric Policies Make It Effectively the Fourth Reich. This eye-opening book has been translated into several languages, including Polish [with the title:
Zatrute Zrodla Unii…
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European Union Germanocentrism Realized Rieger
Creator of Nazi Death Camps: The Life of Odilo Globocnik, by Berndt Rieger. 2007
Top Former Nazi Endorses European Union as THE Fulfillment of Old German Imperialistic Dreams Odilo Globocnik was of partial Slovenian ancestry. Like Hitler, he grew up with the belief that the Slavic and Jewish elements were…
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European Union Harms Poland DEFINITIVE WORK Bosak
Suwerenny Narod w XXI Wieku, by Krzysztof Bosak, Witold Tumanowicz, Michal Wawer, i Robert Winnicki. 2016
The Many Ways That the European Union Has Harmed Poland. Polexit Needed! THE SOVEREIGN NATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY: THE PROGRAM OF THE NATIONAL MOVEMENT, is the title of this Polish-language nationalist treatise. It…
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