Polonophobic Memes Repeated Jedwabne Bikont

The Crime and the Silence: Confronting the Massacre of Jews in Wartime Poland, by Anna Bikont. 2016
Obsolete and Incomplete Information. Polonophobic To the Core. Ignores the Other Side of the Coin: Jewish Murders of Poles Bikon't book is merely a translation of articles written way back in 2000-2001—with a… Read morePolonophobic Memes Ritual Murder Tokarska Bakir

Pogrom Cries, by Joanna Tokarska-Bakir. 2019
A German-Published, Holocaust-Industry, Gross-Grabowski Rerun. Ritual-Murder Pole-Blaming Narrative Avoids Facts and Similar Jewish Beliefs The very title of this book is misleading and inflammatory. (Very little of this book is actually about pogroms). To make the point, imagine this alternative title: POLISH-INMATE CRIES IN… Read morePolonophobic Meme Carousel Warsaw Ghetto Burning Borowski

This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen, by Tadeusz Borowski, Barbara Vedder (Editor/Translator), Jan Kott (Introduction), Michael Kandel (Translator). 1992
Attempted Entertainment Under Horrible Conditions: Repudiates Anti-Polish Accusations About Poles Enjoying Themselves on a Carousel (Made Famous by Czeslaw Milosz in His CAMPO DEI FIORI) While the Germans Were… Read morePolonophobic Meme Carousel Warsaw Ghetto Burning Hart

I Am Alive, by Kitty Hart. 1975
Auschwitz Jewish Survivor Indirectly Debunks the Polonophobic Meme of Poles Enjoying Themselves on a Carousel While Jews Suffered and Died. Recreation Despite the Horrors Is Completely Normal! This book predates political correctness, and includes fascinating perspectives that upend certain anti-Polish Holocaust myths. My… Read morePolonophobic Meme Carousel Warsaw Ghetto Burning Szarota

Karuzela na Placu Krasińskich. Studia i szkice z lat wojny i okupacji, by Tomasz Szarota. 2007
The Polonophobic Legend of the Heartless, anti-Semitic Poles Enjoying Themselves on a Carousel While the Near Warsaw Ghetto Burned THE CAROUSEL AT KRASINSKI SQUARE is the title of this Polish-language book. The author, Tomasz… Read morePolonophobic Memes Only Poles Were Prejudiced Cala
The Image of the Jew in Polish Folk Culture, by Alina Cala. 1995
Typical Superficial Blame-Poles "Analysis" That Avoids the Fact of the Reciprocity of Jewish-Polish Antagonisms and the Underlying Realities of the Huge Jewish Presence in Pre-WWII Poland This book repeats and reinforces the standard Polonophobic memes, and… Read morePolonophobic Memes Propounded Gross

The Politics of Retribution in Europe: World War II and Its Aftermath, by István Deák, Jan Tomasz Gross (Editor). 2000
Combines Facts and Gross Mischaracterizations (Pardon the Pun) Two chapters of this book detract from whatever is worthwile in the rest. They repeat the standard Pole-demeaning fare. For example: POLES… Read morePolonophobic Memes Repeated Selective Indignation on Injustices Holc

The Politics of Trauma and Memory Activism, by Janine Holc. 2017
“Confronting Injustice”? Same-Old Song: Everything Blamed on Poles and Catholics. Judeocentric anti-PiS Politics The same small circle of authors is behind books of this nature. Thus, for example, author Janine Holc has especial thanks for Brian Porter-Szucs, whose views… Read morePolonophobic Memes Communist Propaganda Recycled By Gross

Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz: An Essay in Historical Interpretation, by Jan Tomasz Gross. 2006
Recycled Old Communist Propaganda from Polonophobic Jewish Author Shnayderman (Shneiderman) The reader of this book will be hard-pressed to avoid thinking that he or she is reading Shnayderman's 1947 pro-Communist screed, BETWEEN FEAR AND… Read morePolonophobic Memes Pogroms Dusted Off Hagen

Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914-1920, by William W. Hagen. 2018
Revived 1918-Era Pogrom Tales. Much Ink About a Few Poles Knocking Around a Few Jews. Holocaust Industry. Is Predictably Silent About Earlier Jewish Violence to Poles This book has one finding of value: THE MYTH OF THE JEW AS THE… Read morePolonophobic Memes Fugitive Jews Killed Facts and Fantasies Engelking

Such a Beautiful Sunny Day, by Barbara Engelking. 2016
Much Ado About Normal Wartime Behavior. Same Media-Quoted Fantastic Numbers of Fugitive Jewish Deaths In every war, some members of the population act in a dishonorable manner. This is nothing new. It is also very easy for those who have never… Read morePolonophobic Memes Holocaust Gross

Holocaust in Occupied Poland: New Findings and New Interpretations, by Jan Tomasz Gross (Editor). 2012
Misleading Title (Nothing New). Unwelcome Scholars Disregarded. Sham Communist Trial Results as Truth. Polish Sufferings Discounted. Standard Polonophobic Memes The reader, having seen the catchy title, and expecting something novel (as I initially did), will… Read morePolonophobic Memes Holocaust Santorski
Difficult Questions In Polish Jewish Dialogue, by Jacek Santorski.
The Same Canned Judeocentric and Endlessly-Repeated Polonophobic Memes. So-Called Polish-Jewish Dialogue This book is in a question-and-answer format, encompassing very basic matters, with answers that don't go deep. For instance, the 1968 expulsion of Jews is barely connected to the fact… Read morePolonophobic Memes Jews Never Wrong Forecki

World War II and Two Occupations: Dilemmas of Polish Memory, by Anna Wolff-Poweska and Piotr Forecki (eds.) 2016
The Zydokomuna (Judeo-Bolshevism) Whitewashed and Exculpated. OUN-UPA Genocide Relativized Let me begin saving the reader some time. A much better book, on this overall subject, is FORGOTTEN HOLOCAUST, by Lukas. The very… Read morePolonophobic Memes Antisemitism Blobaum

Antisemitism and Its Opponents in Modern Poland, by Robert Blobaum (Editor). 2005
The Standard Blame Everything on Poles Narrative. Overlooks Essential Facts Let me begin by saving the serious reader some time. The reader who is interested in a balanced Jewish viewpoint of Polish-Jewish relations, and Polish anti-Semitism, should see… Read morePolonophobic Memes Antisemitism Michlic

Poland's Threatening Other: The Image of the Jew from 1880 to the Present, by Joanna Beata Michlic, Blake Allmendinger. 2006
Very Polonophobic. Hatchet Job on Poles Ignores Mountains of Contrary Evidence, Some of Which I Present To correct the countless errors and partial-facts of this book would require a book… Read morePolonophobic Memes AntiSemitism MIchnik vel Szechter

Against Anti-Semitism: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Polish Writings, by Adam Michnik (Editor). 2017
Stale, Rehashed Accusatory Anti-Polish Memes—Coming From Morally-Disqualified Critics. Much Better Works Available (Listed) This is mostly a set of old articles, originally in Polish, translated into English. Some of the authors are real winners. For instance, Jerzy… Read morePolonophobic Memes By Adam MIchnik vel Szechter

In Search of Lost Meaning: The New Eastern Europe, by Adam Michnik, Irena Grudzińska-Gross, Roman S. Czarny. 2011
Adam Michnik vel Szechter, Still Failing To Do Any Moral Reckoning Over the Crimes of His Unrepentant Stalinist Half-Brother Stefan Michnik, Waxes Eloquent in His Polonophobic Dump Adam Michnik (vel Aaron… Read morePolonophobic Memes Communist Propaganda Old Shnayderman
Between Fear and Hope, by Shnayderman. 947
This Post-WII Pro-Communist Jewish Author Evidently Served as a Template for Jan T. Gross (FEAR) and His Attacks on Poland Today. Uncanny Similarities See for yourself. Read this 1947 book by Shneiderman (Shnayderman) and then read Jan T. Gross 2007 book, FEAR. You… Read morePolonophobia Russian Confronted By Pilsudski
Joseph Pilsudski: The Memories of a Polish Revolutionary and Soldier, by Jozef PIlsudski, Darsie Rutherford Gillie. 1931
Joseph Pilsudski Grew Up With a Love for Poland and a Passionate Hatred of Poland's Enemies. Oppression of Poland Was Bad Enough, But Contempt for Poland Was Unbearable English woman D. R. Gillie… Read morePolonophobic AntiCatholic Memes Modras
The Catholic Church and Antisemitism ... Poland 1933-39, by Ronald Modras. 1994
Blames Everything on Poland's Catholicism. A Mile Wide and Inch Deep. Confessedly Cherry-Picked Data. No Context or Significant Analysis Provided This work flits from topic to topic, making it a many-topic compendium that is lengthy but very superficial.… Read morePolonophobic Holocaust-Related Memes Answered Lukas

Out of the Inferno: Poles Remember the Holocaust, by Richard C. Lukas. 1989
A Book Degraded, By Some Jews, Because It Does Not Fit the Standard Narrative That Blames Everything on the Poles Richard C. Lukas has provided a detailed anthology of Poles that had undergone the brutal German conquest… Read morePolonophobic Memes Virulent AntiCatholicism Porter Szucs

Faith and Fatherland, by Brian Porter-Szucs. 2011
Cultural Marxism: One Long, Rather Scurrilous, Hatchet Job On Polish Roman Catholicism The author consistently oversimplifies the views with whom he disagrees, and fails to provide the reader with the kind of in-depth analysis needed to understand properly the topic. BLAMING THE VICTIM… Read moreHollywood AntiPolonism Reasons Biskupski

Hollywood's War With Poland 1919-1945, by Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski. 2009
The Hollywood Left, and to a Lesser Extent Some Hollywood Jews, Were Behind the Anti-Polish Tone of Quite a Few Movies The author has examined numerous WWII-era Hollywood films, evaluated them for their content on Poland (usually absent, seldom neutral… Read moreAntiPolonism Centuries Old Memes Still Repeated Today Boswell

The Survival of Polish Civilization, by Alexander Bruce Boswell. 1941
The “Poland is Unworthy of Others’ Esteem or Self-Esteem” Centuries-Old Polonophobic Memes. The Attempted Delegitimization of Poland, Then and Now Author Alexander Bruce Boswell was Professor of Russian at the University of Liverpool at the time of this work (1941).… Read moreTo see a series of truncated reviews in a Category click on that Category:
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