Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Nazi Credits Poles Moczarski
Conversations with an Executioner, by Kazimierz Moczarski. 1984
Nazi Jew-Killer Juergen Stroop Gave More Credit to Poles, for Overall Jew-Rescue and Substantial Aid to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943), Than Do Far Too Many Jews Today. Go Figure! This fascinating book is packed with eye-opening information. Read on. INTRODUCTION The… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Nazi Credits Poles Stroop
The Stroop Report, by Jürgen Stroop. 1986
Nazi German Jew-Killer and Warsaw-Uprising-Butcher Juergen Stroop Gives More Credit to Polish Assistance to the Uprising Than Do Many Jewish Authors Today. For Shame This chilling day-by-day diary recounts the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto. The descriptions are methodical. POLES FOUGHT ALONGSIDE, AND… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Clarifications Edelman
The Ghetto Fights, by Marek Edelman, John Rose (contributor). 1990
Anti-Jewish Riots German-Made. Jews Long in Denial About Unfolding Holocaust. As per Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943), Poles Couldn't Arm Jews More This book was written in 1945 in Poland. [Review based on 1990 English-language reprint.] Owing to the fact that… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Clarifications Kazik
Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter, by Kazik (Simha Rotem), Simha Rotem, Barbara Harshav (Editor). 2001
Implied Candor on the Reasons Behind Poles’ Scaled-Down Support for the Jews’ Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Double Standards on Robbery of Jews (By Poles or By Soviets) While describing the events that led up to… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Hostile Witness Credits Poles Mark
Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto, by Ber Mark, Gershon Freidlin (Translator). 1975
Hostile Witness (Jewish Communist and Rabid Polonophobe) Gives Backhanded Credit to the Poles in the Jews' Warsaw Ghetto Uprising This book is revealing in a number of ways, in that it shows how scurrilous Communist propaganda has now… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Inadequate Polish Aid Debunked Grubsztein
Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust, by Meir Grubsztein (Editor). 1971
BOMBSHELL: Why Jews Are Quick to Assume Pogroms. Polokaust To Destroy Polish Population. Polish Aid to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Was Sincere and Substantial This book, based on a conference in 1968 and published back in 1971, clarifies much anti-Polonism.… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Nazi Credits Poles Blood
Hitler's Bandit Hunters: The SS and the Nazi Occupation of Europe, by Philip W. Blood. 2006
On Lebensraum and anti-Slavic German Racism. Dutch SS Man Confirms: Poles Fought Alongside Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Hitler discussed Lebensraum in his MEIN KAMPF. (p. 97). However, the concept long predated Hitler.… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Lacquer
The Terrible Secret, by Walter Lacquer.
Polish Warnings of the Unfolding Holocaust Were Ignored by Local Jews and Were Ignored by Jews in the West. Yet--Surprise--Poland is the One That Gets Blamed This encyclopedic work, by a French Jew, covers many details about the emergence of news about what has… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Soifer
Between Life & Death: History of Jewish Life in Wartime Poland, 1939-1945, by Ben A. Soifer. 1995
Zbaszyn 1938. Cardinal Hlond (1936) Right on Jews and Atheism. Just Like Poles: Post-Jewish Property Acquisition—By Jews Themselves! Polish Warnings Ignored This book is not an easy read, and the person who is… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Zawadzka
Living in Fear on the Aryan Side, by Halina Zawadzka. 2009
Jews Ignored—Even Despised—Polish Warnings About the German Gassing and Cremation of Jews. Why A.K. Sometimes Killed Fugitive Jews Halina Zawadzka described her pre-WWII life as one in which her parents were atheists, hostile to religion, including Judaism. (p.122). She… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Karski is Belittled Engel
The Western Allies and the Holocaust JAN KARSKI'S MISSION TO THE WEST, 1942-1944, by David Engel. 1990
A Belittling of the Pole Jan Karski’s Herculean Efforts to Warn the World About the Unfolding German-Made Holocaust. Ingratitude or What? Silence on Jewish Leaders’ Ignoring of Karski’s Warnings This article comes across… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Karski Was IGNORED Wood
Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust, by E. Thomas Wood (Goodreads Author), Stanislaw M. Jankowski, Elie Wiesel (Foreword). 1994
Americans (Jewish and Non-Jewish) Generally Disbelieved Karski's Warnings. No Evidence That Endeks Summarily Opposed Polish Aid to Jews The book includes interesting details about Polish underground action against… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Korbonski
Fighting Warsaw: The Story of the Polish Underground State, 1939-1945, by Stefan Korbonski. 2004
Poles Didn't Fail the Jews: The British and Local Jews Failed to Heed Polish Warnings. The "Polish Nationalists Won't Admit Polish Wrongdoing" Canard Debunked Stefan Korbonski, one of the last surviving leaders of the Polish Underground… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Example Dobroszycki
The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto, 1941-1944, by Lucjan Dobroszycki (Editor), Richard Lourie (Translator), Joachim Neugroschel (Translator). 1987
Polish Warnings to Jews. Polish-Jewish Relations Generally Positive. Jewish Ghetto Police in Action. Polish Mischlinge Murdered After the German-Soviet conquest of Poland in September-October 1939, the area around Lodz was directly annexed… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Goebbels Gives Credit Semmler
Goebbels, the Man Next to Hitler, by Rudolf Semmler. 1947
Leading Nazi Goebbels Gives More Credit to Polish Warnings, About the Doomed Jews, Then Do Many Jews Today (For Shame). Wartime German Looting, and Not Just Poles From Jews. The Proposed Nazi/Soviet Separate Peace Anticipated the Teheran/Yalta Sellout of Poland… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Arad
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, by Yitzhak Arad. 1999
Jews, Both Local and International, Ignored Polish Warnings on the Unfolding Holocaust. And--Surprise--Now Its All the Poles' Fault! 70% Treblinka Fugitive Jewish Survival Rate Yitzhak Arad provides a great deal of information relative to the extermination of Jews… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Bem
Sobibor, by Marek Bem. 2010
Poles Cheering Jewish Deaths Myth. Jews Ignored Polish Warnings. Jew Killings By Unclear Perpetrators or Motives (Do Not Rush to Judgement!). Hiding Jewish Deaths Myth This work provides exhaustive detail on Sobibor. It includes testimonies, archival information, maps and sketches, biographies, and photographs. It also… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Karski
Story of a Secret State: My Report to the World, by Jan Karski, Madeleine K. Albright (Foreword), Zbigniew Brzeziński (Afterword), Timothy Snyder (Goodreads Author) (Contributor). 2013
Karski’s Historic Trip: A Polish Underground Operation (Not the Deeds of a Lone Idealist). Roosevelt Lied to Polish Leaders Jan Karski’s trip to England… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah British Gag Imposed Fleming
Auschwitz, the Allies, and Censorship of the Holocaust, by Michael Fleming. 2014
Great Britain, and Not Poles, Gagged Incoming Information About the Unfolding German-Made Shoah. This Polonophobic-Lite Work is An Improvement Over Previous Hard-Core Polonophobic Books In this work, historian Michael Fleming contradicts, or at least introduces some nuance into,… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Buried By Allies and Scholars DEFINITIVE WORK Plesch
Human Rights After Hitler, by Dan Plesch. 2017
DEFINITIVE WORK: Polish Warnings About Holocaust Suppressed in Holocaust Scholarship. “Polish Authorities Wouldn’t Specify Jewish Deaths” a Myth. “The Allies Did Not Know of the Holocaust Until Near the End” Also a Myth The standard Holocaust narrative posits that the Polish Underground… Read moreStinking Jewish Ingratitude Example Gutman
Resistance: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, by Israel Gutman. 1998
ZOB-Centered Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Narrative. This Eminent Holocaust Scholar Shows a Frankly Disgusting Ingratitude to Poles Who Died in Behalf of the Jews This book is of variable quality. Let us examine a few salient issues: A FUNCTIONALIST APPROACH TO THE… Read moreSo Few Jews Saved Talmudic Irony Cadaver Affair Barilan
Jewish Bioethics, by Michael Barilan. 2013
“Poles Rescued Too Few Jews” Hypocrisy. Cadaver Affair in 1920s Poland—Driven By Recalcitrant Rabbis And Racist Jewish Theology Yechiel Michael Barilan is professor of medical education at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Nowadays, the once-militant Polish opposition to 1920s Jewish… Read moreSonderkommando Revolt Auschwitz Polish Aid Impossible Garlinski
Fighting Auschwitz: The Resistance Movement In The Concentration Camp, by Józef Garliński. 1975
Refutes Complaints that the Polish Underground Willfully Failed to Support the Jewish SONDERKOMMANDO Revolt Jozef (Joseph) Garlinski, a member of the Polish Underground, former inmate of Auschwitz, and subsequently a historian, has written an invaluable account about… Read moreSo Few Jews Saved Intense German Occupation Westermann
Hitler's Police Battalions: Enforcing Racial War in the East, by Edward B. Westermann (Goodreads Author). 2005
Intense German Occupation of Poland: Why "So Few" Jews Saved. The Nazi German Racial War Against Slavs as Well as Jews Most books on WWII in Europe typically dwell on the Holocaust, and any… Read moreSo Few Jews Saved Much Needed Context Robinson
And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight: a New Look at the Eichmann Trial, by Jacob Robinson. 1965
"So Few Polish Jews Saved" Irony. Advantages of Dutch, Bulgarian, and Danish Rescuers. Impending Polokaust Acknowledged Robinson believes that the Madagascar plan had been a real plan. It was not merely a… Read moreRescue of Jews Very Difficult Tomaszewski
Zegota: The rescue of Jews in wartime Poland, by Irene Tomaszewski. 1994
Rescue of Fugitive Jews, in German-Occupied Poland, Was Very Difficult. German Guilt-Diffusion Success: “Who Were the Nazis” Regularly Asked at USHMM Zegota was a part of the Polish Underground, and was explicitly devoted to helping Jews. Tomaszewski and… Read moreRailroads To Death Camps Not Destroyed Fallacy Bruhl
Firestorm: Allied Airpower and the Destruction of Dresden, by Marshall De Bruhl. 2010
Rebutting the Silly Complaint That the Polish Underground Did Not Destroy the Railroad Tracks To the Nazi German Death Camps. The Dresden Firestorm in Broader Context This book summarizes the history of Dresden and recounts its role… Read morePolish Indifference to Holocaust a Myth Mayer
Why Did The Heavens Not Darken?: The "Final Solution" In History, by Arno J. Mayer. 1990
Poles' Trauma Under Nazi Germany, and Not Polish Anti-Semitism, Bred Polish "Indifference" to Jews Author Arno J. Mayer perceptively writes: "The local populations became indifferent to the torments of the Jews less because of… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Dobroszycki
Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland: A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records, 1944-47: A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records, 1944-47, by Lucjan Dobroszycki. 1994
The Paid Greedy Polish Rescuer Notion Soundly Repudiated. Holocaust Survivorship in Poland: Facts and Figures If you enjoy figures and tables, this book is… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Kornbluth
Sentenced to Remember, by William Kornbluth. 1994
Paid Greedy Polish Rescuer Myth. Jews Prefered Separatism to Full Equality and Civil Rights. German-Imposed Death Penalty Appreciated The author discusses his experiences in Tarnow. He elaborates on the 1939 war, and the local VOLKSDEUTSCHEN serving as a fifth column. Days before the… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Petropoulos
Gray Zones: Ambiguity and Compromise in the Holocaust and Its Aftermath (War and Genocide), by Jonathan Petropoulos (Editor). 2006
Holocaust Supremacism and the Holocaust Industry Feed Each Other. Paid Polish Rescuers of Jews Had Acted Properly Because this anthology has many topics, I focus on a few that are particularly… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Promulgated Grabowski
Rescue for Money: Paid Helpers in Poland, 1939-1945, by Jan Grabowski. 2008
"Greed and (What Else?) Anti-Semitism” For Paid Polish Jew-Rescuers. (Were the Usually-Paid Endlessly-Glorified Danish Rescuers of Jews Also Animated by Greed and Anti-Semitism?) This book repeats one of the accusations of neo-Stalinist Jan T. Gross, and suffers from… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Rosen
The Wonder of Their Voices: The 1946 Holocaust Interviews of David Boder, by Alan Rosen. 2010
No "Greed" and "Anti-Semitism": Poles Requiring Payment for Hiding and Housing Fugitive Jews Were Acting Entirely Properly. Payment was Logically Expected. Demystifying the Star of David David Boder (Aron Mendel) was a Latvian-born American… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Dembowski
Christians in the Warsaw Ghetto: An Epitaph for the Unremembered, by Peter F. Dembowski. 205
Jewish Anti-Assimilation, Paid Rescuers' Mortal Risk, and the Rationality of Prewar Polish Antagonisms to Jews According to the German-developed Nuremberg Laws, Jewish Christians were considered Jews, and treated accordingly by the Nazis in German-occupied Poland.… Read moreNo Suicidal ProJewish Polish Uprising Silly Complaint Ney
The Polish Resistance Home Army, by Marek Ney-Krwawicz. 2001
The Polish Underground Didn't Launch a Suicidal Uprising on Behalf of Millions of Murdered Poles, So Why, According to Jewish Accusations, Were the Poles "Supposed" To Do So On Behalf of the Jews? This book presents an excellent English-language summary of… Read moreNSZ Saved Jews Bohun Dabrowski
Bylem Dowodca Brygady Swietokrzyskiej, by Antoni Bohun-Dabrowski. 2001
Polish Guerrilla Leader Tells How His "Anti-Semitic" Unit Saved a Large Group of Jewish Women From Being Burned Alive by the Germans This action-packed memoir covers the prewar period, the 1939 campaign, guerilla actions in the region of Kielce, and the fascinating… Read moreNSZ Welcomed Jews Pisarewski Parry
Orly i Reszki, by Pisarewski-Parry, Feliks. 1984
A Jewish Member of the "anti-Semitic" NSZ. Rescue of Fugitive Jews Was Very Difficult EAGLES AND TAILS--a Polish-language book. The NSZ has frequently been accused, in Communist and Jewish writings, of being systematically anti-Semitic, and out to kill fugitive Jews. This work goes… Read moreNo Suicidal ProJewish Polish Uprising Silly Complaint Bartal
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 12: Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles and Ukrainians 1772-1918 (Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry #12), by Israel Bartal (Editor), Antony Polonsky (Editor). 1999
Poles Would Not Have Committed Collective Suicide on Behalf of a Few Million Murdered Poles, But Now We Hear That They… Read moreGermans Protect Jews German Propaganda Lando
Saved by My Face: A True Story of Courage and Escape in War-Torn Poland, by Jerzy Lando. 2002
Limited Pre-WWII Polish Anti-Semitism. Germans Paint Themselves as Protectors of Jews From Poles! [Meme Repeated Today] This testimony includes fascinating facts. I discuss a few of them. ANTI-SEMITISM IN PRE-WWII POLAND WAS… Read moreGermanophilia Jewish Blindness To Unfolding Shoah Rynecki
Surviving Hitler in Poland: One Jew's Story, by George J. Rynecki. 2006
Zydokomuna. Primal Polonophobia. Jewish Germanophilia and Its Consequences This awkwardly-titled memoir consists of a rather unorganized set of notes written down, often decades after the events, by an emigre Polish Jew. The notes were located and published after… Read moreDeath Penalty German Decisive Landau
Caged, by David J. Landau. 2000
German-Imposed Death Penalty: Black Market Risk Jew Rescue Risk False Equivalence. Holocaust and Polokaust. Poles and Jews Looted Each Other David Landau's family engaged in leather manufacture before the war. Despite their wealth, they were Communists. (p. 8). [This adds to similar testimonies, refuting… Read moreDeath Penalty German Decisive Likiernik
By Devil's Luck: A Tale of Heroic Resistance in Wartime Warsaw, by Stanislaw Likiernik. 2001
No Valid Dichotomies: The German-Imposed Death Penalty Was Decisive in the Rescue of Fugitive Jews, AND for Radio Possession, AND for Black Market Involvement Stanislaw Likiernik, a Jewish member of the the A.K. (ARMIA KRAJOWA),… Read moreDanish Rescuers Were Paid Flender
Rescue in Denmark, by Harold Flender. 1963
Danish Rescuers of Jews Had Advantages Not Even Imagined by Polish Rescuers of Jews In the media, Polish rescue of Jews is often unfavorably compared with the Danish rescue of Jews. Author Harold Flender does the same. (p. 26). For this reason, my… Read moreDanish Rescue of Jews Myth (Almost) Stauber
Collaboration with the Nazis: Public Discourse After the Holocaust, by Roni Stauber. 2010
A Planned Nazi German Expulsion of Danish Jews to Sweden, Less a Danish Rescue of Jews. Deflective Negationism Deconstructed I focus on two salient issues, the fabled Danish rescue, and the concept of deflective negationism: NAZI MODEL… Read moreDeath Penalty German Decisive Inhibiting Polish Jew-Rescue Efforts Chodakiewicz
Between Nazis and Soviets, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. 2004
33% of Local Fugitive Jews Survived! Polish Denunciations and Jew-Killings Driven by Banditry. German-Imposed Death Penalty: No Polish Double Standard on Black Market and Rescuing Jews Holocaust education in western societies has favored the minimizing of the Polish agony during WWII,… Read moreDeath Penalty German Decisive Golfard
The Diary of Samuel Golfard and the Holocaust in Galicia, by Samuel Golfard, Wendy Lower. 2011
No Dualism Between the Sufferings of Jews and Poles. "Too Few Jews" Rescued By Poles Rejected. German-Imposed Death Penalty Was Decisive. "Greed" For Property Contextualized Editor Wendy Lower provides the background for the situation… Read moreDeath Penalty German Decisive Kessler
The Wartime Diary of Edmund Kessler, by Edmund Kessler, Renata Kessler (Editor), Antony Polansky (Contribution by). 2010
Zydokomuna Direct Harm to Poles. The Decisive Relevance of the German-Imposed Death Penalty on Polish Rescue of Fugitive Jews This book consists of two parts: The diary and poetry of Edmund Kessler, who… Read moreDeath Penalty German Decisive Kulski
Legacy of the White Eagle (Book & DVD), by Julian Kulski.
A Polish Guerrilla on: Poles Not Cheering Jewish Deaths, the Church's "Silence" on the Holocaust, the ARMIA KRAJOWA Not Bandits In this book, author Julian E. Kulski discusses his youthful experiences during the 1939 German-Soviet conquest of Poland and… Read moreDanish Rescuers and Yad Vashem Double Standards Werner
A Conspiracy Of Decency: The Rescue Of The Danish Jews During World War II, by Emmy E. Werner, Steve Catalano. 2004
Danish Rescuers, German Permissiveness, and Yad Vashem Double Standards. Usually-Unmentioned Anti-Semitism in Denmark Author Emmy Werner describes the rescue of the Jews as a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale.… Read moreComplicity in Holocaust By Danes Indicated Bjerregaard
Danish Volunteers of the Waffen-SS: Freikorps Danmark 1941-43, by Jens Pank Bjerregaard, Lars Larsen. 2017
Danish-Nazi Collaboration (and Danish Complicity in the Holocaust): What You Are Unlikely to Hear From the Mainstream Media This is primarily a photo-packed album of photos of the Danish Waffen SS (Frikorps Danmark), notably when… Read moreAuschwitz Uprising Impossible Lewis
The Mammoth Book of True War Stories, by Jon E. Lewis. 1999
An Insurrection in Auschwitz Was Impossible. Potential Outside Guerilla Support Was Also Too Weak Some of the most fascinating chapters, in my opinion, include the ones on the Doolittle raid on Tokyo, the dam busting of German dams,… Read moreAntiSemitism Silenced Polish Rescuers a Myth Poray
Those Who Risked Their Lives, by Anna Poray (Contributor). 2007
Why Occasional Polish Rescuer Fear of Disclosing This Fact. A Name-by-Name Catalog of the (Then-Current) 5,400 Poles Honored at Yad Vashem and 706 Very-Strongly-Verified Poles Killed for Helping Jews The Yad Vashem list, containing personal names, locality information, and short-paragraph… Read moreAntiSemitism Silenced Polish Rescuers a Myth Bartoszewski
The Samaritans: Heroes of the Holocaust, by Władysław Bartoszewski, Zofia Lewinówna. 1970
This Book Itself is a Refutation of the "Polish Rescuers Were Afraid to Become Known" Canard We sometimes hear the bizarre accusation that Polish rescuers were afraid to identify themselves as such owing to (what else?) the "pervasive… Read moreAntiSemitism Silenced Polish Rescuers a Myth Gammon
The Unwritten Diary of Israel Unger, by Carolyn Gammon, Israel Unger. 2013
Oskar Schindler Demythologized. Debunks "Polish Rescuers Silent Owing to Anti-Semitism" Myth. Paid Polish Rescuers of Jews Were Not Greedy. They Were Justified Israel (nicknamed Srulik) Unger was a young child during the Holocaust. He and part of his… Read moreAntiSemitism Silenced Polish Rescuers a Myth Ozarowski
Wolyn Aflame, by Filip Ozarowski. 1997 [translated from the Polish by Jan Peczkis]
"All Guerrilla Groups Were Bandits" Myth. No Double Standard in Secrecy in Rescuing Jews and Engaging in Underground Activities. The OUN-UPA Genocide of Poles and Polish Guerrilla Defensive Measures This work clarifies some matters related to Polish-guerrilla… Read moreAid To Jews Endeks Opposed a Myth DEFINITIVE WORK. Stop Holocaust Railroads Myth. IPN
Polacy i Zydzi Pod Okupacja Niemiecka 1939-1945, by Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN). 2006
The Myth of the Endeks Opposing Polish Aid to Fugitive Jews. Jewish Attitudes and Conduct Provoke Polish anti-Semitism. Polish Rescuers Long Keeping It Secret--the Real Reasons POLES AND JEWS UNDER THE GERMAN OCCUPATION 1939-1945 is the title… Read moreAid To Jews By Even Avowed antiSemites Friedman
Their Brothers Keepers, by Philip Friedman. 1957
An Early Holocaust-Survivor Jewish Tribute to Polish Rescuers of Jews. Notably Anti-Semitic Poles (Partly Listed) Rescued Jews Friedman discusses the rescue of Jews during WWII throughout German-occupied Europe, but especially Poland. Unlike most Holocaust materials written today, Friedman usually puts Jewish suffering within… Read moreTo see a series of truncated reviews in a Category click on that Category:
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