Zbaszyn 1938 Jewish Expellees Facts Bryant
Unfinished Victory, by Arthur Bryant. 1940
A Non-Nazi View of Jews in Weimar and Early Nazi Germany. Clarity on 1938 Zbaszyn (German Jews Expelled to Poland)
The British author wrote this book just before the Second World War broke out. For this reason, it provides a unique perspective- one that…
Read moreZbaszyn 1938 Jewish Expellees Facts Tartakower
Jewish Refugee, by Aryeh Tartakower. 1944
Insights Into Polish Policies Towards THE Third-Reich Jews Dumped at Bentschen (Zbaszyn) 1938 This heavily-documented work contains many facts and figures on the early-middle WWII-related movement of Jews across, Europe, Palestine, the USSR, and other nations. In terms of historical development, the authors touch… Read moreWilno 1920 Seizure Myth Pilsudski
Year 1920, by Józef Piłsudski. 1972
Bogus Border-Deciding Plebiscites. Wilno 1920 Polish "Seizure" a Myth. Poland Not the Aggressor in the 1920 Polish-Soviet War This work, originally published in 1924 in Polish, is loaded with facts, tables, and maps. The latter are large-scale, foldout ones, showing the movements of Polish… Read moreSchechita Law 1937 Demythologized Orlicki
Szkice z Dziejow Stosunkow Polsko-Zydowskich, 1918-1949, by Jozef Orlicki. 1983
Insights into the 1918 Pogrom Horror Stories, the So-Called Minorities Treaty, and the 1937 Schechita Law ESSAYS ON POLISH-JEWISH RELATIONS, by Joseph Orlitzky, is the English-language citation of this Polish-language work. My review is based on the original 1983 edition.… Read morePrzytyk Pogrom Jews First Resorted to Murder Gontarczyk
Pogrom? Zajscia Polsko-Zydowski w Przytyku 9 Marca 1936, by Piotr Gontarczk. 2000
The Przytyk Pogrom: What Actually Happened? First and Foremost a Homicidal Jewish Riot The English-language title of this book is: Pogrom? The Polish-Jewish Incident at Przytyk on March 9, 1936. Myths, Facts, and Documents. It contains an English… Read morePolish Soviet War 1920 Facts Zamoyski
Warsaw 1920: Lenin’s Failed Conquest of Europe, by Adam Zamoyski. 2008
An Outstanding Work That Addresses Common Misconceptions About the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War The Soviet Union was the aggressor, and there is no contradiction between the wartime emaciation of Russia and her expansionist ambitions. To the contrary: The commentary on… Read morePoland Interwar Hyperinflation Taylor
The Downfall of Money: Germany’s Hyperinflation and the Destruction of the Middle Class, by Frederick Taylor. 2013
Hyperinflation Exculpation for Nazism Fails. Poland and Many Other Countries Also Had Hyperinflation, Yet Never Produced a Hitler This work focuses not only on monetary issues, but also the entire history of Germany… Read morePoland Mistreats Minorities Old Propaganda Reused By Hitler
The Speeches Of Adolf Hitler, April 1922 August 1939: An English Translation Of Representative Passages, by Adolf Hitler. 1942
Hitler Blackened Poland Over "Horrible Treatment of Minorities" Just Like Cultural Marxists, and Certain Jews, Do Today. Nazism Was Leftist, Not Rightist. German LEBENSRAUM Ambitions, and Not "Polish Intransigence", Caused WWII… Read morePhony Indignation NonEthnographic PreWWII Poland Evans
The Nazi New Order in Poland, by Jon Evans. 1941
The Early Polokaust: An Overview of the First Two Years of the German Occupation of Poland. “Non-Ethnographic Poland” Phony Indignation The title of this book is a bit Orwellian: It creates the impression that Nazism was some kind of fad… Read morePilsudski the Visionary Leader Humphrey
Pilsudski: Builder of Poland, fby Grace Humphrey. 1936
Excellent Detail About the January 1863 Insurrection, Pilsudski as a Revolutionary, etc. This book devotes considerable attention to the failed January 1863 Insurrection, in which a small force of Poles took on the tsarist armies. The severe Russian repressions in the aftermath… Read moreOZON Gov’t Didn’t Imitate Nazi Germany Buell
Poland - Key to Europe, by Raymond Leslie Buell. 2007
Interwar Poland: The OZON Government's anti-Jewish Policies Were NOT an Imitation of Those of Next-Door Nazi Germany In this mini-encyclopedia of Poland (1918-1939), [review based on 1939 edition], one learns about matters as diverse as the Polish achievement in constructing… Read moreOZON Gov’t Didn’t Try To Expel All Jews Beck
Final Report, by Józef Beck. 1957
Jozef Beck’s Memoirs: Polonized Jews Not To Be Expelled; Teschen (Cieszyn) 1938 Detail; Nonaggression Pacts; 1939 Myth on Government Evacuation Corrected This work provides Jozef Beck’s perspective on such things as the Pilsudski coup of 1926, interwar Poland, international diplomacy and Poland’s “dance of… Read moreOZON Gov’t Not Fascist Nolte
Three Faces Of Fascism: Action Francaise, Italian Fascism, National Socialism, by Ernst Nolte.
This Scholar Censored Because Crimes of Nazism are Like Those of Communism. Verboten! Pre-WWII Polish Government Was in No Sense Fascist German scholar Nolte first points out that the term fascist has been widely over-used, and regularly… Read moreNUMERUS CLAUSUS at Universities Necessary Dyboski
Poland, by Dyboski, Roman. 1933
Why Sunday Closing Law Was Necessary. Why NUMERUS CLAUSUS at Universities was Necessary. Polish Insurrections Had Value Even Though They Failed This single volume is a mini-encyclopedia on pre-WWII Poland, and I can only touch on a few issues. There is much detail on notable… Read moreNarutowicz Assassination Early Politicized Krynski
Politics and Poetry: The Case of Julian Tuwim, by Magnus J. Krynski. 1973
Julian Tuwim and the Skamanders in the Light of Their Endek Critics. Endeks Were in No Sense Nazis or Nazi-Like. Early Politicization of the Narutowicz Assassination Author Magnus J. Krynski, attempts to defend Julian Tuwim from Endek… Read moreNarutowicz Assassination Minorities Bloc Provocation Mendelsohn
The Jews of East Central Europe Between the World Wars, by Ezra Mendelsohn. 1987
The Minorities' Bloc, the Antecedent to the Narutowicz Assassination, Was Admittedly a Grave Provocation. Jewish Economic Hegemony: Why Endek-Led Boycotts Were Necessary Owing to the breadth of the topics covered by this work, my review is… Read moreNarutowicz Assassination Politicized Blame Game Example Brykczynski
Primed For Violence: Murder, Antisemitism, and Democratic Politics in Interwar Poland, by Paul Brykczynski. 2016
A Revival of the Decades-Old Politicization of Political Assassinations. Obvious Parallels With Old Communist Propaganda
This book is telling nothing new. The authors whom Brykczynski admires or cites (p. xiii, pp. 202-208) are themselves instructive.…
Read moreMinorities Treaty 1918 a British Political Tool Giertych
Dmowski Czy Pisudski?, by Maciej Giertych. 1995
Why Not Dmowski AND Pilsudski? Clarifies the Much-Politicized Narutowicz Assassination DMOWSKI OR PILSUDSKI is the title of this Polish-language book. It contains helpful timelines of major events in the lives of both Dmowski and Pilsudski. (pp. 131-133). The author sees Dmowski as not… Read moreMinorities Treaty 1918 Unworkable Miller
My Diary at the Conference of Paris, With Documents, by David Hunter Miller. 1924
The Definitive Work on the So-Called Minorities Treaty (1918), and Its Expansive Provisions for Unprecedented Separatist Rights for Jews, at Poland's Expense This prodigious diary consists of 21 thick volumes. They feature the implications of the… Read moreMedical Schools Cadaver Affair 1920s Poland Bleich
Contemporary Halakhic Problems, by J. David Bleich. 1995
Jewish Teachings Behind the Medical-School “Cadaver Affair” in 1920s Poland (Jewish Medical Students Dissected Only Polish Cadavers): A Dual Morality Governing the Jewish Dead and the Non-Jewish Dead This work discusses many topics, of which I mention a few. There is reference… Read moreLatin Civilization Poland Koneczny
The Plurality of Civilizations, by Feliks Koneczny. 1962
A Fascinating Taxonomy of Civilizations. Poland is the Eastern Output of Latin Civilization This work, originally published in 1935 in Polish and reprinted in this 1962 English-language edition, contrasts with the "all peoples are basically the same" thinking of modern multiculturalism. For… Read moreJews To Madagascar Idea Not Polish Eichmann
Eichmann Interrogated: Transcripts from the Archives of the Israeli Police, by Adolf Eichmann, Claus Sybyil (Editor), Jochen von Lang. 1999
Jews To Madagascar Idea Originated Not From Poles But From the Pioneering Zionist Teodor Herzl This book contains assorted interesting information. I focus on a few matters of lasting interest… Read moreJews Confront Jewish Prostitution Conference
Official Report of the Jewish International Conference on the Suppression of Traffic in Girls and Women, by Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women. 1910
Jews as Victimizers and Victims of Prostitution: A 1927 International Conference My review is based on the 1927 edition. In a 1936… Read moreJews and Draft Dodging Hoffman
The Revolution of 1905 and Russia's Jews, by Stefani Hoffman (Editor). 2008
Jews and Military Service. Jewish Separatism: The Yiddishist Movement This is a very “meaty” book, not for the casual reader that goes far beyond the 1905 Revolution. Owing to the wealth of information presented, I touch on only… Read moreJewish Poverty Not Poles’ Fault Statkowski
Poland Old and New, by Jozef Statkowski. 1938
May 3, 1791 Constitution Details. 1926 Pilsudski "Coup". Jewish Occupational Structure. Jewish Poverty Not the Poles' Fault This book begins with a good description of Polish tales, such as the ones surrounding the Krak, Wanda, Popiel, etc. It affords a broad sweep… Read moreJewish Overcrowding Emigration Necessary if No Shoah Retinger
Facts About Poland, by Jozef Retinger. 1941
Jewish Economic Hegemony Harmed Both Poles and Jews: Why [Absent the Holocaust] Mass Jewish Emigration Was Necessary. Polish “Aggression” Debunked This work, written shortly after the fall of Poland in 1939, is essentially a mini-encyclopedia of interwar Poland. It includes the “miracle of… Read moreJewish Overcrowding Intensifies Jewish Economic Hegemony Arad
The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews July 1941-January 1943, by Itzhak Arad, Itzhak Arad. 1989
The Holocaust By Bullets. How Nazi Germans Exploited the Pre-Existing Jewish Advantages and Wrongs to Locals, In Order to Secure At Least Passive Cooperation… Read moreJewish Civilization CLASSIC Koneczny
Jewish Civilization, by Feliks Koneczny. 1975
A Classic. Monotheism Vs. Monolatry. The Talmud. Modernized Jewish Messianism Behind Communism. Judaism and Nazism JEWISH CIVILIZATION is the title of this Polish-language work (review based on original 1943 Polish-language edition, not the abridged English-language translation). There is such a wealth of information… Read moreJewish Civilization Koneczny Correct Montefiore
Liberal Judaism: An Essay, by Claude Goldsmid Montefiore. 2015
Leading British Jew Confirms Feliks Koneczny on Jewish Monolatry and Monotheism Claude G. Montefiore (1858-1938) was a leading British Jew. This work, originally published in 1903, provides a snapshot of liberal Jewish thinking that existed before the defining events of the… Read moreInterwar Poland Undemocratic a Myth Biskupski
The Origins of Modern Polish Democracy, by Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski et al. (ed.) 2010
A Survey of Polish Democracy. Too Much LEWACTWO in This Anthology This anthology of scholarly articles requires the reader to have a deep understanding of Polish politics in order to appreciate and evaluate fully. The articles… Read moreInterwar Poland Undemocratic A Myth Patterson
Pilsudski: Marshall of Poland, by Eric James Patterson. 1934
Poland's Pre-Partition Weaknesses Were Nothing Unusual Among Nations. 1926: The Myth of Pilsudski the Dictator: Poland's Democracy Was Never Abolished This delightful book spans the life of Pilsudski from before his birth, his revolutionary days in tsarist-Russian occupied Poland, the resurrection… Read moreInternational Jewry 1918 Harmed Poland Kruszynski
Zydzi a Polska, by Jozef Kruszynski. 1921
Jewish Disloyalty to Poland at Her Re-Founding (1918). How International Jewry Harmed Poland JEWS AND POLAND, published in 1921, traces part of the path by which Jews came on a collision course with Polish national aspirations. It facilitates the undemonizing of Roman Dmowski,… Read moreHitler Monument Lipski Canard British-Polish Alliance a Provocation Fallacy
Diplomat in Berlin 1933-1939, Papers and Memoirs, by Josef Lipski and Waclaw Jedrejewicz. 1968
Monument to Hitler: The “Lipski Endorsed Holocaust” Canard. 1938 Teschen (Cieszyn) and Bentschen (Zbaszyn) Facts. Hitler: British 1939 Aid to Poland a Joke, Not a Provocation. German Guilt Diffusion, Blame-the-Victim, Already Early Post-WWII Jozef Lipski practically… Read moreHenry Ford Right About Polish Jewish Relations
<3>The International Jew, by Henry Ford. 2007 Henry Ford Was Right About Polish-Jewish Relations: Bogus 1918-Era Pogroms and Their Modern Counterparts. Unilateral Sympathy for Jews, at Polish Expense, and Jews Largely Control the Narrative Henry Ford advocated PROTOCOLS-style conspiracy theories involving Jews. To him, Jewish conduct itself was proof of…
Read moreGhetto Benches A Fight For Polish Opportunities Lazowski
Private War: Memoirs of a Doctor Soldier 1933-1944, by Eugene Slawomir Lazowski. 1991
Gross Overabundance of Jews at Universities Provoked the Ghetto Benches. The Polokaust By Starvation German Plan is Largely Thwarted By Courageous Polish Black Market Activity The author, a medical doctor, starts with life in late 1930’s Poland,… Read moreGhetto Benches Irony Dynner
Men of Silk, by Glenn Dynner. 2006
The Hasidic Movement in Old Poland. Ghetto Benches Irony. Zydokomuna Ran in Families This is a very detailed work which contains much technical detail. The title, MEN OF SILK (Kitajcy), stems from the fact that Hasidim commonly wore silk in order to avoid… Read moreCieszyn Teschen 1938 Facts Szonert
World War II Through Polish Eyes, by Maria Szonert. 2002
Teschen (Cieszyn) 1938. Very Few Poles Released From Auschwitz. "Creeping Egalitarianism" (My Term): Polish Nobility Reached 15% of the General Population This work describes the events surrounding WWII through the eyes of specifically-named Polish individuals who experienced the events, or… Read moreBereza Kartuska a Bogeyman Hetherington
Unvanquished: Joseph Pilsudski, Resurrected Poland, and the Struggle for Eastern Europe, by Peter Hetherington. 2011
Excellent Mini-Encyclopedia About Pilsudski Authored by a Non-Pole. Bereza Kartuska a Near-Bogeyman Very rarely does someone who is not Polish acquire a productive fascination with Polish issues and personages. Such is the case with the… Read moreARMIA KRAJOWA Well Paid Jan T. Gross Myth Szymanski
Warsaw Aflame, by Leszek Szymanski. 1973
Unfolding Polokaust. Polish Guerrilla Achievements. ARMIA KRAJOWA Well-Paid Debunked Of the authors, Tadeusz Bielecki was a participant in the Home Army (Armia Krajowa; AK or A.K.). This work provides a year-by-year chronology of events, with special attention devoted to besieged Warsaw in the 1939… Read moreARMIA KRAJOWA Why Few Jews Hilberg
Perpetrators Victims Bystanders: The Jewish Catastrophe 1933-1945, by Raul Hilberg. 1900
Polish Blue Police Not Collaborationist. Why Few Jews in ARMIA KRAJOWA. Holocaust "Church Silence" Myth Raul Hilberg has written a generally balanced and thoughtful account. The only obvious shortcoming of this book is his over-reliance on tendentious sources of… Read moreARMIA KRAJOWA Why Few Jews Zuker
Liliana's Journal: Warsaw 1939-1945, by Liliana Zuker-Bujanowska.
Why Jews Seldom Accepted Into AK (ARMIA KRAJOWA). Re-Acquisition of Jewish Property After the War In common with countless Jewish and Polish eyewitnesses, the author describes the indiscriminate bombing and strafing of defenseless Polish civilians, by the Luftwaffe, during the German-Soviet conquest of… Read moreAntiSemitism Anders Army Bogus Davies
Trail of Hope, by Norman Davies. 2015
Outstanding Mini-Encyclopedia on Polish KRESY Deportees. Holocaust-Related Statements on Poland Countered By way of introduction, author and British historian Norman Davies has written fairly about Poland before, and has gotten in academic trouble for it. See my review of his GOD'S PLAYGROUND. -----… Read moreAntiSemitism Anders Army Bogus Kot
Conversations With the Kremlin and Dispatches From Russia, by Stanislaw Kot. 1963
Polish General Wladyslaw Anders Did NOT Say That “Jews are Poor Soldiers”. Stalin Did. Katyn Crime Begins to Emerge Nazi Germany had suddenly attacked her erstwhile Soviet ally in 1941, though both had jointly conquered Poland in 1939.… Read moreAntiSemitism Anders Army Bogus Sarner
Anders and the Soldiers of the Second Polish Corps, by Harvey Sarner. 1998
Jewish Author Debunks Polonophobic Falsehoods of Significant Anti-Semitism in General Anders Army Very rarely have I encountered an author as this one, who makes every effort to be scrupulously objective, especially in often emotionally-charged issues. Author Harvey… Read moreAntiSemitism Anders Army Irony Zamorski
Telling the Truth in Secret: The Story of Two Polish Army Research Units, by Kazimierz Zamorski. 1994
The Soviet “Amnesty” of the 1939-1941 Polish Deportees in the USSR. For Some Jews, Nothing Could Shake Their Pro-Communist Orientation In 1941, Nazi Germany suddenly turned against its erstwhile Soviet Communist ally. This… Read more1939 War Myths Jews Mistreated Bryan
The Colors of War: The Siege of Warsaw in Julien Bryan's Color Photographs, by Julien Bryans (Photographs). 2012
An American Eyewitness to the 1939 German Terror Bombing and Strafing. Poles Mistreating Jews a Falsehood This book, published in 1940, has inestimable historical value. It includes a large collection of photographs… Read more1930s Poland Jewish Economic Hegemony Harms NonJews Abramsky
The Jews in Poland, by Chimen Abramsky (Editor), Antony Polonsky, Maciej Jachimczyk. 1991
Awfulization of the Jewish Experience, in 1930s Poland, Rejected. Jewish Economic Hegemony Harmed Non-Jews. Seldom-Appreciated Facts on Betrayers and Rescuers of Jews Of the numerous authors in this anthology, this review focuses on those that bring up… Read more1930s Poland Jewish Economic Hegemony Persists Dyboski
Ten Centuries of Polish History, by Roman Dyboski. 1937
1930's Poland: Debunking the "German Minority Has it Bad" Selective Indignation. Improving Polish-Ukrainian Relations. Continued Jewish Economic Hegemony Thwarts Jewish-Polish Reconciliation This brief book touches on the main features of Polish history, and then summarizes major events in interwar Poland. THE… Read more1930s Poland Why More Jews Did Not Emigrate Mendelsohn
On Modern Jewish Politics, by Ezra Mendelsohn. 1993
Atypically Even-Handed and Objective. Candor on the Zydokomuna. Pre-WWII Zionism Had Limited Success Because of Jewish Choices This insightful book packs a wealth of information. For example: THE LITVAK PROBLEM WAS VERY REAL The Litvaks (Litwaks, LITVAKES in Yiddish) were long the… Read more1939 Defeat Not Only Jews Blamed Cynk
History of the Polish Air Force, 1918-1968, by Jerzy B Cynk. 1972
An Encyclopedic Analysis of the Polish Air Force. 1939 Myths Debunked. Not Only Jews Were Blamed for Poland's Defeat in 1939 This comprehensive work is based on many sources, notably the archived Polish information in England. Polish military… Read more1939 Defeat Rapidity Jewish Role Melzer
No Way Out: The Politics of Polish Jewry 1935-1939, by Emanuel Melzer. 1997
Were Jews Partly To Blame For Poland's Rapid Defeat in 1939? Zydokomuna Not Marginal. SCHECHITA Law. Good Detail: Numerus Clausus at Polish Universities The author surveys Polish-Jewish relations in pre-WWII Poland that had following the death… Read more1930s Poland AntiJewish Discrimination Necessary Steven
The Poles, by Stewart Steven. 1983
Polish Jewish-Restricting 1930s Policies Clarified: Boycotts, Discrimination, Numerus Clausus at Universities. Dmowski Never Said Remove All Jews. Left-Wing Mythology Unmasked Like Norman Davies, Steven is an Englishman who is married to a Polish woman. Unlike Norman Davies, Steven is not a historian. He is… Read more1930s Poland AntiJewish Violence Way Overblown Zyndul
Zajscia Antyzydowskie w Polsce w Latach 1935-1937, by Jolanta Zyndul. 1994
1930' s So-Called Pogroms Greatly Exaggerated. Breaking Jewish Economic Hegemony. Schechita Law, Medical-School Cadavers, etc ANTI-JEWISH INCIDENTS IN POLAND IN THE YEARS 1935-1937 is the title of this Polish-language book. Author Jolanta Zyndul got her information from various newspapers,… Read moreTo see a series of truncated reviews in a Category click on that Category:
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- Jewish Economic Dominance
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- Jews' Holocaust Non-Special
- Nazi Crimes and Communist Crimes Were Equal
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