Pogroms Jews Against Jews Halkin
Jabotinsky: A Life (Jewish Lives), by Hillel Halkin. 2014
Pogroms—Jews Against Jews. Insights into Jabotinsky, the Betar, and Revisionist Zionism In history books, we hear a lot about pogroms. How about some attention to another kind of pogrom—that of Jew against Jew. This book does so. A SAMPLE OF JEW… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Hoffman
Shtetl: The Life and Death of a Small Town and the World of Polish Jews, by Eva Hoffman. 1998
Jewish Loyalty and Disloyalty to Poland Through 1918 and 1920. Bialystok Sedition. Internecine Jewish Violence. Jewish Gestapo Agents. No Polish Death Camps Hoffman traces the experience of Jews in pre-modern Poland,… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Pomerantz
Run East: FLIGHT FROM THE HOLOCAUST, by Jack Pomerantz, Lyric Winik. 1997
Pogroms in Context, Including Jewish Pogroms Against Other Jews. Zydokomuna Fear of Nazis Exculpation Fails This book touches on several relevant issues, and I discuss them: LONG-SIMMERING TENSIONS BETWEEN POLES AND JEWS COULD TOUCH OFF POGROMS Nowadays, the… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Tracy
To Speak for the Silenced, by A. Tracy. 2007
Jew Against Jew Pogroms in 1939. Zydokomuna. Poles NOT Condemned For Refusing To Risk Their Lives to Save Jews The author lived in a shtetl at Skala, on the Zbrucz River. He describes: The Soviet and Nazi occupations, the latter's destruction… Read morePogrom Propaganda 1918 Harmed Poland Fisher
America and the New Poland (1928), by H.H. Fisher. 2007
1918 Massive Pogrom Falsehoods Harmed Poland (as Intended). Consequences of Jewish Separatism. Poles Thwart Prussian Designs This book devotes considerable detail to the history of the Polish nation since the early part of the 20th century. [Review based on original… Read morePogroms in Poland Overall Repudiated Baron
History and Jewish Historians, by Salo Wittmayer Baron.
Beyond the Cult of the Perpetual Jewish Victim: Jewish-Christian Relations Usually Harmonious. Polish Pogroms Way Overblown Jewish historian Salo Baron has much to say about such things as the definitions of a Jew, the Bible, medieval Judaism, Jewish-Muslim relations, Jewish-Christian relations, and… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Fishman
East End Jewish Radicals 1875-1914, by William J. Fishman. 2005
Seldom-Told Jew on Jew Pogroms: Atheist Jews and Religious Jews Fight It Out. Double Standards: If Poles Did Such Acts To Jews, We Would Not Hear the End of It! The usage of the term pogrom, in customary reference to… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Goldstein
Twenty Years with the Jewish Labor Bund: A Memoir of Interwar Poland, by Bernard Goldstein. 2016
The Bund and Communism: Little Practical Difference. Jew-on-Jew Violence Dwarfs Pole-on-Jew Violence. The Militant Atheism of the Bund This work is the memoir of Bernard Goldstein (1889-1959). He also wrote THE STARS BEAR WITNESS… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Lerski
Herbert Hoover and Poland: A Documentary History of a Friendship, by Jerzy J. Lerski. 1977
On Polonophile Herbert Hoover. Bogus 1918 Pogroms Unmasked. Insights into Capitalists Supporting Communists. Yalta Alternative History? This work details some of the deeds Herbert Hoover did for Poland. The reader soon realizes that they included… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Morgenthau
All In A Life-Time, by Henry Morgenthau Sr., French Strother. 2007
1918-Era “Massive Pogroms in Poland” Fake News Debunked by Wilson-Administration Investigator Morgenthau. Pogrom an Orwellian Term. Both Sides Blamed for Polish-Jewish Antagonisms This review is limited to Jewish-American Morgenthau's 1919 mission to Poland (pp. 348-384) and his report on… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Valasek
Haller's Polish Army in France, by Paul S. Valasek.
WWI-Era Emerging Poland, the 1920 Polish-Soviet War, and the Media-Mythologized So-Called Pogroms. Polish Nobility Clarified This work informs the reader of many aspects of Haller's Army. It includes statistics, testimonies, descriptions of battles, reprints of 1920s-era reports, and much more. It… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Corwin
The Political History of Poland by Edward H. Lewinski-Corwin. 2015
Nowadays-Called Fake News of 30,000 Jews Killed By Poles (1918). [Like 200,000 Fugitive Jews Killed By Poles Fake News in 2018]. Jewish Separatism is What Caused Endek Anti-Semitism Lewinski-Corwin covers a lot of Polish history and, owing to the breadth… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Haller
Józef Haller Pamietniki, by Józef Haller.
Jozef Haller Refutes Jewish Accusations of Pogroms and Beard-Cutting By His Men. He is Beset By Confrontational Jewish Groups, and Gives Them a Sound Rebuff MEMOIRS WITH A SELECTION OF DOCUMENTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS is the title of this Polish-language book. To this day, General… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Kapiszewski
Conflicts Across The Atlantic: Essays On Polish Jewish Relations In The United States During World War I And In The Interwar Years, by Andrzej Kapiszewski. 2004
Horrible Poland! Nowadays-Called Fake News of 30,000 Jews Killed By Poles (1918). [Like 200,000 Fugitive Jews Killed By Poles Fake News in 2018] The… Read moreKhmelnitsky Pogrom Greatly Exaggerated Petrovsky-Shtern
Polin Vol. 26, by Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern and Antony Polonsky (eds.) 2014
Includes Especial Insight into the Large-Scale Jewish Complicity in the HOLODOMOR. On Another Subject, the 17th-Century Khmelnitsky Pogrom Has Been Greatly Exaggerated This book spans ancient times to the present, and focuses on historical, social, political, and literary events.… Read moreJudeopolonia WWI Kielce Pogrom Pogonowski
Jews in Poland, by Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski. 1998
The Reality of a WWI Judeopolonia. The Soviet-Staged Kielce Pogrom: Why and How This 1998 edition contains several articles not found in the original hardback edition. The authors trace many mischaracterizations of Polish-Jewish history in the American press. The informed reader can… Read moreMassive Pogroms Fake News Common Heddesheimer
The First Holocaust: Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims During and After World War I, by Don Heddesheimer. 2005
Beyond Holocaust Denial. Easily-Verifiable Proof That Jews Have Often Greatly Exaggerated Pogrom Death Tolls. Implications for Old and New Accusations Against Poland The author presents an impressive set of WWI-era… Read moreHaller’s Army and Jews the Facts Trawinski
Odyseja Polskiej Armii Blekitnej, by Witold H. Trawinski. 1989
At Last. The Truth About General Haller's Army and the Jews. No Black and White THE ODYSSEY OF THE POLISH BLUE ARMY is the title of this Polish-language work. The author, Witold Hilary Trawinski (1894-1976) was one of the combatants, and… Read moreHatred Jews Against Jews Goldberg
Running Through Fire: How I Survived the Holocaust, by Zosia Goldberg, Hilton Obenzinger, Paul Auster (Introduction). 2004
Against the Awfulization of Polish Jewish Experience. Zydokomuna Not Marginal. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration. Like Poles Like Jews in Suffering Zosia Goldberg traces her experiences in prewar Poland, war-torn Poland, and then wartime Germany (as… Read moreA Pogrom an Amorphous and Orwellian Term Dekel Chen
Anti-Jewish Violence: Rethinking the Pogrom in East European History, by Jonathan Dekel-Chen (Editor), David Gaunt (Editor), Natan M. Meir (Goodreads Author) (Editor), Israel Bartal (Editor). 2010
Pogrom is an Orwellian Term. Not Only Jews Died in Deadly Ethnic Riots: Poles Did Too I focus on a few items of lasting… Read moreTo see a series of truncated reviews in a Category click on that Category:
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