Leading Polonophiles and Polonophobes: A Who’s Who Nowak
Mysli o Polsce, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 1994
A Brief Survey of Prominent Polonophiles and Polonophobes in History. Gerald Green's 1978 Television Series HOLOCAUST Taken to Task For Its Grotesque Polonophobia This mini-encyclopedia (titled: THOUGHTS ABOUT POLAND AND POLES) surveys many thinkers and their statements about Poles and Poland. The… Read moreHighly-Touted Pilecki Book Has Anti-Polish Messages Fairweather
The Volunteer, by Jack Fairweather. 2019
Widely-Publicized Book Smuggles-In Many Pilecki-Irrelevant Statements: Canned Attacks on Poles and Poland There are many better books about Witold Pilecki. For instance, there is BEYOND BRAVERY by Pilecki himself (see my review). The present book is all about author Jack Fairweather including things that… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Polonophobia Confronted Shahak
Life of Death: An Exchange, by Israel Shahak. 1987
Iconoclasm of Lanzmann's SHOAH: Jewish Polonophobia Confronted By a Courageous Polish Jew (a Holocaust Survivor and Subsequent Israeli Human Rights Activist) The article in question, "The Life of Death: An Exchange", is published in THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS (volume… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Polonophobia Exposed Nowicki
The Defamation of the Poles, by Stefan Nowicki. 1989
Deconstruction of Claude Lanzmann’s SHOAH, and The Legacy of Polonophobia Although nearly 30 have passed since this book was published, it remains relevant. This owes to the fact that SHOAH is still widely used, and because the same anti-Polish themes of… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Wealthy Jew Facts Assaf
A Journey to a Nineteenth-Century Shtetl: The Memoirs of Yekhezkel Kotik, by David Assaf (Editor). 2002
Lanzmann SHOAH Rich-Jew Corrective, PROPINACJA (Liquor Trade), Jew Against Jew Profiteering and Violence, Anti-Christian Memes The setting of this work is the town of Kamenets (Kamyenyets, Kamieniec), which is located not far south of… Read moreSHTETL Marzynski Wrongheaded Kerner
Film and the Holocaust: New Perspectives on Dramas, Documentaries, and Experimental Films, by Aaron Kerner. 2011
The Mystification of the Holocaust in Holocaust Filmography. SHTETL: Marian Marzynski’s Misconduct Candidly Acknowledged and Analyzed This book examines scores of Holocaust films, dissecting them from every angle imaginable. [Needless to say, no other… Read moreSCHINDLER’S LIST Fear of Russian Front Topas
The Iron Furnace: A Holocaust Survivor's Story (New Edition), by George Topas. 2014
Civil Disturbances Were Not the Holocaust! Oskar Schindler's Heroism Dubious. Postwar Jew-Killing From Banditry, Not Some Mythical "Holocaust After the Holocaust" This work is lucidly written. The author was an assimilated Polish Jew whose parents had been… Read moreSCHINDLER’S LIST Swindler’s List AntiPolish Scene Loshitzky
Spielberg's Holocaust: Critical Perspectives on Schindler's List, by Yosefa Loshitzky (Editor). 1997
Schindler’s List is the Crown Jewel of Holocaust Supremacism. African Americans, Poles, and All Other Victims of Genocide, Are Slighted. Polonophobic Innuendo HOLOCAUST AND HOLLYWOOD By way of introduction, Yosefa Loshitzky uses the term Schindlermania (p. 6) and… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Fallacies Liebman
Claude Lanzmann's Shoah, by Stuart Liebman (Editor). 2007
Christian Blame, Selective Pole-Blaming Sound Bites. Rife With Distortions: Wealthy Jews, Cut-Throat Gesture, etc. Corrective Sources Included in Review Below This entire work is centered on the premise that Jewish suffering was special, and above that of other peoples. This is… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Lies Exposed Szpilman
The Pianist: The Extraordinary Story of One Man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939–45, by Władysław Szpilman, Anthea Bell (Translator). 1946
The Lies of Claude Lanzmann and His SHOAH Exposed. German Death Penalty Was Decisive. Polish Betrayers of Fugitive Jews Were Animated by Fear Polish Jew Wladyslaw Szpilman has written an outstanding… Read moreSCHINDLER’S LIST Fear of Russian Front Crowe
Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind the List, by David M. Crowe, Steve Catalano (Editor). 2004
Oskar Schindler a Hero? Not Quite. He Saved Jews in Part to Maintain His Workshop, To Avoid Becoming Superfluous and Sent to the Russian Front… Read morePolonophobia in Academia and Media DEFINITIVE WORK Goska
Bieganski: The Brute Polak Stereotype in Polish-Jewish Relations and American Popular Culture, by Danusha V. Goska. 2010
The Well-Substantiated Hostility, in Academia and Media, Towards Poles and Poland Despite the fact that I had studied anti-Polonism for a long time (see the Amazon Wish List: Exposing Polonophobia...), even I was… Read morePolonophobia How PolAms Fought It Radzilowski
The Eagle & the Cross: A History of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, 1873-2000, by J Radzilowski. 2003
Peasants, PROPINACJA, and Polonophobia. The PRCUA (Polish Roman Catholic Union of America): A History This work covers a broad sweep of Polish-American history, beginning about 1850 and ending with the… Read morePolonophobia Confronted by Edward Moskal Mocha
American "polonia" and Poland: A Sequel to Poles in America, by Frank Mocha (Editor). 1999
Me-262 Warning; Edward Moskal Stands Up For Poland; Had Pulaski Not Died, Poland Could Have Averted the Final Partition This book packs some little-known information. For example: WARNING THE ALLIES ABOUT THE POTENTIALLY-CRUCIAL NEW ME-262… Read morePolonophobia Confronted By Marie Curie Dry
Curie (Life & Times), by Sarah Dry, Sabine Seifert. 2005
Marie Curie: Defiant Polish Patriot and Scientist. The Young Marie Curie Used to Spit on the Obelisk of the Russian Tsar This book goes beyond discussing the scientific achievements of Marie Curie, as well as the many tragedies she had… Read morePolonophobia Cure Polish Achievements Cameron
The New Poland, by Charles O. Cameron. 2011
Polish Achievements: A Cure for Polonophobia. Undemonizing Dmowski: The Importance of the Duma Elections to Polish National Aspirations OLD POLAND: IN NO SENSE A DEN OF BACKWARDNESS, ESPECIALLY ON HUMAN RIGHTS The author describes the first few centuries of Poland's existence… Read morePolonophobia Cure Polish Achievements Corsi
Poland, Land of the White Eagle, by Edward C. Corsi. 2017
Former Kosciuszko Squadron Commander Assesses Poland's Many Achievements: A Cure for Polonophobia My review is based on original 1933 edition. The author was a Polonophile American who was obviously fascinated with Poland. In a spirit of repaying the newly-resurrected… Read morePolonophobia Cure Polish Achievements Olson
A Question of Honor: The Kosciuszko Squadron: Forgotten Heroes of World War II, by Lynne Olson (Goodreads Author), Stanley Cloud (Goodreads Author). 2003
Polish Achievements: ENIGMA Code Cracked, the Battle of Britain won, Polish Guerrilla Warfare Crucial. Teheran/Yalta Doublecross. Polonophobic Memes Repudiated, Embraced Olson and Cloud provide a broad overview… Read morePolonophobes Leading Jewish Whos Who Aleksandrowicz
Memory and Neighborhood: Poles and Poland in Jewish American Fiction After World War Two, by Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pędich. 2013
The Bieganski Stereotype. Leading Polonophobic Jewish Writers: A Who s Who. MAUS Deconstructed Author Aleksandrowich-Pedich is heavily indebted to Danusha Goska's seminal work, Bieganski: The Brute Polak Stereotype in Polish-Jewish Relations and… Read morePolonophobia and Poland’s Betrayal Confronted Jeffery
![](https://bpeprojekt.home.pl/jews-website/wp-content/uploads/images/Polonophobia_and Poland's_Betrayal_Confronted_Jeffery.jpg)
Red Runs the Vistula, by Ron Jeffery. 1985
Escaped British POW in German-Occupied Poland. Unstinting Credit For Polish Bravery. Briton's Shame Over Poland Betrayed Talk about adventure! Author Jeffery, a British POW in German hands, ends up in German-occupied Poland, escapes, becomes a member of the AK (ARMIA KRAJOWA) (p.… Read morePolonophobia a Primer Michalkiewicz Sommer
Antypolonizm Michalkiewicz, by Tomasz Sommer and Michal Krewicz. 2016
An Introduction to Modern Polonophobia: Jedwabne Weaponized, Holocaust Preeminence, Holocaust Industry, Cultural Marxism ANTIPOLONISM: EIGHT CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THE HATRED FOR POLAND is the title of this Polish-language book. Stanislaw Michalkiewicz is the interviewee, and author Tomasz Sommer is the interviewer. German,… Read morePAINTED BIRD Fraud Evil Murderous Peasants Holocaust Lies Siedlicka
The Ugly Black Bird, by Joanna Siedlecka and Chester A. Kisiel. 2018
Exposes Falsehoods of Poles Killing Jews (Jerzy Kosinski vel Lewinkopf: PAINTED BIRD). Just Like Those "200,000 Jews Killed By Poles During WWII" (Jan Grabowski vel Abrahamer in JUDENJAGD) My review is based on the 1994 version of this… Read morePAINTED BIRD Fraud Evil Murderous Peasants Sloan
Jerzy Kosinski: A Biography, by James Park Sloan. 1996
The Widely-Read and Highly-Acclaimed Jerzy Kosinski vel Lewinkopf: A Rescued Polish Jew Who Expressed His Gratitude By Slandering His Rescuers. His Priests-Are-Evil and Peasants-Are-Evil Mendacity Lives on in the Recent Media-Touted Pronouncements of Jan T. Gross, Jan Grabowski, and Barbara Engelking… Read morePAINTED BIRD Lies Are Perennial Holocaust Memes Kosinski Lewinkopf
The Painted Bird, by Jerzy Kosinski. 1965
Here We Are 50 Years Later, and the Very Same Lurid Anti-Polish Accusations, of This Highly-Acclaimed But Demonstrably-Fraudulent Book, Are Freely Repeated By Far Too Many Jewish Authors and Journalists as Fact
My review is based on the original 1965 Edition of PAINTED…
Read moreMAUS Pigs Exceptionally Abominable Steinsaltz
The Essential Talmud, by Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, Chaya Galai (Translator). 2006
The Jewish Abomination of Pigs—Far Stronger Than That Against Any Other TREYF (Non-Kosher) Animal. Poles=Pigs in MAUS: Inadvertent Implications This book, authored by Talmudic scholar Adin Steinsaltz, provides a useful general overview of Jewish beliefs and customs, notably those… Read moreMAUS Art Spiegelman Admits His Polonophobia Spiegelman
MetaMaus: A Look Inside a Modern Classic, Maus (Maus Meta), by Art Spiegelman. 2011
Acclaimed and Widely-Read Author Art Spiegelman Openly Admits His Anti-Polish Bias in the Classroom-Used MAUS Art Spiegelman makes no effort to correct the falsifications of history in MAUS in this METAMAUS volume. Instead, Spiegelman advances the… Read moreMAUS Major Polonophobic Memes Spiegelman
The Complete Maus (Maus #1-2), by Art Spiegelman. 2003
Distorts Basic Facts As Part of Its Pro-Jewish, Anti-Polish Narrative. Is Predictably Silent About Jews Killing Poles This highly regarded cartoon series has been widely used in the classroom, where only the highest standards of factuality should prevail, especially when one… Read moreMAUS Pigs Admittedly Derogatory Geis
Considering Maus: Approaches to Art Spiegelman's "Survivor's Tale" of the Holocaust, by Deborah R. Geis (Editor), Haig A. Bosmajian (Contributor), Michael G. Levine (Contributor), Bradley Alan Katz (Contributor),(Contributor), Alan C. Rosen (Contributor), Michael Rothberg (Contributor), Arlene Fish Wilner (Contributor) , David Mikics (Goodreads Author) (Contributor). 2010
Academese Dissection of MAUS:… Read moreJewish Humor AntiPolish Novak
The Big Book of Jewish Humor, by William Novak (Editor), Moshe Waldoks. 2006
Jewish Wit—Old and New. Not All is Kosher, However: Also Anti-Polish and anti-Christian This anthology of Jewish humor stresses the self-depreciatory nature of much of it. Sigmund Freud, the famous Jewish father of psychiatry, had suggested that… Read moreJewish Elitism Breeds Polonophobia Sklare
Observing America’s Jews, by Marshall Sklare, Charles S. Liebman. 2006
American Jewish Sociologist Identifies Jewish Elitism as One of the Root Causes of Jewish Polonophobia. Numerus Clausus at Universities in USA as Well as Poland Author Marshall Sklare has long been studying America's Jews. [Review based on 1993 edition]. He… Read moreJewish Elitism Breeds Polonophobia Goldmann
The Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann. 1978
Jewish Elitism and Polonophobia. Jews “The Other”--Because They Were. Jews Long in Ghettos By Choice The author presents a wealth of interesting information. For instance, we learn that, “Until the last century, art played no role in Judaism and the Jews had no… Read moreJewish Dialectic of Negation Breeds Polonophobia Atzmon
The Wandering Who? A Study of Jewish Identity Politics, by Gilad Atzmon. 2011
Dialectic of Negation: Jewish Polonophobia Cause? International Jewry and the Zydokomuna. Holocaust Supremacism Slights the Armenian Genocide Far from being a self-hating Jew, as demonized by his detractors, Atzmon is measured and careful about his criticisms of… Read moreJan T Gross Rebutted Nowak 4
Falsze i Przemilczenia Grossa, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2011
A Detailed Refutation of Jan T. Gross and His Polonophobic Screed, ZLOTE ZNIWA (GOLDEN HARVESTS) THE FALSEHOODS AND OMISSIONS OF [JAN T.] GROSS is the title of this Polish-language book. It is a natural sequel to Nowak's NOWE KLAMSTWA GROSSA (THE… Read moreJan T Gross Poles Stole From Jews Rebutted in Detail Chodakiewicz
Golden Harvest or Hearts of Gold?, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. 2012
Totally Upends the One-Sided Media Narrative on Poles and Jews During WWII. Clarifies: Wartime Looting, Property Restitution, Organized Polish Rescue, Cultural Marxism, neo-Stalinism This work is head and shoulders above the media-touted writings of Jan T. Gross, Jan Grabowski,… Read moreJan T Gross Rebutted German Guilt Diffusion Nowak
Sto Klamstw J. T. Grossa o Jedwabnem i Zydowskich Sasiadach, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2001
An Eye-Opening Expose of Jan T. Gross and the Agenda behind Him This Polish-language book is titled: 100 LIES OF J. T. GROSS ON JEDWABNE AND THE JEWISH NEIGHBORS. It is nothing less than a… Read moreJan T Gross Rebutted Rebutted Nowak
Przemilczane Zbrodnie, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 1999
The Other Side of the Coin: Large-Scale Jewish Crimes against Poles This Polish-language book has the title: HUSHED-UP CRIMES: JEWS AND POLES IN THE EASTERN BORDERLANDS IN THE YEARS 1939-1941. Much press attention has been devoted to Polish crimes against Jews, such as… Read moreJan T Gross Rebutted Why Rescuers Covert Nowak
Nowe Klamstwa Grossa, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2006
Contra FEAR: A Valuable Unmasking of the Frauds of Jan T. Gross THE NEW LIES OF [JAN T.] GROSS is the title of this Polish-language book. As always, Jan T. Gross tells untruths and half-truths, plays fast and loose with the facts,… Read moreIsraeli Teenagers’ Inculcated Polonophobia Feldman
Above the Death Pits, Beneath the Flag: Youth Voyages to Poland and the Performance of Israeli National Identity, by Jackie Feldman. 2008
Israeli Teenagers’ Holocaust-Related Visits to Poland: Revealing Insights "Over the past two decades, the Shoah has come to play an increasingly significant role in Israeli collective memory and… Read moreIsraeli Teenagers’ Inculcated Polonophobia Totten
Teaching about the Holocaust: Essays by College and University Teachers, by Samuel Totten (Editor), Paul R. Bartrop (Editor). 2004
Israeli Teenagers’ Holocaust-Related Visits to Poland Bring Out Severe Polonophobic Prejudices The highlight (or, more accurately, lowlight) of this book is a passage in the chapter written by Nili Keren. She… Read moreHOLOCAUST Series TV 1978 Falsehoods Gorson
Our Answer to T. V.'s Holocaust, an anti-Polish Show, by Ziggy Gorson. 1978
A Pamphlet With a Punch. A Polish Jew and Successful Businessman Exposes the Polonophobic Messages in the HOLOCAUST Television Series. A Diversion by American Jews Because of Their Inaction? The 1978 HOLOCAUST Series on American television, viewed… Read moreTo see a series of truncated reviews in a Category click on that Category:
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