Cultural Marxism. Tikkun Olam: Repair the World Misappropriated. Neumann

To Heal the World: How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel, by Jonathan Neumann. 2018
Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World): An Ambiguous Phrase Coopted by Jewish Leftist Politics, Old and New This book is relevant to understanding not only Judeo-Bolshevism, but also the successor leftist ideologies, notably neo-Marxism.… Read moreWhite Privilege Myth Harms PolAms Pienkos1
For Your Freedom Through Ours: Polish American Efforts on Poland's Behalf, 1863-1991, by Donald E. Pienkos. 2018
“White Privilege” Myth Applied To Polish Americans. Confronting Anti-Polonism and Holocaust Supremacism—Then and Now This comprehensive work details the life of Poles in America going back to colonial times. Much biographical and… Read moreWhite Privilege Myth Harms PolAms Pienkos2
PNA Centennial History of the Polish National Alliance of the United States of North America, by Donald E. Pienkos. 1984
Poles, as Whites, Were in No Sense Privileged This book is a history of the PNA (Polish National Alliance). But it is much more than that. It is, to a… Read moreRADIO MARYJA Clarified Nowak

Alleluja i Pod Prad, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2009.
Information About, and Correct Understanding of, RADIO MARYJA. The Never-Ending Left-Wing Dream of Discrediting RADIO MARYJA ALLELUJA AND LET’S PROCEED UPSTREAM: WITNESSES TO RADIO MARYJA, is the title of this eye-opening book. It contains numerous statements of support of RADIO MARYJA… Read morePostmodernist Attacks On Poland Porter-Szücs

Poland in the Modern World: Beyond Martyrdom, by Brian Porter-Szucs. 2014
Very Shallow Analyses. Partakes of Postmodernist Relativism. Dusts Off Old Myths. Belittles Poland’s History The content of this book is pedestrian. The book begins with the Partition period, proceeds through WWII, and then sort of peters out as it… Read morePolitical Correctness Invented By Communists Milosz

The Captive Mind, by Czesław Miłosz, Jane Zielonko (Translator). 1990
Insights Into Wartime Demoralization as a Cause for Polish Betrayals and Killings of Jews. Political Correctness, Now Part of Cultural Marxism, Originated From Communism The author touches on many matters related to different periods of Polish history. For instance, he… Read morePEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU Vivid Example Great Chinese Famine Jisheng

Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine, 1958-1962, by Yang Jisheng, Stacy Mosher (Translation), Jian Guo (Translation). 2012
Insights Into the PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU. The Ideologically-Caused Great Chinese Famine (1958-1962), With Tens of Millions Dead, Dwarfs the Jews’ Holocaust For all the inordinate attention, in the West, to the Shoah, we rarely about… Read morePEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU Politics Shame antiPolish Example Meng

Shattered Spaces: Encountering Jewish Ruins in Postwar Germany and Poland, by Michael Meng. 2011
Poland’s “Guilt”: PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU (Politics of Shame) Yet Again. A Thinly-Veiled Support of the Holocaust Industry. Another Boring Re-Run of Jan T. Gross Having read and reviewed hundreds of works on Poland's Jews, being unfamiliar with… Read morePEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU Shaming DEFINITIVE WORK Friman

The Politics of Leverage in International Relations: Name, Shame, and Sanction, by H. Richard Friman (Editor). 2015
The Politics of Shame [What Poles Call the PEDAGOGIKA WSYTDU] is Not Only Real: It is a Fundamental Tool in International Politics The promotion of adverse publicity against a group, in order to… Read moreMcCarthyism a Bogeyman Horowitz

Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey, by David Horowitz. 1998
Jews in Communism, the McCarthyism Bogeyman, Political Correctness, and Cultural Marxism Owing to the fact that there already are many reviews that describe the main contents of this work, I do not repeat them. Instead, I focus on a few themes.… Read moreMalign Equivalence and LEWACTWO Edwards

With Friends Like These: The Jewish Critics of Israel, by Edward Alexander (Editor). 1992
This Israel-Centered Focus Has Inadvertent Implications for Polish-Jewish Relations. Implications of the Leftist Doctrine of Malign Equivalence Author Edward Alexander lumps the modern critics of Israel with past Jews who actually had advocated persecution of Jews.… Read moreLEWACTWO Egregious Example Minkenberg

The Radical Right in Eastern Europe: Democracy Under Siege?, by Michael Minkenberg. 2017
Tells Us More About Far-Left Ideology Than About the “Radical Right” Bogeyman in Eastern Europe The author gets one thing right as he admits that, “In the research on the radical right, definitions of right-wing radicalism vary… Read moreLEWACTWO Egregious Example Pankowski
Populist Radical Right in Poland: The Patriots, by Rafal Pankowski. 2010
A Far-Left Operative With Ties to the Notorious SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) Pankowski is idolized by the media as some kind of exquisite authority figure on (what else?) hate in Poland. He has ties to the SPLC (Southern… Read moreDismantling Catholicism Recent Centuries Fahey

The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World, by Denis Fahey. 1964
Christian Exclusion of Jews in Pre-Modern Times: The Seldom-Presented Other Side! By way of introduction, the Catholic Church condemns anti-Semitism, because in the Jewish nation the Word became Flesh, and because our Lord is a Jew in… Read moreDismantling Catholicism LEWAK Goal SMOKING GUN Gross

Poland and Polin: New Interpretations in Polish-Jewish Studies, by Irena Grudzinska-Gross and Iwa Nawrocki. 2016
No "New Interpretations". SMOKING GUN: The Leftist Goal of Dismantling Poland's Catholic Culture The title of this book is a bit misleading to the reader, as I belatedly found out. Only a fraction of its… Read moreCultural Marxism Wars Against Catholic Church Nowak

Walka Z Kosciolem Wczoraj i Dzis, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 1999
A Broad-Based Analysis of the Cultural Marxist Aggression Against the Catholic Church in Poland (and, Earlier, Mexico) THE WAR AGAINST THE CHURCH YESTERDAY AND TODAY is the title of this fact-filled Polish-language work noted historian Jerzy Robert Nowak. WARNING:… Read moreCulture of Death Nazism Now LEWACTWO Aly

Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene, by Götz Aly, Peter Chroust, Christian Pross, Michael H. Kater (contributor), Belinda Cooper (translator). 1994
German Guilt Diffusion Spurned. Not Only Jews: Murdered Poles Were Also Exploited for Gold Crowns. The Culture of Death: Abortion and Euthanasia: Like Nazism Like Today's Political… Read moreCultural Marxism in USA Satired Kahane

Rules for Radical Conservatives: Beating the Left at Its Own Game to Take Back America, by David Kahane. 2010
Dealing With Neo-Marxism: A Tongue-In-Cheek Advice to Conservatives, But With Some Depth and Perceptiveness Although the author’s style is rambling, he does present interesting information. He shows how Hitler was originally… Read moreCultural Marxism Pushed By European Union Golebiowska

The Many Faces of Tolerance: Attitudes Toward Diversity in Poland, by Ewa Golebiowska. 2014
European Union Pushes Cultural Marxism. This Book: All the Standard Leftist Shibboleths I give this book two stars because of the sociological results that this work presents. Otherwise, all the left-wing "givens" (LEWACTWO) are assumed and… Read moreCultural Marxism Recycles Old AntiPolish Propaganda Kusmirek

Stolen Lives, by Jan Kusmirek. 2010
"Poles are Fascists!" "Poles are Neo-Nazis!" Old Communist Propaganda is Now Revived, in the Western Press, By Cultural Marxists Consider the WWII-era Communist smear campaign against Poland. The author, as if in a conversation, stated, (quote) Now the Soviet propaganda paints all the Poles… Read moreCultural Marxism Roots Weimar Germany Book
An Eyewitness in Germany, by Fredrik Book. 1933
Hitler’s First Year (1933). Two Sides on Jews. Nazi Book Burning: A Long German Tradition: Symbolism Rather Than Censorship Author Frederik Book, a Dane, had lived in Germany in 1933. He provides a wealth of first-hand information. This book was originally published… Read moreCultural Marxism Overall Warning Opinion-Forming Polonophobia Nowak

Zagrozenie Dla Polski i Polskosci, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 1998
Cultural Marxists Make War Against Poland's Catholic and Patriotic Traditions THREATS TO POLAND AND POLISHNESS is the English-language translation of the title of this Polish-language book. There is certainly a culture war going on in Poland. Virtually every item dear… Read moreCultural Marxism Warning Ryba
Odklamac Wczoraj i Dzisiaj, by Mieczyslaw Ryba. 2014
Feliks Koneczny. Postmodernism. German Guilt Diffusion. PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU REMOVING THE FALSEHOODS OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY is the title of this Polish-language book. It has more to do with setting the record straight than with exposing falsehoods per se. The book is easy… Read moreCultural Marxism Example Shibata

Discrimination for the Sake of the Nation: The Discourse of the League of Polish Families Against "Others" 2001-2007, by Yasuko Shibata. 2014
Cultural Marxism in Action: A Smear of LIGA POLSKICH RODZIN. German-Published Polonophobic Japanese Author Tells Us More About Ultra-Leftist Ideology Than About Polish “Intolerance” This is the same… Read moreCultural Marxism Global Sexual Revolution Kuby

The Global Sexual Revolution, by Gabriele Kuby et al. 2015
The Powerful Agenda-Driven International Movement to Destroy Sexual Morality and to Silence the Noncompliant. Cultural Marxism This German-language work has now been translated into English. It offers fascinating insights into how and why western societies have changed so much in… Read moreCultural Marxism HIstorical Inevitability Slogan Staar

Poland, 1944-1962: The Sovietization of a Captive People, by Richard Felix Staar. 1975
Zydokomuna "Jews Were Poor" Exculpation Fails. Parallels Between Communism and Neo-Marxism. The Historical Inevitability Tool Although this book was written over 50 years ago, when Poland was ruled by a Soviet-imposed Communist puppet, it remains relevant to… Read moreCultural Marxism Immigrants Marrus

Lessons of the Holocaust, by Michael R. Marrus. 2015
Cultural Marxism. Not Accepting Immigrants: Double Standard—Poland and Israel. The Holocaust-Related Belittling of Non-Jewish Heroism Most of this book is the standard, oft-repeated fare. My review focuses on what is especially interesting—what I call the “emanations and penumbras” of the Holocaust.… Read moreCultural Marxism in USA Countered Woods

The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, by Thomas E. Woods Jr. 2004
A Sound Debunking of American Cultural Marxists and Their Anti-American and Socialist Shibboleths Political correctness is one of the cornerstones of neo-Marxism. This book flouts political correctness by offering perspectives that are unpopular with the left-wing orthodoxy… Read moreCultural Marxism and Pope JPII Jablonska

Wind From Heaven: John Paul II--The Poet Who Became Pope, by Monika Jablonska, Krzysztof Dybciak (Epilogue), Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz (Foreword). 2017
The Intellectual and Spiritual Depth of the Thinking of Saint John Paul II. Communism and Now Cultural Marxism Deify Man This delightful work makes it obvious that Pope John… Read moreCultural Marxism DEFINITIVE WORK Why AntiPolonism MacDonald

Culture of Critique, by Kevin B. MacDonald. 1998. [Kultura Krytyki in Polish, 2019]
Jews as Critics of Gentile Societies. Origins and Manifestations of Neo-Marxism (Cultural Marxism). Implications for Polonophobia By way of introduction, I am an independent thinker, and my review is unlikely to please either the fans or the… Read moreCultural Marxism Forced Immigration Pedagogika Wstydu DEFINITIVE WORK Murray

The Strange Death of Europe, by Douglas Murray. 2018
Death of Europe is Not Strange At All: Bestseller Fails to "Connect the Dots" to the Agenda of Globalism and Cultural Marxism Here's the agenda: Nations are to have their ethnic-religious cores weakened by massive immigration (by force if necessary) and,… Read moreCultural Marxism Effects on Poland Chodakiewicz

Mysli Wolnego Polaka, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. 2016
Poland in the Modern World: Essays by a Historian. The LEWACTWO and Its War on Polish Religious and Patriotic Traditions. Nationalism Demystified. Gun Rights THOUGHTS OF A FREE POLE is the title of this Polish-language work. It is an anthology of articles,… Read moreCultural Marxism Example Guesnet
Antisemitism in an Era of Transition: Continuities and Impact in Post-Communist Poland and Hungary, by Fran Guesnet. 2014
Cultural Marxism in Action. The Standard “Blame it on Everyone Else” Approach to Anti-Semitism. Trashes Everything Polish This book has both short-term and long-term implications. Poland and Hungary have recently been defying… Read moreCultural Marxism Example Michnik Szechter

Michnikowszczyzna: Zapis Choroby, by Rafal A. Ziemkiewicz. 2006
Cultural Marxism: Adam Michnik Szechter and His Chronic Antipathy to Poland's Catholic and Patriotic Traditions "MICHNIKISM": THE ANATOMY OF A DISEASE, is the title of this Polish-language book. Author Ziemkiewicz has written an eye-opening book that covers many topics, a few of… Read moreCultural Marxism Analyzed Styrna

Poland Dares to Speak Up, by Piotr Jaroszynski, Krzysztof Zarzecki, H. McDonald , Pawel Styrna.
Communism " Elected" and How It Persists; the LEWACTWO and Its War on the Catholic Church, and Cultural Marxism Author Piotr Jaroszynski is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy and Culture at the… Read moreCultural Marxism Analyzed Zebrowski

Czerwona Trucizna, by Leszek Zebrowski. 2015
Poland After 1989, With Emphasis on the Legacy of Communism. Includes Rarely-Known Information on the Jedwabne Massacre THE RED POISON is the title of this Polish-language anthology. Author Leszek Zebrowski is a historian, and has been studying the relevant subjects for many years. THE… Read moreCultural Marxism Agendas Use Holocaust HansenGlucklich

Holocaust Memory Reframed: Museums and the Challenges of Representation, by Jennifer Hansen-Glucklich. 2104
Effectively a Mini-Encyclopedia of the Mystification of the Jews' Holocaust. Enlisting the Holocaust to Promote Forced Immigration To Western Nations This book compares the Holocaust memorialization at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, the Jewish Museum Berlin, and the… Read moreTo see a series of truncated reviews in a Category click on that Category:
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