Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Jewish Economic Advantages and Hegemony

Wartime Profiteering Jewish Lutoslawski

Bolshevism and Poland (Classic Reprint), by Wincenty Lutoslawski. 2018

Leading Endek Thinker: Nationalism, the Zydokomuna, Wartime Jewish Profiteering, Bogus Pogroms, Nature of Communism, Forecast of German Nazism This classic is packed with sagacious information. For example: UNDEMONIZING ENDEK NATIONALISM: IN NO SENSE A FORM OF WHAT LATER WAS CALLED FASCISM…

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Usury Unpopularity the Reasons Asala

Polish Proverbs, by Joanne Asala. 2002

Old Polish Wisdom. Insights Into the Unpopularity of Usury, Widely Practiced by Jews This small book (64 pages) packs a wallop! Some of my favorite Polish proverbs are: "In church, at the inn, and in the grave, all men are equal." (p. 23) "You…

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Tax Cheating By Jews Schiff

In Search of Polin: Chasing Jewish Ghosts in Today S Poland, by Gary S. Schiff. 2012

Cheating on Taxes. Evasion of Military Service. Litvak Problem. Strong Jewish Separatism The author started out with the common notion, among Jews, of Poland as nothing more than a vast graveyard of Jews, and…

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Tax Cheating By Jews Shatyn

A Private War: Surviving in Poland on False Papers, 1941-1945, by Bruno Shatyn. 1985

Cheating on Taxes. Jewish Betrayers as Well as Polish Betrayers Bruno Shatyn (Szatyn, Schatten) was an atypical Polish Jew who, speaking fluent Polish and lacking Semitic features, survived the Nazi occupation in the open. His entire…

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Bribery and Tax Cheating By Jews Talmudic Basis Noahide Laws Refuted Goldberg

Why Should Jews Survive?, by Michael Goldberg. 1995

Holocaustianity. “Coming to Terms With the Past” Double Standard. Bribery. Tax Evasion. Noahide Laws Not Early Jewish Universalism This work contains much interesting information—and not only related to theology and the Shoah. Author Goldberg believes that American Jews must stop thinking of…

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Tax Cheating By Jews Talmudic Basis Porton

Goyim: Gentiles and Israelites in Mishnah-Tosefta, by Gary G. Porton. 1989

Talmudic Dual Morality, Tax Evasion, GOYIM as Animals, Racism and Universalism The author identifies himself as Jewish. (p. x). His work consists of many details on the Jewish provisions, in rabbinical literature, dealing with gentiles. JEWS AND THE EVASION…

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Polish Middle Class Jews Delayed Whitton

A History of Poland: From the Earliest Times to the Present Day, by Frederick Ernest Whitton. 2015

Jews Delayed the Development of a Polish Middle Class. Poland Less Feudal Than Most Other European Societies. Opportunistic Tsarist Russian Abolition of Serfdom This work (review based on the original 1917 edition), begins…

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Polish Middle Class Jews Delayed Hundert

The Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case of Opatsw in the Eighteenth Century, by Gershon David Hundert. 1992

Jews Boycotted Poles First. Jews Inhibited Development of a Polish Middle Class. An Irony to Complaints About Expulsions of Jews Correction in book title as listed: The town name is…

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Polish Middle Class Jews Delayed MacDonald

Cultural Insurrections, by Kevin B. MacDonald. 2007

Non-Polish Author Confirms That Jewish Economic Hegemony, Over Poland, Greatly Delayed the Development of a Polish Middle Class Much of this work overlaps that found in Kevin MacDonald’s earlier books, especially CULTURE OF CRITIQUE and UNDERSTANDING JEWISH INFLUENCE. [Please see all my reviews…

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Liquor PROPINACJA Exploits Peasants Dynner

Yankel's Tavern, by Glenn Dynner. 2013

PROPINACJA: Poland’s Jews and the Liquor Trade—A Very Lucrative Trade—Which Jews Performed and Jews Were Not Forced Into The author has written a fascinating study that exhibits an obvious attempt at even-handedness. However, in common with many works on this subject, it treats Jews…

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Jews vs Dmowski Sarolea

Letters on Polish Affairs (Classic Reprint), by Charles Sarolea. 2018

An Eye-Opening Non-Polish Perspective on Polish-Jewish Relations, Roman Dmowski, the Silesia-Plebiscite Farce, etc. Charles Sarolea (1870-1953) was Professor at the University of Edinburgh, and the Belgian Consul in Edinburgh. This 1922 work is head and shoulders above the customary Anglo-American…

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Jews Forced Into Commerce a Myth Hauser

Ilustrowany Przewodnik po Zabytkach Galicji Wschodniej, by Zbigniew Hauser. 2004

Kresy Revisited. Desecration of Not Only Jewish But Also Polish Cemeteries. Jews Forced Into Usury, etc., a Myth This work consists of an alphabetical list of cities and towns in the Ukrainian portion of the Kresy, specifically the city of…

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Jews Forced Into Commerce a Myth Wynne

The Galitzianers: The Jews of Galicia, 1772-1918, by Suzan F. Wynne. 2006

The Myth of Jews Uncommon as Farmers Because They Were Barred From It. Early Atheism Among Galicia's Jews This work covers the years 1772-1918, which is the time that Poland as a state did not exist, and was…

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Jews Buy Up Landed Estates Bussgang

Dzialoszyce Memorial Book - An English Translation of Sefer Yizkor Shel Kehilat Dzialoshitz Ve-Ha-Seviva, by Fay Bussgang (Editor), Julian Bussgang (Editor). 2012

Jews Acquire More and More Landed Estates. Bogus 1918 Pogroms. Generalized Wartime Violence: Poles Also Were Victims This YIZKOR Book has less of a provincial tone than other…

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Jews Capitalism Facts Sombart

The Jews and Modern Capitalism, by Werner Sombart. 2007

Jewish Economic Successes, Jewish Habits, Accusations of Cheating, and the Jewish Intellect Werner Sombart was a German economist who published this book in 1911. (My review is based on the 1982 edition). I summarize the relevant points. Far from being anti-Semitic…

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Jews Forced Into Commerce a Myth Botticini

The Chosen Few: How Education Shaped Jewish History, 70-1492 (Princeton Economic History of the Western World), by Maristella Botticini, Zvi Eckstein. 2012

Jews Forced Into Commerce a Myth: An Eye-Opening Account of How Jews Actually Became a Merchant Class This fascinating, scholarly work begins with a large amount of Jewish…

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Jews Forced Into Commerce a Myth Chajes

The Students' Guide Through the Talmud, by Zevi Hirsch Chajes. 2005

Jews Had Neither Been Forced Into Commerce Nor Prevented From Engaging in Farming This is a 1952 English-language translation of the work of Zevi Hirsch Chajes (1805-1855), who had been a leading Talmudic scholar in Austrian-ruled southeastern Poland (eastern…

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Jews as Parasites Irony Elizur

In Those Nightmarish Days: The Ghetto Reportage of Peretz Opoczynski and Josef Zelkowicz, by Peretz Opoczynski, Josef Zelkowicz, David Suchoff (Translation), Samuel D. Kassow (Editor). 2015

Not Only Poles: Jews Robbed Jewish Dead. Candor on and Moral Reckoning of Jewish-Nazi Collaboration This work features the written works of Peretz Opoczynski…

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Jews Bankers the Facts Quigley

Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, by Carroll Quigley. 1995

International Bankers. Not Only Jews. Post-WWI German Reparations (the Versailles Exculpation) Were Not Onerous This very detailed, scholarly book, is a tour de force. It is best known for its analysis of international capitalism. (My…

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Jewish Smuggling in Pre WWII Poland Smith

Treblinka Survivor: The Life and Death of Hershl Sperling, by Mark S. Smith. 2010

Jewish Smugglers in Pre-WWII Poland. Polish Businesses Jewish and Foreign-Owned. German Terror Drives Untoward Polish Conduct Towards Jews This work contains much detail about the Treblinka Death Camp. It is semi-biographical, focusing on Hersh Sperling (Szperling),…

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Jewish Middleman Role Economically Parasitic Zamoyski

The Polish Way: A Thousand-Year History of the Poles and Their Culture, by Adam Zamoyski. 2005

Cossacks Demystified. Polish Peasant Cooperatives Replace the Superfluous Jewish Middleman, Causing Massive Jewish Poverty in the 1930's. Polish Arming of Zionists This one-volume history of Poland covers the period of prehistory up through the…

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Jewish Middleman Role Taken By Other Nationalities Zenner

Minorities in the Middle: A Cross-Cultural Analysis, by Walter P Zenner. 1991

Do Not Blame Everything on the Poles: The Jewish Middleman and His Counterparts in Other Cultures, With Boycotts, Pogroms, etc. Jews Go Beyond Middleman Minority Concept Zenner, the author, identifies himself as a child of German Jewish merchants.…

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Jewish Economic Privileges Austrian Ruled Poland Margoshes

A World Apart. A Memoir Of Jewish Life In Nineteenth Century Galicia (Judaism And Jewish Life), by Joseph Margoshes. 2008

Wealthy Jews Promoted Usury and Liquor. Jewish Contempt for Polish Peasants. Assimilation Driven By Self-Advancement Rather Than an Attempt to "Become Poles". Joseph Margoshes (1866-1955) emigrated to the USA…

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Jewish Economic Privileges Harmed Poland Aly

Architects of Annihilation: Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction, by Götz Aly, Susanne Heim, A.G. Blunden (translator). 2003

Jewish Economic Hegemony Had Harmed Poland. Holocaust Was Not Unique or Economically Irrational. Misquoted Erhard Wetzel Did Not Esteem Poles Over Jews This paradigm-shattering book goes beyond Nazi anti-Semitism and racism as…

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Jewish Economic Privileges Prewar Poland Medykowski

The First To Be Destroyed, by Witold Medykowski...Tuvia Horev (eds.) 2019

Jewish Privileges in Poland. Skewed Occupations and Minimal Jewish Physical Labor. Secret Graves for the Victims of the Germans Complicate Death-Toll Estimates of Murdered Poles This work includes fascinating data from archival materials, which I emphasize in my review.…

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Jewish Economic Privileges Scale Reddaway

Marshal Pilsudski, by William Fiddian Reddaway. 1939

January 1863 Insurrection. Pilsudski the Young Polish Revolutionary. Scale of Jewish Economic Hegemony. Teschen/Cieszyn 1938 his work by an Englishman has details on every major aspect of Pilsudski's life. It also touches on various developments in interwar Poland (1918-1939). THE POLES' JANUARY 1863…

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Jewish Economic Advantage International Connections Borowitz

The Mask Jews Wear: The Self-Deceptions of American Jewry,, by Eugene B. Borowitz. 1973

Who is the American Jew? Insights into the Persistence of Jewish Economic Monopolies Centuries Ago By way of introduction, Borowitz’ grandfather came from Sokolow, in Russian-occupied Poland. (p. 33). The author traces the self-identity of American…

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Jewish Economic Advantage Literacy Gitelman

A Century of Ambivalence: The Jews of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1881 to the Present, by Zvi Y. Gitelman, Yivo Institute for Jewish Research. 2001

Near-Universal Jewish Literacy Gave Jews a Huge Advantage in Many Nations, Including Tsarist Russia. Zydokomuna Details If you enjoy oversized books (review based on…

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Jewish Economic and Political Privileges Harmed Poles Fishman

Studies on Polish Jewry 1919-1939, by Joshua A. Fishman (Editor). 1974

Growing Jewish Political Power, and Economic Hegemony, Stifled the Poles Politically and Economically. Pogroms, Including (Yes) Jews Against Jews This anthology, simultaneously published in English and Hebrew, generally adheres to the Jewish-lachrymose template of history. However, it also includes…

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Jewish Economic Habits Cause Multiple Problems Bujak

The Jewish Question in Poland, by Franciszek Bujak. 1919

Jewish Economic Hegemony Over Poland: Multiple Harmful Effects. Jewish Polonophobia, and Not Polish Anti-Semitism, is the Main Problem This short (48 page) book presents a great deal of information. The author was a professor at Cracow (Krakow) University. (My review is…

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Jewish Economic Habits Physical Labor Avoided Szczepanski

Dzieje Spolecznosci Zydowskiej: Poltusk i Makow Mazowiecki, by Janusz Szczepański. 1 993

Jewish Economic Hegemony. Jewish Occupational Structure [Surveyed in Detail] Featured the Usual Jewish Avoidance of Physical Labor English-language title: THE DEEDS OF THE JEWISH SOCIETIES OF THE COUNTIES OF POLTUSK AND MAKOW MAZOWIECKI. This in-depth history of every…

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Jewish Economic Habits Russian Ruled Poland Frederic

the New Exodus: A Study of Israel in Russia, by Harold Frederic, T.S. Wentworth (foreword). 2011

Jews and Poles Oppressed by the Tsar. Insights into Jewish Business Advantages This work follows a lachrymose approach to the Jews of 19th-century tsarist Russia, but is also cognizant of the sufferings of the…

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Jewish Economic Advantage Family Ties Fraser

The Conquering Jew, by John Foster Fraser.

Insights into PROPINACJA, Family Ties Boosting Jewish Economic Hegemony, Profiteering in Germany, Rarity of Jewish Farmers, etc. Author John Foster Fraser, a Briton, states that this 1915 work is written from neither a pro- nor anti-Semitic viewpoint. (p. 1). He emphasizes the Jews…

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Jewish Economic Advantage Family Ties Sendyk

The End of Days: A Memoir of the Holocaust, by Helen Sendyk. 2000

Jewish Family Networks Facilitated the Permanence of Jewish Economic Hegemony (Forcing Poles To Boycott Jews). Jewish Nazi Collaboration. Polish, and Not Only German, Women Were Raped by Soviet Soldiers Helen Sendyk was a Jew who lived in…

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Boycotts of Jews Necessary Kosobudzki

Przez Druty, Kraty I Kajdany: Wspomnienia Partyzanta Nsz, by Piotr Kosobudzki.

Jewish Economic Hegemony: Why Poles Were Forced to Boycott Jews. Fighting the Germans and Then the Soviets English-Language Title: THROUGH WIRES, PRISON-BARS, AND HANDCUFFS: MEMOIRS OF AN NSZ GUERILLA. This work, having an unusually large collection of photos, mostly…

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Boycotts of Jews Necessary Polonsky

Polin Vol. 17, by Antony Polonsky (ed.) 2004

Why Polish Boycotts of Jews Were Necessary: Almost-Insurmountable Jewish Economic Dominance. 1936 Przytyk Pogrom Debate As with other works of the POLIN series, this one presents a lot of information, but often in a skin-deep manner. I focus on a few themes.…

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Boycotts of Jews Nothing Unprecedented Hill

Poland and the Polish Question: Impressions and Afterthoughts (Classic Reprint), by Ninian Hill. 2018

Poles and the Boycott Process (Not Only Against Jews!) January 1863 Insurrection: Self-Defense. Undemonizing the Polish Nobility. The reviewer was a Briton (p. 135), and her work was inspired by her visit to Partitioned Poland…

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Boycotts of Jews Understandable Jabotinsky

The Jewish War Front, by Vladimir Jabotinsky.

Demystifying and Clarifying Pre-WWII Polish Anti-Semitism: A Leading Zionist Speaks. Boycotts of Jew Understandable Nowadays, all forms of opposition to Jews are lumped together, simplistically treated as pathological and irrational, commonly blamed on past Christian teachings about Jews, and viewed retroactively through the…

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Boycotts of Jews Yet Never Violence Dmowski Duff

Russian Realities and Problems, by James Duff Duff (editor), Roman Dmowski, Pavel Milyukov, Peter Berngardovich Struve, Harold Williams, Aleksandr Lappo-Danilevskī. 2019

Poles Out-Achieve the Prussians, and Thwart Them. Boycotts Necessary, But Roman Dmowski Consistently Opposed Violence Against Jews This anthology not only discusses the situation in Russia just before the…

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Boycotts of Jews Much Ado About Nothing Kanfer

Polin, Vol. 27, by Glenn Dynner, Antony Polonsky, and Marcin Wodzinski (eds.) 2015

Jedwabne Accusations Rehashed. Cultural Marxism in Action. Jewish Germanophilia and Separatism. Endek Boycotts of Jews Contextualized This volume raises many issues. As is the case with other volumes of the POLIN series, this one presents much information,…

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Boycotts of Jews Contextualized Norman

Poland, the knight among nations, by Louis Edwin Van Norman. 2013

The Kosciuszko "FINIS POLONIAE" Canard. Women Drive Polish Patriotism. Prussian Rule Thwarted. Polish Boycotts of Jews Contextualized and Defended This 1908 book, written by an American who had lived in Partitioned Poland, is head and shoulders above the usual…

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Boycotts of Jews Contextualized Slomka

From Serfdom to Self-Government: Memoirs of a Polish Village Mayor, 1842-1927, by John Slomka. 1941

19th Century Polish Peasants: Their Enslavement to Jewish Usury. Peasants Strive Against Jewish Economic Hegemony in an Organized Effort to Improve Their Poverty-Stricken Lot This work was published in 1912 in Polish, with an English-language…

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Boycotts of Jews Necessary Dmowski

Swiat Powojenny i Polska, by Roman Dmowski. 1931Roman Dmowski on Jews: Boycotts of Jews Were Necessary. Jewish Poverty Not Poles' Fault THE POSTWAR WORLD AND POLAND is the title of this Polish-language book. [Review based on original 1931 2nd Edition]. This work covers the role of Russians, Germans, Jews,…

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Boycotts of Jews Necessary Giertych

In Defence of My Country, by Jedrzej Giertych. 1981

The Unfortunate Necessity of the Endek-Led Boycotts, of Jews, to the Emancipation of Poland From Jewish Economic Hegemony Author Jedrzej Giertych, the father of scientist Maciej Giertych and grandfather of politician Roman Giertych, has written a powerful rebuttal to many inaccurate…

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Boycotts of Jews Necessary Humphrey

Poland the Unexplored, by Grace Humphrey. 1931

Endek-Led Boycotts Justified Solely From an Economic Viewpoint. Jewish Separatism and Jewish Disloyalty Were Real and Significant Issues This insightful book describes Poland in the 1920s. Humphreys, an American visitor to Poland, has much to say about her travels all over Poland. She…

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Boycotts Nowadays Jews Boycott Arabs Blumenthal

Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, by Max Blumenthal. 2013

Jews Can Be Just as Prejudiced Against Their Minority Group (Israeli Arabs) as Poles Presumably Were Prejudiced Against Their Jewish Minority Author Blumenthal repeatedly mentions the Deir Yassin massacre (p. 56, 194, 199), in which Arab civilians had been…

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Boycotts of Jews and Jews Started Them Baron

The Russian Jew Under Tsars And Soviets, by Salo Wittmayer Baron.

Boycotts: Jews Started Them in Poland Long Before Dmowski, But Nowadays Only Endeks Get Blamed For Them In contrast with some of his other books, Baron takes a rather lachrymose-history viewpoint in this one. (If accurate, it adds to…

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Boycotts of Jews and Jews Started Them Boswell

Poland and the Poles, by Alexander Bruce Boswell. 1919

Poles' Belief in Jews Conducting Ritual Murder Already Rare By 1919. Jews Boycotted Poles First! But Nowadays Only the Poles Get Blamed For Boycotts The author of this in-depth 1919 study of Poland, titled POLAND AND THE POLES, was a research…

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Average Jew Better Off Than Average Pole Bartov

Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine, by Omer Bartov. 2007

The Average Jew Was Better Off Than The Average Pole and the Average Ukrainian. Author Has Pronounced Judeocentric Bias This work provides a city-by-city survey of remnants of Jewish architecture in eastern Galician towns. The properties that…

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Average Jew Better Off Than Average Pole Marcus

Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland 1919-1939, by Joseph Marcus. 1983

Jews on Average Were Better Off Than Poles on Average. The Staggering Extent of Jewish Economic Hegemony Over Poland. Jewish scholar Joseph Marcus eschews the knee-jerk anti-Polish generalizations that typify material on this subject in…

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Average Jew Better Off Than Average Pole Mendelsohn

Zionism in Poland: The Formative Years, 1915-1926, by Ezra Mendelsohn. 1981

The Average Jew Had a Higher Standard of Living Than the Average Pole! So Much For the Myth of Unrelieved Jewish Misery in Interwar Poland Jewish author Mendelsohn has much to say that is at variance with the…

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Average Jew Better Off Than Average Pole Miller

Rejoice O Youth: Rational Approaches to God's Existence and the Torah's Divine Origin, by Avigdor Miller. 2010

Poland's Jews Long Better Off Than Poles. Don't Blame Catholicism for the Long History of Jewish Anti-Assimilation. Talmud and GOYIM. Cardinal Hlond Correct on Jewish Atheism This work gets into considerable detail, and…

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