Jewish Collaboration Once Punished By Israel Porat
Bitter Reckoning: Israel Tries Holocaust Survivors as Nazi Collaborators, by Dan Porat. 2019.
Jewish Collaboration Not Only Recognized, But Actively Punished, in Early Israel. The Exculpatory “All Jews Were Victims” Came Later Immediately after WWII, the question of Jewish collaboration with the Nazis was a no-brainer. Jewish survivors of the… Read moreJUDENRAT Opposed Jewish Flight and Fight Cholawsky
The Jews of Bielorussia During World War II, by Shalom Cholawski, Yehuda Bauer (Foreword), Shalom Cholawsky. 1997
The Ambivalent Attitude, of the JUDENRAETE, to Jewish Flight From the Ghettos, and To Fighting the Nazis. Media-Criticized Polish Scholar Ewa Kurek Was Right This book has a rather anti-Polish tone. However, it… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Once Confronted Stauber
The Holocaust in Israeli Public Debate in the 1950s: Ideology and Memory, by Roni Stauber. 2007
When Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis Was Grappled-With My review is based on this 2007 English-language edition. The original edition had come out in 2000 in Hebrew. JEWISH SERVILITY TO THE GERMANS The early… Read moreJUDENRAT Congeniality to Germans Hilberg
The Politics of Memory: The Journey of a Holocaust Historian, by Raul Hilberg. 2002
Squarely Faces Jewish Congeniality to the Germans--Even Nazi Germans. Hilberg Implicitly Confronts German Guilt Diffusion for the Holocaust This work is semi-autobiographical in nature. It provides insights into how the Jewish author Hilberg developed and published… Read moreJUDENRAT Early Model Tsarist Khappers Stanislawski
Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews: The transformation of Jewish society in Russia, 1825-1855, by Michael Stanislawski. 1983
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn Was Right: Jews at First Generally Resisted Modernizaiton, and Then Became Separatist (Jews as Nationality). Khappers: An "Early Judenrat" in Tsarist Russia When Tsar Nicholas I reigned (1825-1855), Poland had… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Exculpations Rejected Arendt
The Jewish Writings, by Hannah Arendt, Jerome Kohn (Editor), Ron H. Feldman (Editor). 2007
”We’re All Eichmanns” German Guilt Dilution Repudiated. German Contrition Insincere. Judenrat Nazi Collaboration Exculpations Rejected Hannah Arendt’s Shoah-related statements are unwelcome to many, and, for this reason, she has been delegitimized by being called “only a… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration In Detail Silberklang
Gates of Tears, by David Silberklang. 2014
Squarely Faces Jewish-Nazi Collaboration in Significant Detail. Mischaracterizes Jedwabne and the JUDENJAGD (Hunt for the Jews) This work covers all phases of the German occupation of Poland, and its effect on Jews. It is best suited for the Holocaust-familiar reader. THE INTENSITY OF… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Kasztner Bogdanor
Kasztner's Crime, by Paul Bogdanor. 2016
Jewish Complicity in the Holocaust: The JUDENRAT, and Nazi-Collaborator and Deceiver Kasztner—Exonerated by Platitudes Equal justice for all peoples is my main concern, with no double standards for Jewish and non-Jewish collaborators with the Nazis. Owing to the fact that the author is an… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Kasztner Hecht
Perfidy, by Ben Hecht. 2012
German Guilt Diffusion and Rudolf Kasztner's Jewish-Nazi Collaboration This work indicts both non-Jewish and especially Jewish leaders (e. g. Yitzhak Gruenbaum: p. 50, 258) for having failed to have alleviated the Holocaust. THE CONVENIENT “SELF-HATING JEW” ACCUSATION AGAINST THE AUTHOR Far from being some sort… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Not Readily Excused Goda
Jewish Histories of the Holocaust, by Norman J W Goda (Editor). 2014
Not Instant Death for Jewish Ghetto Police Disobeying German Orders to Ship Jews to the Death Camps
The reflexive response to Hannah Arendt (EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM), on the excessive obedience of the JUDENRAETE and Jewish Ghetto Police to…
Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Tenenbaum
Zloczow Memoir: 1939-1944 a Chronicle of Survival, by Samuel Tennenbaum. 2001
The “Jews Had It Bad in Poland” Myth. Not Only Poles: Jews Looted Too. Jewish Nazi Collaboration. Hitler and Big Capitalism: The Facts This book touches on many issues related to Polish-Jewish relations and of general interest. For example:… Read moreJUDENRAT a Decisive If Not Crucial Help to Germans In Holocaust Zuckerman
A Surplus of Memory, by Yitzhak "Antek" Zuckerman. 1993
Eyewitness Author Refutes the Notion That Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Had an Insignificant Outcome on the German-made Holocaust. The Polish Blue Police and the Jewish Ghetto Police: No Double Standard on German-Serving Poles and German-Serving Jews! This work presents a wealth of information.… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Arendt Answers Her Critics
The Portable Hannah Arendt, by Hannah Arendt, Peter Baehr (Editor). 2003
Hannah Arendt--"Only a Philosopher" Owing to Her Unwelcome Findings on Jewish-Nazi Collaboration, Shows a Clearly Sophisticated Understanding of It, Putting Her Critics in Their Place Evidently, for some, whenever you dislike the message, go after the messenger. In response,… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Condemned Schonfeld
The Holocaust Victims Accuse, by Moshe Schonfeld. 1977
1933 Boycott. Questionable Zionist Actions. JUDENRAT Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Unequivocally Condemned Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld has written a hard-hitting book, one that inadvertently undermines many of the canons of modern Holocaust education. While he does repeat stereotyped criticisms of Christians, the Vatican, etc., Schonfeld's… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Double Standards Jockusch
Jewish Honor Courts: Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation in Europe and Israel After the Holocaust, by Laura Jockusch (Editor), Gabriel Finder, Veerle Vanden Daelen (Contributor), Dan Porat (Contributor), Ido de Haan (Contributor), Nico Wouters (Contributor), Katarzyna Person (Contributor), Helga Embacher (Contributor) , Rivka Brot (Contributor), David Engel (Contributor), Simon Perego (Contributor),…
Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Exculpated Zertal
Israel's Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood, by Idith Zertal. 2005
The Legacy of the Holocaust on Israeli Society. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration. The Kafr Qasim Massacre This work focuses on the Holocaust as the raison d’etre of the State of Israel. It discusses Holocaust survivors, Israel’s wars with her neighbors as… Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Arendt
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, by Hannah Arendt, Amos Elon (Introduction). 2006
A "Controversial" Work Because It Told the Inconvenient Truth About Not-Always-Coerced Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis This classic provides a wealth of information, and upends many of the Holocaust myths that have accreted… Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Arendt Clarified MacDonald
Discriminations: Essays and Afterthoughts, by Dwight MacDonald. 1974
Hannah Arendt Clarified on Jewish Nazi Collaboration. Polish Historian Ewa Kurek is Correct, Notably on Some Jews Turned Over, By Jewish Leaders, for Death This is an anthology of essays by Dwight Macdonald, and I focus exclusively on his analysis of Hannah… Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Gutman
Patterns of Jewish Leadership in Nazi Europe, 1933-1945, by Yisrael Gutman (Editor). 1979
The Judenrat and the Jewish Ghetto Police: Various Motives of Jews Serving the Nazis. Same is Applicable to Polish Denouncers and Killers of Fugitive Jews
The highlight of this book, on Jewish leadership and the Shoah, is…
Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Lubetkin
In the Days of Destruction and Revolt, by Zivia Lubetkin, Yehiel Yanay (Editor), Ishai Tubbin (Translator). 1981
Jewish Nazi Collaboration: No Softening the Blow. Jews Slow to Accept Fact of Holocaust. No Denouncers Needed: Germans Found Fugitive Jews Directly Themselves The author provides much detail on Jewish political movements and… Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Ringelblum
Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto, by Emmanuel Ringelblum. 2006
Candor on Jewish-Nazi Collaboration and Its Big Help to the Germans in the Holocaust. The Canned Serve-or-Die Exculpation Fails This volume, written by a Jewish historian in hiding during the Shoah, is full of interesting information. IN THE FIRST TWO YEARS… Read moreJewish Passivity Jews Guarded Less By Nazis Poliakov
Harvest of Hate: The Nazi Program for the Destruction of the Jews of Europe, by Léon Poliakov, Reinhold Niebuhr (Foreword). 1979
German Guilt Diffusion Confronted. Jewish Passivity. Ewa Kurek Right. Polish Death Camp Mendacity Irony. The Unfolding Polokaust Leon Poliakov, a French Jew and Holocaust scholar, provides the reader with… Read moreJewish Passivity Jews Unguarded Gray
For Those I Loved, by Martin Gray. 2006
Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis. Jewish Passivity (Germans Didn't Even Have to Guard Jews). Holocaust Long Disbelieved by Jews Some seldom-discussed information is included. For example: JEWISH NAZI COLLABORATION While in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans attempted to make Gray a Jewish… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Inhibit Polish Rescuers Kurek
Your Life is Worth Mine: How Polish Nuns Saved Hundreds of Jews in German-Occupied Poland 1939-1945, by Ewa Kurek. 1997
The Much-Underappreciated Polish Rescue of Jews. The Danger of Jewish Gestapo Agents to Potential Polish Rescuers of Jews This book provides much detail about the sacrificial life of Catholic nuns… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Pankiewicz
The Krakow Ghetto Pharmacy, by Tadeusz Pankiewicz.
Jewish Gestapo Agents. BAUDIENST Was Not a Polish Collaborationist Unit. Iconoclasm: Oskar Schindler Not a Hero My review is based on the 1985 English-language translation of the 1947 edition. This memoir of ghettoized Polish Jews (review based on the 1987 edition) is unusual… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Wroblewski
Byc Zydem: Rozmowa z Dagiem Halvorsenem, by Andrzej Wroblewski, Dag Halvorsen. 1992
Addresses Many Common Misconceptions About Polish-Jewish Relations. Jewish Gestapo Agents TO BE A JEW: DISCUSSIONS WITH DAG HALVORSEN ABOUT JEWS AND THE ANTISEMITISM OF THE POLES. In this Polish-language book, Halvorsen asks many questions which reflect popular stereotypes… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Wyden
Stella: One Woman's True Tale of Evil, Betrayal and Survival in Hitler's Germany, by Peter Wyden. 1993
Jewish Gestapo Agent Stella Betrayed as Many as 2,300 Berlin Fugitive Jews! This work introduces the reader to Jewish life in pre-Nazi and Nazi Germany. Out of about 500,000 Jews in Germany, 173,000… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Double Collaboration Taubenschlag
To be a Jew in occupied Poland: Cracow-Auschwitz-Buchenwald, by Stanisław Taubenschlag. 1998
Holocaust and Polokaust Overlapped. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration: Jewish Gestapo Agents in Action. Jewish (and Not Only Polish) Double Collaboration This WWII Jewish memoir is unusual in a number of respects. It is refreshingly free of Polonophobic innuendo. The author… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Eber
The Choice: Poland, 1939-1945, by Irene Eber. 2004
Fugitive Polish Jews Feared Being Denounced by Jews As Much as They Feared Being Denounced by Poles Irene Eber first describes the idyllic life of herself and her family before the war. [Evidently, Poland was not the pit for Jews as often… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Feared Ziemian
The Cigarette Sellers of Three Crosses Square, by Joseph Ziemian. 2005
Polish Blackmailers (SZMALCOWNIKI) Were Usually Petty Extortionists, Not Jew-Killers. Fugitive Jews Feared Jewish Gestapo Agents Instead of repeating other reviewers, I focus mainly on barely-mentioned and unmentioned content. The story of the Jewish boys who sold cigarettes in the… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Frister
The Cap: The Price Of A Life, by Roman Frister, Hillel Halkin (Translator). 2000
Candor About Jewish Denunciations, Looting, and Almost-Insuperable Difficulties in Polish Rescue of Jews This Holocaust-survivor account is packed with seldom-told and often-unwelcome information. Even as late as 1941, Frister's mother didn't believe that the invading Germans… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Harmed Poles Rabinovici
Eichmann's Jews: The Jewish Administration of Holocaust Vienna, 1938-1945, by Doron Rabinovici. 2011
Holocaust, Like Other Genocides, Was Limited, and “Rational”. Austrian Jewish Informers Spied on Poland For the Third Reich. Strong Exculpatory Bias on Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis This work, written by a Viennese Jew, is about the… Read moreJewish Collaboration Sought Jewish Autonomy Ewa Kurek Correct Katzenelson
The Song of the Murdered Jewish People, by Yitzhak Katzenelson. 1980.
German-Jewish Rapprochement, Early in WWII, Chilled Polish Sympathies. The German-Made Holocaust--and Jewish-Nazi Collaboration--In Fact and in Poetry Yitzhak Katzenelson considers the implications of the JUDENRAT. He then dwells on the forced evacuation of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the dispatch… Read moreJewish Collaboration vs Polish and Double Standards Bauer
Jews for Sale?: Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933-1945, by Yehuda Bauer. 1994
Double Standards on Nazi Collaboration and Widespread Holocaust Awareness. Jewish Victimhood Absolutism. Newer Books Available (Listed) My review identifies and focuses on deeper issues, related to the Shoah, than the specific Jewish-Nazi negotiations for the release on some Jews. Consider… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Tory
Surviving the Holocaust: The Kovno Ghetto Diary,, by Avraham Tory. 1990
Jewish-Nazi Collaboration: Not All Choiceless Choices (Even Profiteering). Looting: Jews From Poles as Well as Poles From Jews. Germans Wanted No Polish Quisling--A Myth It would be a mistake for the uninitiated reader to suppose that this diary is… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Ungar
Destined to Live, by William Chanoff, David Ungar, David Chanoff. 2000
Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis: Choiceless Choice and Save-One’s-Life Exculpations Fail This book has a variety of interesting information. For example: AT LEAST TWO SIDES TO POLISH ANTI-SEMITISM Author William Ungar's childhood in Krasne (near the Zbrucz River) repudiates… Read moreJewish Collaboration No Exculpations Guterman
A Narrow Bridge to Life: Jewish Slave Labor and Survival in the Gross-Rosen Camps System 1940-1945, by Belah Guṭerman. 2008
Features Jewish KAPOS, With No Easy Exculpation For Their Nazi-Collaborating Behavior. Nazi Officials Kept Even Unneeded Jews Alive to Evade Service on the Russian Front (Implications for Oskar Schindler) The… Read moreJewish Collaboration No Exculpations Huberband
Kiddush Hashem: Jewish Religious and Cultural Life in Poland During the Holocaust, by Shimon Huberband, Jeffrey S. Gurock, Robert S. Hirt. 1987
No Exculpations For Jewish-Nazi Collaboration. Zydokomuna Prominent. Jews as Well as Poles Engaged in Looting This work elaborates on the Germans burning synagogues during the 1939 German-Soviet conquest… Read moreJewish Collaboration Refreshing Candor Finkel
Ordinary Jews: Choice and Survival during the Holocaust, by Evgeny Finkel. 2017
Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Candidly Analyzed (Not Merely Choiceless Choices). Earlier Jewish-Soviet Collaboration at Bialystok Evgeny Finkel’s analysis of Jewish-Nazi collaboration is quite good, and I discuss it first. JEWISH COOPERATION AND COLLABORATION WITH THE GERMANS (NAZIS): DEFINING THE TERMS… Read moreJewish Collaboration Repressed Ben Naftali
International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, by Orna Ben-Naftali. 2011
Israeli Trials of Jewish Kapos. Double Standards on Collaboration. Redefining "Nazi Collaboration", and Suppressing Information, In Order To Allow Jews to Summarily Escape Blame, While Non-Jewish Collaborators Remain Blamed The various authors of this work focus on international… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Farbstein
The Forgotten Memoirs-Moving personal accounts from Rabbis who survived the Holocaust, by Esther Farbstein. 2011
Jewish Nazi Collaboration Not Summarily Excused By the Extremity of Circumstances This is a collection, written by rabbis, of the unfolding Holocaust. The rabbis were from Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, and other eastern European nations.… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Gelissen
Rena's Promise: A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz, by Rena Kornreich Gelissen, Heather Dune Macadam. 1996
Jewish Nazi Collaborators: Not Just Choiceless Choices: Jewish Kapos Who Went Beyond the German Call of Duty Rena was a Polish Jew who hailed from Tylicz, which is located southeast of Krakow. Perhaps without… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Goda
Jewish Histories of the Holocaust: New Transnational Approaches, by Norman J W Goda (Editor), Omer Bartov. 2014
Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis: Jewish Ghetto Police at Kielce: Beyond Choiceless Choices. Holocaust Supremacism, Minimized Communist Crimes, and a Cavalier Dismissal of Scholars Who Disagree Two items in this anthology stand out,… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Kulkielko
Escape From The Pit, by Renya Kulkielko. 2015
1939 German Terror Bombing. Jewish Nazi Collaboration Went Far Beyond Choiceless Choices. Jewish Banditry Renya Kulkielko was a Polish Jew who masqueraded as a gentile on Aryan papers, frequented the Kielce area (including Bendzin), and traveled at times to Warsaw. Her testimony… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Niewyk
Fresh Wounds: Early Narratives of Holocaust Survival, by Donald L. Niewyk (Editor). 1998
Jewish-Nazi Collaboration: Not All Choiceless Choices. Paid Greedy Rescuer Myth. Bentschen (Zbaszyn) 1938 This anthology features Holocaust survivors from Poland and a few other countries, including Germany. The experiences include those of Jews who fled the ghettos… Read moreJewish Collaboration Even Profiteering Sierakowiak
The Diary of Dawid Sierakowiak: Five Notebooks from the Lodz Ghetto, by Dawid Sierakowiak, Alan Adelson (Editor), Kamil Turowski (Translator). 1998
Jewish Complicity in the 1939 Poland-Destroying Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration and Profiteering in the Lodz Ghetto: “Save One’s Life” Exculpation Fails This Holocaust diary touches on quite a few… Read moreJewish Collaboration Expansive Wolgelernter
The Unfinished Diary: A Chronicle of Tears, by Chaim Yitzchok Wolgelernter.
Sunday Closing Law. SCHECHITA Law. Prostitution. Draft Dodging. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Detailed. Nazi-Sponsored Auctions of Jewish Property This work has the title it does because the author of the diary, Chaim Yitzchok Wolgelertner, did not survive the Holocaust. He was… Read moreJewish Collaboration Ghetto Police Exculpations Wanting Braatz
From Ghetto to Death Camp: A Memoir Of Privilege and Luck, by Timothy Braatz, Anatol Chari. 2011
Jewish Complicity in the Holocaust? Serving the Enemy to Better One’s Own Lot at the Expense of Others We hear a lot nowadays of “Polish complicity in the Holocaust” and so, in the… Read moreJewish Collaboration Ghetto Police Exculpations Wanting Drix
Witness to Annihilation: Surviving the Holocaust, by Samuel Drix. 2003
Jewish Ghetto Police Collaboration: Exculpations Rejected. Insights on Polish Rescuers Killing Their Jews The author was a Jewish doctor, and Holocaust survivor, from Lwow (Lviv). This book touches on the author’s experiences in pre-WWII Poland, the 1939 Communist-Nazi conquest of… Read moreJewish Collaboration Ghetto Police Exculpations Wanting Eisner
The Survivor Of The Holocaust, by Jack Eisner. 1996
Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Fear-of-Death Exculpation Fails. Jews in ARMIA KRAJOWA (A. K.) (Review based on 1980 edition). Author Eisner describes life in the German-made Warsaw Ghetto in some detail. Interestingly Jews, and not only Poles, had their superstitions. "She [mother] spat three… Read moreJewish Collaboration Ghetto Police Exculpations Wanting Zelkovitsh
In Those Terrible Days: Writings from the Lodz Ghetto, by Yosef Zelkovitsh. 2003
Like Poles Like Jews in Sordid Behavior, Denunciation For as Little as a Bag of Sugar, etc. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration NOT Dependent Upon Fear of Death Having read many diaries of the Polish Jews who had been locked… Read moreJewish Collaboration Double Standards Bazyler
Jewish Collaboration Double Standards Trunk
Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe under Nazi Occupation, by Isaiah Trunk, Steven T. Katz (Introduction). 1996
The JUDENRAT and Jewish-Nazi Collaboration. Let's Have No Double Standards on Collaboration by Jews and by Poles This encyclopedic work (review based on 1972 edition) includes arcane details about the origins and… Read moreJewish Collaboration Especially Odious Tushnet
The Pavement of Hell: 3 Leaders of the Judenrat, by Leonard Tushnet.
Poles Indifferent to Jews? Dig This: Jews Indifferent to Gypsies. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Odious. Karaites Spared. Endeks and Jews Had Agreed That Most Jews Must Leave Poland This three-part book focuses on the lives of three top JUDENRAT leaders:… Read moreJewish Collaboration Even Profiteering Kruk
The Last Days of the Jerusalem of Lithuania: Chronicles from the Vilna Ghetto and the Camps, 1939-1944, by Herman Kruk, Benjamin Harshav (Editor), Barbara Harshav (Translator). 2002
Jewish Nazi Collaboration Went Far Beyond “Choiceless Choices” or Desperately Trying to Save One’s Life. Incisive Details This extensive diary covers most of… Read moreJewish Collaboration Even Profiteering Robertson
Don't Go to Uncle's Wedding: Personal Stories from the Warsaw Ghetto, by Jenny Robertson. 2000
Touches on Pre-WWII Polish-Jewish Economic Rivalry. Candor on Jewish Nazi Collaboration (as Profiteering). "God's Will" For Not Helping Jews This work includes extracts from the works of Ringelblum, Lewin, Szpilman, and others. Quotations from non-English-language… Read moreJewish Collaboration a Rare Moral Reckoning Opoczynski
In Those Nightmarish Days: The Ghetto Reportage of Peretz Opoczynski and Josef Zelkowicz, by Peretz Opoczynski, Josef Zelkowicz, David Suchoff (Translation), Samuel D. Kassow (Editor). 2015
Not Only Poles: Jews Robbed Jewish Dead. A Rare Jewish Moral Reckoning on Jewish-Nazi Collaboration This work features the written works of Peretz Opoczynski… Read moreTo see a series of truncated reviews in a Category click on that Category:
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