Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Don’t Blame Everything on Christianity

Spanish Inquisition Antecedent Events MacDonald

Separation and Its Discontents, by Kevin B. MacDonald. 1998

Jews Who Believed Jews Were a Race. Voluntary Jewish Conversions Before the Forced Conversions of 1391 Spain. Jews in Hollywood Resource This is essentially a scholarly reference work. It contains hundreds of references for further study. Because there is so much…

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Spanish Inquisition Greatly Exaggerated Peters

Inquisition, by Edward Peters. 1989

The Spanish Inquisition--a Monstrous Exaggeration That is a Mainstay of Attacks on Christianity Peters has provided an invaluable analysis of the Inquisition. For the longest time, the Inquisition (especially the Spanish Inquisition) has been a mainstay of rationalistic mythology in its attacks on Christianity.…

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Spanish Inquisition Undemonized Hoffman

All These Vows: Kol Nidre, by Lawrence A. Hoffman. 2011

KOL NIDRE Does Cover Promises Made to Other People. Author Shows Fairness to Christianity RE: Spanish Inquisition As per the title of this book, KOL NIDRE is Aramaic for KOL HAN’DARIM “all the vows”. (Hoffmann, p. 7). This work is…

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Ritual Murder Some Credibility Toaff

Blood Passover, by Ariel Toaff. 2014

The Relationship of Medieval Jews to the Consumption of Blood: Not a Black and White Deal. Why the Fuss Over This Scholarly Work? My review is based on the November 10, 2014 version of this book—a version that replaced all earlier versions up to…

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Ritual Murder Trials Way Overblown Maciejko

The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755-1816, by Pawel Maciejko. 2011

Jacob Frank the Opportunist. Jewish Assimilation Complex. Ritual-Murder Trials Are Greatly Exaggerated This work goes deep into theology, and focuses on the interface of Christianity and Judaism in the 18th century. Owing to the breadth of…

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Saint Kolbe Calumnies Answered Foster

Mary's Knight: The Mission And Martyrdom Of Saint Maksymilian Maria Kolbe, by Claude R. Foster. 2002

Detailed Study Soundly Refutes the Calumnies Directed Against Saint Maksimilian Kolbe This work is very in depth. It is head and shoulders above those who write ill of Father Kolbe. CANNED ACCUSATIONS AGAINST MAKSIMILIAN…

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Ritual Murder Jews Accused Others Abbott

Israel in Europe, by George Frederick Abbott. 1972

Jews Also Accused Others of Ritual Murder. Why Jews Avoided Farming. Jewish Autonomy and Power in Poland This work covers a broad swath of Jewish history beginning with antiquity. It is rather philosemitic in tone, with a tendency towards a lachrymose interpretation…

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Ritual Murder Jews Believed Similar Mielnicki

Bialystok to Birkenau: The Holocaust Journey of Michel Mielnicki, by Michel Mielnicki, John Munro. 2000

Jews Against Romani (Gypsies): Jews Had Their Own Version of Accusations of Ritual Murder. Jews, and Not Only Poles, Did Looting True to his earlier Communist ideation, Michel Mielnicki liberally uses the phrase "Polish fascist".…

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Ritual Murder Jews Believed Similar Wells

The Janowska Road, by Leon Weliczker Wells. 1963

Jews Had Their Own Version of Ritual Murder Accusations. "On to Berlin!" Polish Slogan. German-Murdered Polish Intellectuals Wells describes Hasidic Jewish life in the Lwow-area prewar Poland. The awfulization of the Jews' experience is conspicuously absent from his book. Just as Poles…

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Ritual Murder Jews Believed Similar Zborowski

Life is With People: The Culture of the Shtetl, by Mark Zborowski, Elizabeth Herzog. 1995

Jews Had Their Own Counterpart to Accused Ritual Murder. Jewish Communists are Still Jews. Jewish Elitism Based on Learning My review is based on the original 1952 edition. The shtetl had been vanishing right up…

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Ritual Murder Some Credibility Lazare

Antisemitism, by Bernard Lazare. 1903

Don’t Blame Christianity: Considerable Detail on Anti-Semitism in Pre-Christian Antiquity. Ritual Murder Conducted by Cult-Offshoots of Judaism? The author was a French Jew, and professed to offer a middle view--between that of the anti-Semite and the philo-Semite. (p. 5). My review is based on the…

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Ritual Murder Accounts Actual Origins Yuval

Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, by Israel Jacob Yuval, Jonathan Chipman (Translator), Barbara Harshav (Translator). 2006

Ritual Murder Accusations: Their Actual Origin. The Reciprocal Enmity of Judaism and Christianity From the Beginning. Exterminatory Wishes Clarified Israeli Jewish author…

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Reconciliation Idealism Pope John Paul2 Kluger

The Pope and I: How the Lifelong Friendship Between a Polish Jew and Pope John Paul II Advanced the Cause of Jewish-Christian Relations, by Jerzy Kluger. 2012

The Deep Idealism of Pope John Paul II and—Unfortunately—Its Clash With the Realities of Polish-Jewish Relations Owing to the fact that there are…

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Pogroms Don’t Blame Christianity Klier

Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881-1882, by John Doyle Klier. 2011

Christianity Did Not Cause or Promote Pogroms. Jews and the Liquor Trade (Propinacja). Jewish Overcrowding in the Pale (Eventual Eastern Poland) This work examines the pogroms in tsarist Russia, and does so from various angles. Author John Doyle…

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Nazi Racism Jewish Origins Myerson

German Jew, by Abraham Myerson, Isaac Goldberg. 1933

Nazi Racism Partly a Jewish Invention. The Prolific Contributions of German Jews to Germany This work was written in 1933 (my review based on the original 1933 edition), soon after Hitler had come to power. In fact, this book is concluded as…

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Nazi AntiSemitic Platform Not Christian Eckhart

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany, by Francis Dupont. 2013

Don't Blame Christianity: The Actual Roots of the Popularity of the Nazi Movement, As Directed Against Jews, in Weimar Germany I approach this book for its historical value. [My review is based on a condensed, 31-page version of Eckhart’s “The New…

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Nazi AntiSemitic Platform Not Christian Wiehe

Germany and the Jewish Question, by Friederich Karl Wiehe, Francis Dupont. 2014

Do Not Blame Christianity: A Detailed, Scholarly Nazi Analysis of the Jews of Weimar Germany Nowadays, academics (most of whom are leftists), and many Jews, are prone to blame the Nazi movement in general, and the Holocaust in…

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Kol Nidre Vows To Humans Affirmed Gershon

Kol Nidrei: Its Origin, Development & Significance, by Stuart Weinberg Gershon. 1977

Talmudic Origins of KOL NIDREI. Medieval Jews Did Understand KOL NIDREI in Relation to Vows Before Courts and Governments, Not Just Vows Before God My review is based on the 1994 edition. This work is filled with fascinating…

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Judaism Christianity Incompatible Berger

Persecution, Polomic, and Dialogue, by David Berger. 2010

Judaism and Christianity Are Fundamentally Incompatible. Includes Detailed Analysis of Rabbi Ha-Meiri’s Attempts to Confront Talmudic Antigoyism, and to Disavow It Relative to Christians This work is packed with much interesting information. For instance, the term MINIM probably referred mainly to Jewish…

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Judaism Christianity Incompatible Chazan

Fashioning Jewish Identity in Medieval Western Christendom, by Robert Chazan. 2003

A Doctrine-Based Analysis of Jewish-Christian Religious Disputes in the Middle Ages. TOLEDOT YESHU anti-Christian Author Robert Chazan begins with an introduction to early Christianity. He acknowledges the sometimes-denied fact that TOLDOT YESHU (TOLEDOT YESHU) was in fact a derogatory…

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Judaism Christianity Incompatible Fine

Judaism in Practice: From the Middle Ages Through the Early Modern Period, by Lawrence Fine (Editor). 2001

Medieval Jews in Often-Creative Antagonism Towards Christianity This work covers many topics, and has a few chapters on women in Judaism. It has sections dealing with the life cycle, Torah and learning, Jewish…

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Jew Killing By Christians Exaggerated Chazan

Reassessing Jewish Life in Medieval Europe, by Robert Chazan. 2010

Christian Persecutions of Jews Have Been Way Overblown. Prejudices Were Fully Reciprocal This work is part of a series of books that challenges the lachrymose version of Jewish history. This includes accounts of Jews prospering in medieval Christendom. However, as…

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Jew Killing By Christians Exaggerated Elukin

Living Together, Living Apart: Rethinking Jewish-Christian Relations in the Middle Ages, by Jonathan Elukin. 2007

An Eye-Opening and Long-Overdue Corrective to the Portrayal of Jews as Victims of Christian Hate and Persecution By way of introduction, Jewish author Jonathan Elukin comments, (quote) Seeing medieval Europe as a persecuting society obscures…

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Jews Persecuted Christians Horowitz

Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence, by Elliott Horowitz. 2006

Eye-Opening Book Presents Both Sides of Jewish-Christian Hostilities. Upends The Cross-is-Anti-Judaic Narrative of the Auschwitz Carmelite Convent Controversy Usually, all we hear is that Christians thought of Jews as responsible for deicide. Throughout this book, Horowitz makes…

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Jews Persecuted Christians Wilde

The Treatment of the Jews in the Christian Writers of the First Three Centuries, by Robert Wilde.

Jewish Complicity in the Persecution of the Early Christians in the Ancient Roman Empire Volumes upon volumes have been written about Christian persecution of Jews, and this has sometimes even been taken…

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Jewish Militant AntiChristianity Talmi

Memorial (Yizkor) Book of the Community of Sierpc, Poland - Translation of Kehilat Sierpc; Sefer Zikaron, by E. Talmi (Wloka), Sandra Krisch (Editor), Dorothy Kerzner Lipsky (Editor). 2014

Candor on the Strongly Anti-Christian and Pro-Communist Spirit That Animated This Community of Polish Jews. Farming Rejected By Jewish Choice Sierpc is…

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Jewish Humor AntiChristian Levy

Why Jews Become Catholics, by Rosalie Marie Levy, Deborah Bernstein (Preface).

Traditional Catholicism Vibrant. Jewish Elitism and Anti-Christian Prejudices The Jewish converts, featured in this 1924 book, were from many walks of life: Some were secular, and some were devout—even the sons of rabbis. A recurring theme of the testimonies…

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Holocaust Myth Catholic Silence Neumark

Hiding In The Open: A Young Fugitive in Nazi-Occupied Poland, by Zenon Neumark. 2006

Fugitive Jewish Life in German-Occupied Poland; Hypocrisy/Irony on the “Inaction” of the Polish Catholic Church The author traces his life in prewar Poland, in the German-made Lodz and Warsaw Ghettos, at a German labor camp at…

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Holocaust God Punished the Jews Jewish Views Rosenberg

Theological and Halakhic Reflections on the Holocaust, by Bernhard H. Rosenberg, Fred S. Heuman (Editor). 1991

Not Only Some Christians Believed That the Holocaust Was God's Punishment of Jews: Some Leading Jews Did Also This work includes the early-postwar testimonies of rabbis, and their lucid and moving description of the…

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Hitler’s Pope Rubbish Bottum

<3>The Pius War: Responses to the Critics of Pius XII, by Joseph Bottum (Editor), David G. Dalin. 2004 A Solid Debunking of Pope Pius XII as "Hitler's Pope". But How Did This Monstrous Lie Ever Become Seriously Entertained in the First Place, and Why Does it Persist Today? Rabbi David…

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Hitler’s Pope Rubbish Dalin

The Myth of Hitler's Pope: Pope Pius XII And His Secret War Against Nazi Germany, by David G. Dalin. 2005

Hitler Tried to Kidnap Pope Pius XII: The Reductio Ad Absurdum of Hitler's Pope. Deeper Issues in Holocaust-Related Anti-Christianity Need to Be Addressed The highlight of this book is the…

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Hitler’s Pope Rubbish Lawler

Were the Popes Against the Jews?: Tracking the Myths, Confronting the Ideologues, by Justus George Lawler. 2012

Attacks on the Popes, in Terms of the Jews, are All Based on Distortions and Smears. So Are Polonophobic Memes There have been a series of books attacking Pope Pius XII and several…

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Freemasonry Anti Christianity Shown Dillon

War of Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization: Lectures Delivered in Edinburgh in October 1884, by George F. Dillon. 2010

Freemasonry: Why and How An Enemy of Christian Civilization. Freemasonry and the Partitions of Poland Nowadays, traditional Catholic (notably Polish Catholic) negativism towards Freemasonry is usually painted as fear…

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Freemasonry Legitimate Christian Objections Pease

Rome’s Most Faithful Daughter: The Catholic Church and Independent Poland, 1914–1939, by Neal Pease. 2009

Soft Catholic-Accusatory, But Still Catholic Accusatory. Some Candor on Freemasonry and Its Incompatibility With Christianity The author is a little better than most others, on this subject, but not by much: THE MODERNIST ASSAULT ON…

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Deicide Brilliant Comeback Rose

Minority problems, by Arnold Marshall Rose. 1972

Numerus Clausus in the USA, For Jews at Universities, Long After That in Poland. Deicide: A Brilliant Comeback This anthology surveys the experiences of African Americans, Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americans, Indians (Native Americans), Gypsies (Sinti and Roma), Jewish-Americans, and Japanese Americans. Significantly, there is…

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Dialogue Jewish Christian Insincere Setbon

From the Kippah to the Cross: A Jew's Conversion to Catholicism, by Jean-Marie Elie Setbon. 2015

Dubious Sincerity of Jewish-Christian Dialogue. Talmud Anti-Christian. “Progressive” Rabbi Moses Maimonides Condemned Jewish Christians to Die Because there are many other reviews that describe the overall contents of this book, I do not repeat…

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Crusades Jewish Martyrdom Jews Kill Jews Yerushalmi

Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory, by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi. 1996

Jews Kill Other Jews in the First Crusade: The Jewish Concept of Martyrdom. The Unborn Child and the Torah The author, Yosef Hayim Yerushalemi, identifies himself as a professional historian. (p. 81). He alludes to the J, or Yahwist,…

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Atrocities Jewish Against Early Christians Schaff

History of the Christian Church: Ante-Nicene Christianity A.D. 100-325, by Philip Schaff. 1960

Jewish Complicity in the Persecution of the Early Christians in the Roman Empire Scholar Philip Schaff, of Union Theological Seminary, originally wrote this work in 1883. (p. vii). My review is based on the 5th edition (1889),…

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AntiCatholic Memes Refuted Moczar

Seven Lies About Catholic History: Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them, by Diane Moczar. 20101

A Refutation of the Canned Attacks on the Catholic Church. Dark Ages a Myth. Crusades. Inquisition Most attacks on Catholicism come from atheists and disgruntled ex-Catholics. In addition, calumnies come…

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