Looting Treblinka Site Facts NSZ Delights in Holocaust Myth Bechta Zebrowski
Narodowy Sily Zbrojny na Podlasiu, by Mariusz Bechta i Leszek Zebrowski (eds.) 1997
Insights into NSZ Guerrilla Warfare, the NSZ and Polish-Jewish Relations, Treblinka-Looting Punishments, etc THE NATIONAL ARMED FORCES IN THE PODLASIE REGION is the title of this Polish-language book. The geographic area in question is in the extreme… Read moreLeading Polonophiles and Polonophobes: A Who’s Who Nowak
Mysli o Polsce, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 1994
A Brief Survey of Prominent Polonophiles and Polonophobes in History. Gerald Green's 1978 Television Series HOLOCAUST Taken to Task For Its Grotesque Polonophobia This mini-encyclopedia (titled: THOUGHTS ABOUT POLAND AND POLES) surveys many thinkers and their statements about Poles and Poland. The… Read moreCensored Holocaust Survivor Shows Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Greatly Exaggerated Gat
Not Just Another Holocaust Book, by Eli Gat. 2014
Suppressed Holocaust Survivor Book Shows the Insignificance of the Jews' Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Poles Betrayed Fugitive Jews in Ignorance The only United States library that owns this book, according to WorldCat, is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Library in Washington.… Read moreCultural Marxism. Tikkun Olam: Repair the World Misappropriated. Neumann
To Heal the World: How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel, by Jonathan Neumann. 2018
Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World): An Ambiguous Phrase Coopted by Jewish Leftist Politics, Old and New This book is relevant to understanding not only Judeo-Bolshevism, but also the successor leftist ideologies, notably neo-Marxism.… Read moreKatyn Was Legally Genocide Details Szonert
Was Katyn Genocide?, by Maria Szonert-Binienda. 2012. CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 44(3)633-717
Katyn Was Genocide According to International Law: It Was An Intentionally Nation-Crippling Act That Targeted a Legally Protected Group (Poles by Nationality) My review consists primarily of direct quotes from Dr. Szonert’s scholarly article. The… Read moreZydokomuna Denialism Backfires: Jews and Revolutionary Propaganda Spiewak
Zydokomuna: Interpretacje Historyczne, by Pawel Spiewak. 2012
“Refutation” of Jews in Communism Actually Supports It. Communist Propaganda Organs Were 75%-90% Jewish! Author Pawel Spiewak is Director of the Jewish Institute in Warsaw. He is a typical lewak. Everything bad in Polish-Jewish relations is the Poles’ fault, including the Jews’ turn… Read moreJews’ Holocaust Rules the British Classroom Foster
What Do Students Know and Understand About the Holocaust, by Stuart Foster et al. (eds.) 2016
BOMBSHELL DETAILED SURVEY: Slav Genocides Are Invisible in the British Classroom! Holocaust Supremacism Rules, as Does German Guilt Diffusion This work is a seldom-done detailed analysis of British children and teens, aged 11 to… Read moreHighly-Touted Pilecki Book Has Anti-Polish Messages Fairweather
The Volunteer, by Jack Fairweather. 2019
Widely-Publicized Book Smuggles-In Many Pilecki-Irrelevant Statements: Canned Attacks on Poles and Poland There are many better books about Witold Pilecki. For instance, there is BEYOND BRAVERY by Pilecki himself (see my review). The present book is all about author Jack Fairweather including things that… Read moreWitold Pilecki And His Mission Koch
A Captain’s Portrait, by Adam J. Koch. 2018
A Comprehensive Work on the Life and Heroism of Witold Pilecki This book begins with an overview of Polish history before moving to the main subject. Now, Pilecki is best remembered for surviving Auschwitz, and for being tortured and murdered by the… Read morePolish Blue Police Not Collaborationist Frydel
Collaboration in Eastern Europe during the Second World War and the Holocaust, by Peter Black et al. (eds.). 2019
No Polish Complicity in the Holocaust: The POLICJA GRANATOWA (“Polish” Blue Police) My review is limited to two articles by Tomasz Frydel, beginning with: Ordinary Men? The Polish Police and the… Read moreJewish Collaboration Once Punished By Israel Porat
Bitter Reckoning: Israel Tries Holocaust Survivors as Nazi Collaborators, by Dan Porat. 2019.
Jewish Collaboration Not Only Recognized, But Actively Punished, in Early Israel. The Exculpatory “All Jews Were Victims” Came Later Immediately after WWII, the question of Jewish collaboration with the Nazis was a no-brainer. Jewish survivors of the… Read moreZydokomuna Socialist Communist Fuzzy Boundary Fishman
The Rise of Modern Yiddish Culture, by David E. Fishman. 2005
Fuzzy Boundary Between Jewish Socialism and Jewish Communism. Yiddishists and Atheism In my review, I do not limit my analysis to the book itself. I extend the content to broader issues of lasting relevance. This work goes beyond Yiddishist… Read moreZydokomuna Soviet Commissars D’Abernon
The Eighteenth Decisive Battle of the World: Warsaw, 1920, by Edgar Vincent D'Abernon. 1977
The Decisive Polish Victory in the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War. The Significance of Jewish Commissars in the Red Army My review of this classic is based on 1931 edition. UNSTINTING CREDIT GIVEN TO POLISH HEROISM The 1920… Read moreZydokomuna Top NKVD Leaders DEFINITIVE WORK Petrov
Kto Rukovodil NKVD, 1934-1941? by Nikita Vasilevich Petrov and Konstantin V. Skorkin. 1999
The Massive Overrepresentation of Jews in the Leadership of the Dreaded Communist Secret Police—the NKVD The main source of information for the research article below is this Russian-language book: KTO RUKOVODIL NKVD, 1934-1941, by Nikita Vasilevich Petrov… Read moreZydokomuna USA Jews Openly Support. Willful Blindness. Srebrnik
Dreams of Nationhood, by Henry Felix Srebrnik. 2010
Forget Conspiracy Theories. Forget "International Jewry". Open and Large-Scale American Jewish Support for Soviet Communism The amount of research for this work, in old American Yiddish publications, borders on the staggering. It unambiguously shows the vast extent of American Jewish support for… Read moreZydokomuna Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Goldstein
The Stars Bear Witness (Unerwünschte Bücher zum Faschismus #3), by Bernard Goldstein. 2004
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Tainted By Communism, For Which Reason Poles Were Reasonably Disinclined to Fully Support It Eyewitness Bernard Goldstein presents a variety of interesting information. For example: AMERICAN JEWISH INDIFFERENCE, AND LOCAL JEWISH-NAZI COLLABORATION The surviving… Read moreZydokomuna Permeated Jewish Political Life Arens
Flags Over the Warsaw Ghetto: The Untold Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, by Moshe Arens. 2011
Communism Permeated Much of Pre-WWII Jewish Political Life. Holocaust Uniqueness Upended. The ZZW in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising This work focuses on active hostility against the ZZW as the major cause of the… Read moreZydokomuna Rare Collective Liability Accepted Cohen
Insiders and Outsiders: Dilemmas of Eastern European Jewry, by Richard I. Cohen et al. (eds.), 2010
An Exotic Rarity: Jewish Scholar Accepts Collective Jewish Accountability for the Crimes of the ZYDOKOMUNA (Judeo-Bolshevism) In typical discourse, everything negative in past Polish-Jewish relations is reflexively blamed on the Poles. This book is… Read moreZydokomuna Russian Revolution Wilton
The Last Days of the Romanovs, by Robert Archibald Wilton. 1920
A Lasting Wound: How Jews Played a Leading Role in the Murders of Tsar Nicholas II and His Family. Jewish Leadership of First Soviet Government My review is based on the original 1920 edition. The author was a British… Read moreZydokomuna Socialist Communist Fuzzy Boundary Bacon
politics of tradition, by Gershon C. Bacon. 1997
The "Polish Friendly" Agudists Were Nevertheless Separatists. Sunday-Closing Law. SCHECHITA Law. Fuzzy Boundary: Jewish Socialists and Communists. Cardinal Hlond Was Right NO BLACK AND WHITE IN POLISH-JEWISH RELATIONS The author begins with a middle view of Polish-Jewish relations, (quote) By an over-emphasis… Read moreZydokomuna Socialist Communist Fuzzy Boundary Brossat
Revolutionary Yiddishland, by Alain Brossat and Sylvia Klingberg. 1983, 2016.
Jewish Democratic Socialists Effortlessly Shed Their Professed Democracy and Became Communists I focus on a few items of lasting importance. DEBUNKING THE SILLY EXCULPATORY ARGUMENT THAT JEWISH COMMUNISTS WERE "NOT REALLY JEWS" Authors Brossat and Klingberg write, "The… Read moreZydokomuna Jewish Guerillas Porat
The Fall of a Sparrow: The Life and Times of Abba Kovner, by Dina Porat, Elizabeth Yuval (Translator). 2009
Polish Suspicions Confirmed: Jewish Guerrillas Were Steeped in Communism. Author Tiptoes Around Jewish Complicity in the Koniuchy Massacre This book covers Kovner's life in pre-WWII Vilna (Wilno, Vilnius), the Soviet and… Read moreZydokomuna Jewish Revolutionary Banditry Demonstrated Chodakiewicz
Tajne Oblicze GL-AL i PPR: Dokumenty, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, Piotr Gontarczyk, i Leszek Zebrowski (eds.) 1997
Jew-Killing Shocker Unmasks the Tactics of the GL-AL Communist Bands in German-Occupied Poland. Poles Justified in Not Fully Supporting ZOB. Widespread Jewish Revolutionary Banditry Provoked Polish Reprisals THE SECRET FACE OF THE GL-AL… Read moreZydokomuna Jewish Revolutionary Banditry Szucki
Narodowe Sily Zbrojne, by Piotr Szucki (ed.) 1992
A 50th-Anniversary Scholarly Study of the Polish-Guerrilla NSZ. Jewish Revolutionary Banditry Provoked the Occasional (Never Systematic) NSZ Killings of Fugitive Jews THE NATIONAL ARMED FORCES is the title of this Polish-language anthology. It features articles by historians, notably by Leszek Zebrowski and… Read moreZydokomuna Bloody Crimes: No Justice Done Pluzanski
Bestie Mordercy Polakow, by Tadeusz M. Pluzanski. 2011
Unfortunately, Sweden and Israel Are Dens of Unpunished Murderers of Poles WARNING: This Polish-language scholarly book is not for the politically correct. Nor is it for those steeped in the standard narrative, endlessly promoted by academia and media, of the innocent-victim Jew… Read moreZydokomuna Opposes ANY Polish State Friling
A Jewish Kapo in Auschwitz: History, Memory, and the Politics of Survival, by Tuvia Friling. 2014
Double Standards on Jews and Poles? Also: Jewish Communists Oppose a Polish State of Any Kind I focus on the broad-based implications, which go far beyond the experiences of Auschwitz Kapo Eliezer Gruenbaum JEWISH… Read moreZydokomuna Opposes ANY Polish State Minc
The History of a False Illusion: Memoirs on the Communist Movement in Poland, 1918-1938, by P. Minc, Robert Michaels (Translator). 2002
The Zydokomuna, Along With Most Jewish Political Groupings, Opposed the Restoration of the Polish State This book is useful in understanding the "Trotskyite" form of Communism in Poland before… Read moreZydokomuna Influence Far Beyond Percentages Gitelman
The Quest for Utopia: Jewish Political Ideas and Institutions Through the Ages: Jewish Political Ideas and Institutions Through the Ages, by Zvi Y. Gitelman (Contributor). 1992
Jewish Revolutionaries Had a Much Greater Impact Than Their Numbers Suggest. The Zydokomuna Wore Many Political Guises. Jewish Germanophilia This work is much more… Read moreZydokomuna Influence Far Beyond Percentages Lindemann
Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews, by Albert S. Lindemann. 2001
Especially Valuable in Understanding Jews in Soviet Communism. Their Significance Went Far Beyond Their Numbers This work is richly filled with facts. I focus on distinctive information. Other reviewers have already informed the reader about… Read moreZydokomuna Influence Far Beyond Percentages Sarolea
Impressions of Russia, by Charles Sarolea. 1924
Early Soviet Communism: A Largely-Jewish Ruling Elite (Zydokomuna). Holocaust as Revenge Forecast Charles Sarolea (1870-1953) was Professor at the University of Edinburgh, and the Belgian Consul in Edinburgh. Part of this work overlaps the content of Sarolea’s outstanding work on Poland: See my… Read moreZydokomuna in Jewish Schools Eisenstein
Jewish Schools in Poland, 1919-39: Their Philosophy and Development, by Miriam Eisenstein. 1950
Why Should Polish Government Have Supported Jewish Schools That Were Hives of Separatism, Sedition, and Communism? It Did Support Those Jewish Schools That Fostered Jewish Loyalty to Poland This work is important not only in terms of… Read moreZydokomuna Jewish Bystander Guilt Beorn
The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: At the Epicenter of the Final Solution, by Waitman Wade Beorn. 2018
Are Polish Bystanders “Complicit in the Holocaust”? If So, Then Jewish Bystanders are Also Complicit in the Crimes of the Zydokomuna Author Waitman Wade Beorn is a historian with the University of Virginia.… Read moreZydokomuna Enchants Dzierzynski and Could Have Been Larger Leggett
Cheka, by George Leggett. 1981
The Zydokomuna Enchants the Pole Dzierzynski, and Makes Him Into a Communist. Some Jewish “Racial Solidarity” in Communism. Overabundance of Jewish Leadership in Communism Could Actually Have Been Greater! This scholarly work presents a variety of interesting information. I focus on a few topics. DZIERZHINSKY… Read moreZydokomuna Exculpations Fail Heller
Jabotinsky's Children: Polish Jews and the Rise of Right-Wing Zionism, by Daniel Kupfert Heller. 2017
Debunks the Exculpatory Myth That Jews Got Involved in Communism Without Knowing About Its Violent Character This book contains a wealth of information. I focus on a few salient matters. JEWS AND COMMUNISM (ZYDOKOMUNA): THE… Read moreZydokomuna Exculpations Fail Mendelsohn
Essential Papers on Jews and the Left, by Ezra Mendelsohn (Editor). 1997
Zydokomuna "Poland's Jews Didn"t Know Communism Was Totalitarian" Exculpation Debunked This book centers on personages and political movements. It features the philosophy of Moses Hess and Ber Borokhov, the anti-Semitism of the Jew Karl Marx, etc. It concludes… Read moreZydokomuna Exculpations Fail Wallach
Bitter Freedom: Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor, by Jafa Wallach. 2006
Zydokomuna Fear-of-Germans Exculpation Exploded: Jews Voluntarily Return to Nazi-Ruled Poland. Jewish Property Issues Not Black and White This work is moving, and includes a good deal of biographical detail. Owing to the fact that there are many reviews of… Read moreZydokomuna Exculpations Fail Wilton
Russia's Agony (Classic Reprint), by Robert Wilton. 2018
On the Eve of Russian Revolution. “Jews Had It Bad” Refuted. Jews and Journalism. Insights Into Polish-Jewish Relations My review is based on the original 1918 edition. This work was written during the pivotal time when Russia’s future was uncertain--after the abdication… Read moreZydokomuna Gulag Leadership Slezkine
The Jewish Century, by Yuri Slezkine. 2006
An Eye-Opening, Candid and Detailed Analysis of the Extensive Role of Jews in Soviet Communism. Jewish Leadership of GULAGS and the NKVD Jewish author Yuri Slezkine has compiled near-encyclopedic levels of information in one volume. It examines virtually every imaginable aspect of what… Read moreZydokomuna Denialism Backfires: Zydokomuna Elite INDISPENSABLE Gerrits
The Myth of Jewish Communism, by Andre Gerrits. 2009
An Attempt at Debunking the Zydokomuna Actually Validates It! The Indispensable Role of the Jewish Elite in Early Soviet and Soviet-Imposed Eastern European Communism Author Andre Gerrits is Professor of International Studies and Global Politics at The Hague. His work seeks… Read moreZydokomuna Elite Poland 1944 Was the Majority Gradzka-Rejak
Elity i Przedstawiciele Spolecznosci Zydowskiej Podczas II Wojny Swiatowej, by Gradzka-Rejak et al. (eds.) 2017
The Zydokomuna Comprised Over 50% of the Core of the Communist Puppet Government, Eventually Imposed Upon Poland, in 1944, on the Heels of the Red Army My review of this IPN work is limited… Read moreZydokomuna Elite USSR Hertz
The Jews in Polish Culture, by Aleksander Hertz, Lucjan Dobroszycki (Editor), Richard Lourie (Translator). 1988
Poland Harmed by Jewish Separatism, Jewish Germanophilia and Russophilia, and the Very Real and Substantive Zydokomuna This is a “meaty” book. Its vintage (1961) may be advantageous in terms of a unique perspective that preceded… Read moreZydokomuna Elite USSR Elaborated MacDonald
Stalin's Willing Executioners, by Kevin B. MacDonald. 2004
A Detailed and Thoughtful Analysis of What Sometimes is Called the Zydokomuna My review below is that of a review, by Kevin Macdonald, of Yuri Slezkine' s THE JEWISH CENTURY. The MacDonald review is currently available in .pdf online (as of January… Read moreZydokomuna Elite USSR Unprecedented Sachar
A History of the Jews in the Modern World, by Howard M. Sachar. 2006
Zydokomuna: The Jewish Presence in the First Soviet Government Was Unprecedented in ANY Government This is a mini-encyclopedia of Jewish history beginning about the 17th century. Sachar's main emphasis is on the Jews of Europe. Owing… Read moreZydokomuna Communist Party Poland Schatz
The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland, by Jaff Schatz. 1991
Jews in the Communist Party of Poland. Ignores Jewish Communism Outside the CP. Exculpations Fail Jewish author Jaff Schatz provides a great deal of information about the Zydokumuna (Jewish Communism in Poland), tracing this… Read moreZydokomuna Confronted By a Few Modern Jews Laskey
Night Voices: Heard in the Shadow of Hitler and Stalin, by Heather Laskey. 2003
Unusual Zydokomuna Candor: Modern Jews Confront the Jewish Over-Involvement in the Bezpieka (U. B.), the Dreaded Communist Secret Police The Jewish interviewees in this book were Jewish Communists whose lives began in pre-WWII Poland. Mention is… Read moreZydokomuna Crucial Role Tsarist Russia Haberer
Jews and Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Russia, by Erich Haberer. 2004
Would Communism Have Died in Its Infancy, in Tsarist Russia, Were it Not For Jewish Revolutionaries (Zydokomuna)? The Jewish revolutionary activity, as discussed in this book, centered on revolutionary Populism. That based on Marxism was not to emerge until the… Read moreZydokomuna Deep Jewish Roots Jacobs
Bundist Counterculture in Interwar Poland, by Jack Jacobs. 2009
Polish Cardinal August Hlond (1936) Was Right: Poland's Jews Were Steeped in Communism, and Were Otherwise Hostile to the Polish Nation. Jewish Disloyalty in 1920 War Although this work does not approach the Bund from the viewpoint of its impact on… Read moreZydokomuna Deep Jewish Roots Porat
Israeli Society, the Holocaust and its Survivors, by Dina Porat. 2008
Holocaust Blame Game (Even Jews Against Other Jews). Zydokomuna Had Deep and Broad Jewish Roots This work begins with basic information on the Holocaust. The reader learns that, although the Nazi decision to exterminate the Jews was not made… Read moreZydokomuna Deep Jewish Roots Shulman
The Old Country, by Abraham. Shulman.
The Zydokumuna Was Not Something Marginal: It Had Deep Roots in Judaism and a Broad-Based Following Among Poland's Jews The many pictures of this book, generally dating from the period 1860-1920, hearken back to a simpler time. They make it obvious that, not… Read moreZydokomuna Cause Jewish Elitism and Power Cohen
Jewish Radicals and Radical Jews, by Percy S. Cohen. 1981
Jewish Communism (Zydokomuna) Stems From Jewish Elitism and a Drive For Power, Not Some Special Jewish Sense of Oppression or Injustice The title of this book is a little off. The book is as much about the New Left and… Read moreZydokomuna Cause Jewish Elitism and Power Liebman
Jews And The Left, by Arthur Liebman. 1979
Jews Better Off Than Most People in Tsarist Russia. Zydokomuna Rooted in Jewish Elitism This work is much more than its title suggests. It includes details about Jewish life in late 19th-century tsarist Russia, and how it impacted the growth of Jewish… Read moreZydokomuna Cause Mutated Messianism Petuchowski
Jews And The Left, by Arthur Liebman. 1979
The Jewish Concept of An Earthly, Messianic Kingdom: A Readily-Mutable Antecedent of Modern Zionism and Communism (Zydokomuna) This book gives considerable detail on how early Reformed Judaism, in 19th-century Germany, changed some of the traditional prayers to modernize them. It also provides… Read moreZydokomuna Cause Special Rights Sought Estraikh
Yiddish and the Left: Papers of the Third Mendel Friedman International Conference on Yiddish, by Gennady Estraikh. 2017
The Yiddishist Movement (including in USA) and Its Deep Entanglement With Soviet Communism. Its Goal: Special, Separatist Rights for Jews Consider some salient points relative to the Zydokomuna which, as we shall… Read moreZydokomuna Denialism Rests Largely on Holocaust Supremacism Hanebrink
A Spectre Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism, by Paul Hanebrink. 2018
Self-Refuting. Evidently, "Coming to Terms With the Past” is Good for Non-Jews But Not For Jews: A Creative Dodge From the Undeniable Large Scale Jewish Complicity in Communism This book is of little value. Let us, however, begin… Read moreZydokomuna BEZPIEKA Half Leadership Jewish Steinlauf
Polin Vol. 16, by Michael C. Steinlauf and Antony Polonsky (eds.) 2003
The Zydokomuna in Action: Jews Held Half the Managerial Positions in the Dreaded Post-WWII Communist Security Forces (U. B., or Bezpieka) of Soviet-occupied Poland I focus on a few pertinent issues: THE ZYDOKOMUNA UNDER EARLY SOVIET RULE Andrzej… Read moreZydokomuna BEZPIEKA Leaders DEFINITIVE WORK Szwagrzyk
Aparat Bezpieczenstwa w Polsce 1944-1956, by Krzysztof Szwagrzyk. 2005
THE Definitive Work on the Communist Security Forces (U. B., or Bezpieka) in Soviet-Ruled Poland: Major Jewish Role THE SECURITY APPARATUS IN POLAND: ITS LEADING CADRES, Volume 1, 1944-1956, is the title of this scholarly Polish-language work. It is published the… Read moreZydokomuna BEZPIEKA Leaders Szonert
Null and Void: Poland: Case Study on Comparative Imperialism, by M. B. Szonert. 2008
A Broad Overview of Recent Polish History. BEZPIEKA and Zydokomuna This work covers many topics: WWII battles, Katyn, the deportations of Poles into the USSR and Nazi Germany, the Soviet-betrayed Warsaw Uprising, the Roosevelt-Churchill betrayal of… Read moreZydokomuna Brains Behind Communism Dukes
Red Dusk and the Morrow: Adventures and Investigations in Soviet Russia, by Paul Dukes. 2012
British Eyewitness to the Aftermath of the Russian Revolution and the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War. The Jewish “Brains” Behind Communism The author, an official of the British intelligence service, visited the new Soviet Union, “not to… Read moreZydokomuna Brains Behind Communism Fahey
The Rulers Of Russia, by Denis Fahey. 2013
Not Just High Numbers and Percentages: Jews as the Brains Behind Communism. Also Facts on Freemasonry, Nazism, etc. The author was an Irish Catholic priest. Whether in agreement with the author or not, the reader may be impressed by the vibrancy of… Read moreZydokomuna Capitalists No Contradiction Pitt Rivers
The World Significance Of The Russian Revolution, by George Pitt-Rivers. 2018
No Contradiction in Jews as Capitalists and Jews as Communists. 1920 Polish-Soviet War: the USSR Was the Aggressor This book makes many interesting points, and I focus on these. [Review based on the original 1920 edition] DESPITE THE SLOGANS,… Read moreZydokomuna Atheism USSR Leadership Details Pinkus
The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority, by Benjamin Pinkus. 1990
Refreshing Candor About the Zydokomuna in the USSR. Are Real Jews. Drivers of Militant Atheism, and Overall Soviet Leadership, For Decades After the Russian Revolution Israeli Jewish author Benjamin Pinkus begins with a history… Read moreZydokomuna Backed Molotov Ribbentrop Pact Frankel
Dark Times, Dire Decisions: Jews and Communism, by Jonathan Frankel (Editor). 2012
Zydokomuna in the USSR, Britain, USA, and in Other Nations. Jewish Communists Supported the Soviet Alliance With Nazi Germany! In the USSR (where Jews constituted 1-2% of the population): “Nonetheless, it was during the years 1918-1920 that the… Read moreZydokomuna Backed Molotov Ribbentrop Pact Hausner
Justice in Jerusalem, by Gideon Hausne. 1978
German Guilt Diffusion Soundly Rejected. Zydokomuna "We Were Idealists" Hypocrisy: Jewish Support for Nazi Germany During the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1929-1941) Gideon Hausner, the chief Prosecutor at the trial of Adolf Eichmann, has produced this one-volume encyclopedia on the Holocaust. It includes countless testimonies… Read moreZydokomuna Backed Molotov Ribbentrop Pact Rubenstein
After Auschwitz: History, Theology, and Contemporary Judaism, by Richard L. Rubenstein. 1992
Jewish Communists Winked at Nazi Atrocities During the 1939-1941 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Planned Nazi German Extermination of Slavs I focus on items of lasting significance in my review: DEBUNKING THE EXCULPATORY MYTH OF THE ZYDOKOMUNA DRIVEN BY IDEALISM In… Read moreZydokomuna BEZPIEKA Examples Sack
An Eye For An Eye, by John Sack. 1993
Excessively Judeocentric and Especially Germanocentric. Most Victims of Jewish Communists In Poland Were Poles, Not Germans. Update Provided This is the work of a courageous Jewish-American journalist, and he covers the Jewish vengeance against Germans (not some nowadays-amorphous "Nazis") quite well.… Read moreZydokomuna are Real Jews Biale
Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought, by David Biale. 2010
The Commonly-Condemned Polish Cardinal August Hlond Was Right About Jews and Freethought This book presents a good overview of its intended subject. SECULAR AND ATHEIST JEWS ARE FULLY JEWS The author cites the "non-Jewish Jew", Polish… Read moreZydokomuna are Real Jews Deutscher
The Non-Jewish Jew, by Isaac Deutscher. 1982
Jewish Communist Explodes the Exculpatory Myth That Jewish Communists Were "Not Really Jews". HOLODOMOR: Jewish Complicity. Zydokuma Not Marginal This is a thought-provoking book. The author teaches us what it means to be a non-traditional Jew, and a Communist, but nevertheless certainly a… Read moreZydokomuna are Real Jews Kugelmass
From a Ruined Garden: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry, by Jack Kugelmass (Editor), Jonathan Boyarin (Editor). 1998
Bribery in Action. Economic Rivalry. Evasion of Military Service. Poles Also Experienced WWI Pogroms (But It’s Never Called That). Post-WWII Killings of Unmentioned Poles as Well as Oft-Mentioned Jews This work, in… Read moreZydokomuna are Real Jews Shternshis
Soviet and Kosher: Jewish Popular Culture in the Soviet Union, 1923-1939, by Anna Shternshis. 2006
An Inadvertent Riposte To The Rather Silly Exculpatory Argument That Jewish Communists Were “Not Really Jews” The eye-opening book upends the notion that Jews of the Soviet Union had been Jews in name only. They… Read moreZydokomuna are Real Jews Telushkin
Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History, by Joseph Telushkin. 2014
Top Jewish Communist Lazar Kaganovicz Remains a Jew. A Rarity: The Rebbe Supported Public School Prayer. Talmud: Attacking a Jew Equals Attacking God A major theme of this book is… Read moreZydokomuna Atheism USSR Jews Pushed Husband
Godless Communists: Atheism and Society in Soviet Russia, 1917-1932, by William B. Husband. 1999
An Introduction to Soviet Communist Militant Atheism and the Main Drivers Behind It This work presents a good overview of this subject. I elaborate on a few major themes: MILITANT ATHEISM LARGELY POSTDATED THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION… Read moreZOLNIERZE WYKLECI Freedom Fighters Wieliczka Szarkowa
Żołnierze wyklęci. Niezłomni bohaterowie, by Joanna Wieliczka-Szarkowa. 2013
Polish Irregular Fighters for Freedom Against the Soviet-Imposed Communist Puppet Government THE CURSED SOLDIERS: INDOMITABLE HEROES is the title of this Polish-language work. It focuses on the post-WWII Polish anti-Communist guerrilla movements, with the book organized according to chapter on 33 specific… Read moreZOLNIERZE WYKLECI Freedom Fighters Zebrowski
Zolnierze Wykleci, by Grzegorz Wasowski and Leszek Zebrowski. 1999
A Photo-Filled One-Volume Encyclopedia on the Polish Guerrilla Resistance Against Soviet Rule THE CURSED SOLDIERS: THE ANTI-COMMUNIST ARMED UNDERGROUND AFTER 1944 is the title of this Polish-language book. It features almost exhaustive biographical detail about Underground guerrilla personages. There is far… Read moreZydokomuna 1905 Provoked Pogroms Tsar Nicholas II Bing
The Secret Letters of the Last Tsar, by Edward J. Bing (Editor). 1938
Tsar Nicholas II: Jewish Revolutionaries Provoked the Pogroms of the Revolution of 1905 By way of introduction, the author was head of a special British Mission to the Bolshevik government. Earlier, he had attended the celebrations, in… Read moreZydokomuna 1939 Was Large Scale Friedlaender
Nazi Germany and the Jews: The Years of Extermination, 1939-1945 (Nazi Germany and the Jews #2), by Saul Friedländer. 2007
Contrary to Holocaust-Uniqueness Contentions, the Nazis Let Some Jews Go Free. 1939 Zydokomuna Large. Eastern European Common Knowledge of Holocaust Not Until Late 1942 The comprehensive nature of this work… Read moreZydokomuna 1939 Was Large Scale Rosenfeld
From Lwow to Parma: A Young Woman's Escape from Nazi-Occupied Poland, by Klara Rosenfeld. 2005
1939-1941 Zydokomuna Was Not Marginal. It Was Huge The 1939 war caught Rosenfeld by surprise. She was in Lwow (Lviv) and found herself in a series of Luftwaffe bombing raids. In common with countless other… Read moreWWII Humor Lipman
Laughter in Hell: Use of Humor During the Holocaust, by Steve Lipman. 1991
Humor Directed Against Nazi Germany, Nazi Personages, and German Policies This work is not just a collection of jokes. It also traces their purposes, and the psychology behind them. Some jokes were forms of satire, and passive… Read moreWWII Not Preventable Rosenfeld
Hi Hitler!: How the Nazi Past Is Being Normalized in Contemporary Culture, by Gavriel D. Rosenfeld. 2014
Holocaust Supremacy Still Reigns. Buchanan Wrong on WWII Being Preventable. LEBENSRAUM was the Key The reader may erroneously get the impression that this book is primarily about the trivialization of the Holocaust, or… Read moreZbaszyn 1938 Jewish Expellees Facts Bryant
Unfinished Victory, by Arthur Bryant. 1940
A Non-Nazi View of Jews in Weimar and Early Nazi Germany. Clarity on 1938 Zbaszyn (German Jews Expelled to Poland)
The British author wrote this book just before the Second World War broke out. For this reason, it provides a unique perspective- one that…
Read moreZbaszyn 1938 Jewish Expellees Facts Tartakower
Jewish Refugee, by Aryeh Tartakower. 1944
Insights Into Polish Policies Towards THE Third-Reich Jews Dumped at Bentschen (Zbaszyn) 1938 This heavily-documented work contains many facts and figures on the early-middle WWII-related movement of Jews across, Europe, Palestine, the USSR, and other nations. In terms of historical development, the authors touch… Read moreZOLNIERZE WYKLECI Freedom Fighters Instytut Pamieci Narodowej
Atlas polskiego podziemia niepodległościowego 1944-1956/The atlas of the independence underground in Poland 1944-1956, by Instytut Pamięci Narodowej (Contributor). 2007
The Zolnierze Wykleci: A Superb, Very Detailed Atlas and Compendium of Polish Guerrilla Action Against the Soviet-Imposed Communist Puppet Government THE ATLAS OF THE INDEPENDENCE UNDERGROUND IN POLAND 1944-1956 is the… Read moreZOLNIERZE WYKLECI Freedom Fighters Kurek
Zaporczycy w Fotografii 1943-1963, by Ewa Kurek. 1995
The Zolnierze Wykleci: A Fascinating Photo-Album of Polish Guerrillas Who Fought Against the Nazis and Communists. Decades-Long Combat! THE ‘ZAPORCZYCY’ [MAJOR ZAPORA’S MEN] IN PHOTOGRAPHS 1943-1963, is the title of this 2009 Polish-language book. It has a huge collection of photographs. The… Read moreWarsaw Uprising 1944 Soviet Betrayal Jewish Complicity Blazynski
Mówi Józef Światło. Za Kulisami Bezpieki I Partii 1940 1955, by Zbigniew Błażyński. 1985
Jewish Communist From Poland Defects(?) to the USA. Jewish Complicity in the Soviet Betrayal of the Poles' 1944 Warsaw Uprising JOZEF SWIATLO SPEAKS is the title of this Polish-language work. It features Jozef Swiatlo (Izaak Fleischfarb,… Read moreWartime Profiteering Jewish Lutoslawski
Bolshevism and Poland (Classic Reprint), by Wincenty Lutoslawski. 2018
Leading Endek Thinker: Nationalism, the Zydokomuna, Wartime Jewish Profiteering, Bogus Pogroms, Nature of Communism, Forecast of German Nazism This classic is packed with sagacious information. For example: UNDEMONIZING ENDEK NATIONALISM: IN NO SENSE A FORM OF WHAT LATER WAS CALLED FASCISM… Read moreWhite Privilege Myth Harms PolAms Pienkos1
For Your Freedom Through Ours: Polish American Efforts on Poland's Behalf, 1863-1991, by Donald E. Pienkos. 2018
“White Privilege” Myth Applied To Polish Americans. Confronting Anti-Polonism and Holocaust Supremacism—Then and Now This comprehensive work details the life of Poles in America going back to colonial times. Much biographical and… Read moreWhite Privilege Myth Harms PolAms Pienkos2
PNA Centennial History of the Polish National Alliance of the United States of North America, by Donald E. Pienkos. 1984
Poles, as Whites, Were in No Sense Privileged This book is a history of the PNA (Polish National Alliance). But it is much more than that. It is, to a… Read moreWilno 1920 Seizure Myth Pilsudski
Year 1920, by Józef Piłsudski. 1972
Bogus Border-Deciding Plebiscites. Wilno 1920 Polish "Seizure" a Myth. Poland Not the Aggressor in the 1920 Polish-Soviet War This work, originally published in 1924 in Polish, is loaded with facts, tables, and maps. The latter are large-scale, foldout ones, showing the movements of Polish… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Nazi Credits Poles Moczarski
Conversations with an Executioner, by Kazimierz Moczarski. 1984
Nazi Jew-Killer Juergen Stroop Gave More Credit to Poles, for Overall Jew-Rescue and Substantial Aid to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943), Than Do Far Too Many Jews Today. Go Figure! This fascinating book is packed with eye-opening information. Read on. INTRODUCTION The… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Nazi Credits Poles Stroop
The Stroop Report, by Jürgen Stroop. 1986
Nazi German Jew-Killer and Warsaw-Uprising-Butcher Juergen Stroop Gives More Credit to Polish Assistance to the Uprising Than Do Many Jewish Authors Today. For Shame This chilling day-by-day diary recounts the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto. The descriptions are methodical. POLES FOUGHT ALONGSIDE, AND… Read moreWarsaw STARE MIASTO Destroyed and Rebuilt Zarzad
Stare Miasto w Warszawie: Odbudowa, by Poland, Zarzad Muzeow. 1956
POLAK POTRAFI: Warsaw’s Historic Center Re-Created Almost From Scratch after WWII THE REBUILDING OF THE OLD TOWN OF WARSAW is the title of this Polish-language work. Warsaw’s Stare Miasto had many centuries-old buildings. Many of them were destroyed during the… Read moreWarsaw Uprising 1944 Soviet Innocence Two Uprisings Fallacies Countered Zebrowski
Warszawa '44: Krew i Chwala, by Leszek Zebrowski. 2018
How the Soviet-Betrayed 1944 Warsaw Uprising Continues To Be Misused By Those Who Harm Poland Book title: PROPAGANDA SURROUNDING THE UPRISING AS A TOOL OF OLD AND CONTEMPORARY POLITICS Historian Leszek Zebrowski reminds us that, "History is a tool of politics."(p.… Read moreWarsaw Uprising 1944 Soviet Betrayal Condemned By RAF Marshal Slessor
The Central Blue: Recollections and Reflections, by John Slessor. 1956
Sir John Slessor, Air Marshal of the RAF, Squarely and Forcefully Confronts the Perfidy of the Soviet Betrayal of the Poles’ 1944 Warsaw Uprising, and the Persistent British Softness on Communism This thick volume raises many topics, and includes a… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Clarifications Edelman
The Ghetto Fights, by Marek Edelman, John Rose (contributor). 1990
Anti-Jewish Riots German-Made. Jews Long in Denial About Unfolding Holocaust. As per Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943), Poles Couldn't Arm Jews More This book was written in 1945 in Poland. [Review based on 1990 English-language reprint.] Owing to the fact that… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Clarifications Kazik
Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter, by Kazik (Simha Rotem), Simha Rotem, Barbara Harshav (Editor). 2001
Implied Candor on the Reasons Behind Poles’ Scaled-Down Support for the Jews’ Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Double Standards on Robbery of Jews (By Poles or By Soviets) While describing the events that led up to… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Hostile Witness Credits Poles Mark
Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto, by Ber Mark, Gershon Freidlin (Translator). 1975
Hostile Witness (Jewish Communist and Rabid Polonophobe) Gives Backhanded Credit to the Poles in the Jews' Warsaw Ghetto Uprising This book is revealing in a number of ways, in that it shows how scurrilous Communist propaganda has now… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Inadequate Polish Aid Debunked Grubsztein
Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust, by Meir Grubsztein (Editor). 1971
BOMBSHELL: Why Jews Are Quick to Assume Pogroms. Polokaust To Destroy Polish Population. Polish Aid to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Was Sincere and Substantial This book, based on a conference in 1968 and published back in 1971, clarifies much anti-Polonism.… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Myth of Long Duration Reitlinger
Final Solution, by Gerald Reitlinger. 1987
"The Warsaw Ghetto Fought Longer Than the Polish Army” Myth. Polokaust Factored. Auschwitz Komandant Hoess Was NOT a Christian Reitlinger describes the extermination of Jews in great detail, arriving at a probable range of 4.2 to 5.7 million murdered Jews (p. 501), based on… Read moreWarsaw Ghetto Uprising Nazi Credits Poles Blood
Hitler's Bandit Hunters: The SS and the Nazi Occupation of Europe, by Philip W. Blood. 2006
On Lebensraum and anti-Slavic German Racism. Dutch SS Man Confirms: Poles Fought Alongside Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Hitler discussed Lebensraum in his MEIN KAMPF. (p. 97). However, the concept long predated Hitler.… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Lacquer
The Terrible Secret, by Walter Lacquer.
Polish Warnings of the Unfolding Holocaust Were Ignored by Local Jews and Were Ignored by Jews in the West. Yet--Surprise--Poland is the One That Gets Blamed This encyclopedic work, by a French Jew, covers many details about the emergence of news about what has… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Soifer
Between Life & Death: History of Jewish Life in Wartime Poland, 1939-1945, by Ben A. Soifer. 1995
Zbaszyn 1938. Cardinal Hlond (1936) Right on Jews and Atheism. Just Like Poles: Post-Jewish Property Acquisition—By Jews Themselves! Polish Warnings Ignored This book is not an easy read, and the person who is… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Zawadzka
Living in Fear on the Aryan Side, by Halina Zawadzka. 2009
Jews Ignored—Even Despised—Polish Warnings About the German Gassing and Cremation of Jews. Why A.K. Sometimes Killed Fugitive Jews Halina Zawadzka described her pre-WWII life as one in which her parents were atheists, hostile to religion, including Judaism. (p.122). She… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Karski is Belittled Engel
The Western Allies and the Holocaust JAN KARSKI'S MISSION TO THE WEST, 1942-1944, by David Engel. 1990
A Belittling of the Pole Jan Karski’s Herculean Efforts to Warn the World About the Unfolding German-Made Holocaust. Ingratitude or What? Silence on Jewish Leaders’ Ignoring of Karski’s Warnings This article comes across… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Karski Was IGNORED Wood
Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust, by E. Thomas Wood (Goodreads Author), Stanislaw M. Jankowski, Elie Wiesel (Foreword). 1994
Americans (Jewish and Non-Jewish) Generally Disbelieved Karski's Warnings. No Evidence That Endeks Summarily Opposed Polish Aid to Jews The book includes interesting details about Polish underground action against… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Korbonski
Fighting Warsaw: The Story of the Polish Underground State, 1939-1945, by Stefan Korbonski. 2004
Poles Didn't Fail the Jews: The British and Local Jews Failed to Heed Polish Warnings. The "Polish Nationalists Won't Admit Polish Wrongdoing" Canard Debunked Stefan Korbonski, one of the last surviving leaders of the Polish Underground… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Example Dobroszycki
The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto, 1941-1944, by Lucjan Dobroszycki (Editor), Richard Lourie (Translator), Joachim Neugroschel (Translator). 1987
Polish Warnings to Jews. Polish-Jewish Relations Generally Positive. Jewish Ghetto Police in Action. Polish Mischlinge Murdered After the German-Soviet conquest of Poland in September-October 1939, the area around Lodz was directly annexed… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Goebbels Gives Credit Semmler
Goebbels, the Man Next to Hitler, by Rudolf Semmler. 1947
Leading Nazi Goebbels Gives More Credit to Polish Warnings, About the Doomed Jews, Then Do Many Jews Today (For Shame). Wartime German Looting, and Not Just Poles From Jews. The Proposed Nazi/Soviet Separate Peace Anticipated the Teheran/Yalta Sellout of Poland… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Arad
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, by Yitzhak Arad. 1999
Jews, Both Local and International, Ignored Polish Warnings on the Unfolding Holocaust. And--Surprise--Now Its All the Poles' Fault! 70% Treblinka Fugitive Jewish Survival Rate Yitzhak Arad provides a great deal of information relative to the extermination of Jews… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Bem
Sobibor, by Marek Bem. 2010
Poles Cheering Jewish Deaths Myth. Jews Ignored Polish Warnings. Jew Killings By Unclear Perpetrators or Motives (Do Not Rush to Judgement!). Hiding Jewish Deaths Myth This work provides exhaustive detail on Sobibor. It includes testimonies, archival information, maps and sketches, biographies, and photographs. It also… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah IGNORED Karski
Story of a Secret State: My Report to the World, by Jan Karski, Madeleine K. Albright (Foreword), Zbigniew Brzeziński (Afterword), Timothy Snyder (Goodreads Author) (Contributor). 2013
Karski’s Historic Trip: A Polish Underground Operation (Not the Deeds of a Lone Idealist). Roosevelt Lied to Polish Leaders Jan Karski’s trip to England… Read moreVictimhood Competition Poles Beat Jews Pula
The Polish American Encyclopedia, by James S. Pula (Editor). 2010
Polish Activism Thwarted Holocaust Supremacism For Once. Bravo California Pol-Ams! This single volume packs in a great deal of information-- biographical data on major and minor Pol-Am personages of virtually every walk of life, Pol-Am cultural phenomena, reviews of major… Read moreVictimhood Competition Poles Beat Jews Zygmunt
Polish Americans in California, Volume II, by Gene Harubin Zygmunt. 1995
Polish Activism Puts a Dent in Holocaust Supremacism, and Wins the Polokaust (My Term) a Measure of Coverage in California Public Schools This 1995 work is a sequel to the 1977 first volume. Please read the Peczkis review of… Read moreVictimhood Competition Ukes Beat Jews Young
The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and Meaning, by James E. Young. 1994
Babi Yar Memorial Park in Denver: Ukrainian-Americans Push Back Against The Holocaust Monopoly. Also Jewish Cemeteries in Poland, With Unsubstantiated Accusations Against Poles This book includes details on the early-postwar memorialization of what became known as the… Read moreVOLKSDEUTSCHE and Policja Granatowa Bacall-Zwirn
No Common Place, by Alina Bacall-Zwirn. 2000
VOLKSDEUTSCHE. Polish Police” (POLICJA GRANATOWA) Commonly German-Led The author recounts her experiences in a form of interviews given in the 1990's, some fifty years after the events. She also expresses anger over those who deny that the Holocaust ever happened, and lists some… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah British Gag Imposed Fleming
Auschwitz, the Allies, and Censorship of the Holocaust, by Michael Fleming. 2014
Great Britain, and Not Poles, Gagged Incoming Information About the Unfolding German-Made Shoah. This Polonophobic-Lite Work is An Improvement Over Previous Hard-Core Polonophobic Books In this work, historian Michael Fleming contradicts, or at least introduces some nuance into,… Read moreWarnings By Poles of Shoah Buried By Allies and Scholars DEFINITIVE WORK Plesch
Human Rights After Hitler, by Dan Plesch. 2017
DEFINITIVE WORK: Polish Warnings About Holocaust Suppressed in Holocaust Scholarship. “Polish Authorities Wouldn’t Specify Jewish Deaths” a Myth. “The Allies Did Not Know of the Holocaust Until Near the End” Also a Myth The standard Holocaust narrative posits that the Polish Underground… Read moreVerhofstadt Full Fledged Belgian Nazis Bruyne de
For Rex and For Belgium, by Eddy deBruyne and Marc Rikmenspoel. 2004
Inadvertent Guy Verhofstadt Tutorial. Beyond Leon Degrelle and Collaboration: Full-Fledged Belgian Nazis Nowadays, images of Nazi collaboration remain topical. Belgian Europarliament leader Guy Verhofstadt has recently (November 2017) called Polish Independence Day marchers Nazis. Besides being an egregious… Read moreVersailles German Exculpation Debunked Mowrer
Balkanized Europe - A Study in Political Analysis and Reconstruction, by Paul Scott Mowrer. 2009
Polish Anti-Semitism Two Sides. "Polish" Vices. "Terrible" Versailles German Exculpation Debunked The author examines the numerous nations that had arisen after WWI, and other peoples (e.g., the Slovenes) who had not become separate nations. He… Read moreVictimhood Competition A Retort To Holocaust Supremacism Aschheim
In Times of Crisis: Essays on European Culture, Germans, and Jews, by Steven E. Aschheim. 2001
Holocaust Supremacism, By Its Very Nature, Provokes Victimhood Competition. UPDATE (2018): Measured Proof That All Non-Jewish Genocides Are Still Marginalized Author Steven E. Aschheim is now Professor Emeritus of History at Hebrew University. Owing… Read moreVictimhood Competition Cambodians Beat Jews Jinks
Representing Genocide: The Holocaust as Paradigm?, by Rebecca Jinks, Devin O. Pendas (Editor). 2016
Victimhood Competition: Cambodians Beat the Jews. Non-Jewish Genocides Have Admittedly Been Minimized Thanks to Holocaust Supremacism This book focuses on how non-Jewish genocides are sometimes understood and expressed through the Jews’ Holocaust. This fits-in with Michael… Read moreVictimhood Competition Jews Beat Ukrainians Govier
Victims and Victimhood, by Trudy Govier. 2015
Victim Olympics: Victimhood Competition. Jews Beat Ukes. Holocaust Supremacism: A “Second Wounding” of Peoples Whose Genocides Have Been Ignored or Marginalized The most interesting, and relevant, part of this work discusses the competitive victimhood, between Ukrainian-Canadians and Jews, over the exhibition, of their… Read moreUSHMM Orwellian Holocaustspeak Comedy Linenthal
Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America's Holocaust Museum, by Edward Tabor Linenthal. 2001
Defining Holocaust: An Orwellian Comedy. So Now The Taxpayer-Funded Palace of Holocaust Supremacy (USHMM) Sits Right in the Nation’s Capital The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) is the palace—open in 1993. The Nazi German genocide… Read moreUSHMM Polonophobic Staff Trofanenko
Beyond Pedagogy: Reconsidering the Public Purpose of Museums, by Brenda Trofanenko (Contributor), Avner Segall (Editor). 2014
Polonophobia is Alive and Well at the USHMM (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) This otherwise-unremarkable book inadvertently calls attention to Holocaust-related anti-Polonism among the staff of the USHMM. But first I discuss, for the… Read moreUSHMM Slights Gypsies Crowe
The Gypsies of Eastern Europe, by David M. Crowe (Contributor). 1992
Nazi Genocidal Ambitions Against Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies. USHMM Slights Non-Jews, Including Gypsies My review of this anthology is largely limited to the Nazi genocide of the Gypsies (Sinti and Roma). This seldom-publicized genocide has a name: PORAJMOS or… Read moreUsury Unpopularity the Reasons Asala
Polish Proverbs, by Joanne Asala. 2002
Old Polish Wisdom. Insights Into the Unpopularity of Usury, Widely Practiced by Jews This small book (64 pages) packs a wallop! Some of my favorite Polish proverbs are: "In church, at the inn, and in the grave, all men are equal." (p. 23) "You… Read moreVerhofstadt Belgian Congo Genocide Vanthemsche
Belgium and the Congo, 1885 1980, by Guy Vanthemsche. 2012
Belgian-Caused Genocide in Congo: An Inadvertent—And Much-Needed--Lesson for Guy Verhofstadt Author Guy Vanthemsche is professor of contemporary history at Free University Brusses (Vrjie Universiteit Brussel). It is packed with information. INTRODUCTION: CURRENT EVENTS IN THE LIGHT OF THE CONGOLESE GENOCIDE… Read moreVerhofstadt Belgian Nazi Collaborators Conway
Collaboration In Belgium: Léon Degrelle And The Rexist Movement, 1940 1944, by Martin Conway. 1993
Guy Verhofstadt Lesson. The “German-Led New Order In Europe” Mentality Drove Old Nazi Collaboration AND Today’s European Union! It is easy to see that the author of this work is a careful thinker. For instance,… Read moreUndemonizing Polish Nationalism Jachymek
More Than Independence: Polish Political Thought 1918-1939, by Jan Jachymek.
Debunks Many Myths About the Interwar Polish Right. Endeks Were in No Sense Pro-Fascist or Pro-Nazi This anthology features many authors and political movements. Owing to its breadth, I focus on a few items. CONSERVATISM IS NOT SYNONYMOUS WITH… Read moreUndemonizing Polish Nationalism Rose
Polish Memoirs, by William John Rose, Daniel Stone (Editor). 1976
Polish Nationalism Undemonized and Clarified. The Jewish Share of Blame. Teschen 1938 Justified. Age-Old German Polonophobia William John Rose was a Canadian from Winnipeg who visited Poland around the time just before WWI. He learned much about Poland. Soon thereafter,… Read moreUndemonizing Polish Nationalism Super
Twenty-Five Years With the Poles, by Paul Super. 1951
Poland's Interwar Achievements. Undemonizing Polish Nationalism. Teschen/Cieszyn 1938. YMCA in Poland The author arrived in Poland in 1922. At that time, Poland was afflicted with hyperinflation, and would be for at least another two years (for details, see p. 55). This… Read moreUniversalism Jewish a Recent Development Sears
Compassion for Humanity in the Jewish Tradition, by Dovid Sears. 1998
Jewish Universalism Mostly a Recent Development. Cheating the GOYIM: Immoral or Unwise? This work is an impressive collection of positive Jewish statements about gentiles. For instance, righteous non-Jews deserve a place in the World to Come (SANHREDRIN 105a). (p.… Read moreUSHMM Holocaust Supremacism Berenbaum
The World Must Know: The History Of The Holocaust As Told In The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, by Michael Berenbaum. 1993
Correction: The World Must Know ALL Genocides, Not Just the Jews’ Holocaust Jeshajahu Weinberg informs the reader about the scope of the USHMM (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum):… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Zionist Counterpart Kaplan
The Jewish Radical Right: Revisionist Zionism and Its Ideological Legacy, by Eran Kaplan. 2005
Undemonizing Dmowski: The Zionist Jabotinsky Believed (For Jews) Very Much the Same As Dmowski Did (For Poles) The title of this work is a little misleading, if not pejorative, as the Zionist Revisionist movement, according to… Read moreUndemonizing Endeks AntiExploitation Not AntiSemtitic Franklin
African Americans and Jews in the Twentieth Century: Studies in Convergence and Conflict, by V.P. Franklin (Editor), Nancy L. Grant (Editor), Harold Kletnick (Editor). 1999
Jewish/African-America Cooperation and Conflict, With Unmentioned Endek Parallels in Pre-WWII Poland This scholarly anthology consists of many articles, of which I discuss a few. One… Read moreUndemonizing Endeks on Partial Expulsion of Jews Bonsal
Suitors and Suppliants: The Little Nations at Versailles, by Stephen Bonsal. 1946
Soundly Debunks the Myth of Dmowski Wanting All Jews to Leave Poland. Dmowski Actually Believed That the Jews' Liabilities Were Partly Situational, and That Some Jews Could Become a Part of Poland By way of introduction, author Stephen… Read moreUndemonizing Endeks on Partial Expulsion of Jews Finkelstein
Knowing Too Much: Why the American Jewish Romance with Israel Is Coming to an End, by Norman G. Finkelstein. 2012
Most Israeli Jews Want Israeli Arabs Expelled, Just as Pre-WWII Endeks Wanted Poland's Jews (Partly) Expelled This book is primarily about certain Jews' objections to the conduct of the State… Read moreUndemonizing Endeks on Partial Expulsion of Jews Segal
The New Order in Poland, by Simon Segal. 1942
Some Jews Spared From Nazi Persecution. Mass Emigration of Jews Supported By VARIOUS Poles and Jews! Prewar Poland Had Achieved Much in Agriculture. Because this book was written just before the Holocaust, its analyses were not colored by it. PRE-SHOAH:… Read moreUndemonizing Polish Nationalism Not Fascism Chodakiewicz
Spanish Carlism and Polish Nationalism, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz and John Radzilowski (eds.) 2003
Undemonizing Nationalism: Neither Polish Nationalism Nor Spanish Nationalism Had Been Forms of Fascism. Essential Differences From Fascism Reader: Prepare to learn a lot of things you will never get from the leftmedia or the mostly-leftist academia!… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Phillips
The New Poland, by Charles Phillips. 1923
Undemonizing Dmowski: Seldom-Told Facts About the 1912 Duma Elections. Judeopolonia. Jewish Disloyalty in the 1920 War The author had been a member of the American Red Cross Commission to Poland. Every imaginable aspect of Polish life is featured in detail in this volume:… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Sorely Needed By Porter
When Nationalism Began to Hate, by Brian Porter. 2000
Left-Wing Hatchet Job on Polish Patriotism. Better Title: When Brian Porter Began to Hate. In Fact, Positions Used By Porter to Demonize Dmowski Were Commonly Held By Jews Themselves! WARNING: Cultural Marxism UWAGA: Kulturowe Marksizm BACKGROUND: Author Brian Porter-Szucs has a… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Updating Him Poles Stop Serving Others Ziemkiewicz
Mysli Nowoczesnego Endeka, by Rafal A. Ziemkiewicz. 2012
How Poles Too Often Retain a Creole Mentality--That of a Colonized People Whose Job is To Serve Foreign Interests. Why Dmowski Opposed Jews This book, now a little dated, was written before the election of the PiS (PRAWA I SPRAWIEDLIWOSC) government by… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Ury
Barricades and Banners: The Revolution of 1905, by Scott Ury. 2012
Jew-on-Jew Violence. Jewish Social Problems. Roman Dmowski Undemonized. Endek Activism and Boycotts of Jews CASUISTRY IN ACTION Scott Ury provides unusual, and sometimes arcane, detail on the social dislocations caused by the rapidly growing Jewish population of Russian-ruled Warsaw… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Wolikowska
Roman Dmowski: Czlowiek, Polak, Przyjaciel, by Isabella Wolikowska. 1961
Roman Dmowski Was a Very Different Man From the Portrayal By His Critics ROMAN DMOWSKI: PERSONAGE, POLE, AND FRIEND is the title of this book in English-language translation. [My review is based on the original 1961 edition.] It was published by… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Jews Minnen
Van Loon: Popular Historian, Journalist, and FDR Confidant, by Cornelis van Minnen. 2005
Early 20th Century Dutch Journalist: Both Jews and Poles Were at Fault. Dmowski Pro-Russian a Myth This work begins with a biography of Hendrik Willem van Loon, and moves on to his early life in Holland, and… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Jews No Conspiracy Theories Dmowski
Polityka polska i odbudowanie państwa, by Roman Dmowski. 2009
Dmowski Vs. Jews: The Seldom-Told Dmowski Side of the Story. Dmowski Rejected PROTOCOLS-Style Jewish World-Control Conspiracy Theories POLISH POLITICS AND THE REBUILDING OF THE NATION is the title of this 2-volume Polish-language book. (Review based on 2nd, 1937 edition, reprinted in… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Jews Wapinski
Roman Dmowski, by Roman Wapiński. 1979
Undemonizing Dmowski: Reacting Intellectually, and Not Emotionally, to His Statements on Jews This work analyzes the Endek leader, and includes many seldom-published photos of the same. [Review based on 392-page 1988 edition]. The extensive quotations from Dmowski, including from his relatively obscure works, alone… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Nazism Dmowski1
Wybór pism. Tom 1 (Wybór Pism #1), by Roman Dmowski. 2014
Roman Dmowski Was in No Sense Pro-Fascist or Pro-Nazi A SELECTION OF THE WRITINGS OF ROMAN DMOWSKI is the title of this compilation of 29 Polish-language articles originally published between 1893 and 1934. THOUGHTS OF A MODERN-THINKING POLE (1902),… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Nazism Dmowski2
Duch Europy, by Roman Dmowski.
Dmowski Comments on Nazi-Style Racism--In No Sense Embracing It THE SOUL OF EUROPE is the title of this 45-page book. It was originally published, to a small audience, by Dmowski in 1938. This was less than one year before his death. It is one… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on the New Poland Dmowski
Problems of Eastern and Central Europe, by Roman Dmowski. 1917
Polish Statesman Dmowski Clarifies Polish Successes Against the Overbearing Prussians, the Kresy, Poland's Boundaries, Jewish Separatism and Overcrowding, etc. This small book packs quite a punch. For example: “COLONIZATION”: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN For a long time, Ukrainian… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Jews Dillon
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference, by Emile Joseph Dillon. 2011
A Non-Pole Rationally Assesses Roman Dmowski and His Well-Reasoned Position on Jews This book (review based on original 1920 edition) covers many topics, and I focus on a few of them. The author is remarkably even-handed with reference… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Jews Dmowski1
Myśli Nowoczesnego Polaka, by Roman Dmowski. 2007
Dmowski Inveighs Against Polish Passivity and Defeatism. Dmowski's True Views of Jews: Tactical Anti-Semitism Owed to Clashing Polish-Jewish Interests THOUGHTS OF A MODERN-THINKING POLE is the title of this Polish-language book. Originally published in 1903, its 4th edition, the subject of this review,… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Jews Dmowski2
Separatyzm Zydow i Jego Zrodla, by Roman Dmowski. 1909
Some Jews Polish Patriots. Jewish Germanophilia and Identification With Partitioning Powers. Yiddishist Movement. Disloyalty to Poland By Assimilationist as Well as Anti-Assimilationist Jews JEWISH SEPARATISM AND ITS CAUSES is the title of this 19-page Polish-language booklet. Originally published as an article… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Jews Dmowski3
Niemcy, Rosja i Kwestya Polska, by Roman Dmowski. 1908
Roman Dmowski's Sophisticated View of Jews. Poles Partly to Blame. Jews NOT Made Into Scapegoats GERMANY, RUSSIA, AND THE POLISH QUESTION is the title of this Polish-language book, originally published in 1908. It describes a time when Poland, as a sovereign… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski on Jews Kolarz
Myths and Realities in Eastern Europe, by Walter Kolarz. 1972
Roman Dmowski Was Right: In Eastern Europe, Jews Have Generally Weak and Often Ephemeral Attachments to the Nations in Which They Live The author surveys the claims of nations and nationalities in some detail. I focus on a few items… Read moreUnassimilability PreWWII Jews Endeks Confirmed Scharf
Poland What Have I To Do With Thee ?: Essays Without Prejudice, by Raphael F. Scharf, Raphael F. Scharf. 1998
Endeks Were Right: Poland's Jews Were Unassimilable. Without Discrimination, Jews Would've Dominated Polish Universities This Jewish author mixes Polonophobic and thoughtful comments. I focus on the latter. WITHOUT RESTRICTIVE QUOTAS… Read moreUndemonizing Balicki’s National Egoism Grott
Zygmunt Balicki: Ideolog Narodowej Demokracji, by Bogumil Grott. 1995
A Selection of The Original Writings of Pioneering Endek Thinker Zygmunt Balicki (1858-1916). Undemonizing Belicki’s “National Egoism” ZYGMUNT BALICKI: NATIONAL DEMOCRAT IDEOLOGUE, is the title of this two-part book. In the first part, Bogumil Grott analyzes Balicki (pp. 5-80). In the… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Duma Elections Corrsin
Warsaw Before the First World War: Poles and Jews in the Third City of the Russian Empire,1880-1914, by Stephen D. Corrsin. 1989
Includes Corrective, Seldom-Mentioned Details on 1912 Elections to the Duma, and the Much-Condemned Dmowski-Led Boycott of Jews This work provides much data on the development of Russian-ruled Warsaw… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Duma Elections Jones
The New Poland, by Paul V. B. Jones. 1919
DUMA Elections Importance. Especially Good on the Effective Polish Pushback Against Prussian Rule Over Northwest Poland This 16-page pamphlet discusses several issues related to Poland’s regaining of independence in 1918. THE PARTITIONS WERE NOT INEVITABLE Author Paul Jones realizes the internal… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Duma Elections Levin
The Third Duma, Election and Profile, by Alfred Levin. 1973
Important Background Information to the Much-Mischaracterized 1912 Duma Election and Retaliatory Dmowski-Led Boycott of Jews This work requires an in-depth knowledge of the political process in the early 20th-century Russian Empire. It focuses on political parties and personages. This book… Read moreUndemonizing Dmowski Fountain
Roman Dmowski, by Alvin Fountain. 1980
Undemonizing Dmowski. His Essential Political Thought Author Alvin Fountain is no "Polish nationalist". He is an American historian. This book covers Dmowski's thinking in 1895-1907, well before Poland's regaining of independence (1918). NEITHER ETHNONATIONALISM NOR CIVIC NATIONALISM The nation should not be defined by… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Stepanska Huta Piotrowski
Krwawe Zniwa, by Czeslaw Piotrowski. 1995
The Ukrainian OUN-UPA Genocide of Volhynian Poles. Fall of Stepanska Huta. Decades-Later Visits BLOODY HARVESTS BEYOND THE STYR, HORYN, AND SLUCZ RIVERS is the title of this Polish-language book (Review based on 2nd edition, 2004). It describes the unfolding WWII Ukrainian fascist-separatist OUN-UPA genocide… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Very Unlike Operation Wisla Zurek
UPA w Bieszczadach: Straty Ludności Polskiej Poniesione z Rąk Ukraińskich w Bieszczadach w Latach 1939-1947, by Stanisław Żurek. 2007
Do Not Relativize Operation Wisla With the Earlier OUN-UPA Genocide of Over 100,000 Poles! Title: THE UPA IN THE BIESZCZADY MOUNTAINS. This scholarly book traces the course of the Ukrainian fascist-separatist… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Volyn Today Siemaszko
Wolyn Naszych Przodkow, by Ewa Siemaszko. 2010?
Poland's Jews are Not the Only Vanished Communities! The Poles of Wolyn (Volyn, Volhynia) Are a Forgotten Vanished Community. The Ukrainian OUN-UPA Genocide of Poles, the Teheran/Yalta Acquiesed Soviet Confiscation of the Kresy, and the Soviet-Directed Expulsions of Poles Title: VOLYN OF OUR… Read moreUnassimilability PreWWII Jews Endeks Confirmed Doblin
Journey to Poland, by Alfred Döblin, Joachim Neugroschel (Translator). 1991
Visiting German Jew (1920s) Confirms Endeks on the Overall Unassimilability of Poland's Jews. Poland, Unlike the USA, Lacked the Economic Resources To Drive Jews to Assimilate Nowadays, Poles get a lot of flak for once supporting the ethnonationalism that is… Read moreUnassimilability PreWWII Jews Endeks Confirmed Lewin
A History of Polish Jewery During the Revival of Poland, by Isaac Lewin. 1990
Militant Jewish Separatism and Its Opponents Among Poland’s Jews. 1918 So-Called Pogroms: Charges and Countercharges This book is fairly shallow. It dwells on statements made by various personages but never goes any deeper. The author makes… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Apologists Debunked Polishchuk
Faچszowanie Historii Najnowszej Ukrainy: Woچyڳn 1943 I Jego Znaczenie, by Wiktor Poliszczuk
All Exculpations for the Ukrainian (OUN-UPA) Genocide of Poles Are Completely Demolished Ukrainian author Polishchuk shows how, ever since the end of WWII, the Ukrainian fascist-separatist OUN-UPA has been repainting itself into a democracy-loving group of freedom-fighters. This… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Counteracted Dziemianczuk
Polish Self Defence In Volhynia, by Wladyslaw Dziemianczuk. 1999
How Poles Fought Back Against the Ukrainian (OUN-UPA) Genocide of Poles in Volyn (Wolyn) This is one of the few English-language books on this little-known genocidal event. During the German occupation of prewar eastern Poland during WWII, Ukrainian collaborators massively assisted… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Ethnographic Lands Myth Jastrzebski
Ludobojstwo Nacjonalistow Na Polakach Lubelszczyznie W Latach 1939-1947, by Stanislaw Jastrzebski. 2007
The OUN-UPA Genocide in Post-WWII Poland, Operation Wisla, and the Myth of THE Genocide Driven By “Rightful Ukrainian Ethnographic Territories” Title: THE GENOCIDE CONDUCTED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONALISTS ON THE POLES OF THE LUBLIN REGION IN 1939-1947. Consider… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Komanski
Ludobojstwo Dokonane Przez Nacjonalistow Ukrainskich Na Polakach W Wojewodztwie Tarnopolskim 1939-1946, by Henryk Komanski.
Encyclopedia of the OUN-UPA Genocide of the Jews and Poles of Tarnopol (Ternopil) Voivodship This comprehensive work follows a county-by-county, village-by-village format, giving a summary of local events from 1939-1946. Based upon the testimonies of… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles English DEFINITIVE WORK Piotrowski
Genocide and Rescue in Wolyn, by Tadeusz Piotrowski. 2008
The Best English-Language Work on the OUN-UPA Genocide of the Poles of Volhynia (Wolyn, Volyn) During WWII Scholar Tadeusz Piotrowski's work remains the best-known English language work on this sordid crime. In view of the fact that the UPA butchers are… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Siemaszko
Ludobójstwo dokonane przez nacjonalistów ukraińskich na ludności polskiej Wołynia 1939-1945, by Władysław Siemaszko, Ewa Siemaszko. 2002
A Magisterial Work That Details the OUN-UPA Genocide of the Poles of Wolyn (Volhynia, Volyn) Under the German Occupation During WWII Title: The Genocide Conducted by Ukrainian Nationalists on the Polish population of Volhynia,… Read moreUkrainians Exploited By Poles Debunked Skrzypek
The Problem of Eastern Galicia, by Stanislaw Skrzypek. 1948
The Myth That Ukrainians Had it Bad in Interwar Poland (1918-1939): Fascinating Facts Nowadays, Poland's onetime possession of the Kresy is portrayed as something intrinsically unworkable that was inevitably doomed to failure. This book features seldom-t0ld corrective information: THE ANCIENT POLISH… Read moreUkrainians Exploited By Poles Debunked Snyder
Sketches From a Secret War, by Timothy Snyder. 2005
Henryk Jozewski. Ukrainians Had It Bad in Poland Myth: The Many Ways That Poland Benefitted Ukrainians. OUN Separatism, and Planned Genocide, and the Necessary Polish Pacification Response The life of Henryk Jozewski spanned much of modern Polish history. It included the… Read moreUkrainians in Poland the Facts Felinski
Ukrainians in Poland, by M. Felinski. 1931
Population Statistics. Ruthenian Nonsynonymous With Ukrainians. Austrian-Driven 1918 Polish-Ukrainian War. Bilingual Schools Much of what is published in the West on this subject is slanted towards a Ukrainian nationalist-separatist pan-Ukrainian view. This book provides somewhat of a counterbalance. However, it is no apologist… Read moreUkrainian Culture Stifled in Poland Debunked Paprocki
Minority Affairs and Poland, by Stanislaw J. Paprocki. 1935
"Ukrainians Oppressed in Poland" Soundly Debunked. Despite NUMERUS CLAUSUS, Jews Still Overrepresented at Polish Universities This work surveys Jews, Ukrainians, Germans, Muslim-Tartars, Karaites, Russians, and others. The most interesting details are on the Ukrainians. The facts on Ukrainian cultural growth are… Read moreUkrainian UPA Genocide of Poles Apologists Debunked Filar
Wołyń 1939-1944. Historia, pamięć, pojednanie, by Władysław Filar.
The OUN-UPA Genocide of the Poles of Wolyn (Volhynia): All the Canned Exculpations Examined and Refuted This scholarly work utilizes Polish, Ukrainian, German, Jewish, and Soviet sources. Far from being anti-Ukrainian, it acknowledges past Polish wrongs against Ukrainians (p. 26-on), and… Read moreTax Cheating By Jews Schiff
In Search of Polin: Chasing Jewish Ghosts in Today S Poland, by Gary S. Schiff. 2012
Cheating on Taxes. Evasion of Military Service. Litvak Problem. Strong Jewish Separatism The author started out with the common notion, among Jews, of Poland as nothing more than a vast graveyard of Jews, and… Read moreTax Cheating By Jews Shatyn
A Private War: Surviving in Poland on False Papers, 1941-1945, by Bruno Shatyn. 1985
Cheating on Taxes. Jewish Betrayers as Well as Polish Betrayers Bruno Shatyn (Szatyn, Schatten) was an atypical Polish Jew who, speaking fluent Polish and lacking Semitic features, survived the Nazi occupation in the open. His entire… Read moreBribery and Tax Cheating By Jews Talmudic Basis Noahide Laws Refuted Goldberg
Why Should Jews Survive?, by Michael Goldberg. 1995
Holocaustianity. “Coming to Terms With the Past” Double Standard. Bribery. Tax Evasion. Noahide Laws Not Early Jewish Universalism This work contains much interesting information—and not only related to theology and the Shoah. Author Goldberg believes that American Jews must stop thinking of… Read moreTax Cheating By Jews Talmudic Basis Porton
Goyim: Gentiles and Israelites in Mishnah-Tosefta, by Gary G. Porton. 1989
Talmudic Dual Morality, Tax Evasion, GOYIM as Animals, Racism and Universalism The author identifies himself as Jewish. (p. x). His work consists of many details on the Jewish provisions, in rabbinical literature, dealing with gentiles. JEWS AND THE EVASION… Read moreUkrainians Exploited By Poles Debunked Edwards
The Polish Captivity, Vol. 2 of 2: An Account of the Present Position of the Poles in the Kingdom of Poland, and in the Polish Provinces of Austria, Prussia, and Russia (Classic Reprint), by Sutherland Edwards. 2015
A Fascinating Briton’s Observations in 1860 Partitioned Poland. Poles Did Not Oppress Ukrainians.… Read moreUkrainians Exploited By Poles Debunked Lutoslawski
The Ruthenian Question in Galicia, by Wincenty Lutoslawski, Stanislaw Strxf3nski, Eugeniusz Romer. 2011
Well-Substantiated Facts: Ukrainian Backwardness; Proofs of Austrian-German (Then Soviet) Intrigue in Turning Ukrainians Against Poles; OUN-UPA Genocide Implicitly Prophesied! This short book (review based on original 1919 edition) is packed with information. Far from being some kind… Read moreTalmud AntiChristian Deutsch
Toledot Yeshu ("The Life Story of Jesus") Revisited: A Princeton Conference, by Yaacov Deutsch (Editor), Michael Meerson (Editor). 2011
Venomous Jewish “Counter-Gospel”: It Led to Martin Luther’s Retaliatory Venom Against Jews. (Why is Only Luther Blamed Today??) This work contains numerous scholarly articles on TOLEDOT YESHU, and includes historical background… Read moreTalmud AntiChristian Schafer
Jesus in the Talmud, by Peter Schäfer. 2007
Very Scholarly: Includes an Ironic Counterpart to Christian Charges of Jewish Deicide Agree with this author or not, he is no intellectual lightweight. He teaches Judaic studies at Princeton University, and Rabbi Burton L. Vizotzky (on the outside book cover), calls Schaefer… Read moreTalmud Anti Christian Frydland
When Being Jewish Was A Crime, by Rachmiel Frydland. 1978
Candor on the Talmud Against Jesus Christ, the Admission of GOYIM to the Temple for Prayer, and the ALEINU The author lived in Lesniczowka, near Chelm. (p. 97). He was an Orthodox Jew. One of the yevishas he attended, in… Read moreTalmud Uncensored Attacks On Jesus Christ Teppler
Birkat Haminim, by Yaakov Teppler, Susan Weingarten (Editor). 2007
The Uncensored Talmud Condemning and Cursing Jesus Christ--Which Started Long Before Christians Started to Persecute Jews The core of BIRKAT HAMINIM derives from the Babylonian Talmud (Berakhot 28b-29a). (p. 2). It was written in the Yavneh period, after the Second Temple,… Read moreTargowica the Facts Countess Potocka
Memoirs of the Countess Potocka, by Casimir Stryienski (Editor), Lionel Strachey (Translator). 2004
Assessing Targowica, 1794 Russian Massacre of Warsaw’s Poles. Details on Czartoryski, Tsar Nicholas I, etc. My review is based on the original 1900 edition. Most of this work deals with family matters and personages, as seen by… Read moreTalmudic Racism GOYIM as Virtual Animals Rubenstein
The Culture of the Babylonian Talmud, by Jeffrey L. Rubenstein. 2003
The Contempt of Ancient Babylonian Rabbis for Non-Rabbinic Jews Parallels That Against the GOYIM. Both Were Virtual Animals A major theme of this work is that the traditions of the Palestinian Talmud had a much more favorable view of… Read moreTalmudic Racism Wrestled With Assaf
Untold Tales of the Hasidim: Crisis and Discontent in the History of Hasidism, by David Assaf. 2010
Not Only Christian Authorities Censored Jews: Jewish Authorities Also Censored Jews. Talmudic Racism Confronted This work focuses on the often-disagreeable and sometimes violent antagonisms between different factions of Jews. This includes conflicts between… Read moreTalmudic Racism Wrestled With Carlebach
New Perspectives on Jewish-Christian Relations, by Elisheva Carlebach (Editor), Jacob J. Schacter (Editor). 2011
Includes Insights on Menahem Ha-Meiri and His Medieval Disavowal of Talmudic Antigoyism Towards Christians This work is more technical than the usual works on this subject. Because it presents so much information, I focus on a… Read moreTalmudic Sequels Also Contain Racism Blank
Experience of Jewish Liturgy: Studies Dedicated to Menahem Schmelzer, by Debra Reed Blank (Editor). 2011
The ALEINU (a Jewish Prayer) and Its Confessedly anti-Christian and Racist Implications This work is an anthology of many topics. For instance, Neil Gillman repeats the argument that the belief in the immortality of the… Read moreTalmudic Sequels Also Contain Racism Mahler
Hasidism and the Jewish Enlightenment, by Raphael Mahler. 1984
Jewish Racism in Parts of the Midrash and the Kabbalah. Jewish Prosperity in Poland This work focuses on how the Hasidic movement developed, and how it interacted with other Jews, and gentiles. It also provides insight into the situation facing Jews… Read moreTalmudic Sequels Also Contain Racism Katz
Exclusiveness and Tolerance: Studies in Jewish-Gentile Relations in Medieval and Modern Times, by Jacob Katz. 1983
Talmudic Antigoyism Didn't Die Out in the Talmudic or Medieval Period: It Persisted to Recent Times! Jews and Christians each had stereotypical views of each other (p. xiv), and Jewish views of Christianity were… Read moreTalmudic Maledictions Against Christians Langer
Cursing the Christians?: A History of the Birkat Haminim, by Ruth Langer. 2011
The Long History of Jewish Malediction Against Christianity--Even Before Christians Were in a Position to Persecute Jews This is a fascinating, technical book. The author traces the history of the BIRKAT HAMINIM from antiquity, through the Middle… Read moreTalmudic Parallels to DER GIFTPILZ Wasserman
Jews, Gentiles, and Other Animals, by Mira Beth Wasserman. 2017
A Fascinating Work That Confronts the Racist Aspects of the Talmud. Dual Morality Tacitly Accounts for the Auschwitz Carmelite Convent Controversy Author and Rabbi Mira Beth Wasserman is Assistant Professor of Rabbinical Literature at Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. This work is… Read moreTalmudic Racism and Universalism Cohen
Everyman's Talmud, by Abraham Cohen. 1949
Addresses Talmudic Racism and Universalism. Jewish Chosenness. Antigoyism: Torah Umbrella Exculpation There is a wealth of information in this detailed work by Talmudic scholar Abraham Cohen, and I focus on a few items of lasting interest. My review is based on the original 1949… Read moreTalmudic Racism and Universalism Stern
Jewish Identity in Early Rabbinic Writings, by Sacha Stern. 1997
British Jewish Scholar Analyzes Talmudic Racism and Universalism. A Talmudic Basis For Some Forms of Holocaust-Related Jewish Anti-Polonism The author is Professor of Rabbinic Judaism at University College London. He identifies himself as an Orthodox Jew. (p. xxii). In his… Read moreTalmudic Racism Examples Cohen
The Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Berakot, by Abraham Cohen. 1921
Racist Memes in the Talmudic Tractate Berachoth (Berakot): Stars Were Created Only for the Jews, and the GOYIM as Virtual Animals My review is based on the original 1921 edition. Talmudic scholar Abraham Cohen provides the reader with the entire Tractate… Read moreTalmudic Apologetic Presented Cohon
Why Do the Heathen Rage?, by Samuel Solomon Cohon. 1939
A Talmud Apologetic With Considerable Speculation and Special Pleading. Deals With Jews and GOYISCH Life and Property Consistent with my Judeorealist position (which strives to avoid the extremes of philosemitism and antisemitism), I examine both sides of controvertial issues, such… Read moreTalmudic Apologetic Presented Katz
From Prejudice to Destruction: Anti-Semitism, 1700-1933, by Jacob Katz. 1982
Includes an Inadequate Talmud Apologetic This book is primarily about anti-Semitism, but the author's treatment of the Talmud overshadows everything else. For this reason, as well as the fact that other reviews already inform the reader about the general contents… Read moreTalmudic Dual Morality Fraade
From Tradition to Commentary: Torah and Its Interpretation in the Midrash Sifre to Deuteronomy, by Steven D. Fraade. 1991
Talmudic Dual Morality Governing Jews and the GOYIM: “It Depends on Whose Ox is Gored” The foregoing teaching appears not only in the Talmud, but in other rabbinical literature. By way… Read moreTalmudic Dual Morality Katz
Tradition and Crisis: Jewish Society at the End of the Middle Ages, by Jacob Katz, Bernard D. Cooperman. 1994
Jews and the GOYIM: Candor About the Ongoing Implications of Talmudic Dual Morality. Jews and Commerce: Why Endek-Led Boycotts Were Necessary This work is mostly about the internal affairs of Jewish… Read moreTalmudic Dual Morality Oz
Jews and Word, by Amos Oz, Fania Oz-Salzberger (Goodreads Author). 2012
Insights Into Chutzpah, What "Whoever Saves One Soul" Really Means, and Talmudic Dual Morality The authors are identified as a father and daughter--one a historian and the other a writer and literary scholar. (p. ix). This volume is a… Read moreTalmudic Dual Morality Silberstein
The Other in Jewish Thought and History: Constructions of Jewish Culture and Identity, by Laurence J. Silberstein (Editor). 1994
Rabbinic Dual Morality Governing Jews and Gentiles: A Real Issue. Futility of Exculpations Of this anthology, I focus on the scholarly work of Steven D. Fraade. He squarely faces the double… Read moreStalin Like Hitler Mackiewicz
Triumph of Provocation, by J Mackiewicz. 2010
1920 War Reds, Not Poles, the Aggressors. Soviet Communism Inspired Nazism This work provides countless historical details, a few of which I mention. King Stanislaw August is described as excessively conciliatory to Russia, but not someone who was a puppet of Catherine the… Read moreStalin Like Hitler Niekrasz
Dwoj Jezdzcy Apokalipsy: Stalin I Hitlera, Biografia Porownawcza, by Lech Niekrasz.
Hitler and Stalin: Twins in Brown and Red. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939-1941) Had Been Real, and Not Just a Time-Stalling Maneuver THE TWO HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE is the title of this Polish-language book. This scholarly work requires a… Read moreStalin Like Hitler Strasser
Hitler And I, by Otto Strasser.
Nazi Otto Strasser Disagrees With Hitler, and Breaks With the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Includes Different Views on Jews Before discussing the causes of the breach between Strasser and the eventual Fuhrer, I focus on the Jews. ALLEGED JEWISH PROFITEERING FROM GERMAN HYPERINFLATION Strasser wrote,… Read moreStalin Like Hitler VERBOTEN Furet
Fascism and Communism, by François Furet, Ernst Nolte, Tzvetan Todorov (Preface), Katherine Golsan (Translation). 2004
Treading on Holocaust Preeminence: Ernst Nolte is NOT Trying to Lessen the Crimes of Nazism By way of introduction, German historian Ernst Nolte has gotten a lot of flak, from academics, because he dared compared… Read moreStinking Jewish Ingratitude Example Gutman
Resistance: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, by Israel Gutman. 1998
ZOB-Centered Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Narrative. This Eminent Holocaust Scholar Shows a Frankly Disgusting Ingratitude to Poles Who Died in Behalf of the Jews This book is of variable quality. Let us examine a few salient issues: A FUNCTIONALIST APPROACH TO THE… Read moreSo Few Jews Saved Talmudic Irony Cadaver Affair Barilan
Jewish Bioethics, by Michael Barilan. 2013
“Poles Rescued Too Few Jews” Hypocrisy. Cadaver Affair in 1920s Poland—Driven By Recalcitrant Rabbis And Racist Jewish Theology Yechiel Michael Barilan is professor of medical education at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Nowadays, the once-militant Polish opposition to 1920s Jewish… Read moreSpanish Inquisition Antecedent Events MacDonald
Separation and Its Discontents, by Kevin B. MacDonald. 1998
Jews Who Believed Jews Were a Race. Voluntary Jewish Conversions Before the Forced Conversions of 1391 Spain. Jews in Hollywood Resource This is essentially a scholarly reference work. It contains hundreds of references for further study. Because there is so much… Read moreSpanish Inquisition Greatly Exaggerated Peters
Inquisition, by Edward Peters. 1989
The Spanish Inquisition--a Monstrous Exaggeration That is a Mainstay of Attacks on Christianity Peters has provided an invaluable analysis of the Inquisition. For the longest time, the Inquisition (especially the Spanish Inquisition) has been a mainstay of rationalistic mythology in its attacks on Christianity.… Read moreSpanish Inquisition Undemonized Hoffman
All These Vows: Kol Nidre, by Lawrence A. Hoffman. 2011
KOL NIDRE Does Cover Promises Made to Other People. Author Shows Fairness to Christianity RE: Spanish Inquisition As per the title of this book, KOL NIDRE is Aramaic for KOL HAN’DARIM “all the vows”. (Hoffmann, p. 7). This work is… Read moreSpy Thriller Poles Crack ENIGMA Code Garlinski
The Enigma War, by Józef Garliński. 1983
Spy Thriller! R. V. Jones, ENIGMA-Codebreaking Participant, Affirms the Crucial Pioneering Successes of the Poles This fascinating book is of enduring value. Nowadays, British films and articles about Enigma typically downplay or ignore the pivotal role of the Poles, or overemphasize the work… Read moreSpy Thriller Poles Crack ENIGMA Code Kahn
Seizing The Enigma: The Race To Break The German U-boat Codes, 1939-1943, by David Kahn. 1998
Non-Polish Author Gives Unstinting Credit for Cracking ENIGMA To Where It Belongs—The Poles Nowadays, many British productions ignore or downplay the Polish achievement in cracking Enigma. The focus is customarily on gay British mathematician… Read moreSlav Genocides By Nazis Summarized Wytwycky
The Other Holocaust, by Bohdan Wytwycky. 1980
A Short Summary of the Nazi Holocausts of Gypsies and Slavs; Eventual Nazi Murder of Hundreds of Millions of Slavs The author, a Ukrainian, summarizes the fates of 9-10 million non-Jews (mostly Slavs) who were murdered alongside the 5-6 million Jews. He does… Read moreSobieski Saves Europe 1683 Millar
Vienna 1683: Christian Europe Repels the Ottomans, by Simon Millar. 2008
Polish King John Sobieski Defeats the Muslim Turks at Vienna, Saving Austria and Europe. Short Austrian Gratitude and Then Long-Term Austrian Ingratitude, Even to This Very Day This short, easy-reading book packs a lot of detail into relatively few… Read moreSonderkommando Revolt Auschwitz Polish Aid Impossible Garlinski
Fighting Auschwitz: The Resistance Movement In The Concentration Camp, by Józef Garliński. 1975
Refutes Complaints that the Polish Underground Willfully Failed to Support the Jewish SONDERKOMMANDO Revolt Jozef (Joseph) Garlinski, a member of the Polish Underground, former inmate of Auschwitz, and subsequently a historian, has written an invaluable account about… Read moreSo Few Jews Saved Intense German Occupation Westermann
Hitler's Police Battalions: Enforcing Racial War in the East, by Edward B. Westermann (Goodreads Author). 2005
Intense German Occupation of Poland: Why "So Few" Jews Saved. The Nazi German Racial War Against Slavs as Well as Jews Most books on WWII in Europe typically dwell on the Holocaust, and any… Read moreSo Few Jews Saved Much Needed Context Robinson
And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight: a New Look at the Eichmann Trial, by Jacob Robinson. 1965
"So Few Polish Jews Saved" Irony. Advantages of Dutch, Bulgarian, and Danish Rescuers. Impending Polokaust Acknowledged Robinson believes that the Madagascar plan had been a real plan. It was not merely a… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Polonophobia Confronted Shahak
Life of Death: An Exchange, by Israel Shahak. 1987
Iconoclasm of Lanzmann's SHOAH: Jewish Polonophobia Confronted By a Courageous Polish Jew (a Holocaust Survivor and Subsequent Israeli Human Rights Activist) The article in question, "The Life of Death: An Exchange", is published in THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS (volume… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Polonophobia Exposed Nowicki
The Defamation of the Poles, by Stefan Nowicki. 1989
Deconstruction of Claude Lanzmann’s SHOAH, and The Legacy of Polonophobia Although nearly 30 have passed since this book was published, it remains relevant. This owes to the fact that SHOAH is still widely used, and because the same anti-Polish themes of… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Wealthy Jew Facts Assaf
A Journey to a Nineteenth-Century Shtetl: The Memoirs of Yekhezkel Kotik, by David Assaf (Editor). 2002
Lanzmann SHOAH Rich-Jew Corrective, PROPINACJA (Liquor Trade), Jew Against Jew Profiteering and Violence, Anti-Christian Memes The setting of this work is the town of Kamenets (Kamyenyets, Kamieniec), which is located not far south of… Read moreSHTETL Marzynski Wrongheaded Kerner
Film and the Holocaust: New Perspectives on Dramas, Documentaries, and Experimental Films, by Aaron Kerner. 2011
The Mystification of the Holocaust in Holocaust Filmography. SHTETL: Marian Marzynski’s Misconduct Candidly Acknowledged and Analyzed This book examines scores of Holocaust films, dissecting them from every angle imaginable. [Needless to say, no other… Read moreSiberian Deportees Polish Krolikowski
Stolen Childhood: A Saga of Polish War Children, by Lucjan Krolikowski. 2001
Post-Gulag Polish Refugee Children. Catholic Spiritual Leadership. White Colonialism in Perspective There are many works about the 1.1 million Poles deported to the Soviet Union in 1939-1941. This one is unusual in that it emphasizes the difficulties faced… Read moreSiberian Deportees Polish Sword
Deportation and Exile: Poles in the Soviet Union, 1939-48, by Keith Sword. 2014
A Comprehensive Analysis of 1939-1941 and 1944-on Deportations. Clarifies Jewish Deportees and the “Fear of the Nazis” Zydokomuna Exculpation This work by a British author provides details of not only the deportations and “amnesty”, but also many… Read moreSCHINDLER’S LIST Fear of Russian Front Topas
The Iron Furnace: A Holocaust Survivor's Story (New Edition), by George Topas. 2014
Civil Disturbances Were Not the Holocaust! Oskar Schindler's Heroism Dubious. Postwar Jew-Killing From Banditry, Not Some Mythical "Holocaust After the Holocaust" This work is lucidly written. The author was an assimilated Polish Jew whose parents had been… Read moreSCHINDLER’S LIST Swindler’s List AntiPolish Scene Loshitzky
Spielberg's Holocaust: Critical Perspectives on Schindler's List, by Yosefa Loshitzky (Editor). 1997
Schindler’s List is the Crown Jewel of Holocaust Supremacism. African Americans, Poles, and All Other Victims of Genocide, Are Slighted. Polonophobic Innuendo HOLOCAUST AND HOLLYWOOD By way of introduction, Yosefa Loshitzky uses the term Schindlermania (p. 6) and… Read moreSecular Education Jews Long Spurned Nathans
Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia, by Benjamin Nathans. 2004
Jewish Separatism: Old and New. Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in 1812 and 1830. Zydokomuna This book includes details about Jews that lived within the Pale of Jewish Settlement. However, it notably features the Jews of St.… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Fallacies Liebman
Claude Lanzmann's Shoah, by Stuart Liebman (Editor). 2007
Christian Blame, Selective Pole-Blaming Sound Bites. Rife With Distortions: Wealthy Jews, Cut-Throat Gesture, etc. Corrective Sources Included in Review Below This entire work is centered on the premise that Jewish suffering was special, and above that of other peoples. This is… Read moreSHOAH Lanzmann Lies Exposed Szpilman
The Pianist: The Extraordinary Story of One Man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939–45, by Władysław Szpilman, Anthea Bell (Translator). 1946
The Lies of Claude Lanzmann and His SHOAH Exposed. German Death Penalty Was Decisive. Polish Betrayers of Fugitive Jews Were Animated by Fear Polish Jew Wladyslaw Szpilman has written an outstanding… Read moreRitual Murder Some Credibility Toaff
Blood Passover, by Ariel Toaff. 2014
The Relationship of Medieval Jews to the Consumption of Blood: Not a Black and White Deal. Why the Fuss Over This Scholarly Work? My review is based on the November 10, 2014 version of this book—a version that replaced all earlier versions up to… Read moreRitual Murder Trials Way Overblown Maciejko
The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755-1816, by Pawel Maciejko. 2011
Jacob Frank the Opportunist. Jewish Assimilation Complex. Ritual-Murder Trials Are Greatly Exaggerated This work goes deep into theology, and focuses on the interface of Christianity and Judaism in the 18th century. Owing to the breadth of… Read moreRound Table Agreement 1989 Deception Gontarczyk
Najnowsze Klopoty z Historia, by Piotr Gontarczyk. 2013
Revealing Information on Communist Agent Lech Walesa, the Round Table Agreement, and Jan T. Gross' Attacks on Poland
THE NEWEST TROUBLES WITH HISTORY is the title of this Polish-language book, written by historian Piotr Gontarczyk. It is an anthology of various articles…
Read moreSaint Kolbe Calumnies Answered Foster
Mary's Knight: The Mission And Martyrdom Of Saint Maksymilian Maria Kolbe, by Claude R. Foster. 2002
Detailed Study Soundly Refutes the Calumnies Directed Against Saint Maksimilian Kolbe This work is very in depth. It is head and shoulders above those who write ill of Father Kolbe. CANNED ACCUSATIONS AGAINST MAKSIMILIAN… Read moreSchechita Law 1937 Demythologized Orlicki
Szkice z Dziejow Stosunkow Polsko-Zydowskich, 1918-1949, by Jozef Orlicki. 1983
Insights into the 1918 Pogrom Horror Stories, the So-Called Minorities Treaty, and the 1937 Schechita Law ESSAYS ON POLISH-JEWISH RELATIONS, by Joseph Orlitzky, is the English-language citation of this Polish-language work. My review is based on the original 1983 edition.… Read moreSCHINDLER’S LIST Fear of Russian Front Crowe
Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind the List, by David M. Crowe, Steve Catalano (Editor). 2004
Oskar Schindler a Hero? Not Quite. He Saved Jews in Part to Maintain His Workshop, To Avoid Becoming Superfluous and Sent to the Russian Front… Read moreRitual Murder Jews Accused Others Abbott
Israel in Europe, by George Frederick Abbott. 1972
Jews Also Accused Others of Ritual Murder. Why Jews Avoided Farming. Jewish Autonomy and Power in Poland This work covers a broad swath of Jewish history beginning with antiquity. It is rather philosemitic in tone, with a tendency towards a lachrymose interpretation… Read moreRitual Murder Jews Believed Similar Mielnicki
Bialystok to Birkenau: The Holocaust Journey of Michel Mielnicki, by Michel Mielnicki, John Munro. 2000
Jews Against Romani (Gypsies): Jews Had Their Own Version of Accusations of Ritual Murder. Jews, and Not Only Poles, Did Looting True to his earlier Communist ideation, Michel Mielnicki liberally uses the phrase "Polish fascist".… Read moreRitual Murder Jews Believed Similar Wells
The Janowska Road, by Leon Weliczker Wells. 1963
Jews Had Their Own Version of Ritual Murder Accusations. "On to Berlin!" Polish Slogan. German-Murdered Polish Intellectuals Wells describes Hasidic Jewish life in the Lwow-area prewar Poland. The awfulization of the Jews' experience is conspicuously absent from his book. Just as Poles… Read moreRitual Murder Jews Believed Similar Zborowski
Life is With People: The Culture of the Shtetl, by Mark Zborowski, Elizabeth Herzog. 1995
Jews Had Their Own Counterpart to Accused Ritual Murder. Jewish Communists are Still Jews. Jewish Elitism Based on Learning My review is based on the original 1952 edition. The shtetl had been vanishing right up… Read moreRitual Murder Some Credibility Lazare
Antisemitism, by Bernard Lazare. 1903
Don’t Blame Christianity: Considerable Detail on Anti-Semitism in Pre-Christian Antiquity. Ritual Murder Conducted by Cult-Offshoots of Judaism? The author was a French Jew, and professed to offer a middle view--between that of the anti-Semite and the philo-Semite. (p. 5). My review is based on the… Read moreReturning Survivors Resented Because Few Postwar Houses Dwork
Auschwitz, by Deborah Dwork and Robert van Pelt. 2002
Severe Postwar Housing Shortage Explains Why Poles Were Not Delighted When Jewish Survivors (Owners) Turned Up Alive This book is much more than about Auschwitz. For example: IMPERIALISTIC NATIONALISM AND EMANCIPATORY NATIONALISM: A FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE "Nationalism" nowadays is often a dirty… Read moreReturning Survivors Resented Because Few Postwar Houses Lane
I Saw Poland Betrayed, by Arthur Bliss Lane. 1948
A True Friend of Poland. Postwar Housing Shortage (Why Poles Not Thrilled By Jewish Survivors). Kielce Pogrom No Spontaneous Anti-Semitic Riot. Poland Sold-Out by Churchill and Roosevelt This seminal work is nothing less than a one-volume history of Poland from 1944-1947.… Read moreReturning Survivors Resented Because Few Postwar Houses Vachon
Poland 1946, by John Vachon. 1995
Occasional Polish Hostility to Holocaust Survivors: the Real Reason (Postwar Housing Shortage). Pro-Communist Author is Candid on Poland's Wartime Destitution I give this work two stars because, while the photos are priceless, the text is of little value. The author comes across as a… Read moreReturning Survivors Resented Because Few Postwar Houses Zajaczkowski
Martyrs of Charity, by Waclaw Zajaczkowski. 1988
Why Jews Were Betrayed. Why Property Disputes. Kielce Pogrom Subterfuge at the USHMM. Thousands of Poles Lost Their Lives Aiding Jews In this painstakingly-detailed work, Zajaczkowski catalogues over 700 locations (listed alphabetically) where Germans murdered Poles for aiding Jews (pp. 119-291). In most… Read moreReturning Survivors Resented Because Poles Picked Clean by Germans and Russians Johnston
Poland 1945: A Red Cross Diary, by Russell R. Johnston. 1973
An Eyewitness Account. Forced Communization of Poland. The Crushing Oppression of Postwar Poles and Rampant Disrespect of Property: Why Occasional Polish Reluctance to Return Post-Jewish Properties This diary covers the Middle East, Russia, and Poland. My review is limited… Read moreRitual Murder Accounts Actual Origins Yuval
Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, by Israel Jacob Yuval, Jonathan Chipman (Translator), Barbara Harshav (Translator). 2006
Ritual Murder Accusations: Their Actual Origin. The Reciprocal Enmity of Judaism and Christianity From the Beginning. Exterminatory Wishes Clarified Israeli Jewish author… Read moreRejoicing at Jewish Deaths a Myth Cyprys
A Jump for Life: A Survivor's Journal from Nazi Occupied Poland, by Ruth Altbeker Cyprys. 1997
The “Poles Rejoiced at Jewish Deaths” Myth: Clarification of the Much-Misrepresented “Jews Are Getting Burned Like Bugs” Remark During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Originally written in 1946, Cyprys’ account is remarkably free of the… Read moreRejoicing at Jewish Deaths a Myth Ehrenburg
The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry, by Ilya Ehrenburg, Vasily Grossman. 2003
The Jews-Disregarded-in-Soviet-Bloc Myth. Jedwabne Unclear. Non-Cheering of Jewish Deaths. Substantial Polish Aid to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising This book provides considerable detail on the German murders of Jews in German-conquered eastern Poland and western Soviet Union, usually by… Read moreRescue of Jews Very Difficult Tomaszewski
Zegota: The rescue of Jews in wartime Poland, by Irene Tomaszewski. 1994
Rescue of Fugitive Jews, in German-Occupied Poland, Was Very Difficult. German Guilt-Diffusion Success: “Who Were the Nazis” Regularly Asked at USHMM Zegota was a part of the Polish Underground, and was explicitly devoted to helping Jews. Tomaszewski and… Read moreDanish Jew-Rescue Iconoclasm: Hefty-Paid Rescuers. Unreturned Jewish Property. Yahil
Rescue of Danish Jewry, by Leni Yahil. 1984
Poles and Danes: Selective Indignation About Anti-Semitism, Paid Rescuers, Dangerous Informers, Nazi Collaborators, Underground Priorities, Refusals to Return Jewish Property This fascinating book is packed with information. Because Poland is often compared unfavorably with Denmark in terms of the rescue of Jews,… Read morePoles to Returning Survivors “You Still Alive!” Statements Misunderstood Richmond
Konin, by Theo Richmond. 1995
Pre-WWII Sunday Closing Laws Demystified. Have "You Still Alive!" Polish Remarks to Returning Holocaust Survivors Been Misinterpreted as Hostility When They Were Not? If you are interested in various arcane details about Jewish life in the past, this book is for you. This work is… Read morePsychoanalysis Freud Criticisms Valid Cocks
Psychotherapy In The Third Reich: The Göring Institute, by Geoffrey Cocks. 1984
Nazi German Attitudes on Freudian Psychoanalysis. They Have Parallels Today One striking feature of this book is the fact that many of the Nazi criticisms of Freud and psychoanalysis are still seriously voiced today—minus of course the fact… Read moreNo Polish Quisling Because Poles Unworthy Fallacy Kay
Nazi Policy on the Eastern Front, by Alex J. Kay. 2014
Post-Barbarossa Genocides. The Term Holocaust Politicized. The Fallacy of "No Polish Quisling Because The Germans Thought Poles Too Low To Deserve One" This work takes the position that Hitler’s invasion of the USSR was doomed from the start. Within… Read moreRADIO MARYJA Clarified Nowak
Alleluja i Pod Prad, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2009.
Information About, and Correct Understanding of, RADIO MARYJA. The Never-Ending Left-Wing Dream of Discrediting RADIO MARYJA ALLELUJA AND LET’S PROCEED UPSTREAM: WITNESSES TO RADIO MARYJA, is the title of this eye-opening book. It contains numerous statements of support of RADIO MARYJA… Read moreRailroads To Death Camps Not Destroyed Fallacy Bruhl
Firestorm: Allied Airpower and the Destruction of Dresden, by Marshall De Bruhl. 2010
Rebutting the Silly Complaint That the Polish Underground Did Not Destroy the Railroad Tracks To the Nazi German Death Camps. The Dresden Firestorm in Broader Context This book summarizes the history of Dresden and recounts its role… Read moreReconciliation Idealism Pope John Paul2 Kluger
The Pope and I: How the Lifelong Friendship Between a Polish Jew and Pope John Paul II Advanced the Cause of Jewish-Christian Relations, by Jerzy Kluger. 2012
The Deep Idealism of Pope John Paul II and—Unfortunately—Its Clash With the Realities of Polish-Jewish Relations Owing to the fact that there are… Read moreRejoicing at Jewish Deaths a Myth Borowiec
Destroy Warsaw!: Hitler's Punishment, Stalin's Revenge, by Andrew Borowiec. 2001
The Myth of Poles Cheering at Jewish Deaths During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising One especially valuable aspect of this book is its detailed introduction to the beginnings of the Polish Underground. Concrete Polish guerrilla strategy was planned even before the… Read moreProperty Restitution Unjust Enrichment Jews Did Also To Other Jews Eldad
The First Tithe, by Israel Eldad. 2008
“Acquisitiveness” of “Post-Jewish” Property By Jews Themselves! Jewish Spies for USSR. Jews Desert Anders’ Army en Masse: No Concept of Loyalty to Poland The translator points out that Eldad was born in 1910 in Eastern Galicia, and his family lived in Lvov (p.… Read moreProperty Restitution Unjust Enrichment Meme Pounded Into Eastern Europeans Desbois
In Broad Daylight: The Secret Procedures Behind the Holocaust By Bullets, by Patrick Desbois. 2018
Holocaust By Bullets. Veiled Holocaust Industry Claims. German Guilt Diffusion. Like Stalin Like Hitler. Blaming Christianity The subtle messages of this book must be examined—all the more so because it is very engaging, and well… Read moreProperty Restitution US Courts Tool For Usually-Extralegal Pressure Goda
Rethinking Holocaust Justice, by Norman J. W. Goda (ed.) 2017
Holocaust Industry Uses the U. S. Legal System Against Its Targets, With Pressure to Settle Out of Court. Holocaust Industry’s Aggression Against Poland This book raises diverse topics, and I focus exclusively on so-called Holocaust restitution. Author Michael J. Bazyler… Read moreProperty Restitution Warnings to Poland By Norman Finkelstein Niekrasz
Operacja "Jedwabne" Mity i Fakty, by Lech Niekrasz. 2001
Norman Finkelstein's Specific Warnings to Poland. Jedwabne Massacre: Little-Known Facts OPERATION "JEDWABNE": MYTHS AND FACTS, is the title of this Polish-language book. Owing to the vintage of this book, much of its information has been expanded upon, and will generally not… Read morePrzytyk Pogrom Jews First Resorted to Murder Gontarczyk
Pogrom? Zajscia Polsko-Zydowski w Przytyku 9 Marca 1936, by Piotr Gontarczk. 2000
The Przytyk Pogrom: What Actually Happened? First and Foremost a Homicidal Jewish Riot The English-language title of this book is: Pogrom? The Polish-Jewish Incident at Przytyk on March 9, 1936. Myths, Facts, and Documents. It contains an English… Read moreProperty Restitution Primarily Benefits Jews Bazyler
Holocaust Restitution, by Michael J. Bazyler (ed.) 2005
The Holocaust Industry in Action: International Politics, Intimidation, Fundamental Inequality of Victim-Claims (With Jews Favored) This book highlights the cases involving Swiss Bank and German companies. It includes a testimony Judge Edward R. Korman. However, the most interesting information is of an… Read moreHolocaust Industry Did NOT Open the Door to Others’ Restitution Efforts Ludi
Reparations to Nazi Victims in Postwar Europe, by Ludi Regula. 2012
The False Notion of the Holocaust “Opening the Door” To Non-Jewish Restitution Efforts This book is quite French- and Swiss-centered on the question of non-German reparations to victims of the Nazi era. Its value is that it provides some… Read moreProperty Restitution Europeans are Thieves Holocaust Industry Propaganda Beker
The Plunder of Jewish Property During the Holocaust, by Avi Beker (ed.) 2001
Effectively a Holocaust Industry Promo: It Lumps Nazi Germany and Nazi-German-Conquered Nations Together as “Robbers”, and "Jews are Owed" The very title of this book is Orwellian. It conflates ALL forms of acquisition, of post-Jewish property, regardless… Read moreProperty Restitution Propaganda in Holocaust Textbook Cesarani
Final Solution, by David Cesarani. 2015
This Holocaust Textbook a Thinly-Veiled Promotion of the Holocaust Industry: Combines Insight and Orwellian Cant in Analyzing Locals’ Acquisition of Post-Jewish Property To begin with, what does Holocaust mean? Many Jewish historians say it refers exclusively to the Nazi German genocide of Jews, while… Read moreProperty Restitution Propaganda Poles Feel Guilty Jan T Gross
Golden Harvest by Jan T. Gross. 2012
Creatively Transforms Normal and Universal Wartime Behavior Into Polish Catholic Thievery and Villainy Neo-Stalinist Jan T. Gross has outdone himself. He gives us story after story of Poles acquiring post-Jewish property, effectively making Poland a nation of thieves, and the Jews a nation… Read moreProperty Restitution Needy Holocaust Survivors Bait Bazyler
Holocaust, Genocide, and the Law: A Quest for Justice in a Post-Holocaust World, by Michael J. Bazyler. 2016
The Shoah and Law. Holocaust Industry Update. French Railroad Settlement. Non-Submissive Poland Author Michael Bazyler is a Professor of Law, and a leading lawyer in Holocaust restitution cases. This book features an… Read moreProperty Restitution NonJews Paid For Tactical Reasons Wunberg
Restitution and Memory: Material Restoration in Europe, by Gotthard Wunberg (Editor), Dan Diner. 2007
Holocaust Industry: Only Some Monies Benefit Holocaust Survivors. Non-Jews Also Compensated In Order to Deflect Argument. Holocaust Supremacism Actively Promoted I focus on some notable themes in this otherwise-mundane book, dividing my review into three main… Read moreProperty Restitution Only Certain Jews Are “Victim Enough” To Qualify Boum
The Holocaust and North Africa, by Aomar Boum (ed.) 2018
Holocaust Industry: The Built-in Inequities in Suffering-Compensation and Property-Restitution Claims. Which Victims Were “Victim Enough” to Qualify? Only Jews Collectively? Only Certain Jews? Why Not Muslims? Victimhood Competition in Detail This book presents a lot of information, and I focus… Read moreProperty Restitution Only Certain Jews Qualify Slyomovics
How to Accept German Reparations, by Susan Slyomovics. 2014
Victimhood Competition and Restitution Monies: Which Jews are Worthy? Gentiles Excluded. Orwellian Notions Susan Slyomovics is the descendant of Czech Jews who had been under the Nazis. She focuses on the initial conflicts, faced by her mother, over the acceptance of… Read moreProperty Restitution Ownership Changed Multiple Times Cichopek Gajraj
Beyond Violence: Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia, 1944-48, by Anna Cichopek-Gajraj. 2014
"Property Restitution"--Jewish Claims Convoluted. Zydokomuna Real. Postwar Jew Killings Contextualized. Post-Holocaust Jews Remain "The Other"--By Choice This book features seldom-available information. On the other hand, author Anna Cichopek-Gajraj drifts into many of the standard Judeocentric constructs, and… Read moreProperty Restitution Poland Owes Jews Nothing Lisiak
Nie Musimy Placic Zydom!, by Ireneusz T. Lisiak. 2013
Holocaust Industry Update: The All-Bogus Jewish Property Restitution Claims Against Poland, and Ongoing Blackmail Attempts Against Her WE HAVE NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS TO THE JEWS! is the title of this Polish-language anthology. I focus on author Ireneusz T. Lisiak's articles on… Read moreProperty Restitution Demands Devious Lehrer
Jewish Space in Contemporary Poland, by Erica T. Lehrer (Editor), Michael Meng (Editor). 2014
Holocaust Industry: The 1997 Communal-Property Restitution Law. Poland’s Jewish Revival Openly a Tool Against Poland’s Catholic Culture In my review, I focus on matters of the greatest importance in Polish-Jewish relations. HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY: UNCLEAR BOUNDARY BETWEEN… Read moreProperty Restitution Holocaust Industry Finkelstein
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, by Norman G. Finkelstein. 2000
Courageous Jewish Author Confronts the Property Restitution Extortion Racket and Holocaust Supremacism. Poland in the Crosshairs of the Holocaust Industry Although now written over a decade ago, this book is very timely. The trend nowadays… Read moreProperty Restitution Jews Also Grabbed Items Soifer
Between Life & Death: History of Jewish Life in Wartime Poland, 1939-1945, by Ben A. Soifer. 1995
Zbaszyn 1938. Cardinal Hlond (1936) Right on Jews and Atheism. Just Like Poles: Post-Jewish Property Acquisition—By Jews Themselves! Polish Warnings Ignored This book is not an easy read, and the person who is… Read moreProperty Restitution Lack of Transparency Eizenstat
Imperfect Justice: Looted Assets, Slave Labor, and the Unfinished Business of World War II, by Stuart E. Eizenstat. 2002
Germans, Swiss, and French. Now the Holocaust Industry Targets Nazi-German-Victim Poland. Political Strong-Arm Tactics, and Lack of Transparency—Then and Now—in So-Called Property Restitution Claims My review focuses on items largely untouched… Read moreProperty Restitution Like Switzerland Like Poland Codevilla
Between the Alps and a Hard Place: Switzerland in World War II and the Rewriting of History, by Angelo M. Codevilla. 2000
Like Switzerland (1990s) Like Poland (2018): Tactics of the Holocaust Industry—Valuable Lessons for Today I focus on the machinations of the Holocaust Industry, as described in this 2000… Read moreProperty Restitution and Polish Death Camps Lie Dean
Robbery and Restitution: The Conflict Over Jewish Property in Europe (War and Genocide), by Martin Dean (Editor), Constantin Goschler (Editor), Philipp Ther (Editor). 2008
SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE: Direct Connection of the Holocaust Industry With the "Polish Death Camps" Lie. Squatters Rights Disregarded in Property Restitution Claims The title of this… Read moreProperty Restitution and Polish Guilt Myth Rice
What! Still Alive?!: Jewish Survivors in Poland and Israel Remember Homecoming, by Monika Rice. 2017
A Rather Prejudicial Title. Rest OK. Confutes Jan T. Gross on “Polish Guilt” For Acquiring Post-Jewish Property This book is a somewhat better than the standard Holocaust fare, except for the title, which is inflammatory… Read moreProperty Restitution an Introduction Jewish Racist Undertones Miszalski
Zydowskie Lobby Polityczne w Polsce, by Marian Miszalski. 2017
A Comprehensive Analysis of Polish-Jewish Relations to the Present. Holocaust Supremacism, Holocaust Industry. 1968 Jews THE JEWISH POLITICAL LOBBY IN POLAND is the title of this Polish-language book. This work focuses on specific Jewish organizations in Poland. However, this book goes… Read moreProperty Restitution BOMBSHELL Jewish Law Rosenbaum
The Holocaust and Halakhah, by Irving Rosenbaum. 2011
Bombshell! Jewish Law on Property Restitution is Diametrically Opposite of Today’s Claims of the Holocaust Industry Against Poland This work is centered on the Kovno ghetto in German-occupied Lithuania. The persecuted Jews had especially sought the advice of the highly regarded and… Read moreProperty Restitution Built in Inequities Kuti
Post Communist Restitution And The Rule Of Law, by Csongor Kuti. 2009
Trying to Get Poles to Pay For the Consequences of German Crimes, and For Decisions of Unelected Soviet-Imposed Polish Leaders. 1997 Law Foibles Without intending to, author Kuti alludes to the many problems and inequities that are generated… Read moreProperty Restitution Claims Internally Inconsistent Levin
Walls Around: The Plunder of Warsaw Jewry During World War II and Its Aftermath, by Itamar Levin, Rachel Neiman (Translator). 2004
Poles AND Jews Did Grave Robbery. Holocaust Industry Claims Against Poland Are Not Even Internally Consistent. So-Called Property Restitution Demands Only Create New Injustices. This work presents a… Read morePostwar Poland Hid Jewishness of Deaths Myth Debunked Smolen
State Museum in Oswiecim Auschwitz Birkenau Guide-Book, by Kazimierz (translator: Lee, Stephen) Smolen.
Once Again Debunks the Myth That Polish Authorities Tried to Hide Jewish Deaths. [Is It a Jewish-Promoted Role-Reversal, a Diversion From Jews Hiding Polish Deaths?] According to a well-worn Polonophobic meme, Poles, in the first few… Read morePrePartition Poland’s Internal Weakness Unremarkable Patterson
Pilsudski: Marshall of Poland, by Eric James Patterson. 1934
Poland's Pre-Partition Weaknesses Were Nothing Unusual Among Nations. 1926: The Myth of Pilsudski the Dictator: Poland's Democracy Was Never Abolished This delightful book spans the life of Pilsudski from before his birth, his revolutionary days in tsarist-Russian occupied Poland, the resurrection… Read moreProperty Restitution 1997 Law Baseless Tych
Jewish Presence in Absence: The Aftermath of the Holocaust in Poland, 1944-2010, by Tych Feliks & Adamczyk-Garbowska Monika Tych. 2015
Holocaust Industry 1997 Act is Legally Baseless. Polish-Jewish Two-Way Prejudices. 1968 Jew-Removal Insights--Not All the Fault of the Poles Most of this work is nothing new: It largely consists of… Read moreProperty Restitution 50 Million Uncompensated WWII Losers Hayes
How Was It Possible?: A Holocaust Reader, by Peter Hayes (Contributor). 2015
Not Only the Jews Lost Property. Did You Know That 50 Million Human Beings Became Homeless Because of WWII? The very title of this book partakes of the mystification of the Holocaust: It tacitly assumes that the Nazi… Read moreProperty Restitution and Heirless Property “Issue” Bazyler
Searching for Justice After the Holocaust: Fulfilling the Terezin Declaration and Immovable Property Restitution, by Michael J. Bazyler et al. 2019
The Holocaust Industry is After Poland Big Time! Communal and Heirless Property "Issues" The authors repeat the canned meme that, whereas 90% of Polish gentiles survived, 90% of Poland's… Read morePostwar Poland Hid Jewishness of Deaths Myth Debunked Chrostowski
Extermination Camp Treblinka, by Witold Chrostowski. 2004
Hiding Jewish Deaths Myth. The Polish Underground (ARMIA KRAJOWA) Helped the Jewish Escapees After the Treblinka Revolt Chrostowski's work is a concise overview of the planning, construction, and modus operandi of the Treblinka death camp. An extensive bibliography is provided for further reading.… Read morePostwar Poland Hid Jewishness of Deaths Myth Debunked Ciborowski
Warsaw: A City Destroyed and Rebuilt, by Adolf Ciborowski. 1964
No Attempt to Hide Jewish Deaths! Warsaw Rebuilt in Painstaking Detail Virtually every imaginable detail is provided on the reconstruction of Warsaw following her razing by the Germans during WWII. There are also countless photographs, many of them showing before-and-after… Read morePostwar Poland Hid Jewishness of Deaths Myth Debunked Datner
Genocide 1939-1945, War Crimes in Poland, by Szymon Datner. 1962
Jewish Victims Explicitly Identified as Jews. A Polokaust Primer This book, though dated (1962), and of course tainted by the Communist censorship of the time, has good basic information. THE HIDING JEWISH DEATHS MYTH Contrary to recent allegations about works… Read morePostwar Poland Hid Jewishness of Deaths Myth Debunked Friedman
This was Oswiecim: The Story of a Murder Camp, by Filip Friedman.1946
Very Early Post-WWII Auschwitz Account Debunks the Hiding Jewish Death Myth of Which Poles are Accused Modern Holocaust fare commonly accuses the Polish authorities, in the years and then decades after WWII, of trying their best to hide… Read morePostwar Poland Hid Jewishness of Deaths Myth Debunked Gumkowski
Treblinka, by Janusz Gumkowski. 1961
Debunks the Hiding Jewish Deaths Myth. At No Time Were Murdered Jews Lumped With Murdered Poles In recent years there has been the curious argument which posits that, until recently, Polish books and media used to treat the Nazi policies towards Jews and Poles as… Read morePolonophobic Memes Repeated Jedwabne Bikont
The Crime and the Silence: Confronting the Massacre of Jews in Wartime Poland, by Anna Bikont. 2016
Obsolete and Incomplete Information. Polonophobic To the Core. Ignores the Other Side of the Coin: Jewish Murders of Poles Bikon't book is merely a translation of articles written way back in 2000-2001—with a… Read morePolonophobic Memes Ritual Murder Tokarska Bakir
Pogrom Cries, by Joanna Tokarska-Bakir. 2019
A German-Published, Holocaust-Industry, Gross-Grabowski Rerun. Ritual-Murder Pole-Blaming Narrative Avoids Facts and Similar Jewish Beliefs The very title of this book is misleading and inflammatory. (Very little of this book is actually about pogroms). To make the point, imagine this alternative title: POLISH-INMATE CRIES IN… Read morePolonophobic Meme Carousel Warsaw Ghetto Burning Borowski
This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen, by Tadeusz Borowski, Barbara Vedder (Editor/Translator), Jan Kott (Introduction), Michael Kandel (Translator). 1992
Attempted Entertainment Under Horrible Conditions: Repudiates Anti-Polish Accusations About Poles Enjoying Themselves on a Carousel (Made Famous by Czeslaw Milosz in His CAMPO DEI FIORI) While the Germans Were… Read morePolonophobic Meme Carousel Warsaw Ghetto Burning Hart
I Am Alive, by Kitty Hart. 1975
Auschwitz Jewish Survivor Indirectly Debunks the Polonophobic Meme of Poles Enjoying Themselves on a Carousel While Jews Suffered and Died. Recreation Despite the Horrors Is Completely Normal! This book predates political correctness, and includes fascinating perspectives that upend certain anti-Polish Holocaust myths. My… Read morePolonophobic Meme Carousel Warsaw Ghetto Burning Szarota
Karuzela na Placu Krasińskich. Studia i szkice z lat wojny i okupacji, by Tomasz Szarota. 2007
The Polonophobic Legend of the Heartless, anti-Semitic Poles Enjoying Themselves on a Carousel While the Near Warsaw Ghetto Burned THE CAROUSEL AT KRASINSKI SQUARE is the title of this Polish-language book. The author, Tomasz… Read morePostmodernist Attacks On Poland Porter-Szücs
Poland in the Modern World: Beyond Martyrdom, by Brian Porter-Szucs. 2014
Very Shallow Analyses. Partakes of Postmodernist Relativism. Dusts Off Old Myths. Belittles Poland’s History The content of this book is pedestrian. The book begins with the Partition period, proceeds through WWII, and then sort of peters out as it… Read morePolonophobic Memes Only Poles Were Prejudiced Cala
The Image of the Jew in Polish Folk Culture, by Alina Cala. 1995
Typical Superficial Blame-Poles "Analysis" That Avoids the Fact of the Reciprocity of Jewish-Polish Antagonisms and the Underlying Realities of the Huge Jewish Presence in Pre-WWII Poland This book repeats and reinforces the standard Polonophobic memes, and… Read morePolonophobic Memes Propounded Gross
The Politics of Retribution in Europe: World War II and Its Aftermath, by István Deák, Jan Tomasz Gross (Editor). 2000
Combines Facts and Gross Mischaracterizations (Pardon the Pun) Two chapters of this book detract from whatever is worthwile in the rest. They repeat the standard Pole-demeaning fare. For example: POLES… Read moreJewish Survivorship Unrelated to Locals’ AntiSemitism Snyder
Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning, by Timothy Snyder. 2016
AntiSemitism Irrelevant to How Many Jews Survived the Nazis. Has Orwellian-Unperson Historians, and Major Distortions and Omissions of Important Facts on Jedwabne, Nazi Collaboration, Exclusive Jewish Innocence, and 1938 Teschen/Cieszyn The informed reader, familiar with Holocaust-related works, will… Read morePolonophobic Memes Repeated Selective Indignation on Injustices Holc
The Politics of Trauma and Memory Activism, by Janine Holc. 2017
“Confronting Injustice”? Same-Old Song: Everything Blamed on Poles and Catholics. Judeocentric anti-PiS Politics The same small circle of authors is behind books of this nature. Thus, for example, author Janine Holc has especial thanks for Brian Porter-Szucs, whose views… Read morePolonophobic Memes Communist Propaganda Recycled By Gross
Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz: An Essay in Historical Interpretation, by Jan Tomasz Gross. 2006
Recycled Old Communist Propaganda from Polonophobic Jewish Author Shnayderman (Shneiderman) The reader of this book will be hard-pressed to avoid thinking that he or she is reading Shnayderman's 1947 pro-Communist screed, BETWEEN FEAR AND… Read morePolonophobic Memes Pogroms Dusted Off Hagen
Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914-1920, by William W. Hagen. 2018
Revived 1918-Era Pogrom Tales. Much Ink About a Few Poles Knocking Around a Few Jews. Holocaust Industry. Is Predictably Silent About Earlier Jewish Violence to Poles This book has one finding of value: THE MYTH OF THE JEW AS THE… Read morePolonophobic Memes Fugitive Jews Killed Facts and Fantasies Engelking
Such a Beautiful Sunny Day, by Barbara Engelking. 2016
Much Ado About Normal Wartime Behavior. Same Media-Quoted Fantastic Numbers of Fugitive Jewish Deaths In every war, some members of the population act in a dishonorable manner. This is nothing new. It is also very easy for those who have never… Read morePolonophobic Memes Holocaust Gross
Holocaust in Occupied Poland: New Findings and New Interpretations, by Jan Tomasz Gross (Editor). 2012
Misleading Title (Nothing New). Unwelcome Scholars Disregarded. Sham Communist Trial Results as Truth. Polish Sufferings Discounted. Standard Polonophobic Memes The reader, having seen the catchy title, and expecting something novel (as I initially did), will… Read morePolonophobic Memes Holocaust Santorski
Difficult Questions In Polish Jewish Dialogue, by Jacek Santorski.
The Same Canned Judeocentric and Endlessly-Repeated Polonophobic Memes. So-Called Polish-Jewish Dialogue This book is in a question-and-answer format, encompassing very basic matters, with answers that don't go deep. For instance, the 1968 expulsion of Jews is barely connected to the fact… Read morePolonophobic Memes Jews Never Wrong Forecki
World War II and Two Occupations: Dilemmas of Polish Memory, by Anna Wolff-Poweska and Piotr Forecki (eds.) 2016
The Zydokomuna (Judeo-Bolshevism) Whitewashed and Exculpated. OUN-UPA Genocide Relativized Let me begin saving the reader some time. A much better book, on this overall subject, is FORGOTTEN HOLOCAUST, by Lukas. The very… Read morePolonophobic Memes Antisemitism Blobaum
Antisemitism and Its Opponents in Modern Poland, by Robert Blobaum (Editor). 2005
The Standard Blame Everything on Poles Narrative. Overlooks Essential Facts Let me begin by saving the serious reader some time. The reader who is interested in a balanced Jewish viewpoint of Polish-Jewish relations, and Polish anti-Semitism, should see… Read morePolonophobic Memes Antisemitism Michlic
Poland's Threatening Other: The Image of the Jew from 1880 to the Present, by Joanna Beata Michlic, Blake Allmendinger. 2006
Very Polonophobic. Hatchet Job on Poles Ignores Mountains of Contrary Evidence, Some of Which I Present To correct the countless errors and partial-facts of this book would require a book… Read morePolonophobic Memes AntiSemitism MIchnik vel Szechter
Against Anti-Semitism: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Polish Writings, by Adam Michnik (Editor). 2017
Stale, Rehashed Accusatory Anti-Polish Memes—Coming From Morally-Disqualified Critics. Much Better Works Available (Listed) This is mostly a set of old articles, originally in Polish, translated into English. Some of the authors are real winners. For instance, Jerzy… Read morePolonophobic Memes By Adam MIchnik vel Szechter
In Search of Lost Meaning: The New Eastern Europe, by Adam Michnik, Irena Grudzińska-Gross, Roman S. Czarny. 2011
Adam Michnik vel Szechter, Still Failing To Do Any Moral Reckoning Over the Crimes of His Unrepentant Stalinist Half-Brother Stefan Michnik, Waxes Eloquent in His Polonophobic Dump Adam Michnik (vel Aaron… Read morePolonophobic Memes Communist Propaganda Old Shnayderman
Between Fear and Hope, by Shnayderman. 947
This Post-WII Pro-Communist Jewish Author Evidently Served as a Template for Jan T. Gross (FEAR) and His Attacks on Poland Today. Uncanny Similarities See for yourself. Read this 1947 book by Shneiderman (Shnayderman) and then read Jan T. Gross 2007 book, FEAR. You… Read morePolonophobia in Academia and Media DEFINITIVE WORK Goska
Bieganski: The Brute Polak Stereotype in Polish-Jewish Relations and American Popular Culture, by Danusha V. Goska. 2010
The Well-Substantiated Hostility, in Academia and Media, Towards Poles and Poland Despite the fact that I had studied anti-Polonism for a long time (see the Amazon Wish List: Exposing Polonophobia...), even I was… Read morePolonophobia How PolAms Fought It Radzilowski
The Eagle & the Cross: A History of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, 1873-2000, by J Radzilowski. 2003
Peasants, PROPINACJA, and Polonophobia. The PRCUA (Polish Roman Catholic Union of America): A History This work covers a broad sweep of Polish-American history, beginning about 1850 and ending with the… Read morePolonophobia Russian Confronted By Pilsudski
Joseph Pilsudski: The Memories of a Polish Revolutionary and Soldier, by Jozef PIlsudski, Darsie Rutherford Gillie. 1931
Joseph Pilsudski Grew Up With a Love for Poland and a Passionate Hatred of Poland's Enemies. Oppression of Poland Was Bad Enough, But Contempt for Poland Was Unbearable English woman D. R. Gillie… Read morePolonophobic AntiCatholic Memes Modras
The Catholic Church and Antisemitism ... Poland 1933-39, by Ronald Modras. 1994
Blames Everything on Poland's Catholicism. A Mile Wide and Inch Deep. Confessedly Cherry-Picked Data. No Context or Significant Analysis Provided This work flits from topic to topic, making it a many-topic compendium that is lengthy but very superficial.… Read morePolonophobic Holocaust-Related Memes Answered Lukas
Out of the Inferno: Poles Remember the Holocaust, by Richard C. Lukas. 1989
A Book Degraded, By Some Jews, Because It Does Not Fit the Standard Narrative That Blames Everything on the Poles Richard C. Lukas has provided a detailed anthology of Poles that had undergone the brutal German conquest… Read morePolonophobic Memes Virulent AntiCatholicism Porter Szucs
Faith and Fatherland, by Brian Porter-Szucs. 2011
Cultural Marxism: One Long, Rather Scurrilous, Hatchet Job On Polish Roman Catholicism The author consistently oversimplifies the views with whom he disagrees, and fails to provide the reader with the kind of in-depth analysis needed to understand properly the topic. BLAMING THE VICTIM… Read morePolonophobia Confronted by Edward Moskal Mocha
American "polonia" and Poland: A Sequel to Poles in America, by Frank Mocha (Editor). 1999
Me-262 Warning; Edward Moskal Stands Up For Poland; Had Pulaski Not Died, Poland Could Have Averted the Final Partition This book packs some little-known information. For example: WARNING THE ALLIES ABOUT THE POTENTIALLY-CRUCIAL NEW ME-262… Read morePolonophobia Confronted By Marie Curie Dry
Curie (Life & Times), by Sarah Dry, Sabine Seifert. 2005
Marie Curie: Defiant Polish Patriot and Scientist. The Young Marie Curie Used to Spit on the Obelisk of the Russian Tsar This book goes beyond discussing the scientific achievements of Marie Curie, as well as the many tragedies she had… Read morePolonophobia Cure Polish Achievements Cameron
The New Poland, by Charles O. Cameron. 2011
Polish Achievements: A Cure for Polonophobia. Undemonizing Dmowski: The Importance of the Duma Elections to Polish National Aspirations OLD POLAND: IN NO SENSE A DEN OF BACKWARDNESS, ESPECIALLY ON HUMAN RIGHTS The author describes the first few centuries of Poland's existence… Read morePolonophobia Cure Polish Achievements Corsi
Poland, Land of the White Eagle, by Edward C. Corsi. 2017
Former Kosciuszko Squadron Commander Assesses Poland's Many Achievements: A Cure for Polonophobia My review is based on original 1933 edition. The author was a Polonophile American who was obviously fascinated with Poland. In a spirit of repaying the newly-resurrected… Read morePolonophobia Cure Polish Achievements Olson
A Question of Honor: The Kosciuszko Squadron: Forgotten Heroes of World War II, by Lynne Olson (Goodreads Author), Stanley Cloud (Goodreads Author). 2003
Polish Achievements: ENIGMA Code Cracked, the Battle of Britain won, Polish Guerrilla Warfare Crucial. Teheran/Yalta Doublecross. Polonophobic Memes Repudiated, Embraced Olson and Cloud provide a broad overview… Read morePolokaust Zamosc Operation Detail Poprzeczny
Odilo Globocnik: Hitler's Man in the East, by Joseph Poprzeczny. 2015
The Polokaust: "Operation Zamosc" a Practice Run of GENERALPLAN OST--The Eventual Extermination of Tens of Millions of Poles and Other Slavs In this book, there are numerous biographical details given about Globocnik, especially his early life, but these are… Read morePolokaust Zamosc Operation Polish Guerrilla Counteraction Gmitruk
Chlopi w Obronie Zamojszczyzny, by Janusz Gmitruk (ed.) 1985
Striking Back at the Polokaust: Polish-Guerrilla Peasant Battalions (BCh) Against the German-Nazi and OUN-UPA Genocides in the Zamosc Area PEASANTS IN DEFENSE OF THE ZAMOSC REGION is the title of this Polish-language anthology. It combines valuable information on the Polish Underground… Read morePolokaust Zamosc Operation Guerrilla Counteraction Gmitruk2
Powstanie Zamojskie, by Janusz Gmitruk (ed.) 2003
Organized and Patriotically-Active Polish Peasantry. The Polokaust Partly Thwarted Locally: The “Zamosc Uprising” by Polish BCh (Peasant Battalion) Guerrillas THE ZAMOSC UPRISING, a Polish-language book, is the most recent in a series of BCh (Bataliony Chlopskie) studies Janusz Gmitruk, all reviewed by me.… Read morePolonophobes Leading Jewish Whos Who Aleksandrowicz
Memory and Neighborhood: Poles and Poland in Jewish American Fiction After World War Two, by Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pędich. 2013
The Bieganski Stereotype. Leading Polonophobic Jewish Writers: A Who s Who. MAUS Deconstructed Author Aleksandrowich-Pedich is heavily indebted to Danusha Goska's seminal work, Bieganski: The Brute Polak Stereotype in Polish-Jewish Relations and… Read morePolonophobia and Poland’s Betrayal Confronted Jeffery
Red Runs the Vistula, by Ron Jeffery. 1985
Escaped British POW in German-Occupied Poland. Unstinting Credit For Polish Bravery. Briton's Shame Over Poland Betrayed Talk about adventure! Author Jeffery, a British POW in German hands, ends up in German-occupied Poland, escapes, becomes a member of the AK (ARMIA KRAJOWA) (p.… Read morePolonophobia a Primer Michalkiewicz Sommer
Antypolonizm Michalkiewicz, by Tomasz Sommer and Michal Krewicz. 2016
An Introduction to Modern Polonophobia: Jedwabne Weaponized, Holocaust Preeminence, Holocaust Industry, Cultural Marxism ANTIPOLONISM: EIGHT CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THE HATRED FOR POLAND is the title of this Polish-language book. Stanislaw Michalkiewicz is the interviewee, and author Tomasz Sommer is the interviewer. German,… Read morePolokaust Why Tens of Millions of Poles Not Murdered Frank
In the Shadow of the Reich, by Niklas Frank. 1991
Why the Polokaust Destroyed "Only" 10% of Ethnic Poles: Hans Frank Complained That He Was Not Given Sufficient Manpower To Exterminate All the Poles! Jews remind us that, whereas 90% of Poland's Jews fell victim to the Holocaust, "only" 10%… Read morePolokaust Why Tens of Millions of Poles Not Murdered Fritz
Ostkrieg, by Stephen G. Fritz. 2011
Polokaust Not More Severe Because USSR Didn't Collapse. France Could've Helped 1939 Poland. Red Army Could've Taken Warsaw in Mid-1944 For Warsaw Uprising THE POLOKAUST WAS NOT WORSE OWING TO MILITARY EVENTS True to the title, Fritz goes beyond military events and focuses on… Read morePolokaust Why Tens of Millions of Poles Not Murdered Giziowski
The Enigma of General Blaskowitz, by Richard Giziowski. 1996
Why the Polokaust Did Not Proceed to the Complete Extermination of the Poles: Insufficient German Manpower to Put Down the Expected Polish Resistance! "Hans" Blaskowitz was descended from a family of recently-Germanized Slovenians that had settled in East Prussia. (p. 18).… Read moreNo Polish Collaboration. Polokaust Why Tens of Millions of Poles Not Murdered Piotrowski
Hans Frank's Diary, by Stanislaw Piotrowski. 1961
Top SS Man Schongarth: Virtually No Polish Collaboration! Why the Polokaust Did Not Exterminate All Poles: Need of Forced Laborers. For Shame: Nazi German Candor on Polish Suffering Exceeds Jewish Recognition of the Same Stanislaw Piotrowski, the only Polish delegate at the Nuremberg… Read morePolokaust Zamosc Operation Detail Kozaczynska
Losy Dzieci Zamojszczyzny Wysiedlonych, by Beata Kozaczynska. 2006
The Polokaust in the Zamosc Region of German-Occupied Poland. Many Poles Just as Dead as the Jews Who Went to the Gas Chambers. Mass Sterilization of Slavs Planned My review is based on the original Polish-language edition, whose title I had earlier… Read morePolokaust Palliation By Polish Guerrillas. Stop Holocaust Railroads Myth Debunked. Jekielek
Bataliony Chlopskie w Malopolsce i Na Slasku, by Wojciech Jekielek. 1987
Polish Guerrillas Counter the German-Sponsored Alcoholism, Confiscations of Feedstuffs, and Polish Collaborators. The Mythical Possibility of Death-Camp-Bound Trains Destroyed By the Polish Underground Title: THE PEASANT BATTALIONS IN THE MALOPOLSKA REGION AND IN SILESIA: A CALENDAR. This work follows… Read morePolokaust Population Transfers Hryciuk
Wysiedlenia, Wypedzenia, i Ucieczki, 1939-1959 by Grzegorz Hryciuk et al. (eds.) 2008
Not Only Jews Lost Property. Millions of Poles Were Translocated During and After World War II POPULATION TRANSFERS, EXPULSIONS, AND ESCAPES, 1939-1959 is the title of this Polish-language annotated encyclopedic atlas. Every imaginable form of population relocation that… Read morePolokaust Slighted By Jews Admitted By Rabbi Sherwin
Sparks Amidst the Ashes: The Spiritual Legacy of Polish Jewry, by Byron L. Sherwin. 1997
German Guilt Dilution and the Jewish Slighting of the Polokaust Are Freely Acknowledged by This Rabbi Whether or not one agrees with everything he says, one can feel enlightened and uplifted by Sherwin's refreshingly-different and… Read morePolokaust Slighted By Media PROOF Niechwiadowicz
German Camps,Polish Victims: The BBC coverage of German-occupied Poland, by Jan Niechwiadowicz 2012
Polokaust Slighted: A Devastating Strongly-Supported Indictment of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and Its Distorted Portrayal of Poles During WWII If anyone has any doubt about the extent of Polonophobia in action, this work is an eye-opener.… Read morePolokaust Summary of Losses Poland Survey
Statement on War Losses and Damages of Poland in 1939-1945, by Bureau Odszkodowan. 1947
The Polokaust: Early Post-WWII Polish Government Survey. Staggering Polish Losses. The Myth of Jewish Deaths Ignored, or Mixed Up With, or Hidden Among, Polish Deaths Since this Polish government report was published before the Soviet puppet… Read morePolokaust Passive Genocide and Wearing Letter P Knab
Wearing the Letter P, by Sophie Hodorowicz Knab. 2016
Parallelism Between the Experiences of Poles and Jews in Nazi Germany. Forced Labor as Passive Genocide--Part of the Polokaust Author Knab cites German historian Ulrich Herbert. He stated that over 7.6 million foreign workers were registered for the territory of the… Read morePolokaust Negationism Poles Killed For Cause Myth Gumkowski
Poland Under Nazi Occupation, by Janusz Gumkowski, Kazimierz Leszczynski. 1961
Holocaust and Polokaust: Not True That Jewish and Polish Deaths Were Lumped Together in the Communist-Ruled Era. Not True That Germans Only Murdered Poles "For Cause" About 3 million Polish Jews and 3 million Polish gentiles were killed by the… Read morePolokaust Negationism Poles Killed For Cause Myth Mulley
The Spy Who Loved: The Secrets and Lives of Christine Granville, by Clare Mulley (Goodreads Author). 2013
Understanding Poland’s Nobility. Contrary to Holocaust Myths, Poles Did NOT "Have to Do Something" To Be Put to Death By the Germans! The Espionage Adventure This fascinating book is much more than about… Read morePolokaust Negationism Poles Killed For Cause Myth Sofsky
The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camp, by Wolfgang Sofsky, William Templer (Translator). 1999
Soundly Debunks the Myth That “Jews Were Killed Because They Were Jews and Poles Were Killed Because It Was War”. Red=Brown: Double Genocide Affirmed. Holodomor Was Genocide The author, a German scholar, surveys the Nazi concentration… Read morePolokaust Orwellian Minimization Rutherford
Prelude to the Final Solution: The Nazi Program for Deporting Ethnic Poles, 1939-1941, by Phillip T. Rutherford. 2007
Orwellian Title Relegates the Polokaust To a "Practice Genocide" For the "Real" Genocide That Was to Come--That of the Jews' Holocaust The title of this book is not saying anything new. The… Read morePolokaust Outline Of Events Jewish Star No Worse Than Polish “P” Epstein
Model Nazi, by Catherine Epstein. 2010
The Polokaust: Artur Greiser and the Mass Murder of Polish Intelligentsia, Cultural Genocide, Passive Biological Genocide, and Eventual Postwar Extermination. Not All Poles Wear "P" Because Too Many of Them, Not Because Nazis Favored Them Over the Jews This work presents a great deal… Read morePolokaust Driven By LEBENSRAUM Poles Too Were Scapegoats Hitler
The Words of Hitler, by Adolf Hitler. 1942
Lebensraum. Hitler Blaming Jews and Blaming Poles. Nazism Clashed With Both Capitalism and Communism This book is full of quotes from Hitler. For example: DRIVE FOR LEBENSRAUM CAUSED WORLD WAR II Hitler made it obvious that his main geopolitical orientation was not… Read morePolokaust Long Term By Mass Sterilization Lengyel
Five Chimneys, by Olga Lengyel. 2011
At Auschwitz. The Eventual Full-Fledged Polokaust By Mass Sterilization. The Nazis Were Not Consistently More Cruel to Jews Than to Non-Jews THE ONGOING NAZI GERMAN MURDER OF POLISH PRIESTS AND OTHER POLES Large numbers of Polish clergy were sent to Auschwitz in the early… Read morePolokaust Long Term By Mass Sterilization Spitz
Doctors From Hell, by Vivian Spitz. 2005
German Guilt Diffusion Rejected: No Dichotomy Between Nazis and "Ordinary" German Doctors. Himmler: Long-Term Polokaust By Mass Sterilization The reader of this book quickly learns that the gruesome experiments conducted against helpless victims were not just done by a few "warped" Nazi ideologues,… Read moreGENERAL PLAN OST Polokaust Slow Holocaust Fast the Only Difference Weiss-Wendt
Racial Science in Hitler's New Europe, 1938-1945, by Anton Weiss-Wendt and Rory Yeomans (eds.) 2013
The Ubiquity and Sophistication of Nazi Racial Concepts and Practices. The Polokaust: Slav-Exterminatory Implications of GENERALPLAN OST This work is an anthology of scholarly articles dealing with the practical, rather than theoretical, aspects of Nazi… Read morePolokaust Negationism By Jan T Gross
Polish Society Under German Occupation: The Generalgouvernement, 1939 1944, by Jan Tomasz Gross. 1979
Nazi German Terror in Poland Made Into a Joke. I Provide Rebuttal By Polish Underground Leader Stefan Korbonski, Who, Unlike Gross, Actually Lived Under the Nazi German Occupation Neo-Stalinist Jan T. Gross, who later overtly showed… Read morePolokaust Holocaust Intertwined Lewin
A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto, by Abraham Lewin, Christopher Hutton (Translator). 1989
Polish Smugglers Crucial. Holocaust and Polokaust Intertwined. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Abraham Lewin kept a diary from early 1942 through early 1943. He focused on the mass deportation of Warsaw's Jews to their deaths at… Read morePolokaust Holocaust Intertwined Rhodes
Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust, by Richard Rhodes. 2003
The Polokaust and the Holocaust Were Intertwined in Nazi Ideology and Practice This book mixes theory and history. It covers the development of Nazi ideology, details about the Einsatzgruppen operations in the wake of Operation… Read morePolokaust KL WARSCHAU Death Camp(?) Trzcinska
KL Warschau w Swietle Dokumentow, by Maria Trzcinska. 2007
Biala Plama (Orwellian Memory Hole): A Nazi German Death Camp, for Ethnic Poles, in Warsaw Itself? This controversial book has now supposedly been discredited. However, owing to the near-hysterical reaction of some Jews to it, based on the threat to Holocaust… Read morePolokaust LEBENSBORN Child Kidnapping Goggin
Death of a Jewish Science, by Eileen Brockman Goggin and James E. Goggin. 2000
German Psychologists Kidnap Polish Children for the LEBENSBORN Program. Frankfurt School (Neo-Marxist) USA Legacy This is primarily a book on psychoanalysis. Goggin and Goggin suggests that the Nazi ideology concerning the VOLKSGEMEINSCHAFT (the people’s community) denied… Read morePolokaust Holocaust Intertwined Goebbels
The Goebbels Diaries, 1939-1941, by Joseph Goebbels. 1984
Polokaust and Holocaust: Nazi anti-Semitic, anti-Polish, and anti-Christian Attitudes (1939-1941) This review can only briefly address a little of the wealth of information herein. Shortly after the German-Soviet conquest of Poland (Fall 1939), Goebbels paid the Poles a backhanded compliment for their… Read morePolokaust Holocaust Intertwined Housden
Hans Frank: Lebensraum and the Holocaust, by Martyn Housden. 2003
No Dichotomy Between the Fates of Poles and Jews. The Polokaust and the Holocaust Were Theoretically and Practically Intertwined at Numerous Successive Levels GERMANS, STOP WHINING. IT WAS THE GERMANS THAT SET THE PRECEDENT OF SYSTEMATIC BOMBING OF CIVILIANS Part… Read morePolokaust German Individuals’ Material Gain Mass Thievery of Polish Property Aly
Hitler's Beneficiaries, by Gotz Aly. 2008
Individual Germans Profited From Confiscated Polish Property as Well as Confiscated Jewish Property. Will Germans Pay Property Restitution to Poles? Alternative Title: Hitler’s Satisfied Thieves: Actually, the Case for Nazi German Larceny-and-Genocide Policies can be Made Stronger German author Gotz (Goetz) Aly describes National… Read morePolokaust Good Overall Introduction Lukas
The Forgotten Holocaust, by Richard C. Lukas. 1997
Though a Bit Dated, Still an Excellent Primer on the Forgotten Holocaust of Poles [Now Known as the Polokaust] This work, written decades ago, still serves as an excellent, comprehensive introduction to this subject. Owing to the fact that Jews have now… Read morePolokaust Early a Summary Poland Ministerstwo
The German New Order in Poland, by Ministerstwo Informacji. 1942
The First Few Years of the Polokaust: A Detailed and Graphic Summary This book addresses the German rule over Poland--but only from September 1939 through the end of June 1941, which is just when Operation Barbarossa had begun. There were… Read morePolokaust GENERALPLAN OST Details Madajczyk
Vom GENERALPLAN OST, by Czeslaw Madajczyk (ed.) 1962
The Polokaust if Totally Fulfilled: Initial Blueprint for Nazi German Extermination of at Least Tens of Millions of Slavic Peoples My review is based on the English-language article: GENERALPLAN OST, published by historian Czeslaw Madajczyk in the 1962 issue of POLISH-WESTERN AFFAIRS,… Read morePolokaust DEFINITIVE WORK Up to 8 Million Poles Perished Materski
Polska 1939-1945, Straty Osobowe..., by Wojciech Materski. 2009
The Definitive Work on the Polokaust (Polonocaust). Not "Only" 1.5--3.0 Million Ethnic Poles Died in World War II. Even 8 Million is Possible! The usually-Judeocentric books in the West tend to minimize the Nazi German genocide of ethnic Poles during WWII. In… Read morePolokaust Details Operation Zamosc Why Poles Not Exterminated Cultural Marxism Buchheim
Anatomy of the SS State, by Hans Buchheim (ed.) 1968
The Polokaust From a German Perspective. Jews and Poles Exterminated Differently--For Tactical Reasons. Thought Control From Cultural Marxism: A Warning This anthology, written by German scholars, provides invaluable information about German Nazi policies and conduct. THOUGHT CONTROL IS MORE IMPORTANT… Read morePolokaust Disenfranchised By Holocaust Cole
Selling the Holocaust: From Auschwitz to Schindler, How History is Bought, Packaged, and Sold, by Tim Cole. 2000
Holocaust Supremacism Confronted. Victimhood Competition: Why Poles Lose. Jews Have Enough Resources to Defeat Popularization of Non-Jewish Genocides. Auschwitz Carmelite Controversy: The Real Issue Cole traces the development of popularization of the… Read morePolokaust Disenfranchised By Holocaust Plavnieks
Nazi Collaborators on Trial During the Cold War: Viktors ARājs and the Latvian Auxiliary Security Police, by Richards Plavnieks. 2017
How Holocaust Preeminence Has Disenfranchised Eastern Europeans. Germanless Holocaust! Jedwabne: Polish Guilt Undermined Author Plavnieks describes the sympathy Americans felt for Latvians [and, of course, other Eastern Europeans] before the… Read morePolokaust Disenfranchised By Holocaust SMOKING GUN Cherry
Rethinking Poles and Jews: Troubled Past, Brighter Future, by Robert D. Cherry (Editor). 2007
SMOKING GUN: The Holocaust Establishment Disenfranchises Poles and Cultivates Polonophobia, Notably in Academia Robert Cherry is identified as Koppelman Professor in the Economics Department at Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center at the City University of… Read morePolokaust Early a Summary Matthaus
War, Pacification, and Mass Murder, 1939, by Jurgen Matthaus. 2014
The Early Polokaust: The Systematic Nazi German Mass Murders of Poles in 1939. Nazis Also Used PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU This work surveys the murders of Polish and Jewish civilians during the 1939 war, and in the remaining two months of 1939.… Read morePolokaust By Starvation. Interwar Land Reform Fallacies Refuted. Taylor
The Economic Development of Poland 1919-1950, by Jack Taylor. 1952
Polokaust By Starvation. Seldom-Told Polish Achievements (1918-1939) Debunk Communist Propaganda This scholarly work begins with portioned Poland, and then moves on to the resurrected Polish state and the interwar period. It then discusses conditions under the German Nazi occupation followed… Read morePolokaust By Starvation Thwarted By Black Market Brzeska
Through a Woman's Eyes: Life in Poland Under the German Occupation, by Maria Brzeska. 1944
The Unfolding Polokaust in Eyewitness Detail. Exposes the Holocaustspeak Nonsense of "Poles as Spectators and Bystanders", "Polish Complicity in the Holocaust", etc. Nowadays, the Nazi German genocide of Poles (Polokaust) is all but forgotten in… Read morePolokaust By Starvation Thwarted By Black Market Fake Epidemic Lazowski
Private War: Memoirs of a Doctor Soldier 1933-1945, by Eugene Slawomir Lazowski. 1991
Gross Overabundance of Jews at Universities Provoked the Ghetto Benches. The Polokaust By Starvation German Plan Was Largely Thwarted By Courageous Polish Black Market Activity. Fake Epidemic Fools the Germans The author, a medical doctor, starts with… Read morePolokaust Cultural Genocide Aspect Warsaw Lorentz
Walka o Dobra Kultury Warszawy 1939-1945, by Stanislaw Lorentz. 1970
Holocaust Uniquenss Myth (Only Jews Persecuted All Over Europe) Upended. The Polokaust: Detailed Focus on the Cultural Genocide of Poles. Afterwards, Poles Loot Poles, and Not Only Jews THE FIGHT TO SAVE WARSAW' S CULTURAL GOODS, 1939-1945 is the title… Read morePolokaust Cultural Genocide Example Warsaw Kuhn Ludewig
Displaced Books, by Maria Kuhn Ludewig. 1999
A Taste of the Culture Genocide Aspect of the Polokaust: The Systematic German Burning of Warsaw's Libraries and Archives After the Fall of the Soviet-Betrayed Warsaw Uprising My review is of the 1999 edition of this book, which is 99 pages long. Owing… Read morePolokaust As Exterminatory in Character as Holocaust Majer
"Non-Germans" and the Third Reich, by Deimut Majer. 2003
The Unfolding Polokaust. The Same Nazi German Exterminationist Philosophy Behind the Holocaust Was Also Behind the Polokaust. Wannsee Protocol: Polish Death Camp Lie is Ironic This scholarly work (1,033 pages long) presents an immense amount of information, largely based on archival… Read morePolokaust As Exterminatory in Character as Holocaust Tooze
The Wages of Destruction, by Adam Tooze. 2008
The Polokaust: Includes Fascinating Insights into GENERALPLAN OST as Vast and Systematic Planned Nazi Extermination of Slavs Without necessarily intending to, this work soundly puts Holocaust supremacism to rest. VERSAILLES DEMYTHOLOGIZED: THE MYTH OF INORDINATELY PUNITIVE REPARATIONS ON DEFEATED WWI GERMANY Conventional… Read morePolokaust as Significant as Holocaust According to Genocide Scholars Lemkin and Bloxham
The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies, by Donald Bloxham (ed.) 2013
The Original Definition of Genocide (Raphael Lemkin) Recognized the Equality of Genocides of Poles and Jews--the “Universal Targeting” of Jews Notwithstanding. HOLODOMOR Was Genocide This book presents thought-provoking information. For example: HOLOCAUST SUPREMACISM, BY ITS VERY NATURE, DIMINISHES ALL… Read morePolokaust A Genocide Lemkin Updated Confino
Foundational Pasts, by Alon Confino. 2011
Lemkin “Updated” on the Polokaust as Genocide. The Presumed Exceptionality of the Holocaust is Not Self-Evident. It is a Decades-Later Post-WWII Invention! Author Alon Confino is a professor of history, and a specialist on the Holocaust. My main interest is the justice customarily denied… Read morePolokaust A Genocide Recognized Classic Lemkin
Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, by Raphael Lemkin. 1944
The Term Genocide Coined, and Applied Not Only to Jews (Now: Shoah or Holocaust) But Also to Poles (Now: Polokaust) Raphael (Rafal, Rafael) Lemkin, a Polish Jew, is well known for coining the term genocide. This reprint of his 1944 classic… Read morePolokaust By Starvation and Cultural Genocide Nicholas
The Rape of Europa, by Lynn H. Nicholas. 1995
The German Plunder of Poland, and the Planned Extended Polokaust Author Lynn Nicholas traces the plunder of cultural treasures Nazi Germany followed the Allies' efforts to locate and return the booty. The Germans also engaged in the wanton destruction of others'… Read morePolokaust Already in 1939 War Datner
Crimes Committed by the Wehrmacht During the September Campaign, by Szymon Datner. 1962.
The First Stages of the Polokaust: A Summary of German (Not “Nazi”) Crimes During Their 1939 Conquest of Poland This small book represents a summary of detailed ongoing research on the German Army’s (not only SS and… Read morePolokaust Antecedent German Thinking Baranowski
Nazi Empire: German Colonialism and Imperialism From Bismarck to Hitler, by Shelley Baranowski. 2010
The Deep, Pre-Nazi German Roots of the Polokaust. GENERALPLAN OST and the Death of Tens of Millions of Slavs The roots of modern German genocidal imperialism followed not only the unification of Germany, but also her… Read morePolokaust Antecedent German Thinking Cultural Marxism Kolnai
The War Against the West, by Aurel Kolnai. 1938
Germany and LEBENSRAUM. Nazism vs. Christianity. Nazism Anticipated Modern Western Hedonism (Cultural Marxism) My review is based on the original 1938 edition. Owing to the fact that this work precedes WWII and the Holocaust, it has the advantage of not being… Read morePolokaust Antecedent German Thinking Kopp
Germany's Wild East, by Kristin Kopp. 2017
Antecedents To the Polokaust and Nazi Dreams of LEBENSRAUM: Centuries of German Racist and Imperialist Thought Against Poles The informed reader may be struck at just how unoriginal were the thoughts, against Poles and Poland, of Hitler and the other Nazis. They went… Read morePolokaust An Introductory Summary Biskupski
The History of Poland, by Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski. 2000
An Overview of the Polokaust: The Staggering Losses Inflicted By the Nazi Germans on Poland The author generally provides a balanced account of Polish history. This book encompasses pre-Partition Poland, Poland under foreign rule, the resurrection of the Polish state (1918)… Read morePolish Middle Class Jews Delayed Whitton
A History of Poland: From the Earliest Times to the Present Day, by Frederick Ernest Whitton. 2015
Jews Delayed the Development of a Polish Middle Class. Poland Less Feudal Than Most Other European Societies. Opportunistic Tsarist Russian Abolition of Serfdom This work (review based on the original 1917 edition), begins… Read morePolish Nationalism Never Imperialist Arendt
The Origins of Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt. 1973
Rejecting the Cult of Jewish Suffering. The 1937-1938 Slaughter of Soviet Poles Was An Act of Genocide. The Nazi Polokaust Was Not Utilitarian. Polish Nationalism Correctly Understood Hannah Arendt was a German Jew who wrote many political works of enduring interest. There… Read morePolish Nation Once Only the Nobility a Myth Althoen
NATIONE POLONUS and the NARÖD SZLACHECKI. Two Myths of National Identity and Noble Solidarity, by David Althoen. 2003
Bombshell! The Polish Nobility NEVER Thought That “Polish Nation” Referred Exclusively to the Nobility, or That the Peasantry Was Not Part of the Polish Nation This review is of a paper originally… Read morePolish Soviet War 1920 Facts Zamoyski
Warsaw 1920: Lenin’s Failed Conquest of Europe, by Adam Zamoyski. 2008
An Outstanding Work That Addresses Common Misconceptions About the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War The Soviet Union was the aggressor, and there is no contradiction between the wartime emaciation of Russia and her expansionist ambitions. To the contrary: The commentary on… Read morePolitical Correctness Invented By Communists Milosz
The Captive Mind, by Czesław Miłosz, Jane Zielonko (Translator). 1990
Insights Into Wartime Demoralization as a Cause for Polish Betrayals and Killings of Jews. Political Correctness, Now Part of Cultural Marxism, Originated From Communism The author touches on many matters related to different periods of Polish history. For instance, he… Read morePolokaust 75% of Poles Lost Close Loved Ones Gorski
Warszawa w Latach 1944-1949: Odbudowa, by Jan Gorski. 1988
Polokaust: >75% of Young Poles Had Lost at Least One Close Loved One. Germans Massively Pillage Poles, and Not Only the Jews We Keep Hearing About. Warsaw: The Phoenix Rises From the Ashes THE REBUILDING OF WARSAW IN THE YEARS 1944-1949… Read morePolish Death Camp Lie Serious Niechwiadowicz
The PMI Compendium of Anti-Polish Sentiment, by Jan Niechwiadowicz. 2012
The "Polish Death Camp" Lie is Disturbingly Common in the Media. Who Has an Interest in Promoting This Polonophobia? This issue has commonly been in the news even though this book has now been written 8 years ago. Various media… Read morePolish Guerrillas Too Distant To Aid By Allies Myth Forczyk
Warsaw 1944: Poland’s bid for freedom, by Robert Forczyk. 2009
Debunks the "Poland Too Far Away To Aid" Myth, With a Concise History of the Soviet-Betrayed Warsaw Uprising (1944) in Outline Format This work is quite compact. There are separate chapters on the origins of the campaign, the opposing forces,… Read morePolish Indifference to Holocaust a Myth Mayer
Why Did The Heavens Not Darken?: The "Final Solution" In History, by Arno J. Mayer. 1990
Poles' Trauma Under Nazi Germany, and Not Polish Anti-Semitism, Bred Polish "Indifference" to Jews Author Arno J. Mayer perceptively writes: "The local populations became indifferent to the torments of the Jews less because of… Read morePolish Middle Class Jews Delayed Hundert
The Jews in a Polish Private Town: The Case of Opatsw in the Eighteenth Century, by Gershon David Hundert. 1992
Jews Boycotted Poles First. Jews Inhibited Development of a Polish Middle Class. An Irony to Complaints About Expulsions of Jews Correction in book title as listed: The town name is… Read morePolish Middle Class Jews Delayed MacDonald
Cultural Insurrections, by Kevin B. MacDonald. 2007
Non-Polish Author Confirms That Jewish Economic Hegemony, Over Poland, Greatly Delayed the Development of a Polish Middle Class Much of this work overlaps that found in Kevin MacDonald’s earlier books, especially CULTURE OF CRITIQUE and UNDERSTANDING JEWISH INFLUENCE. [Please see all my reviews… Read morePolish Death Camp Lie An Old Jewish Spin Korbonski
The Jews and the Poles in World War II, by Stefan Korbonski. 1989
The “Polish Death Camp” Mendacity is a Jewish Meme That is Now Several Decades Old. Jews and 1968: Little-Known Facts Although this book was written 30 years ago, it retains its significance--very much so. Its author, Stefan… Read morePolish Death Camp Lie Confronted and Repudiated by Holocaust Scholar Gutman
Rescue Attempts During the Holocaust, by Israel Gutman et al. (ed.) 1974
The Earth is Round, and the Death Camps Were German, Not Polish. Nazi Utilitarian Motives for Jews as Well as Poles One malicious Polonophobic Holocaust myth is the one about the Nazis' choice of Poland as the site… Read morePolish Death Camp Lie Confronted Zimmerman
Jewish Studies and Holocaust Education in Poland, by Lynn W. Zimmerman. 2014
“Poles Did Not Plan or Carry Out the Holocaust”. Well said! The Rest? All the Standard Judeocentric Pole-Accusing Memes Although this book is free of the strident Polonophobic formulations of many Jewish authors, it consistently repeats the well-worn… Read morePolish Death Camp Lie Irony Camps Initially Further East Aly
Final Solution, by Gotz Aly. 1999
Tactical Reasons Made Poles and Jews "Unequal Victims". Ironic to the Oft-Repeated "Polish Death Camp" Lie, The German Extermination Camps Were Initially To Be Built in German-Occupied Belarus! This scholarly work makes it obvious, from many cited German documents that, not only was there… Read morePolish Death Camp Lie Irony Were Top Secret Grossman
The Hell of Treblinka, by Vasily Grossman. 1944, 2014
Early (1944) Report on Treblinka. No German Guilt Diffusion. No Blame-Christianity Accusations. Inflated Death Figures Were Jewish Estimates, Not Polish Inventions Author Vasily Grossman was a Soviet Jew, and this book is one of the first, if not the first, account… Read morePolish Death Camp Lie Why Camps in Poland DEFINITIVE WORK Khiterer
The Holocaust: Memories and History, by Victoria Khiterer et al. (eds.) 2014
Bombshell: The “Polish Death Camp” Fib--a Serious Matter--Incisively Examined and Soundly Refuted in All Its Manifestations Of all the essays in this anthology, one is eye-opening, and deep in scholarship. I focus on it: (REAL OR IMAGINED) PRE-WWII… Read morePolish Collaboration Perhaps But No Polish SS Stein
Waffen SS: Hitler's Elite Guard at War, 1939 1945, by George H. Stein. 1984
Guess Which Major German-Ruled European Nation Had No SS Units. Give Up? It’s Those Leftmedia-Maligned “Fascist” Poles Probably the most eye-opening contribution of this scholarly and comprehensive book is the list of non-German nationalities represented in… Read morePolish Collaboration Sporadic Ezergailis
The Holocaust in Latvia, by Andrew Ezergailis. 1997
German Guilt Diffusion: The Nazi and Soviet (Now Jewish) Blame-the-Locals Holocaust Tactic. So Germanless Holocaust. Implications for Jedwabne. No Organized Polish Collaboration in the Holocaust Author Andrew Ezergailis is a Holocaust scholar. My review is limited to the implications of Ezergailis’s findings… Read morePolish Collaboration Very Rare Holocaust Supremacism in Action Polonsky
New Directions in the History of the Jews in the Polish Lands, by Antony Polonsky (ed.) 2018
No Significant Polish Collaboration With the Nazis. The Rest of the Volume is the Standard Judeocentric Narrative on Jews and Poles This volume is hardly “new directions” as advertised, but does have a… Read morePolish Collaboration Very Rare Sword
Deportation and Exile: Poles in the Soviet Union, 1939-48, by Keith Sword. 2014
Very Low Rates of Polish Collaboration. Clarifies Jewish Deportees and the False “Fear of the Nazis” Zydokomuna Exculpation This work by a British author provides details of not only the deportations and “amnesty”, but also many other… Read morePolish Collaboration Very Rare Wandycz
Soviet Polish Relations, 1917 1921, by Piotr Stefan Wandycz. 2013
Very Low Rates of Polish Collaboration Demonstrated. Poland Not the Aggressor in the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War This work is overflowing with biographical and historical information. Owing to its comprehensiveness, I limit my review to a few issues. THE EARLY ZYDOKOMUNA… Read morePolish Blue Police Not Collaborationist Friedman
Martyrs and Fighters, by Filip Friedman.1954
The Peripheral Role of the Polish Blue Police in the Suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising This book cites numerous sources published soon after the war. Commonly-available ones, notably those of Marek Edelman, Yitzhak Zuckerman, Bernard Goldstein, and Emmanuel Ringelblum, were or are to… Read morePolish Blue Police Not Collaborationist Hempel
Pogrobowcy Kleski, by Adam Hempel. 1990
The Polish Police, Under the Nazi German Occupation, Were Not a Collaborationist Force The 40,000-strong (p. 23) Polish Police (hereafter PP) acquired the appellation Blue Police (POLICJA GRANATOWA) from the color of its uniforms, and primarily from the partly-justified taint of collaborationism. PASSIVE GERMAN… Read morePolish Blue Police Not Collaborationist Pinkus
The House of Ashes, by Oscar Pinkus. 1990
As at Warsaw, THE Polish Blue Police (POLICJA GRANATOWA), at Losice, Was Not Trusted By the Germans for Collaborationist Purposes Against Jews Oskar Pinkus is a Polish Jew who lived in Losice, located 85 miles east of Warsaw and 10 miles from… Read morePolish Collaboration an Excellent Introduction Piotrowski
Poland's Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration With Occupying Forces, and Genocide in the Second Republic, 1918-1947, by Tadeusz Piotrowski. 1997
A Solid, Objective Introduction to the Second Polish Republic (1918-1939), and to WWII Collaboration By All Nationalities. Polish-Jewish Relations: In 20 Years Nothing Has Changed This book, now written over twenty… Read morePolish Collaboration Driven By German Tortures Przesmycki
sold out dream: memoirs of a Polish freedom fighter, by Julius F Przesmycki. 1991
The 1939 War, Zydokomuna Enmity, Radio-Hiding (vs. Jew-Hiding), Polish Nazi Collaboration By Poles Broken By German Tortures, A.K. Guerrilla Combat, Permanent-Exile Status, etc. The title of this comprehensive English-language book refers to the selling out of… Read morePolish Collaboration Like That of Jews Psychology Behind Gondek
Polska karząca 1939-1945: Polski podziemny wymiar sprawiedliwości w okresie okupacji niemieckiej, by Leszek Gondek. 1988
The Psychology of Collaboration (Like Poles Like Jews): Seeking Power in the Face of Powerlessness. Doesn't Forget That Polish Blackmailers of Jews Also Blackmailed Poles.
PUNITIVE POLAND 1939-1945 is the title of this Polish-language book.…
Read morePoles and Jews in Palestine Pruszynski
Poland Fights Back, by Ksawery Pruszyński. 1944
Fills-in the Gap Between the 1939 War and the 1940 Battle of Britain. Jewish-Polish Relations in WWII Palestine
This gem of a book covers a lot of ground, and I focus on a few items.
Here is a direct quote:
Read morePoles AntiNazi AntiSemitic Like Jews AntiNazi AntiPolish Haar
German Scholars and Ethnic Cleansing, 1919-1945, by Ingo Haar (Editor). 2005
Poles Anti-Nazi Yet Anti-Semitic? Big Deal. Jews Anti-Nazi Yet Anti-Polish. Endeks Not Nazis or Fascists. Operation Zamosc. No Valid Nazi/German Dualism Consider some salient facts: A POLE CAN BE ANTI-NAZI AND STILL ANTISEMITIC. SO WHAT? A GERMAN JEW CAN… Read morePoles Had Long Ignored Holocaust A Total Myth Haltof
Polish Film and the Holocaust, by Marek Haltof. 2012
Debunks the Oft-Repeated Holocaust Myth That, Until Recently, Poles Had Disregarded or Marginalized the Jews' Holocaust In this review, I focus not on Holocaust filmography, but on historical trends. THE "JEWS WERE IGNORED" MEME: AN INTRODUCTION The Communist puppet state, the… Read morePoles Refuse To Return Jewish Belongings Wartime Context Waddell
Through the Eyes of a Survivor, by Colette Waddell, Nina Morecki. 2007
Includes Rarely-Provided Wartime German-Terror Context for Poles Denouncing Fugitive Jews, Refusing to Return Jewish Belongings Entrusted to Poles, etc. Nina Gruetz-Morecki was a gentile-looking well-to-do Polish Jew from Lwow (Lvov, Lviv). Her experiences touch on several issues related… Read morePolish 1609 Grab of Moscow Not Imperialist Lutoslawski
The Polish Nation (Classic Reprint), by Wincenty Lutoslawski. 2018
Leading Endek Thinker Clarifies Misconceptions About Polish Nationalism, of the SZLACHTA, of Polish "Imperialism" and the 1609 "Seizure" of Moscow, and of Poland as “Jesus Christ of Nations” The author, Wincenty Lutoslawski (1863-1954) was a National Democrat (Endek), and friend of… Read morePoland Communized By Force. Jews in Communist GL-AL Gontarczyk
Polska Partia Robotnicza. Droga do Wladzy 1941-1944, by Piotr Gontarczyk. 2015
Early Stages of the Soviet-Imposed Communization of WII Poland. Includes Revolutionary Banditry. Jews in Communist GL-AL
THE POLISH WORKERS’ PARTY: ITS RISE TO POWER 1941-1944 is the title of this Polish-language book. This work combines the use of archival…
Read morePoland Communized By Force Vast Crimes Zebrowski
W Szponach Czerwonych: Komunizm I Postkomunizm w Polsce po 1944, by Leszek Zebrowski. 2015
The Crushing Scale of the Soviet-Imposed Communist Puppet Government on Poland (1944-on). Never-Punished Communist Crimes
IN THE TALONS OF THE REDS, COMMUNISM AND (POST)COMMUNISM IN POLAND AFTER 1944, is the title of this book by historian…
Read morePoland Interwar Hyperinflation Taylor
The Downfall of Money: Germany’s Hyperinflation and the Destruction of the Middle Class, by Frederick Taylor. 2013
Hyperinflation Exculpation for Nazism Fails. Poland and Many Other Countries Also Had Hyperinflation, Yet Never Produced a Hitler This work focuses not only on monetary issues, but also the entire history of Germany… Read morePoland Mistreats Minorities Old Propaganda Reused By Hitler
The Speeches Of Adolf Hitler, April 1922 August 1939: An English Translation Of Representative Passages, by Adolf Hitler. 1942
Hitler Blackened Poland Over "Horrible Treatment of Minorities" Just Like Cultural Marxists, and Certain Jews, Do Today. Nazism Was Leftist, Not Rightist. German LEBENSRAUM Ambitions, and Not "Polish Intransigence", Caused WWII… Read morePoland Too Judeocompliant Michalkiewicz Sommer
Nie Bojcie Sie Prawdy, by Stanislaw Michalkiewicz and Tomasz Sommer. 2009.
A Variety of Politically-Incorrect Truths About Poland Today. ZYDOKOMUNA is a Legitimate Term. GAZETA WYBORCZA Agenda DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE TRUTH is the title of this Polish-Language book. This work overlaps that of a more recent book… Read morePoles Also Nazi Scapegoats Goebbels
Final Entries 1945: The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels, by Joseph Goebbels. 2008
Jews and Poles Remain Scapegoats; Goebbels Perceives Actual Soviet Intentions In the closing weeks of the European component of WWII, Goebbels’s attitude towards the Jews remained unchanged: (April 3, 1945): “The Jews have applied for a seat at… Read morePOLAK POTRAFI Poles Beat Prussians Trzeciakowski
The Kulturkampf in Prussian Poland, by Lech Trzeciakowski. 1990
POLAK POTRAFI: Poles Beat Bismarck and the Prussians Through Practical Activism This book is a translation from the Polish. The author places the Polish struggle against Bismarck's KULTURKAMPF [Culture War] in the broader context of German attempts to centralize the post-unification… Read morePOLAK POTRAFI Poles Beat Prussians Via School Strikes Kulczycki
School Strikes in Prussian Poland, 1901-1907, by John J. Kulczycki. 1981
Polish Power and the School Strikes: The Anatomy of Polish Resistance to Prussian De-Polonization Policies in the VOLKSSCHULEN Poland had been entirely under foreign rule since the 1790's. By the 1850's, Bismarck's associates were promoting the suppression of Polishness.… Read morePoland’s Heroic Narrative Even Nazis Admired Iranek-Osmecki
The Unseen and the Silent: Adventures From the Underground Movement Narrated by Paratroops of the Polish Home Army, by Kazimierz Iranek-Osmecki. 1954
No "National Myths" or "Heroic Narrative": The German Enemy Gives More Credit to the Polish Underground Than Do Many Jews and LEWAKS The title of this book refers… Read morePoland’s Heroic Narrative Long Derided By Jews Keane
Skamander: The Poets and Their Poetry 1918-1929, by Barry Keane.
Poland's So-Called Heroic Narrative Has Long Been Under Attack, Especially By Certain Jews. Why Endeks Did Not Think Much of Assimilated Jews Becoming Poles This book is mainly about poetry and poetic themes. However, since this is not my… Read morePoland and Kuklinski Espionage Weiser
A Secret Life: The Polish Officer, His Covert Mission, And The Price He Paid To Save His Country, by Benjamin Weiser. 2005
Move over, James Bond! Ryszard Kuklinski Prevented Poland From Being Made Into a Sacrificial Lamb in a Soviet-NATO War Those who ask if Kuklinski was a patriot or… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Halkin
Jabotinsky: A Life (Jewish Lives), by Hillel Halkin. 2014
Pogroms—Jews Against Jews. Insights into Jabotinsky, the Betar, and Revisionist Zionism In history books, we hear a lot about pogroms. How about some attention to another kind of pogrom—that of Jew against Jew. This book does so. A SAMPLE OF JEW… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Hoffman
Shtetl: The Life and Death of a Small Town and the World of Polish Jews, by Eva Hoffman. 1998
Jewish Loyalty and Disloyalty to Poland Through 1918 and 1920. Bialystok Sedition. Internecine Jewish Violence. Jewish Gestapo Agents. No Polish Death Camps Hoffman traces the experience of Jews in pre-modern Poland,… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Pomerantz
Run East: FLIGHT FROM THE HOLOCAUST, by Jack Pomerantz, Lyric Winik. 1997
Pogroms in Context, Including Jewish Pogroms Against Other Jews. Zydokomuna Fear of Nazis Exculpation Fails This book touches on several relevant issues, and I discuss them: LONG-SIMMERING TENSIONS BETWEEN POLES AND JEWS COULD TOUCH OFF POGROMS Nowadays, the… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Tracy
To Speak for the Silenced, by A. Tracy. 2007
Jew Against Jew Pogroms in 1939. Zydokomuna. Poles NOT Condemned For Refusing To Risk Their Lives to Save Jews The author lived in a shtetl at Skala, on the Zbrucz River. He describes: The Soviet and Nazi occupations, the latter's destruction… Read morePogrom Propaganda 1918 Harmed Poland Fisher
America and the New Poland (1928), by H.H. Fisher. 2007
1918 Massive Pogrom Falsehoods Harmed Poland (as Intended). Consequences of Jewish Separatism. Poles Thwart Prussian Designs This book devotes considerable detail to the history of the Polish nation since the early part of the 20th century. [Review based on original… Read morePOLAK POTRAFI Poles Beat Prussians Gardner
Poland, a Study in National Idealism, by Monica Mary Gardner. 2018
An English Author Focuses on the Defiant Successes of Poles Under the Prussian Boot. The Indomitable Polish Spirit is Not Just Reactive or Defensive: It is a Positive Spirit The author provides a snapshot of Poland prior to Poland’s… Read morePogroms Drove PostWWII Polish Jews Away Myth Debunked Brant
The New Poland, by Irving Brant. 1946
Mass Post-WWII Jewish Flight From Poland Planned Long Before Kielce. Communist-Apologist Tract Has Revealing Comments on Red Staging of Krakow Pogrom and Kielce Pogrom, etc. This short book was clearly written by a Communist or Communist sympathizer. Because of this, the factual information… Read morePogroms Drove postWWII Polish Jews Away Myth Debunked Redlich
Life In Transit: Jews In Postwar Lodz, 1945 1950 (Studies In Russian And Slavic Literatures, Cultures And History), by Shimon Redlich. 2010
Zionists, and Not Polish Anti-Semitism or Pogroms, Drove Most Holocaust-Surviving Jews From Post-WWII Poland. Property Losses: Not Only Jews The author elaborates on his experiences in Lodz in… Read morePogroms in Poland Overall Repudiated Baron
History and Jewish Historians, by Salo Wittmayer Baron.
Beyond the Cult of the Perpetual Jewish Victim: Jewish-Christian Relations Usually Harmonious. Polish Pogroms Way Overblown Jewish historian Salo Baron has much to say about such things as the definitions of a Jew, the Bible, medieval Judaism, Jewish-Muslim relations, Jewish-Christian relations, and… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Fishman
East End Jewish Radicals 1875-1914, by William J. Fishman. 2005
Seldom-Told Jew on Jew Pogroms: Atheist Jews and Religious Jews Fight It Out. Double Standards: If Poles Did Such Acts To Jews, We Would Not Hear the End of It! The usage of the term pogrom, in customary reference to… Read morePogroms Jews Against Jews Goldstein
Twenty Years with the Jewish Labor Bund: A Memoir of Interwar Poland, by Bernard Goldstein. 2016
The Bund and Communism: Little Practical Difference. Jew-on-Jew Violence Dwarfs Pole-on-Jew Violence. The Militant Atheism of the Bund This work is the memoir of Bernard Goldstein (1889-1959). He also wrote THE STARS BEAR WITNESS… Read morePEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU Vivid Example Great Chinese Famine Jisheng
Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine, 1958-1962, by Yang Jisheng, Stacy Mosher (Translation), Jian Guo (Translation). 2012
Insights Into the PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU. The Ideologically-Caused Great Chinese Famine (1958-1962), With Tens of Millions Dead, Dwarfs the Jews’ Holocaust For all the inordinate attention, in the West, to the Shoah, we rarely about… Read morePhony Indignation NonEthnographic PreWWII Poland Evans
The Nazi New Order in Poland, by Jon Evans. 1941
The Early Polokaust: An Overview of the First Two Years of the German Occupation of Poland. “Non-Ethnographic Poland” Phony Indignation The title of this book is a bit Orwellian: It creates the impression that Nazism was some kind of fad… Read morePiast Poland Koneczny
Dzieje Polski za Piastów, by Feliks Koneczny. 1997
Territories East of the Elbe River Were Not Originally German. They Were Slavic. Upper Dniester Was Not “Eternally Ukrainian” Title: THE DEEDS OF POLAND DURING THE TIME OF THE PIAST DYNASTY. This work, originally published in 1902, surveys the first few centuries… Read morePilsudski the Visionary Leader Humphrey
Pilsudski: Builder of Poland, fby Grace Humphrey. 1936
Excellent Detail About the January 1863 Insurrection, Pilsudski as a Revolutionary, etc. This book devotes considerable attention to the failed January 1863 Insurrection, in which a small force of Poles took on the tsarist armies. The severe Russian repressions in the aftermath… Read morePiotr Rybak Effigy of a Jew Irony Mirsky
Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revolution (Jewish Lives), by Yehudah Mirsky. 2014
Litvaks. Anti-Christian Memes. Piotr Rybak Effigy Double Standard. Organized Draft Dodging This work is much more than biography. It offers a pulse of the state of Judaism in the late 19th and early 20th century. It… Read morePogroms Don’t Blame Christianity Klier
Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881-1882, by John Doyle Klier. 2011
Christianity Did Not Cause or Promote Pogroms. Jews and the Liquor Trade (Propinacja). Jewish Overcrowding in the Pale (Eventual Eastern Poland) This work examines the pogroms in tsarist Russia, and does so from various angles. Author John Doyle… Read morePartitions Jewish Complicity Tennant
Studies in Polish Life and History, by A.E. Tennant. 1924
Pre-Mieszko Slavic Achievements. Jews and the Pre-Partitions Decay of Poland. Jews and the Crusades This work is a Scottish perspective on the history of Poland. It covers many subjects in its broad sweep of Polish history (review based on the… Read morePeasant National Consciousness is Old Gat
Nations, by Azar Gat, Alexander Yakobson (Contributor). 2013
Nations and Nationalism Go Back to Antiquity: They are Not Recent Inventions! Early Peasant National Consciousness Demonstrated This work presents a series of fascinating, myth-shattering information, and I focus on some of it. THE REIGNING BIASES AGAINST THE RECOGNITION OF THE ANCIENT… Read morePeasant National Consciousness is Old Stauter Halsted
The Nation in the Village: The Genesis of Peasant National Identity in Austrian Poland, 1848-1914, by Keely Stauter-Halsted. 2011
Polish Peasant National Consciousness Long Preceded Emancipation and Literacy. Some Jews Used Bribery and Political Pressure to Thwart Newcomer Polish Peasant Businessmen The term "peasant", a somewhat ambiguous term, refers to… Read morePEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU Politics Shame antiPolish Example Meng
Shattered Spaces: Encountering Jewish Ruins in Postwar Germany and Poland, by Michael Meng. 2011
Poland’s “Guilt”: PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU (Politics of Shame) Yet Again. A Thinly-Veiled Support of the Holocaust Industry. Another Boring Re-Run of Jan T. Gross Having read and reviewed hundreds of works on Poland's Jews, being unfamiliar with… Read morePEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU Shaming DEFINITIVE WORK Friman
The Politics of Leverage in International Relations: Name, Shame, and Sanction, by H. Richard Friman (Editor). 2015
The Politics of Shame [What Poles Call the PEDAGOGIKA WSYTDU] is Not Only Real: It is a Fundamental Tool in International Politics The promotion of adverse publicity against a group, in order to… Read morePAINTED BIRD Fraud Evil Murderous Peasants Holocaust Lies Siedlicka
The Ugly Black Bird, by Joanna Siedlecka and Chester A. Kisiel. 2018
Exposes Falsehoods of Poles Killing Jews (Jerzy Kosinski vel Lewinkopf: PAINTED BIRD). Just Like Those "200,000 Jews Killed By Poles During WWII" (Jan Grabowski vel Abrahamer in JUDENJAGD) My review is based on the 1994 version of this… Read morePAINTED BIRD Fraud Evil Murderous Peasants Sloan
Jerzy Kosinski: A Biography, by James Park Sloan. 1996
The Widely-Read and Highly-Acclaimed Jerzy Kosinski vel Lewinkopf: A Rescued Polish Jew Who Expressed His Gratitude By Slandering His Rescuers. His Priests-Are-Evil and Peasants-Are-Evil Mendacity Lives on in the Recent Media-Touted Pronouncements of Jan T. Gross, Jan Grabowski, and Barbara Engelking… Read morePAINTED BIRD Lies Are Perennial Holocaust Memes Kosinski Lewinkopf
The Painted Bird, by Jerzy Kosinski. 1965
Here We Are 50 Years Later, and the Very Same Lurid Anti-Polish Accusations, of This Highly-Acclaimed But Demonstrably-Fraudulent Book, Are Freely Repeated By Far Too Many Jewish Authors and Journalists as Fact
My review is based on the original 1965 Edition of PAINTED…
Read morePartitions British Complicity Belloc
Return to the Baltic, by Hilaire Belloc. 2013
Candor on British anti-Polish Attitudes. British Complicity in the Partitions of Poland Author Hilaire Belloc, a French-born British-French writer, described his travels to the Scandinavian nations and Poland. My review focuses on the latter, and is based on the 1938 edition of… Read morePartitions Jewish Complicity Why Polexit Needed Michalkiewicz Sommer
Wariant Rozbiorowcy Michalkiewicz, by Tomasz Sommer. 2011
A Prophetic Book! Insights into the European Union, Jewish Complicity in the Partitions of Poland, etc. A VARIATION OF PARTITION is the title of this Polish-language book. It contains a variety of information. DONALD TUSK, ANGELA MERKEL, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION. WHY POLEXIT… Read morePartitions Jewish Complicity Stern
Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichröder and the Building of the German Empire, by Fritz Stern. 1979
Jewish Complicity in the Partition Rule Over Poland: Bismarck and the German-Jewish Symbiosis This book focuses on the German Jew Gerson Bleichroeder, Bismarck's chief banker, and gives much insight into the situation facing Germany's… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Dobroszycki
Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland: A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records, 1944-47: A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records, 1944-47, by Lucjan Dobroszycki. 1994
The Paid Greedy Polish Rescuer Notion Soundly Repudiated. Holocaust Survivorship in Poland: Facts and Figures If you enjoy figures and tables, this book is… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Kornbluth
Sentenced to Remember, by William Kornbluth. 1994
Paid Greedy Polish Rescuer Myth. Jews Prefered Separatism to Full Equality and Civil Rights. German-Imposed Death Penalty Appreciated The author discusses his experiences in Tarnow. He elaborates on the 1939 war, and the local VOLKSDEUTSCHEN serving as a fifth column. Days before the… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Petropoulos
Gray Zones: Ambiguity and Compromise in the Holocaust and Its Aftermath (War and Genocide), by Jonathan Petropoulos (Editor). 2006
Holocaust Supremacism and the Holocaust Industry Feed Each Other. Paid Polish Rescuers of Jews Had Acted Properly Because this anthology has many topics, I focus on a few that are particularly… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Promulgated Grabowski
Rescue for Money: Paid Helpers in Poland, 1939-1945, by Jan Grabowski. 2008
"Greed and (What Else?) Anti-Semitism” For Paid Polish Jew-Rescuers. (Were the Usually-Paid Endlessly-Glorified Danish Rescuers of Jews Also Animated by Greed and Anti-Semitism?) This book repeats one of the accusations of neo-Stalinist Jan T. Gross, and suffers from… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Rosen
The Wonder of Their Voices: The 1946 Holocaust Interviews of David Boder, by Alan Rosen. 2010
No "Greed" and "Anti-Semitism": Poles Requiring Payment for Hiding and Housing Fugitive Jews Were Acting Entirely Properly. Payment was Logically Expected. Demystifying the Star of David David Boder (Aron Mendel) was a Latvian-born American… Read moreONR Rejects Nazi Policies on Jews Chrzanowski
Związek Jaszczurczy i Narodowe Siły Zbrojne na Pomorzu 1939-1947: nieznane karty pomorskiej konspiracji, by Bogdan Chrzanowski. 1997
Polish ONR Anti-Semitism Not Nazi-Like. Amazingly, ONR-NSZ Guerrillas Functioned Effectively Even in Polish Territory Annexed By the Third Reich The literally-translated title of this Polish-language work is: THE ORDER OF LIZARDS AND NATIONAL… Read moreONR Rejects Nazi Policies on Jews Hartglas
Na Pograniczu Dwoch Swiatow, by Apolinary Hartglas. 1996
Far From Being Nazi-Imitating, the ONR Defiantly Told Off the Nazis on Jews! Assimilated Jews Can Retain a Hostility to Poland IN THE NO-MAN’S-LAND BETWEEN TWO WORLDS is a nonliteral, but perhaps the most informative, translation of this Polish-language work. It refers… Read moreOZON Gov’t Didn’t Imitate Nazi Germany Buell
Poland - Key to Europe, by Raymond Leslie Buell. 2007
Interwar Poland: The OZON Government's anti-Jewish Policies Were NOT an Imitation of Those of Next-Door Nazi Germany In this mini-encyclopedia of Poland (1918-1939), [review based on 1939 edition], one learns about matters as diverse as the Polish achievement in constructing… Read moreOZON Gov’t Didn’t Try To Expel All Jews Beck
Final Report, by Józef Beck. 1957
Jozef Beck’s Memoirs: Polonized Jews Not To Be Expelled; Teschen (Cieszyn) 1938 Detail; Nonaggression Pacts; 1939 Myth on Government Evacuation Corrected This work provides Jozef Beck’s perspective on such things as the Pilsudski coup of 1926, interwar Poland, international diplomacy and Poland’s “dance of… Read moreOZON Gov’t Not Fascist Nolte
Three Faces Of Fascism: Action Francaise, Italian Fascism, National Socialism, by Ernst Nolte.
This Scholar Censored Because Crimes of Nazism are Like Those of Communism. Verboten! Pre-WWII Polish Government Was in No Sense Fascist German scholar Nolte first points out that the term fascist has been widely over-used, and regularly… Read morePaid Greedy Rescuer Myth Dembowski
Christians in the Warsaw Ghetto: An Epitaph for the Unremembered, by Peter F. Dembowski. 205
Jewish Anti-Assimilation, Paid Rescuers' Mortal Risk, and the Rationality of Prewar Polish Antagonisms to Jews According to the German-developed Nuremberg Laws, Jewish Christians were considered Jews, and treated accordingly by the Nazis in German-occupied Poland.… Read moreONR Never Fascist or proNazi Muszynski
Duch Mlodych, by Wojciech Jerzy Muszynski. 2011
Contrary to the Smears of Leftists and Certain Jews, the Polish Patriotic ONR Was Never Fascist or Pro-Nazi. Nor Was it "Reactionary" or Ethnonationalist THE SPIRIT OF THE YOUNG: THE POLISH NATIONAL RADICAL CAMP IN THE YEARS 1934-1944: FROM STUDENT REVOLTS TO CONSPIRACY… Read moreONR Not Unilaterally AntiMinority Kawecki
Dzialalnosc i Mysl Spoleczno-Polityczna Obozu Narodowego-Radykalnego ABC 1934-1939, by Krzysztof Kawecki. 2013
A Short Introduction to the Polish “Far-Right” ONR (Oboz Narodowo-Radykalne). In No Sense Fascist or Pro-Nazi, as Alleged by LEWAKS (Leftists) and Certain Jews. ONR Not a Monolith. Complex Relationships With Poland’s Minorities THE SOCIO-POLITICAL THOUGHT AND POLICIES… Read moreONR Not Unilaterally AntiMinority Rudnicki
Oboz Narodowo-Radykalne, by Szymon Rudnicki. 1985
The ONR (OBOZ NARODOWO-RADYKALNE) Was in No Sense Fascist or Nazi-Imitating. Even Extreme Polish Nationalists Were Not Unilaterally Anti-Minority Author Rudnicki wrote this book while Poland was still under Communist rule, and this colors it. However, it does provide a short introduction to the… Read moreONR Not Unilaterally AntiMinority Siemaszko
Narodowe Siły Zbrojne, by Zbigniew S Siemaszko.
ONR Platform: Not Fascist or Nazi-Imitating, Not Pro-Privileged, Not Unilaterally Anti-Minority, and Not an Advocate of Imperialistic Nationalism THE NATIONAL ARMED FORCES is the title of this Polish-language book, although it gives few details about the WWII combat operations of the NSZ guerillas.… Read moreONR Reasons For Antisemitism Rolicki
Zmierzch Izraela, by Henryk Rolicki. 1933
An ONR Perspective on Jewish History--From Antiquity Until the Pre-WWII Period. Jews’ Holocaust Anticipated THE MEASURE OF ISRAEL is the title of this Polish-language work (review based on 1933 edition). The author, aka Tadeusz Gluzinski, was a leading thinker in the ONR (Oboz Narodowo-Radykalny:… Read moreNo Suicidal ProJewish Polish Uprising Silly Complaint Ney
The Polish Resistance Home Army, by Marek Ney-Krwawicz. 2001
The Polish Underground Didn't Launch a Suicidal Uprising on Behalf of Millions of Murdered Poles, So Why, According to Jewish Accusations, Were the Poles "Supposed" To Do So On Behalf of the Jews? This book presents an excellent English-language summary of… Read moreNSZ Saved Jews Bohun Dabrowski
Bylem Dowodca Brygady Swietokrzyskiej, by Antoni Bohun-Dabrowski. 2001
Polish Guerrilla Leader Tells How His "Anti-Semitic" Unit Saved a Large Group of Jewish Women From Being Burned Alive by the Germans This action-packed memoir covers the prewar period, the 1939 campaign, guerilla actions in the region of Kielce, and the fascinating… Read moreNSZ Welcomed Jews Pisarewski Parry
Orly i Reszki, by Pisarewski-Parry, Feliks. 1984
A Jewish Member of the "anti-Semitic" NSZ. Rescue of Fugitive Jews Was Very Difficult EAGLES AND TAILS--a Polish-language book. The NSZ has frequently been accused, in Communist and Jewish writings, of being systematically anti-Semitic, and out to kill fugitive Jews. This work goes… Read moreNUMERUS CLAUSUS at Universities Necessary Dyboski
Poland, by Dyboski, Roman. 1933
Why Sunday Closing Law Was Necessary. Why NUMERUS CLAUSUS at Universities was Necessary. Polish Insurrections Had Value Even Though They Failed This single volume is a mini-encyclopedia on pre-WWII Poland, and I can only touch on a few issues. There is much detail on notable… Read moreOdra Nysa Boundary DEFINITIVE WORK Giertych
Poland and Germany, by Jedrziej Giertych. 1958
Combatting German Revanchism Regarding the Odra-Nysa (Oder-Neisse) River Eastern Boundary of Germany. The Polish Landlord Myth This book is quite lucid, and I focus on a few issues: ONGOING RELEVANCE OF THE RECOVERED TERRITORIES At times, Poland has come under attack for acquiring… Read moreONR Anti Jewish Violence Rare Segal
The New Poland and the Jews, by Simon Segal. 1938
Atypicality of Anti-Jewish Violence, Privileges of the German Minority, and Rarity of "Polish Settlers" in the Kresy This Jewish author is quite hostile to Poland. For this reason, the facts he presents, and which I quote, are not likely to… Read moreNobility Polish Undemonized Statkowski
Poland: History, Culture, Civilisation, by Joseph Statkowski. 1935
Corrects the Common Awfulization of Poland’s Onetime Nobility and Negativisms About Interwar Poland (1918-on) This small book packs quite a punch. It provides basics about Polish history, Polish culture, and Polish culture. It contains historical tidbits, such as the fact that Kosciuszko… Read moreNobility Polish Very Inclusive Brandes
Poland: a Story of the Land People and LiteratureBrandes, Georg. 1903,/h3> January 1863 Insurrection Aftermath.The Unprecedented Extent of Ennobled Poles: A Virtual Polish Middle Class This 1903 book [review based on original edition] was published at a time when the Kingdom of Poland had become a distant memory, and there…
Read moreNobility Polish Very Inclusive Vraniak
The Polish Trivia Book, by John M. Vraniak.
Huge Polish Nobility. Borscht Was Originally Polish, Not Russian. Assorted Polish Achievements Though the book is a bit dated (1988), every imaginable aspect of Polishness is covered: Polish language, history, culture, immigration to America, Polish-American personages, customs, etc. This book consists of… Read moreNo Suicidal ProJewish Polish Uprising Silly Complaint Bartal
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 12: Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles and Ukrainians 1772-1918 (Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry #12), by Israel Bartal (Editor), Antony Polonsky (Editor). 1999
Poles Would Not Have Committed Collective Suicide on Behalf of a Few Million Murdered Poles, But Now We Hear That They… Read moreNobility Polish Gradually Emancipates Serfs Edwards
The Polish Captivity: An Account of the Present Position of the Poles in the Kingdom of Poland, and in the Polish Provinces of Austria, Prussia, and Russia, Volume 1, by Henry Sutherland Edwards. 2015
A Fascinating Visiting Briton’s Observations of 1860 Partitioned Poland. Reputed Polish Noble Severity to Peasants an… Read moreNobility Polish Kresy Landowner Myth Brown
A Biography of No Place: From Ethnic Borderland to Soviet Heartland, by Kate Brown. 2005
Poles Equal Landowners Half-Truth. The Fate of Soviet Poles East of the Riga Line. Polokaust and GENERALPLAN OST Although Kresy often is used by Poles in reference to the eastern half of Poland confiscated by… Read moreNobility Polish Kresy Landowner Myth Zoltowski
Border of Europe, by Adam Zoltowski. 1950
Polish Nobility Landlords Half-Truth. Early Eastern Galician Ukrainian Separatism. Minorities Treaty Special Separatist Rights For Jews This work provides a good deal of information about Poland's eastern half, which was confiscated by the Soviet Union in 1939 (and reaffirmed in 1944). Zoltowski discusses… Read moreNobility Polish Serfdom Demystified Kieniewicz
The Emancipation of the Polish Peasantry, by Stefan Kieniewicz. 1970
An Encyclopedic Gem: The Complex Nature of Serfdom in Poland and the End of It. Reciprocal Cause-Effect in Social Reform Instead of listing the many individuals and events in this book, I focus on certain themes. In addition, I largely… Read moreNobility Polish Supported American Revolution Przygoda
Polish Americans in California, 1827-1977 and Who's Who, by Jacek Przygoda.
The Flourishing California Polonia: Sketches of Shared Polish-American History. Polish Nobility Supported the American Revolution (sic) The American West is thought of primarily in terms of Anglo-Saxon settlers and Indians. However, as pointed out in a quote from I.… Read moreNobility Polish Undemonized Potocki
Master of Lancut, by Alfred Potocki. 1959
Undemonizing Poland's Nobility. Polish Hunting Parties Not Pro-Nazi. Aiding Fugitive Jews Very Difficult Potocki lived through a large swath of Polish history. He traced his life in Austrian-ruled Galicia (Lancut), Poland's reacquired independence, the 1920 Bolshevik War, interwar Poland, the 1939 war, the… Read moreNazi Concentration Camps Low Survivorship Lukas
Forgotten Survivors: Polish Christians Remember the Nazi Occupation, by Richard C. Lukas (ed.) 2004
Implications of the Preeminence of the Holocaust Over All Other Genocides. Nazi Concentration Camps Little Better Survivorship Than Death Camps. An Introduction to the Polokaust Owing to obvious misunderstandings, the very title of this book needs… Read moreNazi Concentration Camps Low Survivorship Maciuszko
Poles Apart, by Jerzy Janusz Maciuszko. 2013
Nazi Death Camps Were Not Much Deadlier Than "Ordinary" Concentration Camps. Warsaw Uprising Daring Raid This book is an anthology of Poles and their experiences during WWII. They are mainly those who are relatives of the author, and mainly are Poles from the… Read moreNazi Concentration Camps Low Survivorship Malak
Shavelings in Death Camps, by Fr. Henry Maria Malak. 2012
No Valid Polarity in the Nazi Treatment of Jews and Non-Jews, or Between Death Camps and Concentration Camps. Poles Gassed at Dachau. High Concentration Camp Mortality Rate (86%) This book presents much seldom-known or appreciated information. I focus on some… Read moreNazi Racism Jewish Origins Myerson
German Jew, by Abraham Myerson, Isaac Goldberg. 1933
Nazi Racism Partly a Jewish Invention. The Prolific Contributions of German Jews to Germany This work was written in 1933 (my review based on the original 1933 edition), soon after Hitler had come to power. In fact, this book is concluded as… Read moreNobility Polish and Peasant Liberties Devine
Scotland and Poland: Historical Encounters, 1500-2010, by T.M. Devine (Editor). 2011
Scots in Poland: Poles in Scotland. Good Detail on Polish Peasant Liberties (Undemonizing the Polish Nobility) This work covers both the positive and negative aspects of Polish-Scottish relations. Many Scots moved to Poland centuries ago. Poles came to Scotland… Read moreNazi AntiSemitic Platform Not Christian Eckhart
Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany, by Francis Dupont. 2013
Don't Blame Christianity: The Actual Roots of the Popularity of the Nazi Movement, As Directed Against Jews, in Weimar Germany I approach this book for its historical value. [My review is based on a condensed, 31-page version of Eckhart’s “The New… Read moreNazi AntiSemitic Platform Not Christian Wiehe
Germany and the Jewish Question, by Friederich Karl Wiehe, Francis Dupont. 2014
Do Not Blame Christianity: A Detailed, Scholarly Nazi Analysis of the Jews of Weimar Germany Nowadays, academics (most of whom are leftists), and many Jews, are prone to blame the Nazi movement in general, and the Holocaust in… Read moreNazi Book Burning Symbolic Ranicki
The Author Of Himself: The Life Of Marcel Reich-Ranicki, by Marcel Reich-Ranicki. 2001
1938 Bentschen (Zbaszyn): The Sudden Nazi German Expulsion of “Polish” Jews. Zydokomuna Exculpation Fails. Extortionist/Benefactor Coexistence in the Same Person I mainly discuss particular issues. NAZI GERMAN BOOK-BURNING DID NOT MAKE UNDESIRABLE BOOKS UNAVAILABLE While focusing on… Read moreNazi Concentration Camps Low Survivorship Garlinski
Hitler's Last Weapons, by Jozef Garlinski. 1978
Espionage Thriller: Poles Steal Fallen German V2 Rocket. Nazi Concentration Camps and Death Camps: Comparable Mortality. Yalta Inexcusable This book provides a detailed history of the German Nazi development of the V1 and V2 weapons, and the role of the Allies (notably the… Read moreNazi Concentration Camps Low Survivorship Mischlinge Leniency Kogon
The Theory and Practice of Hell, by Eugen Kogon. 2006
Forget the Death Camps: Low Survivorship in Many "Ordinary" Nazi Concentration Camps. Jews Not Necessarily Treated Worse Than Poles Eugen Kogon, the author or this book, was a left-wing German political prisoner at Buchenwald concentration camp. Throughout this book, he… Read moreNazi Concentration Camps Low Survivorship Levi
Survival in Auschwitz, by Primo Levi. 1995
Death Camps Not Special: "Ordinary" Nazi German Concentration Camps Had 90%-98% Mortality. Animosities Between Western Jews and the OSTJUDEN. Italian Jew and author Primo Levi wasn't sent to or near the gas chambers and crematoria. Instead, he was diverted into forced labor… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Nazism AntiChristian Rich
Holocaust Perpetrators of the German Police Battalions: The Mass Murder of Jewish Civilians, 1940-1942, by Ian Rich. 2018
No Polokaust Negationism: Nazi German Attitudes To Poles and Jews Were Very Similar. Nazi Killers Reject Religion: Do Not Blame Christianity For the Holocaust This work is largely Judeocentric, and its primary… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Rossino
Hitler Strikes Poland: Blitzkrieg, Ideology, and Atrocity, by Alexander B. Rossino. 2003
Similar German Attitudes to Poles and Jews. Leading Nazis Openly Rejected Christianity. “Poles Nazi-Sympathetic on Jews” Turned Around. Early Polokaust NAZISM ANTI-CHRISTIAN. MANY LEADING NAZIS HAD SPECIFICALLY REPUDIATED CHRISTIANITY Nowadays, Christianity is sometimes blamed for the Jewish Holocaust--never… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Smith
Holocaust Perpetrators of the German Police Battalions: The Mass Murder of Jewish Civilians, 1940-1942, by Ian Rich. 2018
No Polokaust Negationism: Nazi German Attitudes To Poles and Jews Were Very Similar. Nazi Killers Reject Religion: Do Not Blame Christianity For the Holocaust This work is largely Judeocentric, and its primary… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Warfield
Call to Witness: A Polish Chronicle, by Gaither and Hania Warfield. 1945
American Eyewitness German-Occupied Poland. Poles and Jews--No Dualism. Myths on Looting, Black Market, Blue Police, Debunked Author Gaither Warfield was the pastor of a Methodist Church in Poland, and Hania was his wife. Both were American citizens. The… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Winiewicz
Aims and Failures of the German "New Order", A Study, by J. M. Winiewicz. 1943
The DRANG NACH OSTEN. Nazis Admired Polish anti-Prussian Successes. The Early Polokaust: Passive Genocide To avoid charges of pro-Polish bias, author Jozef Winiewicz bases his work almost entirely on German sources. (p. 1). His work… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Breitman
The Architect of Genocide: Himmler and the Final Solution, by Richard Breitman. 1992
Victimhood Competition: Holocaust Vs. Polokaust. Nazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Unfortunately, Breitman repeats the Nazi-propaganda canard of Poles killing several thousand Germans, at Bydgoszcz (Bromberg) as fact (p. 70). Otherwise, this book seems to be free… Read moreWannsee Clarified. All Jews Die a Myth. Danish Jew-Rescue Iconoclasm. Rees
The Holocaust: A New History, by Laurence Rees. 2017
De-Mystifies the Holocaust. Implicitly Challenges Holocaust Preeminence and the All-Jews-Must-Die Argument for Holocaust Supremacism. Wannsee Demystified. Cold Water on Danish Jew-Rescue At the end of his book, Laurence Rees repeats the standard line about Jews being in the core of Nazi… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Fulbrook
A Small Town Near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust, by Mary Fulbrook. 2012
Nazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly, and Showed It In Their Actions. Jewish Nazi Collaboration Once Treated Just Like Any Others' Collaboration This work centers on the Jews of Bedzin (Bendzin). It touches on pre-WWII Polish-Jewish… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Hlond
Persecution of the Catholic Church in German Occupied Poland, by August Hlond. 1941
The Early Polokaust: The Systematic Annihilation of Polish-Ness in the German-Occupied Territories Annexed to the Reich. Nazis Treated Jews and Poles Similarly Readers accustomed to think of Jews as the only victims of the Nazis are in… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Huneke
The Moses of Rovno: The stirring story of Fritz Graebe, A German Christian who risked his life to lead hundreds of Jews to safety during the Holocaust, by Douglas K. Huneke. 1990
The Holocaust By Bullets. No Dividing the Dead: A "Good" German Affirms the Terror Experienced by Poles as… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Kaplan
Scroll of Agony: The Warsaw Diary of Chaim A. Kaplan, by Chaim Aron Kaplan, Abraham I. Katsch (Translator ). 1999
No Polish Quisling. Anti-Jewish Riots. Jewish Nazi Collaboration Confronted. Similar Nazi Attitudes Towards Poles and Jews. Early Polish Warnings of Shoah This classic if full of fascinating information. Its Jewish… Read moreNazism Austrian Overabundance Clark
Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947, by Christopher Clark. 2006
Austrians Were Not Even 10% of the Population of the Third Reich After the Anschluss, Yet Were 50% of Top Nazi Killers I first focus on WWII, and then move on to earlier periods. TOP NAZIS WERE… Read moreNazism Leftwing Not Rightwing Goldberg
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning, by Jonah Goldberg. 2008
Nazism Was Left Not Right. Defining Fascism, Correcting Misconceptions, Focus on the Culture War, Allusions to Cultural Marxism, and Anticipating the Critics Having read this work, and those of the… Read moreNazis Interested In Overseas Jews AND Overseas Poles Burleigh
Germany Turns Eastwards: A Study of Ostforschung in the Third Reich, by Michael Burleigh. 1990
Anti-Polish Nazi German Propaganda Re-Used By Modern Holocaust Narratives. For Shame. Nazis Monitored Overseas Poles, and Not Only Overseas Jews as Told By the Media This work, which focuses on German scholars in the Third… Read moreNazis Persecuted Jews AND Poles European Wide Lorentz
Walka o dobra kultury. Warszawa 1939-1945 t.I, by Stanisław Lorentz. 1970
Holocaust Uniquenss Myth (Only Jews Persecuted All Over Europe) Upended. The Polokaust: Detailed Focus on the Cultural Genocide of Poles. Afterwards, Poles Loot Poles, and Not Only Jews THE FIGHT TO SAVE WARSAW S CULTURAL GOODS, 1939-1945 is the… Read moreNazis Saw Jews and Poles Similarly Black
Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Ideological Soldier of the Third Reich: Ideological Soldier of the Third Reich, by Peter R. Black. 1984
No Mystification of Nazi Anti-Semitism: It was Comparable to Old Germano-Austrian Anti-Slavism This book is an excellent antidote to the usual tendency of portraying the Nazi hatred of Jews as something… Read moreNazism AntiChistian MIT BRENNENDER SORGE
Mit Brennender Sorge: (With Burning Concern), by Pope Pius XI. 2018
Nazism Anti-Christian. MIT BRENNENDER SORGE Unequivocally Condemned Nazi Racism. It Affirmed the Equality of All Human Beings The encyclical of Pope Pius XI, MIT BRENNENDER SORGE (“With Deep Anxiety”), was issued on Passion Sunday, March 14, 1937. The reviewed… Read moreNazism AntiChistian Steed
The Meaning of Hitlerism, by Wickham Steed. 1934
Especially Insightful on the Nazi Efforts to Re-Imagine and Redefine Christianity This book (review based on the original 1934 edition) is valuable, because it was written soon after Hitler came to power. Since it long predated WWII and the Holocaust, it offers… Read moreNazism AntiChistian von Lang
Top Nazi: SS General Karl Wolff: The Man Between Hitler & Himmler, by Jochen von Lang, MaryBeth Friedrich (translator). 2005
Nazism anti-Christian. Nazism Did Not Promote Traditional Marriage. “Separate Peace” Fears No Valid Excuse For the Churchill-Roosevelt Sellout of Poland There is much more to this book than the life… Read moreNazism AntiChistian Weikart
Hitler's Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich, by Richard Weikart. 2016
Hitler No Christian. Hitler the Pantheist (Essentially An Atheist). Hitler Redefines "God" One must understand this book in the context of the customary German guilt diffusion, in which blame for the Holocaust is shifted onto Christianity.… Read moreNazism AntiChristian Lorimer
What Hitler Wants, by E.O.Lorimer. 1939
Nazism Anti-Christian. Nazism Before WWII. National Socialism as a Manifestation of Socialism This work has the advantage that it precedes WWII and the Holocaust, and so is not colored by these events. It does not spend much time on Nazi anti-Semitism. However, Hitler, in… Read moreNationalism Polish Detailed Facts and History Chodakiewicz
Polska Dla Polakow! Kim Byli i Sa Polscy Narodowcy? by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, Jolanta Mysiakowa-Muszynski, i Wojciech Muszynski. 2015.
A One-Volume Encyclopedic Analysis of Polish Nationalism, Old and New. The Truth at Last. Endek Thinking is Demystified
Read moreNationalism Polish Why Rooted In Catholicism Grott
Nacjonalizm chrześcijański: narodowo-katolicka formacja ideowa w II Rzeczypospolitej na tle porównawczym, by Bogumił Grott.
Polish Christian Nationalism Clarified and Demystified. Is Very Different From Fascism Title: CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM. In modern politically-correct times, nationalism has become a dirty word, unilaterally and thoughtlessly condemned as intolerant, and confused with fascism and Nazism.… Read moreNazism AntiChistian Bartlett
Nazi Germany Explained, by Vernon Bartlett. 1933
The Neo-Pagan Aspects of German Nazism, Far From Being Marginal, Were Having a Major Impact on German Thinking Already by 1933 The author provides an early-1930s British perspective on the Nazi movement in Germany. Owing to the fact that it long precedes WWII… Read moreNazism AntiChistian Billinger
Hitler Is No Fool (Classic Reprint), by Karl Billinger (Pseudonym), Paul W. Massing. 2018
Insights into Nazi Anti-Christianity. “Grave Injustice of Versailles” Exculpation Fails. Pre-WWII German Designs on Poland My review is based on the original 1939 edition. Author Karl Billinger is identified as a young German now living in… Read moreNazism AntiChistian Cardinal Faulhaber
Judaism, Christianity and Germany, by Cardinal Faulhaber, Rev. George D. Smith (Translator). 1934
German Catholic Cardinal Opposes the Anti-Christian and Hateful Aspects of Nazism Some atheists have falsely argued that the Church did not care about the Nazi persecution of Jews and other racial “undesirables”, and was anti-Nazi only insofar… Read moreNazism AntiChistian Kersten
The Kersten Memoirs, 1940-1945, by Felix Kersten. 1992
Nazism Anti-Christian and Anti-Sexual-Morality. Was Heydrich Jewish? This review is based on the original (1957) edition. Felix Kersten, Himmler's personal physician, had numerous heart-to-heart conversations with him. Historian Trevor-Roper credits Kersten's intervention with the saving of the lives of 60,000 Jews (p.… Read moreMuslims in Old Poland Loyal Unlike Jews Bohdanowicz
Muslims in Poland, Their Origin, History, and Cultural Life, by Leon Bohdanowicz. 1942
Early Polish Muslims, Unlike the Jews, Were a Minority Group Very Faithful to Poland This was originally an article in the October 1942 issue of the JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. It features Poland’s indigenous Muslims,… Read moreMystification of Holocaust Extreme Example Blonski Polonsky
My Brother's Keeper: Recent Polish Debates on the Holocaust, by Antony Polonsky (Editor). 1990
The Mystification of the Holocaust, by Jan Blonski, Taken to Rather Creative Extremes (Holocaustianity) WARNING: The reader of this book will experience a rather strong dose of the mystification of the Holocaust. It is part of… Read moreNarutowicz Assassination Early Politicized Krynski
Politics and Poetry: The Case of Julian Tuwim, by Magnus J. Krynski. 1973
Julian Tuwim and the Skamanders in the Light of Their Endek Critics. Endeks Were in No Sense Nazis or Nazi-Like. Early Politicization of the Narutowicz Assassination Author Magnus J. Krynski, attempts to defend Julian Tuwim from Endek… Read moreNarutowicz Assassination Minorities Bloc Provocation Mendelsohn
The Jews of East Central Europe Between the World Wars, by Ezra Mendelsohn. 1987
The Minorities' Bloc, the Antecedent to the Narutowicz Assassination, Was Admittedly a Grave Provocation. Jewish Economic Hegemony: Why Endek-Led Boycotts Were Necessary Owing to the breadth of the topics covered by this work, my review is… Read moreNarutowicz Assassination Politicized Blame Game Example Brykczynski
Primed For Violence: Murder, Antisemitism, and Democratic Politics in Interwar Poland, by Paul Brykczynski. 2016
A Revival of the Decades-Old Politicization of Political Assassinations. Obvious Parallels With Old Communist Propaganda
This book is telling nothing new. The authors whom Brykczynski admires or cites (p. xiii, pp. 202-208) are themselves instructive.…
Read moreMinorities Can Be Wrong Efron
Ultra-Orthodoxy in Urban Governance in Israel, by Yosseth Shilhav. 1998
Minorities are Not Always Right. The Haredim, in the USA and Israel, and Public Policies. Implications for 1918 Minorities Treaty: Jews in Conflict With Poland This work does not provide many details about the positions of the haredim on various… Read moreMinorities Treaty 1918 a British Political Tool Giertych
Dmowski Czy Pisudski?, by Maciej Giertych. 1995
Why Not Dmowski AND Pilsudski? Clarifies the Much-Politicized Narutowicz Assassination DMOWSKI OR PILSUDSKI is the title of this Polish-language book. It contains helpful timelines of major events in the lives of both Dmowski and Pilsudski. (pp. 131-133). The author sees Dmowski as not… Read moreMinorities Treaty 1918 Unworkable Miller
My Diary at the Conference of Paris, With Documents, by David Hunter Miller. 1924
The Definitive Work on the So-Called Minorities Treaty (1918), and Its Expansive Provisions for Unprecedented Separatist Rights for Jews, at Poland's Expense This prodigious diary consists of 21 thick volumes. They feature the implications of the… Read moreModern Polish Nationalism DEFINITIVE MANIFESTO Bosak
Suwerenny Narod w XXI Wieku, by Krzysztof Bosak, Witold Tumanowicz, Michal Wawer, i Robert Winnicki. 2016
Fixing Poland: A Polish Nationalist Manifesto. The Many Ways That the European Union Has Harmed Poland. Polexit Needed THE SOVEREIGN NATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY: THE PROGRAM OF THE NATIONAL MOVEMENT, is the title… Read moreMonte Cassino Taken By Poles Majdalany
Cassino: Portrait of a Battle (Cassell Military Classics), by Fred Majdalany. 2004
British Eyewitness: Poles Took Monte Cassino Author Majdalany begins with a history of the monastery at the top of Monte Cassino. The Benedictines put it there not only for religious purposes, but also because they realized that its… Read moreMurdered Jews’ Belongings Why Poles Bought Zabecki
Wspomnienia Dawne i Nowe, by Franciszek Zabecki. 1977
Polish Underground Eyewitness Near Treblinka. The Polonophobic Myth of Poles Cheering Jewish Deaths. Local Poles, Driven By Destitution, Bought the Belongings of Murdered Jews RECOLLECTIONS OLD AND NEW is the title of this Polish-language book. Considering all the non-English Holocaust-related books that… Read moreMAUS Pigs Exceptionally Abominable Steinsaltz
The Essential Talmud, by Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, Chaya Galai (Translator). 2006
The Jewish Abomination of Pigs—Far Stronger Than That Against Any Other TREYF (Non-Kosher) Animal. Poles=Pigs in MAUS: Inadvertent Implications This book, authored by Talmudic scholar Adin Steinsaltz, provides a useful general overview of Jewish beliefs and customs, notably those… Read moreMcCarthyism a Bogeyman Horowitz
Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey, by David Horowitz. 1998
Jews in Communism, the McCarthyism Bogeyman, Political Correctness, and Cultural Marxism Owing to the fact that there already are many reviews that describe the main contents of this work, I do not repeat them. Instead, I focus on a few themes.… Read moreMedical Schools Cadaver Affair 1920s Poland Bleich
Contemporary Halakhic Problems, by J. David Bleich. 1995
Jewish Teachings Behind the Medical-School “Cadaver Affair” in 1920s Poland (Jewish Medical Students Dissected Only Polish Cadavers): A Dual Morality Governing the Jewish Dead and the Non-Jewish Dead This work discusses many topics, of which I mention a few. There is reference… Read moreMinorities Can Be Wrong Effron
Real Jews: Secular Versus Ultra- Orthodox: The Struggle For Jewish Identity In Israel, by Noah J. Efron. 2003
Inadvertent Model for Polish-Jewish Relations: Pushy Minority Vs Majority Rather Than Aggrieved Minority Vs Intolerant Majority Although this is not a book on Jewish-Polish relations, I write this review from that vantage… Read moreMinorities Can Be Wrong Flanzbaum
The Americanization of the Holocaust, by Hilene Flanzbaum (Editor). 1999
Should Minority Groups Be Exempt From Criticism? Jews, Holocaust Preeminence, and The Politics Behind the Construction of the USHMM (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) This anthology of articles emphasizes the Holocaust in literature and the arts. I focus on a… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Lerski
Herbert Hoover and Poland: A Documentary History of a Friendship, by Jerzy J. Lerski. 1977
On Polonophile Herbert Hoover. Bogus 1918 Pogroms Unmasked. Insights into Capitalists Supporting Communists. Yalta Alternative History? This work details some of the deeds Herbert Hoover did for Poland. The reader soon realizes that they included… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Morgenthau
All In A Life-Time, by Henry Morgenthau Sr., French Strother. 2007
1918-Era “Massive Pogroms in Poland” Fake News Debunked by Wilson-Administration Investigator Morgenthau. Pogrom an Orwellian Term. Both Sides Blamed for Polish-Jewish Antagonisms This review is limited to Jewish-American Morgenthau's 1919 mission to Poland (pp. 348-384) and his report on… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Valasek
Haller's Polish Army in France, by Paul S. Valasek.
WWI-Era Emerging Poland, the 1920 Polish-Soviet War, and the Media-Mythologized So-Called Pogroms. Polish Nobility Clarified This work informs the reader of many aspects of Haller's Army. It includes statistics, testimonies, descriptions of battles, reprints of 1920s-era reports, and much more. It… Read moreMAUS Art Spiegelman Admits His Polonophobia Spiegelman
MetaMaus: A Look Inside a Modern Classic, Maus (Maus Meta), by Art Spiegelman. 2011
Acclaimed and Widely-Read Author Art Spiegelman Openly Admits His Anti-Polish Bias in the Classroom-Used MAUS Art Spiegelman makes no effort to correct the falsifications of history in MAUS in this METAMAUS volume. Instead, Spiegelman advances the… Read moreMAUS Major Polonophobic Memes Spiegelman
The Complete Maus (Maus #1-2), by Art Spiegelman. 2003
Distorts Basic Facts As Part of Its Pro-Jewish, Anti-Polish Narrative. Is Predictably Silent About Jews Killing Poles This highly regarded cartoon series has been widely used in the classroom, where only the highest standards of factuality should prevail, especially when one… Read moreMAUS Pigs Admittedly Derogatory Geis
Considering Maus: Approaches to Art Spiegelman's "Survivor's Tale" of the Holocaust, by Deborah R. Geis (Editor), Haig A. Bosmajian (Contributor), Michael G. Levine (Contributor), Bradley Alan Katz (Contributor),(Contributor), Alan C. Rosen (Contributor), Michael Rothberg (Contributor), Arlene Fish Wilner (Contributor) , David Mikics (Goodreads Author) (Contributor). 2010
Academese Dissection of MAUS:… Read moreMalign Equivalence and LEWACTWO Edwards
With Friends Like These: The Jewish Critics of Israel, by Edward Alexander (Editor). 1992
This Israel-Centered Focus Has Inadvertent Implications for Polish-Jewish Relations. Implications of the Leftist Doctrine of Malign Equivalence Author Edward Alexander lumps the modern critics of Israel with past Jews who actually had advocated persecution of Jews.… Read moreMany Polish WWII Espionage Achievements Stirling
Intelligence Co-operation between Poland and Great Britain during World War II: The Report of the Anglo-Polish Historical Committee Volume 1, by Tessa Stirling (Editor). 2005
Not Only ENIGMA: The Many Polish Espionage Successes in WWII. Poland's Reward? Betrayal The average reader not have imagined half of the information contained in… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Corwin
The Political History of Poland by Edward H. Lewinski-Corwin. 2015
Nowadays-Called Fake News of 30,000 Jews Killed By Poles (1918). [Like 200,000 Fugitive Jews Killed By Poles Fake News in 2018]. Jewish Separatism is What Caused Endek Anti-Semitism Lewinski-Corwin covers a lot of Polish history and, owing to the breadth… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Haller
Józef Haller Pamietniki, by Józef Haller.
Jozef Haller Refutes Jewish Accusations of Pogroms and Beard-Cutting By His Men. He is Beset By Confrontational Jewish Groups, and Gives Them a Sound Rebuff MEMOIRS WITH A SELECTION OF DOCUMENTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS is the title of this Polish-language book. To this day, General… Read moreMassive Pogroms 1918 Fake News Kapiszewski
Conflicts Across The Atlantic: Essays On Polish Jewish Relations In The United States During World War I And In The Interwar Years, by Andrzej Kapiszewski. 2004
Horrible Poland! Nowadays-Called Fake News of 30,000 Jews Killed By Poles (1918). [Like 200,000 Fugitive Jews Killed By Poles Fake News in 2018] The… Read moreLooting Normal Wartime Conduct Crawley
Escape From Germany, by Aidan Crawley. 2015
. Universality of Looting—Not Some Kind of Polish Disease Aimed at Jews. Fascinating Details on The Great Escape This work includes fascinating information. But first some media distortions that needs correction: UNIVERSALITY OF LOOTING. NOT ONLY JEWS WERE VICTIMS Crawley’s fascinating work provides details… Read moreLooting Normal Wartime Conduct Irving
The Destruction of Dresden, by David Irving.
The Dresden Firestorm. Wartime Looting is Common in Wartime, and Has Nothing to Do With Poles and Jews! This book focuses on the mass fires raised by Allied bombing in February, 1945. The German death toll, cited in this 1963 book by David… Read moreLooting Normal Wartime Conduct Khrushchev
Khrushchev Remembers, by Nikita Khrushchev. 1970
Includes NKVD-Gestapo Cooperation, Initial Jewish Lack of Fear of Nazis, Normalcy of Wartime Looting (Not Only Poles From Jews), etc. This work focuses on personages. It requires a good deal of background knowledge to fully appreciate. I discuss a few matters. Nikita Khrushchev harkens… Read moreLooting Robbery Not Only Jews Were Victims Szwajger
I Remember Nothing More: The Warsaw Children's Hospital and the Jewish Resistance, by Adina Blady Szwajger. 1992
Not Only Fugitive Jews: Poles, Too, Were Subject to Robbery. Auschwitz Carmelite Convent Irony The author's work as a nurse gave way to that of a courier girl during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising… Read moreLooting Treblinka Site Facts Bechta
Narodowy Sily Zbrojny na Podlasiu, by Mariusz Bechta i Leszek Zebrowski (eds.) 1997
Insights into NSZ Guerrilla Warfare, the NSZ and Polish-Jewish Relations, Treblinka-Looting Punishments, etc THE NATIONAL ARMED FORCES IN THE PODLASIE REGION is the title of this Polish-language book. The geographic area in question is in the extreme… Read moreLooting Wartime Jews Massively Robbed Palestinians Segev
1949 the First Israelis, by Tom Segev. 2018
Looting Was No More a Polish Disease Than it Was a Jewish Disease. Implications of the Deir Yassin Massacre. Early Israel and Communism—Their Relationship There is more to this eye-opening book that Palestinian-Israeli relations: LOOTING: A COMMON OCCURRENCE. JEWS DID IT TOO… Read moreLooting Jews Rob Deported Jews Klonicki
The Diary of Adam's Father, by Aryeh Klonicki, Avner Tomaschoff (Translator), Malwina Klonicki. 1973
Jews, Like Poles, Helped Themselves to the Belongings of Nazi-Murdered Jews. Grave Robbery: Jews as Well as Poles Aryeh (Leon) Klonitski (Klonicki), towards the end of the book, provides the reader some background on his family… Read moreLooting Jews Rob Poles Berg
The Diary of Mary Berg: Growing up in the Warsaw Ghetto, by Mary Berg, Norbert Guterman (Translator), Susan Lee Pentlin (Introduction), S.L. Shneiderman (Editor), Sylvia Glass (Translator). 2007
Looting a Common Wartime Event, Not Something That "Poles Did to Jews". Holocaust Uniqueness Argument (Universal Targeting of Jews) Clearly Invalid In… Read moreLooting Jews Rob Poles Katz
Gone to Pitchipoi: A Boy's Desperate Fight for Survival in Wartime, by Rubin Katz. 2013
Looting and Grave Robbery: Jews Also Did it to Poles By way of introduction, the title "Gone to Pitchipoi", is based on a Yiddish phrase that means, "Gone to utopia or hell". (p. 85). This… Read moreLooting Jews Why Poles Did It Strong
I Saw The New Poland, by Anna Louise Strong.
Extreme Wartime Brutalization Accounts For Poles Denouncing Jews As Well As "Polish Greed" for Post-Jewish Properties The only redeeming value of this pro-Communist post-WWII book [Review based on original 1946 edition] is its description of the aftereffects of the genocidal… Read moreLooting Murder Postwar Not Only to Jews Naimark
The Establishment Of Communist Regimes In Eastern Europe, 1944-1949, by Norman M. Naimark (Editor). 1998
30,000 Poles Murdered During Forced Communization. Soviet Archives Unreliable. Looting and Murder All Around, and Not Just Something Poles Did to Jews This work has a chapter on almost every eastern European country. However, do… Read moreLike Jews Like Endeks DEFINITIVE WORK Hart
Social Science and the Politics of Modern Jewish Identity, by Mitchell Hart. 2000
The Otherization of the Jews. Pre-Nazi Essentialist, and Even Racial, Views of Jews Held by Jews Themselves! The author, Hart, identifies himself as Jewish. (p. viii). By way of introduction, "As we shall see, just how to… Read moreLike Jews Like Endeks Deutsch
The Jewish Dark Continent: Life and Death in the Russian Pale of Settlement, by Nathaniel Deutsch. 2011
Some Jewish Self-Criticism. Jewish Anti-Christianity. Jews Are An Indelibly Oriental People (Confirms Endeks) Consistent with the premise that the Jew answers every question with another question (p. 1), the bulk of this work… Read moreLike Jews Like Endeks Yiddishist Prylucki Weiser
Jewish People, Yiddish Nation: Noah Prylucki and the Folkists in Poland, by Kalman Weiser. 2011
Endek Mirror-Image. Poland's Jews: The "Other", a Nation-Within-Nation, a VOLK (Quasi-Race). Jewish Soul is Not Polish Soul. Polonized Jews Retain Jewish--Not Polish--Spirit This book is much more than a biography of long-term Yiddishist activist Noah… Read moreLiquor PROPINACJA Exploits Peasants Dynner
Yankel's Tavern, by Glenn Dynner. 2013
PROPINACJA: Poland’s Jews and the Liquor Trade—A Very Lucrative Trade—Which Jews Performed and Jews Were Not Forced Into The author has written a fascinating study that exhibits an obvious attempt at even-handedness. However, in common with many works on this subject, it treats Jews… Read moreLitvak Self Otherized a Tool of Russia Wynot
Warsaw Between the World Wars, by Edward D. Wynot Jr.. 1983
The Litvak (Litwak) "Other" in Warsaw, a Tool of the Russian Oppressors of Poland This scholarly book, obviously not for the casual reader, packs an astonishing amount of information into a relatively small volume. THE JEWS BECOME A TOOL… Read moreLooting Jews Rob Deported Jews Bender
The Jews of Bialystok During World War II and the Holocaust, by Sara Bender, Yaffa Murciano (Translator). 2008
Jews (and Not Only Poles) Looted Deported Jews. Germans Apprehended Fugitive Jews Without Locals' Help. Bialystok-Area Jews Didn't Support Poles' 1863 Insurrection Israeli historian Sara Bender traces the life of Bialystok's Jews… Read moreKresy Rightfully Polish Grabski
Polish-Soviet Frontier, by Stanislaw Grabski. 1944
The Case For the Kresy Rightfully Belonging to Poland Stanislaw Grabski summarizes the Polish claims to the Kresy. Besides the Polish cultural dominance and significant ethnic Polish minority status, the Polish presence in the Kresy, and further east, is illustrated by the large territories… Read moreLatin Civilization Poland Koneczny
The Plurality of Civilizations, by Feliks Koneczny. 1962
A Fascinating Taxonomy of Civilizations. Poland is the Eastern Output of Latin Civilization This work, originally published in 1935 in Polish and reprinted in this 1962 English-language edition, contrasts with the "all peoples are basically the same" thinking of modern multiculturalism. For… Read moreLEWACTWO Egregious Example Minkenberg
The Radical Right in Eastern Europe: Democracy Under Siege?, by Michael Minkenberg. 2017
Tells Us More About Far-Left Ideology Than About the “Radical Right” Bogeyman in Eastern Europe The author gets one thing right as he admits that, “In the research on the radical right, definitions of right-wing radicalism vary… Read moreLEWACTWO Egregious Example Pankowski
Populist Radical Right in Poland: The Patriots, by Rafal Pankowski. 2010
A Far-Left Operative With Ties to the Notorious SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) Pankowski is idolized by the media as some kind of exquisite authority figure on (what else?) hate in Poland. He has ties to the SPLC (Southern… Read moreLike Jews Like Endeks Poland Was Bad Hypocrisy Aleksiun
Polin, Volume 29, by Natalie Aleksiun, Brian Horowitz, and Antony Polonsky (eds.) 2017
Includes Insights into Jewish Endek-Mirror-Image Attitudes; the Bund; Jews Flee the USSR for Poland (Anti-Semitism Hypocrisy); and the POLIN Museum in Warsaw Like other volumes of the POLIN series, this one is often a mile wide and… Read moreKielce Pogrom Soviet Staged Irwin Zarecka
Neutralizing Memory: Jew in Contemporary Poland, by Iwona Irwin-Zarecka (Editor). 1990
Loaded Title. Kielce Soviet-Staged. Poles and June 1967 War The title of this book is biased. It implies that a neutralization of Jewish memory had taken place. This is nonsense. Neutralization is not the same as neglect, and the… Read moreKing John Sobieski Victory Vienna Slocombe
History of Poland, by George Slocombe. 1981
Broad-Based Polish History Through the Start of WWII. Especially Good on King John Sobieski and His Victory at Vienna. Major Challenges Facing the Newly-Resurrected Polish State (1918-on) This book is very “meaty”. Having read numerous works on the history of Poland, I focus… Read moreKol Nidre Vows To Humans Affirmed Gershon
Kol Nidrei: Its Origin, Development & Significance, by Stuart Weinberg Gershon. 1977
Talmudic Origins of KOL NIDREI. Medieval Jews Did Understand KOL NIDREI in Relation to Vows Before Courts and Governments, Not Just Vows Before God My review is based on the 1994 edition. This work is filled with fascinating… Read moreKresy Ancient Polishness Armstrong
Nations Before Nationalism, by John Alexander Armstrong. 2011
Poles Were Not Recent Arrivals in the (Former) Kresy: An Ancient Polish Presence in Present-Day Ukraine My review is based on the 1982 edition. This work is less about nations and early nationalism, and more about history in general. The author contrasts… Read moreKresy Communist Genocide Jasiewicz
Zagłada Polskich Kresów: Ziemianstwo Polskie Na Kresach Północno-Wschodnich Rzeczypospolitej Pod Okupacją Sowiecka 1939-1941, by Krzysztof Jasiewicz. 1998
The WWII Soviet Invasion and the Communist Genocide Directed Against the Polish Landed Gentry THE DESTRUCTION OF THE KRESY: THE POLISH LANDED GENTRY IN THE NORTHWEST PART OF THE REPUBLIC UNDER SOVIET OCCUPATION,… Read moreKresy Confiscation Real Reason a Weakened Poland Kemp
Stalinism in Poland, 1944-56: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995, by A Kemp-Welch (Editor). 1990
Kresy Confiscated: Real Reason Was a Weaker Poland. Collective Farming, Under the Soviet-Imposed Communist Puppet, Encounters Successful Polish Resistance This work has many papers. Owing to… Read moreKielce Pogrom Clue Giladi
Ben-Gurion's Scandals: How the Haganah and the Mossad Eliminated Jews, by Naeim Giladi. 2006
Did David Ben Gurion Ignore Polish Warnings on Doomed Jews? The Kielce Pogrom: Part of a Larger Terrorize-the-Jews Communist-Zionist Program? Naeim Giladi presents a variety of information on the conduct of David Ben Gurion, and this… Read moreKielce Pogrom Facts Kakolewski
Umarly Cmentarz, by Krzysztof Kąkolewski. 2008
Kielce Pogrom Coverup, Secrecy, and Long-Term Tool in Propaganda Against Poland THE CEMETERY THAT DIED is the English-language translation of this Polish-language book (review based on the 2004 edition). The title refers to a cemetery in Kielce, where Jewish and Polish victims of Nazism… Read moreKielce Pogrom Inconvenient Facts Sledzianowski
Pytania Nad Pogromem Kieleckim, by Jan Sledzianowski. 1998
Kielce Plot Thickens: Agent Provocateurs in Action. Long-Term Death Threats Against the Onetime "Kidnapped Boy". Greatly Exaggerated Participants and Onlookers (Surprise) QUESTIONS ABOUT THE KIELCE POGROM is the title of this Polish-language work. The author, Jan Sledzianowski, is a Catholic priest who… Read moreKielce Pogrom Jews Steal Children Factual Basis Wiacek
Zabic Zyda: Kulisy i Tajemnica Pogromy Kieleckiego 1946, by Tadeusz Wiacek. 1996
So-Called Kielce Pogrom: Much Not Known. "Jews Steal Children" Factual, and Not Just an Atavistic Medieval Legend KILL THE JEW! SCENES AND SECRETS OF THE 1946 KIELCE POGROM, is the title of this Polish-language work. [Review based on… Read moreKielce Pogrom Soviet Staged Chodakiewicz
After the Holocaust, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. 2003
Kielce Pogrom: Soviet Staging Indicators. Jews as Well as Poles Engaged in Collectivist Reprisals in Which Innocent People Were Killed The imposition of a Soviet puppet government was a painful chapter in Poland's history. In response to the usual anti-Polish bias of… Read moreKatyn Was Genocide Glaser
Victims of Politics: The State of Human Rights, by Kurt Glaser.
Katyn Was a Form of Genocide--As Recognized By These German Scholars. No Dichotomizing of the Holocaust and the Many Other (Seldom-Mentioned) Genocides German authors Glaser and Possony present, in this one volume, a large body of examples of human… Read moreKatyn Was Genocide Szonert
Katyn: State-Sponsored Extermination, by Maria Szonert. 2012
Katyn, According to National Law, Definitely Qualifies as Genocide There are many books on the Katyn massacre. [See the Peczkis Listmania: THE KATYN MASSACRE...] This one stands out, providing an up-to-date account of Katyn and its understanding on the international scene. It also… Read moreKhmelnitsky Pogrom Greatly Exaggerated Petrovsky-Shtern
Polin Vol. 26, by Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern and Antony Polonsky (eds.) 2014
Includes Especial Insight into the Large-Scale Jewish Complicity in the HOLODOMOR. On Another Subject, the 17th-Century Khmelnitsky Pogrom Has Been Greatly Exaggerated This book spans ancient times to the present, and focuses on historical, social, political, and literary events.… Read moreKielce Pogrom Circumstantial Evidence Checinski
Poland, Communism, nationalism, anti-semitism, by Michael Checinski. 1982
So-Called Kielce Pogrom: Circumstantial Evidence Points to Soviet Involvement of Some Kind The tale of the Kielce Pogrom is well known. Someone started a rumor that a Polish boy had been kidnapped by Jews and killed for his blood to be used… Read moreKielce Pogrom Circumstantial Evidence Mikolajczyk
The Rape of Poland: Pattern of Soviet Aggression, by Stanislaw Mikolajczyk. 2010
Kielce Pogrom Staging: The Circumstantial Evidence. Why Poles Were Not Thrilled When Holocaust-Surviving Jews Came Back to Reclaim Their Property This work is a classic. I focus on a few issues that have relevance to this day. POLAND'S… Read moreKielce Pogrom Circumstantial Evidence Wat
My Century, by Aleksander Wat, Richard Lourie (Translator), Czesław Miłosz (Foreword). 2003Anti-Semitism (What Else?) in Anders Army Debunked. Kielce Pogrom Staged: Circumstantial Evidence. Red=Brown Affirmed The author, a Jewish Communist, had a large number of opinions of various prominent individuals and nationalities. Since the reader is likely to be…
Read moreKatyn Few Jewish Victims Jasiewicz
Lista Strat Ziemianstwa Polskiego 1939-1956, by Krzysztof Jasiewicz. 1995
Few Jews Murdered at Katyn. A Catalogue of the Polish Landed Gentry, With Data on Their Murderers A LIST OF THE LOSSES OF POLISH LANDED PROPRIETORS 1939-1956, is the title of this Polish-language scholarly work. In the supplement volume, there are… Read moreKatyn For Decades British Refused Justice For Poland Gould
Disaster Archaeology, by Richard A. Gould. 2007
Modern Forensics Re-Confirms Soviet Guilt For Katyn. British Still More Interested in Pleasing Communists Than Doing Justice to Poland--Decades After WWII! Native Americans--The Facts Fail the Cultural Marxists This work raises many topics, two of which I emphasize here. It delves into such… Read moreKatyn Jewish Complicity Montefiore
Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar (Joseph Stalin #2), by Simon Sebag Montefiore. 2005
Crucial Jewish Complicity in the GULAGS, and in the Decision to Murder Tens of Thousands of Polish Officers at Katyn The author, a Briton of Jewish descent, minces no words about the Zydokomuna (Judeo-Bolshevism). One… Read moreKatyn Jewish Complicity Rees
Iron Lazar: A Political Biography of Lazar Kaganovich, by E.A. Rees. 2012
Lazar Kaganovich: The Chief of Stalin’s Willing Executioners. Highly Complicit in the Holodomor, Great Terror, and Katyn Massacre This work presents a great deal of information not only on leading Communist personages, but also on the functioning of… Read moreKatyn Multiple Double Standards Kaczorowska
Children of the Katyn Massacre: Accounts of Life After the 1940 Soviet Murder of Polish POWs, by Teresa Kaczorowska. 2006
Katyn Was Genocide. Poles and Jews: Multiple Double Standards. Grave Robbery at Katyn Wes Adamczyk, who wrote the Foreward of this book, provides more historical detail than just about any… Read moreJudeopolonia postWWII Ben Gurion
BEN GURION LOOKS BACK In Talks with Moshe Pearlman, by Moshe Pearlman, David Ben-Gurion. 1965
Ben Gurion Pro-Russian and Polish-Averse. Later, a British-Proposed Post-WWII Judeopolonia (East Prussia) There are many subjects raised in this book, and I focus on two distinctive ones. By way of introduction, David Ben Gurion (David… Read moreJudeopolonia WWI Bodenheimer
Prelude to Israel, by Max Bodenheimer. 1963
No anti-Semitic Imagination: Zionist Bodenheimer Speaks: A WWI-Era German-Ruled Judeopolonia! This work includes Bodenheimer's conversations with fellow Zionists such as Teodor Herzl and Max Nordau, his ideas about such developments as the Jewish farming colony in Argentina, his interactions with top German… Read moreJudeopolonia WWI Kielce Pogrom Pogonowski
Jews in Poland, by Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski. 1998
The Reality of a WWI Judeopolonia. The Soviet-Staged Kielce Pogrom: Why and How This 1998 edition contains several articles not found in the original hardback edition. The authors trace many mischaracterizations of Polish-Jewish history in the American press. The informed reader can… Read moreKatyn Aerial Photography Fox
God's Eye: Aerial Photography and the Katyn Forest Massacre, by Frank Fox. 1999
Aerial Photography Alone Debunks the Soviet Blame-Shifting to Germans. Jewish Victims of Katyn This work honors the work of Polish-American photo-interpreter Waclaw Godziemba-Maliszewski, whose painstaking work was exploited by others without proper attribution or credit. Aerial photography,… Read moreKatyn American’s Analysis Paul
Katyn: Stalin's Massacre and the Triumph of Truth, by Allen Paul. 2010
Katyn Was Genocide. The Sikorski Airplane “Accident”. Kresy Misconceptions Need Correction Allen Paul not only discusses the genocidal Katyn massacre itself in considerable detail, but also gives a thorough review of Polish history in WWII and the immediate… Read moreKatyn as Genocide Affirmed By Anders Stahl
The Crime of Katyn: Facts and Documents, by Zdzislaw Stahl. 1965
General Anders Affirms Katyn as Genocide. Document-Filled Book a Boon to Scholars This English-language version was originally scheduled for publication in 1948, but wasn’t actually published until 1965, the 25th anniversary of the crime. General Wladyslaw Anders, who was… Read moreJudeopolonia Early Jewish Proposals Mandel
The Militant Messiah: Or, The Flight From The Ghetto: The Story Of Jacob Frank And The Frankist Movement, by Arthur Mandel.
Ennobled Jews. Russian Mystics Also Accused of Ritual Murder. Early Judeopolonia. Two-Way Polish-Jewish Prejudices This work provides a fine introduction not only to Jacob Frank and the Frankists, but… Read moreJudeopolonia in Jewish Fiction Roth
Operation Shylock: A Confession, by Philip Roth. 1994
A Jewish Version of Jews Massively Moving Back to Poland, and Potentially Forming a Ruling Class (Judeopolonia) Many reviews already describe the main features of this book, and my review tackles it from a different angle. By way of introduction, some Poles… Read moreJudeopolonia Model Birobidzhan Maroney
The Other Zions: The Lost Histories of Jewish Nations, by Eric Maroney. 2009
Soviet Birobidzhan as an Inadvertent Model for Judeopolonia Owing to the many topics addressed by this book, I focus on only a few, and, unlike the author, assess the significance of Birobidzhan beyond its immediate impact. THE… Read moreJudeopolonia Model Birobidzhan Weinberg
Stalin's Forgotten Zion: Birobidzhan and the Making of a Soviet Jewish Homeland: An Illustrated History, 1928-1996, by Weinberg. 1998
A Jewish Nation-Within-Nation (Birobidzhan) Did Happen. So Obviously a Jewish Nation-Within-Nation (Judeopolonia) Could Also Have Happened Birobidzhan is a territory, in the Soviet Far East, near the Sino-Soviet border, which became… Read moreJudeopolonia Nazi German Lublin Reservation Chernow
The Warburgs, by Ron Chernow. 1993
Cemeteries are Not Eternal; Lublin Reservation Judeopolonia. German Guilt Diffusion: No Valid Dichotomy Between Germans and Nazis. Nazi Leniency on German Bankers. German "Repentance" Insincere
Author Ron Chernow makes many Jewish-exculpatory statements with regards to the Warburgs,…
Read moreJUDENRAT Opposed Jewish Flight and Fight Cholawsky
The Jews of Bielorussia During World War II, by Shalom Cholawski, Yehuda Bauer (Foreword), Shalom Cholawsky. 1997
The Ambivalent Attitude, of the JUDENRAETE, to Jewish Flight From the Ghettos, and To Fighting the Nazis. Media-Criticized Polish Scholar Ewa Kurek Was Right This book has a rather anti-Polish tone. However, it… Read moreJudeopolonia Advocated By Jews Themselves Wysocki
Zydzi w Dziejach Polski, by Stanislaw Wysocki. 1995
Candor on Jewish Disloyalty to Poland. The Possibility of Judeopolonia Was Very Real: Some Jews Openly Advocated a Judeopolonia JEWS IN THE DEALINGS OF POLAND is the title of this Polish language book. It starts with the beginnings of the Jewish religion… Read moreJudeopolonia Bialystok 1918 Kobrin
Jewish Bialystok and Its Diaspora, by Rebecca Kobrin. 2010
An Attempted Literal Judeopolonia Out of Bialystok. Organized Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in 1918-1920 Although this work is centered on the Jews of Bialystok, it is useful to the reader for understanding the situation facing Jews in Russian-occupied Poland. Less attention… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Once Confronted Stauber
The Holocaust in Israeli Public Debate in the 1950s: Ideology and Memory, by Roni Stauber. 2007
When Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis Was Grappled-With My review is based on this 2007 English-language edition. The original edition had come out in 2000 in Hebrew. JEWISH SERVILITY TO THE GERMANS The early… Read moreJUDENRAT Congeniality to Germans Hilberg
The Politics of Memory: The Journey of a Holocaust Historian, by Raul Hilberg. 2002
Squarely Faces Jewish Congeniality to the Germans--Even Nazi Germans. Hilberg Implicitly Confronts German Guilt Diffusion for the Holocaust This work is semi-autobiographical in nature. It provides insights into how the Jewish author Hilberg developed and published… Read moreJUDENRAT Early Model Tsarist Khappers Stanislawski
Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews: The transformation of Jewish society in Russia, 1825-1855, by Michael Stanislawski. 1983
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn Was Right: Jews at First Generally Resisted Modernizaiton, and Then Became Separatist (Jews as Nationality). Khappers: An "Early Judenrat" in Tsarist Russia When Tsar Nicholas I reigned (1825-1855), Poland had… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Exculpations Rejected Arendt
The Jewish Writings, by Hannah Arendt, Jerome Kohn (Editor), Ron H. Feldman (Editor). 2007
”We’re All Eichmanns” German Guilt Dilution Repudiated. German Contrition Insincere. Judenrat Nazi Collaboration Exculpations Rejected Hannah Arendt’s Shoah-related statements are unwelcome to many, and, for this reason, she has been delegitimized by being called “only a… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration In Detail Silberklang
Gates of Tears, by David Silberklang. 2014
Squarely Faces Jewish-Nazi Collaboration in Significant Detail. Mischaracterizes Jedwabne and the JUDENJAGD (Hunt for the Jews) This work covers all phases of the German occupation of Poland, and its effect on Jews. It is best suited for the Holocaust-familiar reader. THE INTENSITY OF… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Kasztner Bogdanor
Kasztner's Crime, by Paul Bogdanor. 2016
Jewish Complicity in the Holocaust: The JUDENRAT, and Nazi-Collaborator and Deceiver Kasztner—Exonerated by Platitudes Equal justice for all peoples is my main concern, with no double standards for Jewish and non-Jewish collaborators with the Nazis. Owing to the fact that the author is an… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Kasztner Hecht
Perfidy, by Ben Hecht. 2012
German Guilt Diffusion and Rudolf Kasztner's Jewish-Nazi Collaboration This work indicts both non-Jewish and especially Jewish leaders (e. g. Yitzhak Gruenbaum: p. 50, 258) for having failed to have alleviated the Holocaust. THE CONVENIENT “SELF-HATING JEW” ACCUSATION AGAINST THE AUTHOR Far from being some sort… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Not Readily Excused Goda
Jewish Histories of the Holocaust, by Norman J W Goda (Editor). 2014
Not Instant Death for Jewish Ghetto Police Disobeying German Orders to Ship Jews to the Death Camps
The reflexive response to Hannah Arendt (EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM), on the excessive obedience of the JUDENRAETE and Jewish Ghetto Police to…
Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Tenenbaum
Zloczow Memoir: 1939-1944 a Chronicle of Survival, by Samuel Tennenbaum. 2001
The “Jews Had It Bad in Poland” Myth. Not Only Poles: Jews Looted Too. Jewish Nazi Collaboration. Hitler and Big Capitalism: The Facts This book touches on many issues related to Polish-Jewish relations and of general interest. For example:… Read moreJUDENRAT a Decisive If Not Crucial Help to Germans In Holocaust Zuckerman
A Surplus of Memory, by Yitzhak "Antek" Zuckerman. 1993
Eyewitness Author Refutes the Notion That Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Had an Insignificant Outcome on the German-made Holocaust. The Polish Blue Police and the Jewish Ghetto Police: No Double Standard on German-Serving Poles and German-Serving Jews! This work presents a wealth of information.… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Arendt Answers Her Critics
The Portable Hannah Arendt, by Hannah Arendt, Peter Baehr (Editor). 2003
Hannah Arendt--"Only a Philosopher" Owing to Her Unwelcome Findings on Jewish-Nazi Collaboration, Shows a Clearly Sophisticated Understanding of It, Putting Her Critics in Their Place Evidently, for some, whenever you dislike the message, go after the messenger. In response,… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Condemned Schonfeld
The Holocaust Victims Accuse, by Moshe Schonfeld. 1977
1933 Boycott. Questionable Zionist Actions. JUDENRAT Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Unequivocally Condemned Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld has written a hard-hitting book, one that inadvertently undermines many of the canons of modern Holocaust education. While he does repeat stereotyped criticisms of Christians, the Vatican, etc., Schonfeld's… Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Double Standards Jockusch
Jewish Honor Courts: Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation in Europe and Israel After the Holocaust, by Laura Jockusch (Editor), Gabriel Finder, Veerle Vanden Daelen (Contributor), Dan Porat (Contributor), Ido de Haan (Contributor), Nico Wouters (Contributor), Katarzyna Person (Contributor), Helga Embacher (Contributor) , Rivka Brot (Contributor), David Engel (Contributor), Simon Perego (Contributor),…
Read moreJUDENRAT Collaboration Exculpated Zertal
Israel's Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood, by Idith Zertal. 2005
The Legacy of the Holocaust on Israeli Society. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration. The Kafr Qasim Massacre This work focuses on the Holocaust as the raison d’etre of the State of Israel. It discusses Holocaust survivors, Israel’s wars with her neighbors as… Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Arendt
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, by Hannah Arendt, Amos Elon (Introduction). 2006
A "Controversial" Work Because It Told the Inconvenient Truth About Not-Always-Coerced Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis This classic provides a wealth of information, and upends many of the Holocaust myths that have accreted… Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Arendt Clarified MacDonald
Discriminations: Essays and Afterthoughts, by Dwight MacDonald. 1974
Hannah Arendt Clarified on Jewish Nazi Collaboration. Polish Historian Ewa Kurek is Correct, Notably on Some Jews Turned Over, By Jewish Leaders, for Death This is an anthology of essays by Dwight Macdonald, and I focus exclusively on his analysis of Hannah… Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Gutman
Patterns of Jewish Leadership in Nazi Europe, 1933-1945, by Yisrael Gutman (Editor). 1979
The Judenrat and the Jewish Ghetto Police: Various Motives of Jews Serving the Nazis. Same is Applicable to Polish Denouncers and Killers of Fugitive Jews
The highlight of this book, on Jewish leadership and the Shoah, is…
Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Lubetkin
In the Days of Destruction and Revolt, by Zivia Lubetkin, Yehiel Yanay (Editor), Ishai Tubbin (Translator). 1981
Jewish Nazi Collaboration: No Softening the Blow. Jews Slow to Accept Fact of Holocaust. No Denouncers Needed: Germans Found Fugitive Jews Directly Themselves The author provides much detail on Jewish political movements and… Read moreJUDENRAT Big Help to Germans Ringelblum
Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto, by Emmanuel Ringelblum. 2006
Candor on Jewish-Nazi Collaboration and Its Big Help to the Germans in the Holocaust. The Canned Serve-or-Die Exculpation Fails This volume, written by a Jewish historian in hiding during the Shoah, is full of interesting information. IN THE FIRST TWO YEARS… Read moreJournalism and Jews Segel
Stranger in Our Midst: Images Of The Jew In Polish Literature, by Harold B. Segel (Editor). 2015
Journalism and Jews: Pre-WII Disrespect Towards Polish Catholicism This book is not one that analyzes images of the Jew in Poland per se. Rather, it is an anthology of otherwise-disconnected separate articles about… Read moreJudaism Christianity Incompatible Berger
Persecution, Polomic, and Dialogue, by David Berger. 2010
Judaism and Christianity Are Fundamentally Incompatible. Includes Detailed Analysis of Rabbi Ha-Meiri’s Attempts to Confront Talmudic Antigoyism, and to Disavow It Relative to Christians This work is packed with much interesting information. For instance, the term MINIM probably referred mainly to Jewish… Read moreJudaism Christianity Incompatible Chazan
Fashioning Jewish Identity in Medieval Western Christendom, by Robert Chazan. 2003
A Doctrine-Based Analysis of Jewish-Christian Religious Disputes in the Middle Ages. TOLEDOT YESHU anti-Christian Author Robert Chazan begins with an introduction to early Christianity. He acknowledges the sometimes-denied fact that TOLDOT YESHU (TOLEDOT YESHU) was in fact a derogatory… Read moreJudaism Christianity Incompatible Fine
Judaism in Practice: From the Middle Ages Through the Early Modern Period, by Lawrence Fine (Editor). 2001
Medieval Jews in Often-Creative Antagonism Towards Christianity This work covers many topics, and has a few chapters on women in Judaism. It has sections dealing with the life cycle, Torah and learning, Jewish… Read moreJudaism NonPersecutory No Credit to Jews Brown
Confronting Scandal: How Jews Can Respond When Jews Do Bad Things, by Erica Brown. 2010
The Long History of Jewish Nonviolence Is Not Necessarily of Moral Credit to the Jews This book examines such things as Jewish gangsters in early 20th century USA, financial scandals involving Jews (e. g, Bernie… Read moreJudaism NonPersecutory No Credit to Jews Laursen
Beyond the Persecuting Society: Religious Toleration Before the Enlightenment, by John Christian Laursen (Editor), Cary J. Nederman (Editor). 1997
Judaism Non-Persecutory By No Choice. Medieval Rabbi Moses Maimonides, a Progressive for His Time: Punish Christians as Idolaters! This work consists of a series of essays on the subject of religious… Read moreJournalism and Jews Dresner
Can Families Survive in Pagan America?, by Samuel H. Dresner. 1995
A Jewish View of the Breakdown of the American Family. Sabbatianism. Inadvertent Insights into 1936 Cardinal Hlond on Jews and Morality Rabbi Dresner points to the divine origins of the family. He also gives the reader a sense of… Read moreJournalism and Jews Gordon
Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin (Expanded Edition), by Mel Gordon. 2006
Weimar Berlin: The Sodom on the Spree, and the HAUPTSTADT of Commercial Sex (p. 108) Author Mel Gordon is identified as professor of theater arts at the University of Berkeley in California. (p. 305). This book… Read moreJournalism and Jews Hamerow
Remembering a Vanished World: A Jewish Childhood in Interwar Poland, by Theodore S. Hamerow. 2001
Crushing Peasant Poverty Explains Polish "Greed" For Post-Jewish Properties. Why Jewish Influence on Polish Culture Was Seen as Harmful Although Hamerow left Poland when he was ten years old, he manages to recreate pre-Holocaust Poland… Read moreJournalism and Jews Marcus
The Rise And Destiny Of The German Jew. With A Postmortem, by Jacob Rader Marcus.
Includes a Lucid, Detailed Summary of Reasons for the Nazi German Position on Jews. Goebbels: West’s Concern for Jews Was Hypocritical This book was published in 1934, just after Hitler had come to power. It… Read moreJournalism and Jews Prager
Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism, by Dennis Prager.
The Cynicism of Many Influential Jews, and Its Impact on Journalism, Academia, and the Entertainment Industry. Communism, Weimar Germany, USA. Why Polononophobia This work is a curious mixture of the very astute and the very superficial. I focus on a… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles NSZ When Real Were Justified Zebrowski
Narodowe Sily Zbrojne: Dokumenty, Struktury, Personalia (3 Volumes), by Leszek Zebrowski. 1994
The Polish Underground NSZ--Dealing With Communist and Jewish Propaganda This Polish-language book, NATIONAL ARMED FORCES, focuses mainly on the SN (Stronnictwo Narodowe--NATIONAL PARTY) and its guerrilla-arm NSZ, whose positions overlap those of the ONR, as elaborated in… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Only Jews Matter Levine
Fugitives of the Forest: The Heroic Story of Jewish Resistance and Survival During the Second World War, by Allan Levine. 2008
ARMIA KRAJOWA (A. K.) Killing Jews: Better Than Most Jewish Authors, But With a Frankly “Only Jewish Lives Matter” Approach Other reviews already inform the reader about the main… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Warsaw ’44 Myth Zebrowski
Paszkwil Wyborczej, by Leszek Zebrowski. 2013
Michal Cichy Unmasked: False Accusations of Poles Killing Jews During the Soviet-Betrayed 1944 Warsaw Uprising THE SLANDER BY GAZETA WYBORCZA is the title of this Polish-language work. This work is a sequel to the author's 1995 work of the same title, Paszkwil Wyborczej. This… Read moreJournalism and Jews Aly
Why the Germans? Why the Jews?: Envy, Race Hatred, and the Prehistory of the Holocaust, by Götz Aly. 2014
Scholar Suggests That Jewish-Gentile Competition—Not Jewish Success—Animates Anti-Semitism. Jewish Cynicism, Exhibited in the Press, Offended Even Some Liberals The author at first repeats the standard trope of anti-Semitism driven by the… Read moreJournalism and Jews Belloc
The Jews, by Hilaire Belloc. 1986
A Well-Reasoned 1920’s Catholic Traditionalist View of Jews. Insights into Polish-Jewish Antagonisms Nowadays, the pre-Vatican II view of Jews is unilaterally demonized. In light of this, the reader may be surprised at the measured reasoning and even-handedness of this devout Catholic author. He lets… Read moreJournalism Jews and Ongoing Polononophobia Biskupski
Polin, Vol. 19, by Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski and Antony Polonsky (eds.) 2007
For Well Over a Century, Jewish Influence Has Been Instilling Negative Images of Poles in the American Public Mind. Common Polonophobic Holocaust-Related Memes Repudiated I focus on several items of lasting interest: JEWS IN JOURNALISM AND EDUCATION: SHAPING… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Justified Meed
On Both Sides of the Wall, by Vladka Meed, Feigele Peltel Miedzyrzecki, Steven Meed (Translator), Elie Wiesel (Introduction). 1999
When Poles Were Justified in Denouncing or Killing Fugitive Jews: It’s Either My Life (a Pole) or Your Life (a Jew). Otherwise, is the Life of a Jew More Valuable… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Justified Sakowicz
Ponary Diary, 1941 - 1943: A Bystander's Account Of A Mass Murder, by Kazimierz Sakowicz, Yitzhak Arad, Laurence Weinbaum (Translator). 2005
Jedwabne Nonmention Doesn't Absolve the Germans. Polish Killings of Fugitive Jews Well Justified. Jews Betray Other Jews The diary of the Pole, Kazimierz Sakowicz, is unique in that it… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Nazi Propaganda Donat
The Holocaust Kingdom, by Alexander Donat. 1978
Modern Jew-Killing Accusations Against Poles a Repetition of Nazi Propaganda. Looting and Grave Robbery Done By Jews as Well as Poles Alexander Donat recounts his experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (notably the role of the Z.Z.W.; pp. 107-108 and… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Not By Underground Glazar
Trap with a Green Fence: Survival in Treblinka, by Richard Glazar, Roslyn Theobald (Translator), Wolfgang Benz (Foreword). 1995
Jew-Killing Done By Bandits, Not the Polish Underground. Polonophobic Jewish Preconceptions Limited Jews Saved (But Nowadays Only Poles Get Blamed For It) Richard Glazer, a Czech Jew, mentions his life in German-occupied… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles NSZ Contextualized Women Saved From Fiery Death Zebrowski
Brygada Swietokrzyska NSZ w Fotografiach i Dokomentach. 2017
A Polish NSZ Guerrilla Brigade Fights the Germans, Traverses Czechoslovakia, and Frees Women About to Be Burned Alive By the Germans at a Concentration Camp (Holyszow)
Read moreGrabowski JUDENJAGD Wanton-Jew-Killing Debunked Frydel
The Holocaust and European Societies, by Frank Bajohr and Andrea Low (eds.) 2016
The German-Terror Object Lesson at Podborze: The REAL Reason That Poles Started Killing Jews My review is limited to the eye-opening chapter Tomasz Frydel, titled “The PAZIFIZIERUNGSAKTION as a Catalyst of Anti-Jewish Violence. A Study of… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Explained Tushnet
To Die With Honor: The Uprising of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, by Leonard Tushnet. 1965
Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis. Substantial Polish Aid Recognized. Rescued Jews Denounced Polish Rescuers This book touches on several issues that are relevant to Polish-Jewish relations, and I discuss some of them: CAPTURED JEWS… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Demystified in Detail Frydel
Microhistories of the Holocaust, by Claire Zalc and Tal Bruttmann (eds.) 2018
Direct, Very-Specific German Terror, and Not "Polish Anti-Semitism" is What Induced Poles to Denounce or Kill Fugitive Jews My review is limited to Tomasz Frydel and his chapter: “The ‘Hunt for the Jews’ as a Social Process,… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Frivolous Donat
The Death Camp Treblinka, by Alexander Donat. 1988
Frivolous Jew-Killing Accusations Against Poles. Jews, and Not Only Poles, Blackmailed Jews This book is a compilation of six eyewitness accounts from Treblinka escapees, an English translation of Rachel Auerbach's investigation, and description of the 1960's trails of Treblinka Nazis in West… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Justified Klukowski
Corrected Misquotes of Jan T. Gross and Jan Grabowski vel Abramer. Poles Started Killing Jews in Order to Protect Themselves From Jewish Banditry. Otherwise, Some…
Read more
Jew Killing WWII By Poles Justified Kuperhand
Shadows of Treblinka, by Miriam Kuperhand, Saul Kuperhand. 1998
Polish Killings of Fugitive Jews Were Justified. Zydokomuna "Fear of Nazis" Excuse Doesn't Hold This account of Treblinka escapees Miriam and Saul Kuperhand (hereafter MK and SK), contains seldom-told ancillary details about Polish-Jewish relations during the German-made Holocaust. THE ZYDOKOMUNA: REVEALING… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles AK and NSZ Why Children Killed Kolacinski
Miedzy Mlotem a Swastyka, by Wladyslaw Kolacinski "Zbik". 1961, 2018
INSTRUCTIVE! Why Polish Guerrillas Were, in Rare Circumstances, Forced to Kill Innocent Relatives of Collaborators [Including Potentially Jewish Ones]. NSZ Combat Against the Nazi German Occupant and the Communist GL-AL Bands and Their " Revolutionary Banditry"
Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Bogus Order Bor Komorowski
The Secret Army, by Tadeusz Bór Komorowski. 1984
The Falsehood of Commander Bor Komorowski Giving an Order For Poles to Kill Fugitive Jews. The Soviet-Betrayed Warsaw Uprising Tadeusz Bor-Komorowski was, after the capture of Grot Rowecki by the Germans, the head of the entire AK (ARMIA KRAJOWA) Underground and guerilla… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Contextualized Appleman
Alicia, by Alicia Appleman-Jurman. 1989
Wartime Looting Universal. Jew Killings From Protection of Homesteads. Double Standard on anti-Semitism. Canned Polonophobic Memes Alicia was born in Buczacz, Tarnopol area, eastern Galicia. While growing up, she did not classify her friends as Jews or gentiles. Her family did not experience anti-Semitism until… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Contextualized Williamson
The Polish Underground 1939-1947, by David G. Williamson. 2012
Finally! Polish Denunciations and Killings of Fugitive Jews are Contextualized. No Death Penalty Fear Double Standard. Comparing Danish and Polish Rescuers is Ridiculous This single volume covers major developments and actions of the Polish Underground State, largely from a British perspective.… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles Exaggerated Hirschfeld
The Policies Of Genocide: Jews And Soviet Prisoners Of War In Nazi Germany, by Gerhard Hirschfeld.
Counterintuitively-High Survival Rates of Treblinka Escapees in German-Occupied Poland This book is primarily about the EINSATZGRUPPEN shootings of Jews and Russians in the wake of Operation Barbarossa. However, there is something else that stands… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles 200,000 Fake News Nixed Paulsson
Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945, by Gunnar S. Paulsson. 2003
Upends the Media Narrative of 10% Jew-Escape Rates--The Foundation of the Fantastic "200,000 Fugitive Jews Killed by Poles”. Fact: No Consensus on Fugitive-Jew Escape Rates From Even the Best-Studied Large Concentration of Jews—the Warsaw Ghetto--Let Alone All… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles 200,000 Fake News Pushed Grabowski
Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland, by Jan Grabowski. 2013
Anti-Polish Hatchet Job Makes Mountains Out of Molehills. Ignores Wartime Context. "200,000 Jews Killed By Poles" Voodoo Numbers UPDATE (Nov. 2017). A new scholarly book soundly debunks the "Polish Complicity in the Holocaust" canard. See my… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles 200,000 Fake News Source Datner
Las Sprawiedliwych, by Szymon Datner. 1968
These Completely-Misquoted Works Are the Ultimate Origin of the Fake News That Poles Killed 150,000 or 200,000 Fugitive Jews During WWII (LAS SPRAWIEDLIWYCH. Title in English: The Forest of the Righteous--is an allusion to the then-new Yad Vashem). Author and Holocaust scholar Szymon Datner… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles 200,000 Fake News Spun Ringelblum
Polish-Jewish Relations During the Second World War, by Emmanuel Ringelblum, Joseph Kermish (Editor), Yad Vashem (Editor), Shmuel Krakowski (Editor), Dafna Allon (Translation), Danuta Dąbrowska (Translation), Dana Keren (Translation). 1992
Jew Killing By Poles: Has Voodoo Numbers That Have Since Been Exploited By Those Who Attack Poland Today The main author,… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles AK and NSZ a Myth Tec
In the Lion's Den: The Life of Oswald Rufeisen, by Nechama Tec. 1990
Rejecting the Myth That the ARMIA KRAJOWA (AK) and the NARODOWE SILY ZBROJNE (NSZ) Killed Fugitive and Postwar Jews Without Reason This book contains a number of items of lasting relevance. For example: POLISH ANTI-SEMITISM WAS SOMETHING… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles AK and NSZ From Faulty Info Willenberg
Surviving Treblinka, by Samuel Willenberg. 1989
Polish Killing of Fugitive Jews Potentially Driven By Faulty Intelligence Samuel Willenberg is one of the few Jews who escaped from the Treblinka death camp. He provides gruesome details of what took place there. About 870,000 Jews were gassed or shot. The bodies were… Read moreJew Killing PostWWII By Poles Contextualized Klukowski
Red Shadow: A Physician's Memoir of the Soviet Occupation of Eastern Poland, 1944-1956, by Zygmunt Klukowski, Andrew Klukowski (Editor), George Klukowski (Translator). 1997
Extensive Postwar Looting and Sporadic Killings All Around, Not Something That "Poles Did to Jews" That Had Survived the Holocaust This work is a natural sequel to… Read moreJew Killing PostWWII By Poles Explained Kaminski
Reflections On The Kielce Pogrom, by Łukasz Kamiński
Poland' s Holocaust-Surviving Jews Publicly Backed Soviet-Imposed Communism in An In-Your-Face-Manner. Postwar Jew-Killings By Poles Contextualized This book is of variable quality: Hence the 3-star rating. Unfortunately, none of the authors attempt to come to grips with the manifold evidences of the… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles 200,000 Arbitrary Zimmerman
Pick Your Arbitrary Numerical Figure of Fugitive Jews in German-Occupied Poland: 300,000? 200,000? Or Maybe 100,000 (Or Less)? So How Many of These Imagined Jews Were Killed or Denounced by Poles? Most of…
Read more
Jew Killing WWII By Poles 200,000 Fake News Nixed Berendt
Zydowski Uciekinierzy i Tulacze w Okupowanej Polsce, by Grzegorz Berendt. 2017
Noted Historian Debunks the Media-Promoted Falsehood of 200,000 Fugitive Jews Killed By Poles in WWII Accusations of Poles killing 200,000 Polish Jews were popularized by Jan Grabowski in his media-touted JUDENJAGD (Hunt for the Jews). They also have been… Read moreJew Killing WWII By Poles 200,000 Fake News Nixed Gutman
Unequal Victims: Poles And Jews During World War Two, by Israel Gutman, Shmuel Krakowski
Inadvertently But Soundly Discredits Jan T. Gross’ and Jan Grabowski “200,000 Fugitive Jews Killed By Poles” Fantastic Numbers Szmuel Krakowski had been a long-term Jewish Communist functionary in Soviet-ruled Poland. Most of this book consists of… Read moreJew Killing By Christians Exaggerated Chazan
Reassessing Jewish Life in Medieval Europe, by Robert Chazan. 2010
Christian Persecutions of Jews Have Been Way Overblown. Prejudices Were Fully Reciprocal This work is part of a series of books that challenges the lachrymose version of Jewish history. This includes accounts of Jews prospering in medieval Christendom. However, as… Read moreJew Killing By Christians Exaggerated Elukin
Living Together, Living Apart: Rethinking Jewish-Christian Relations in the Middle Ages, by Jonathan Elukin. 2007
An Eye-Opening and Long-Overdue Corrective to the Portrayal of Jews as Victims of Christian Hate and Persecution By way of introduction, Jewish author Jonathan Elukin comments, (quote) Seeing medieval Europe as a persecuting society obscures… Read moreMassive Pogroms Fake News Common Heddesheimer
The First Holocaust: Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims During and After World War I, by Don Heddesheimer. 2005
Beyond Holocaust Denial. Easily-Verifiable Proof That Jews Have Often Greatly Exaggerated Pogrom Death Tolls. Implications for Old and New Accusations Against Poland The author presents an impressive set of WWI-era… Read moreJew Killing PostWWII Also Jews Kill Jews Lubling
Twice-Dead: Moshe Y. Lubling, the Ethics of Memory, and the Treblinka Revolt, by Yoram Lubling. 2007
Not Only Poles Sometimes Killed Holocaust-Surviving Jews: Jews Also Sometimes Killed Holocaust-Surviving Jews. We Never Hear About That Yoram Lubling is the son of Holocaust-survivor Pinchas Lubling and the grandson of Treblinka-revolt leader Moshe… Read moreJew Killing PostWWII By Poles Contextualized Applebaum
Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-1956, by Anne Applebaum. 2012
Atypical Jewish Fairness to Poles on the Question of Postwar Killings of Jews By Poles Applebaum examines many different matters related to the imposition of Communism: the wartime devastation, Yalta, religion, culture, and much more. THE NAZI-COMMUNIST ALLIANCE… Read moreJew Killing PostWWII By Poles Parczew Pogrom Full Story Bechta
Pogrom Czy Odwet? by Mariusz Bechta. 2014
The ZOLNIERZE WYKLECI in Action. The Truth About the So-Called Parczew Pogrom in Post-WWII Poland. Fighting the Communists and the Jews That Served Them POGROM OR REPRISAL? is the title of this scholarly, Polish-language work. This work is timely. The LEWACTWO and… Read moreLike Jews Like Endeks Samuel
You Gentiles, by Maurice Samuel. 1995
Zionist Author Defends Jewish Elitism and Separatism. He Concurs With the Endeks (Polish Nationalists) That the Jewish Soul is Indelibly Different From the GOYISCH Soul Maurice Samuel (1895-1972) was a Jewish writer and Zionist. He identified himself as a freethinker. (p. 74, 76). He… Read moreJews Treated Worse and Poles Treated Worse By Nazis Chylinski
Poland Under Nazi Rule 1939-1941: A Report by Thaddeus Chylinski, American Vice Consul in Warsaw, by Thaddeus Chylinski. 2018
Jews Treated Worse: Poles Treated Worse. Declassified Late-1941 CIA Document on the Unfolding Polokaust in Nazi German-Occupied Poland. Polish Pogrom Nazi Propaganda (Still Repeated Today). POLICJA GRANATOWA Details The author of… Read moreJews vs Dmowski Sarolea
Letters on Polish Affairs (Classic Reprint), by Charles Sarolea. 2018
An Eye-Opening Non-Polish Perspective on Polish-Jewish Relations, Roman Dmowski, the Silesia-Plebiscite Farce, etc. Charles Sarolea (1870-1953) was Professor at the University of Edinburgh, and the Belgian Consul in Edinburgh. This 1922 work is head and shoulders above the customary Anglo-American… Read moreJews Want To Be Own VOLK Brenner
The Renaissance of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany, by Michael Brenner. 1998
Jews Thought of Themselves a Separate VOLK--Long Before Hitler. HEIL Greeting Used By Some Jewish Groups This book contains a wealth of interesting information. For example, the Talmud (Makkot 10a) states that one learned much Torah from one’s… Read moreJew Killing BOMBSHELL Why Jews ASSUME Pogroms Grubsztein
Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust, by Meir Grubsztein (Editor). 1971
BOMBSHELL: Why Jews Are Quick to Assume Pogroms. Polokaust To Destroy Polish Population. Polish Aid to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Was Sincere and Substantial This book, based on a conference in 1968 and published back in 1971, clarifies much anti-Polonism. But… Read moreJews Persecuted Christians Horowitz
Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence, by Elliott Horowitz. 2006
Eye-Opening Book Presents Both Sides of Jewish-Christian Hostilities. Upends The Cross-is-Anti-Judaic Narrative of the Auschwitz Carmelite Convent Controversy Usually, all we hear is that Christians thought of Jews as responsible for deicide. Throughout this book, Horowitz makes… Read moreJews Persecuted Christians Wilde
The Treatment of the Jews in the Christian Writers of the First Three Centuries, by Robert Wilde.
Jewish Complicity in the Persecution of the Early Christians in the Ancient Roman Empire Volumes upon volumes have been written about Christian persecution of Jews, and this has sometimes even been taken… Read moreJews To Madagascar Idea Not Polish Eichmann
Eichmann Interrogated: Transcripts from the Archives of the Israeli Police, by Adolf Eichmann, Claus Sybyil (Editor), Jochen von Lang. 1999
Jews To Madagascar Idea Originated Not From Poles But From the Pioneering Zionist Teodor Herzl This book contains assorted interesting information. I focus on a few matters of lasting interest… Read moreJews Transform Societies Ahad Ha’am
Selected Essays by Ahad Ha 'Am, by Ahad Ha'am, Leon Simon (Translator). 2005
How Jews Transform Societies. Jewish Germanophilia This work includes a selection of items written by Ahad Ha-Am (Asher Ginzberg), a native of tsarist Russia, in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. The issues brought up include Diaspora… Read moreJews Transform Societies Bloom
Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America, by Stephen G. Bloom. 2001
Refreshing Candor! An American Setting for "Polish" Anti-Semitism. How Jews Transform Societies There are many reviews of this book available and, instead of repeating them, I review this book in terms of deeper implications. This book, written… Read moreJews Transform Societies Hess
Rome and Jerusalem a Study in Jewish Nationalism, by Moses Hess, Meyer Waxman (Translator). 2005
Early Zionist Moses Hess: Jews Transform Societies Rather Than Conforming to Them This book [review based on 1943 reprint] provides a variety of interesting information. For instance, author Moses Hess accepted the Talmud as referring… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants Levine
Economic Origins of Antisemitism: Poland and Its Jews in the Early Modern Period, by Hillel Levine.
Pre-Partitioned Poland: Jewish Middlemen, the Liquor Trade (PROPINACJA), and the Delayed Modernization of Polish Society This work surveys Polish-Jewish relations in the centuries before the Partitions of Poland. It requires a specialized knowledge of… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants PROPINACJA Detail Veidlinger
Jewish Public Culture in the Late Russian Empire, by Jeffrey Veidlinger. 2009
The Litvaks (Litwaks): The Russification of Erstwhile Polish Jews in the 19th Century. Jewish Tavern Owners Promote Alcohol Usage This work provides considerable detail on the cultural and educational movements among the Jews of tsarist Russia. It also… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants Thomas
The Polish Peasant in Europe and America: a classic work in immigration history, by William I. Thomas, Florian Znaniecki. 1996
Valuable Insights into Early 20th-Century Polish-Jewish Relations, Polish Society, Peasant Thinking and Habits, etc. My review of this 5-volume work is limited to the 1st volume of the 1956-reprinted 1918… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants Witos
Moje Wspomnienia, by Wincenty Witos. 1964
Prominent Polish Government Peasant Leader on Polish Peasants. Features Their Repudiation of Communist Propaganda. The Peasant and the Church, Jewish Economic Hegemony, etc. MY RECOLLECTIONS is the title of this Polish-language book. My review is limited to Volume 1. Its coverage ends about 1914.… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants Znaniecki
The Polish Peasant in Europe and America: Monograph of an Immigrant Group, Volume 2, by Florian Znaniecki, William I. Thomas. 2010
Inequality Caused Social Classes as Much as Social Classes Caused Inequality. The Polish Peasant Was Locked in an Often-Harmful Codependency With the Jew This second volume has a common… Read moreJews Forced Into Commerce a Myth Hauser
Ilustrowany Przewodnik po Zabytkach Galicji Wschodniej, by Zbigniew Hauser. 2004
Kresy Revisited. Desecration of Not Only Jewish But Also Polish Cemeteries. Jews Forced Into Usury, etc., a Myth This work consists of an alphabetical list of cities and towns in the Ukrainian portion of the Kresy, specifically the city of… Read moreJews Forced Into Commerce a Myth Wynne
The Galitzianers: The Jews of Galicia, 1772-1918, by Suzan F. Wynne. 2006
The Myth of Jews Uncommon as Farmers Because They Were Barred From It. Early Atheism Among Galicia's Jews This work covers the years 1772-1918, which is the time that Poland as a state did not exist, and was… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants Adeney
The Jews of Eastern Europe, by J. H. Adeney. 2010
Jews and Partitioning Powers. Jews and PROPINACJA, and Questionable Economic Practices My review is based on the original 1921 edition. The author, John Howard Adeney, had much firsthand experience with the Jews of Romania. Nowadays, the subject of Jews in… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants Graetz
History of the Jews, Vol. V (in Six Volumes): From the Chmielnicki Persecution of the Jews in Poland (1648 C.E.) to the Period of Emancipation in Cent (History of the Jews - 6 volume #5), by Heinrich Graetz, Bella Lowy (Editor). 2013
The Truth About Jews and the Khmelnitsky Uprising… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants Klier
Russia Gathers Her Jews: The Origins of the "Jewish Question" in Russia, 1772-1825, by John Doyle Klier. 2011
The Myth of Jews Forced Into Commerce. Exploitation of the Peasants: Less the Fault of the Magnates and More the Fault of the Jews Author John Doyle Klier provides historical background to… Read moreJews Not Nobility Exploited Peasants Krall
Shielding the Flame: An Intimate Conversation with Dr. Marek Edelman, the Last Surviving Leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, by Hanna Krall, Lawrence Weschler. 1986
Jewish Business Practices Under the Spotlight. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Steeped in Communism This interview raises some interesting issues. For example: JEWISH SHOPKEEPERS: QUESTIONABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES… Read moreJews Buy Up Landed Estates Bussgang
Dzialoszyce Memorial Book - An English Translation of Sefer Yizkor Shel Kehilat Dzialoshitz Ve-Ha-Seviva, by Fay Bussgang (Editor), Julian Bussgang (Editor). 2012
Jews Acquire More and More Landed Estates. Bogus 1918 Pogroms. Generalized Wartime Violence: Poles Also Were Victims This YIZKOR Book has less of a provincial tone than other… Read moreJews Capitalism Facts Sombart
The Jews and Modern Capitalism, by Werner Sombart. 2007
Jewish Economic Successes, Jewish Habits, Accusations of Cheating, and the Jewish Intellect Werner Sombart was a German economist who published this book in 1911. (My review is based on the 1982 edition). I summarize the relevant points. Far from being anti-Semitic… Read moreJews Confront Jewish Prostitution Conference
Official Report of the Jewish International Conference on the Suppression of Traffic in Girls and Women, by Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women. 1910
Jews as Victimizers and Victims of Prostitution: A 1927 International Conference My review is based on the 1927 edition. In a 1936… Read moreJews Forced Into Commerce a Myth Botticini
The Chosen Few: How Education Shaped Jewish History, 70-1492 (Princeton Economic History of the Western World), by Maristella Botticini, Zvi Eckstein. 2012
Jews Forced Into Commerce a Myth: An Eye-Opening Account of How Jews Actually Became a Merchant Class This fascinating, scholarly work begins with a large amount of Jewish… Read moreJews Forced Into Commerce a Myth Chajes
The Students' Guide Through the Talmud, by Zevi Hirsch Chajes. 2005
Jews Had Neither Been Forced Into Commerce Nor Prevented From Engaging in Farming This is a 1952 English-language translation of the work of Zevi Hirsch Chajes (1805-1855), who had been a leading Talmudic scholar in Austrian-ruled southeastern Poland (eastern… Read moreJews 1968 Facts Muravchik
Making David into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel, by Joshua Muravchik. 2014
Refreshing Candor on Jews, Communism, the Events of 1968 in Poland, and "Anti-Semitism" as a Shaming and Silencing Weapon I focus on matters that go far beyond the State of Israel and its conduct. FRANKNESS ABOUT… Read moreJews 1968 Jews Did It First Kowalski
Korpus Bezpieczenstwa Wewnetrznego a Zolnierze Wykleci, by Lech Kowalski. 2016
Jews 1968 Complaints Irony: Jews First Offenders. Rampant Communist Terror. Guerrilla Heroism. Post-WWII Looting (Not Only of Jews) Completely Normal THE INTERNAL SECURITY CORPS AND THE CURSED SOLDIERS is the title of this Polish-language work. However, it is about more… Read moreJews 1968 Misconceived Wolak
Forced Out: The Fate of Polish Jewry in Communist Poland, by Arthur J. Wolak. 2004
Some (Not All) Jewish Communists Lost Their Privileges to Ethnic Polish Communists. A Double Standard of Concern? Author Arthur J. Wolak realizes that, in the “purge” of 1968, not all Jews were removed from positions… Read moreJews and Draft Dodging Hoffman
The Revolution of 1905 and Russia's Jews, by Stefani Hoffman (Editor). 2008
Jews and Military Service. Jewish Separatism: The Yiddishist Movement This is a very “meaty” book, not for the casual reader that goes far beyond the 1905 Revolution. Owing to the wealth of information presented, I touch on only… Read moreJews as Parasites Irony Elizur
In Those Nightmarish Days: The Ghetto Reportage of Peretz Opoczynski and Josef Zelkowicz, by Peretz Opoczynski, Josef Zelkowicz, David Suchoff (Translation), Samuel D. Kassow (Editor). 2015
Not Only Poles: Jews Robbed Jewish Dead. Candor on and Moral Reckoning of Jewish-Nazi Collaboration This work features the written works of Peretz Opoczynski… Read moreJews Bankers the Facts Quigley
Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, by Carroll Quigley. 1995
International Bankers. Not Only Jews. Post-WWI German Reparations (the Versailles Exculpation) Were Not Onerous This very detailed, scholarly book, is a tour de force. It is best known for its analysis of international capitalism. (My… Read moreJewish Survivorship Through Labor For Nazis Diner
Beyond the Conceivable: Studies on Germany, Nazism, and the Holocaust (Weimar and Now: German Cultural Criticism), by Dan Diner. 2000
The Nazis Did Not Murder All Jews, Even When They Easily Could Have Done So. Surprisingly-High Survival Rates of Some Jews in Nazi German Forced Labor This book raises many… Read moreJews 1968 DEFINITIVE WORK Zebrowski
O Najnowszej Historii Polski 1939-1989, by Leszek Zebrowski. 2018
At Last: The Truth About March 1968. The Accused Killing of Jews By NSZ, and During the Warsaw Uprising (1944), is Debunked
ON THE NEWEST HISTORY OF POLAND 1939-1989, is the title of this Polish-language work. Author and historian Leszek Zebrowski…
Read moreJews 1968 Detailed Facts Polish Assoc…
Jews in Poland (Yesterday and Today), by Polish Association in Great Britain. 1070
German Guilt Diffusion. Seldom-Appreciated Facts on March 1968, Including Jewish “Cosmopolitanism” and “Zionism”. Jewish Disloyalty Even to Communist Poland Nowadays, on the 50th anniversary, the events of 1968 are usually presented in a simplistic, accusatory, context-free narrative,… Read moreJews 1968 Double Standard Woods
Poland: Eagle in the East: A Survey of Modern Times, by William Howard Woods. 1968
The Myth of Jews as Special Victims of Intra-Communist Turmoil in 1968. Causes of "Polish" Vices This British author is generally well informed about Poland's history and sufferings during WWII. He also has an atypically… Read moreJews 1968 Ephemeral Poles Polonsky
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 4: Poles and Jews: Perceptions and Misperceptions (Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry #4), by Antony Polonsky (Editor), Władysław Bartoszewski (Editor). 2004
Modern Polish Jews, Upon Leaving Poland, Very Soon Stop Being "Poles". Egregious Mischaracterization of Endeks This book offers disappointingly little that is substantive… Read moreJewish Soul is Not Polish Soul Admitted By Tuwim
My, Żydzi polscy.... We, Polish Jews...., by Julian Tuwim, Chone Shmeruk (editor). 1984
Famous Polish Jew Julian Tuwim Admits That He is Not a Pole, Thus Validating the Much-Criticized Endek Opinions of Him
This work is simultaneously published in Polish, English, and Hebrew. It contains a moving tribute to Poland'…
Read moreJewish Soul is Not Polish Soul Horowitz
Empire Jews: Jewish Nationalism and Acculturation in 19th- And Early 20th-Century Russia, by Brian Horowitz. 2009
Jewish Soul is Not Polish Soul. Mid-19th Century Polish Jews Divorced From Poland. Jews in Unproductive Occupations. Early Zydokomuna This work is a biographically-oriented one. It features the ideas of notable Jews such as… Read moreJewish Soul is Not Polish Soul Shanes
Diaspora Nationalism and Jewish Identity in Habsburg Galicia, by Joshua Shanes. 2012
Like Endeks Like Jews: The Immutability of the Jewish Soul, Assimilation Notwithstanding, Held By Many Jews Themselves Zionism, as generally understood today, was just one form of Jewish nationalism. There was also territorialism [also called Statism]--the Jewish goal… Read moreJewish Soul is Not Polish Soul Tuwim Kolek
Polish Culture, An Historical Introduction, by Lesek S Kolek.
Skamanders (Fully-Polonized Jewish Poets) Displayed a Thinly-Veiled Hostility to Polish Suffering: That's One Reason That Endeks Did Not Think That the Jewish Soul and the Polish Soul Can Ever Become One My review is based on the 2nd edition (2002), published… Read moreJewish Soul is Not Polish Soul Tuwim Shore
Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generation's Life and Death in Marxism, 1918-1968, by Marci Shore. 2006
Polish Soul? Jewish Soul? Julian Tuwim Himself--and Not Only Endeks--Asked These Questions. 1939 Jews Didn't Particularly Fear Nazis This work centers on mostly-Jewish personages and cultural trends as they relate to Communism in Poland… Read moreJewish Survivorship Poland Can Be Over 100,000 Dreifuss
Changing Perspectives in Polish-Jewish Relations During the Holocaust, by Havi Dreifuss. 2012
Widely-Contradictory Estimated Numbers of Jews Who Survived the Holocaust Because of Polish Help: 20,000 to Over 100,000 Author Havi Dreifuss is identified as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Jewish History at Tel Aviv University and the… Read moreJewish Self Criticism Candor Rubinstein
My Young Years, by Arthur Rubinstein. 1973
A Polish Patriotic Jew Who Stood Up for Poland. Includes Candid Jewish Self-Criticism Rubinstein, an assimilated Polish Jew, is beloved by Poles for his spontaneous display of patriotism. He played the Polish National Anthem, at the very first meeting of the United Nations… Read moreJewish Self Criticism Candor Schechtman
Fighter and Prophet: The Last Years, by Joseph B. Schechtman, Adolph Gourevitch (Afterword).
Violence: Jews Against Jews. Politics of Assassinations. Candid Jewish Self-Criticism This book contains seldom-mentioned information. For example: POGROMS: JEWS AGAINST JEWS The author has an interesting commentary on Jew-on-Jew violence. When Jabotinsky spoke, he often faced well-planned… Read moreJewish Self Criticism Excoriated Alexander
Jews Against Themselves, by Edward Alexander. 2015
Immoderate Criticisms of Jews Who Dissent From Jewish Anti-Polonism and the Preeminence of the Holocaust Author Edward Alexander uses strong terms against modern Jews that do not act in the way that he thinks they should be acting. He refers to them as… Read moreJewish Separatism Extreme Goodhart
Poland and the Minority Races (Classic Reprint), by Arthur Lehman Goodhart. 2018
Bogus Massive Pogroms in Poland. Jews Were Partly at Fault for Polish Negativism Towards Jews. Jewish Separatism Extreme Arthur L. Goodhart had been part of the team headed by Henry Morgenthau, Sr. His book is much more than… Read moreJewish Smuggling in Pre WWII Poland Smith
Treblinka Survivor: The Life and Death of Hershl Sperling, by Mark S. Smith. 2010
Jewish Smugglers in Pre-WWII Poland. Polish Businesses Jewish and Foreign-Owned. German Terror Drives Untoward Polish Conduct Towards Jews This work contains much detail about the Treblinka Death Camp. It is semi-biographical, focusing on Hersh Sperling (Szperling),… Read moreJewish Poverty Not Poles’ Fault Statkowski
Poland Old and New, by Jozef Statkowski. 1938
May 3, 1791 Constitution Details. 1926 Pilsudski "Coup". Jewish Occupational Structure. Jewish Poverty Not the Poles' Fault This book begins with a good description of Polish tales, such as the ones surrounding the Krak, Wanda, Popiel, etc. It affords a broad sweep… Read moreJewish Self Criticism Candor Gessner
Some Of My Best Friends Are Jews, by Robert Gessner. 1936
Some Jewish Self-Criticism: Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany in the Eyes of French Jews The author, Robert Gessner, identifies himself as an American Jew. (p. 3). His travels took him to Europe (including Nazi Germany soon after Hitler came… Read moreJewish Self Criticism Candor Kahane
Lvov Ghetto Diary, by David Kahane. 1990
Some Jewish Self-Criticism. God’s Punishment of the Jews Entertained. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Addressed This work discusses the German entry into the Lwow (Lviv) area in 1941, the first wave of killings, the Janowska concentration camp, the local massacres, and the dispatching of Jews to… Read moreJewish Self Criticism Candor Kermish
To Live with Honor, to Die with Honor: Documents from the Warsaw Ghetto Underground Archives, by Joseph Kermish (Editor). 1999
Includes Rare Jewish Self-Criticism. Jews as Well as Poles Looted. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Confronted, Not Exculpated Those readers who are steeped in modern political correctness are advised to avoid this book.… Read moreJewish Self Criticism Candor Korczak
Ghetto Diary, by Janusz Korczak. 2003
Includes Candid Jewish Self-Criticism. Polish Scholar Ewa Kurek Was Right About “Normal” Jewish Behavior, Which Was Quite Comparable to "Normal" Polish Behavior Owing to the fact that Korczak cared for children, it is not surprising that much of his diary is devoted to this… Read moreJewish Collaboration Reflection Jewish Self Criticism Candor Perechodnik
Am I a Murderer?, By Calel Perechodnik. 1996
No German Guilt Diffusion. Jewish Self-Criticism and Candor. Polish Anti-Semitism Exaggerated. Zydokomuna. Poles Weren’t Glad That Hitler Killed Jews The author was a Jewish ghetto policeman at the Otwock Ghetto. His testimony is unusually fair and lucid. THE GERMANS DID THE HOLOCAUST--NOT… Read moreJewish Polish Relations Two Sides Harring
Poland under the dominion of Russia, by Harro Harring. 2015
An Early Mid-19th Century Snapshot of Russian-Ruled Poland. Polish Nobility Not Feudal. Two Sides on Jews My review is based on the original 1831 English-language edition, a translation from the original German. I focus on a few themes. The author… Read moreJewish Polish Relations Two Sides Lehmann
Symbiosis And Ambivalence: Poles And Jews In A Small Galician Town, by Rosa Lehmann. 2001
Poles and Jews: No Black and White. Poles Rejoicing at the Holocaust a Myth This book covers the vicissitudes of pre-WWII Polish-Jewish relations in the town of Jaslicka, SW Poland (post-WWII boundaries), from a few… Read moreJewish Polish Relations Two Sides Parkes
The emergence of the Jewish problem, 1878-1939, by James William Parkes. 1970
Includes an Unusually Clarified and Even-Handed Analysis of Pre-WWII Polish-Jewish Relations Though not published until 1946, this book was written just before the Holocaust, and thus presents a Holocaust-eve analysis of Europe's Jews. I focus on Poland's Jews.… Read moreJewish Polish Relations Two Sides Pennell
The Jew at Home, Impressions of a Summer and Autumn Spent with Him .., by Joseph Pennell. 2018
A Middle View (Judeorealist View) of the Polish Jew and His Conduct Author Joseph Pennell was an Englishman who visited Partition-era Poland and adjacent areas of Eastern Europe. My review is based… Read moreJewish Polish Relations Two Sides Stachura
Poland Between The Wars, 1918 1939, by Peter D. Stachura (Editor). 1998
Organized Jewish Hostility to Poland, Then and Now This book addresses many topics. I focus on a few of them. LEFTISTS AND JUDEOCENTRISTS DON'T LIKE HIM, SO THEY--SURPRISE--CALL THE AUTHOR A NATIONALIST This book has been mischaracterized as… Read moreJewish Militant AntiChristianity Talmi
Memorial (Yizkor) Book of the Community of Sierpc, Poland - Translation of Kehilat Sierpc; Sefer Zikaron, by E. Talmi (Wloka), Sandra Krisch (Editor), Dorothy Kerzner Lipsky (Editor). 2014
Candor on the Strongly Anti-Christian and Pro-Communist Spirit That Animated This Community of Polish Jews. Farming Rejected By Jewish Choice Sierpc is… Read moreJewish Overcrowding Emigration Necessary if No Shoah Retinger
Facts About Poland, by Jozef Retinger. 1941
Jewish Economic Hegemony Harmed Both Poles and Jews: Why [Absent the Holocaust] Mass Jewish Emigration Was Necessary. Polish “Aggression” Debunked This work, written shortly after the fall of Poland in 1939, is essentially a mini-encyclopedia of interwar Poland. It includes the “miracle of… Read moreJewish Overcrowding Intensifies Jewish Economic Hegemony Arad
The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews July 1941-January 1943, by Itzhak Arad, Itzhak Arad. 1989
The Holocaust By Bullets. How Nazi Germans Exploited the Pre-Existing Jewish Advantages and Wrongs to Locals, In Order to Secure At Least Passive Cooperation… Read moreJewish Passivity Jews Guarded Less By Nazis Poliakov
Harvest of Hate: The Nazi Program for the Destruction of the Jews of Europe, by Léon Poliakov, Reinhold Niebuhr (Foreword). 1979
German Guilt Diffusion Confronted. Jewish Passivity. Ewa Kurek Right. Polish Death Camp Mendacity Irony. The Unfolding Polokaust Leon Poliakov, a French Jew and Holocaust scholar, provides the reader with… Read moreJewish Passivity Jews Unguarded Gray
For Those I Loved, by Martin Gray. 2006
Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis. Jewish Passivity (Germans Didn't Even Have to Guard Jews). Holocaust Long Disbelieved by Jews Some seldom-discussed information is included. For example: JEWISH NAZI COLLABORATION While in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Germans attempted to make Gray a Jewish… Read moreJewish Polish Relations Two Sides Baskerville
The Polish Jew: His Social and Economic Value (Classic Reprint), by Beatrice C Baskerville. 2018
Polish-Jewish Relations: Two Sides. Jewish Economic and Now Political Dominance. Ritual-Murder Beliefs and Pogroms Condemned by the Church. Eventual Dmowski-Led Boycotts This British author's understanding of Jews is quite different from that of westerners [review… Read moreJewish Humor AntiPolish Novak
The Big Book of Jewish Humor, by William Novak (Editor), Moshe Waldoks. 2006
Jewish Wit—Old and New. Not All is Kosher, However: Also Anti-Polish and anti-Christian This anthology of Jewish humor stresses the self-depreciatory nature of much of it. Sigmund Freud, the famous Jewish father of psychiatry, had suggested that… Read moreJewish Influence Countercultural Jones
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit: And Its Impact on World History, by E. Michael Jones. 2008
Countercultural Jews Played, and Play, a Major Role in Shaping Social Trends This work spans classical antiquity through the present, and is quite Catholic-centered. Because there is so much content, I focus on a few… Read moreJewish Influence Created a ProSoviet American Opinion Ginsberg
How the Jews Defeated Hitler: Exploding the Myth of Jewish Passivity in the Face of Nazism, by Benjamin Ginsberg. 2013
Jewish Influence Played a Major Role in Re-Shaping American Public Opinion in a Pro-Soviet Direction--and Moreover BEFORE Pearl Harbor. The Yalta Sellout of Poland Was a Consequence A notable chapter… Read moreJewish Middleman Role Economically Parasitic Zamoyski
The Polish Way: A Thousand-Year History of the Poles and Their Culture, by Adam Zamoyski. 2005
Cossacks Demystified. Polish Peasant Cooperatives Replace the Superfluous Jewish Middleman, Causing Massive Jewish Poverty in the 1930's. Polish Arming of Zionists This one-volume history of Poland covers the period of prehistory up through the… Read moreJewish Middleman Role Taken By Other Nationalities Zenner
Minorities in the Middle: A Cross-Cultural Analysis, by Walter P Zenner. 1991
Do Not Blame Everything on the Poles: The Jewish Middleman and His Counterparts in Other Cultures, With Boycotts, Pogroms, etc. Jews Go Beyond Middleman Minority Concept Zenner, the author, identifies himself as a child of German Jewish merchants.… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Inhibit Polish Rescuers Kurek
Your Life is Worth Mine: How Polish Nuns Saved Hundreds of Jews in German-Occupied Poland 1939-1945, by Ewa Kurek. 1997
The Much-Underappreciated Polish Rescue of Jews. The Danger of Jewish Gestapo Agents to Potential Polish Rescuers of Jews This book provides much detail about the sacrificial life of Catholic nuns… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Pankiewicz
The Krakow Ghetto Pharmacy, by Tadeusz Pankiewicz.
Jewish Gestapo Agents. BAUDIENST Was Not a Polish Collaborationist Unit. Iconoclasm: Oskar Schindler Not a Hero My review is based on the 1985 English-language translation of the 1947 edition. This memoir of ghettoized Polish Jews (review based on the 1987 edition) is unusual… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Wroblewski
Byc Zydem: Rozmowa z Dagiem Halvorsenem, by Andrzej Wroblewski, Dag Halvorsen. 1992
Addresses Many Common Misconceptions About Polish-Jewish Relations. Jewish Gestapo Agents TO BE A JEW: DISCUSSIONS WITH DAG HALVORSEN ABOUT JEWS AND THE ANTISEMITISM OF THE POLES. In this Polish-language book, Halvorsen asks many questions which reflect popular stereotypes… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Wyden
Stella: One Woman's True Tale of Evil, Betrayal and Survival in Hitler's Germany, by Peter Wyden. 1993
Jewish Gestapo Agent Stella Betrayed as Many as 2,300 Berlin Fugitive Jews! This work introduces the reader to Jewish life in pre-Nazi and Nazi Germany. Out of about 500,000 Jews in Germany, 173,000… Read moreJewish High Intelligence the Cause for Jewish Influence MacDonald
A People That Shall Dwell Alone, by Kevin B. MacDonald. 2002
Jewish Eugenics as the Main Cause of Jewish Intelligence and Jewish Dominance As with author Kevin MacDonald’s other books, this one is jam-packed with information and supported by hundreds of scholarly sources of information. Whether agreeing with MacDonald or… Read moreJewish Humor AntiChristian Levy
Why Jews Become Catholics, by Rosalie Marie Levy, Deborah Bernstein (Preface).
Traditional Catholicism Vibrant. Jewish Elitism and Anti-Christian Prejudices The Jewish converts, featured in this 1924 book, were from many walks of life: Some were secular, and some were devout—even the sons of rabbis. A recurring theme of the testimonies… Read moreJewish Elitism Breeds Polonophobia Sklare
Observing America’s Jews, by Marshall Sklare, Charles S. Liebman. 2006
American Jewish Sociologist Identifies Jewish Elitism as One of the Root Causes of Jewish Polonophobia. Numerus Clausus at Universities in USA as Well as Poland Author Marshall Sklare has long been studying America's Jews. [Review based on 1993 edition]. He… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Double Collaboration Taubenschlag
To be a Jew in occupied Poland: Cracow-Auschwitz-Buchenwald, by Stanisław Taubenschlag. 1998
Holocaust and Polokaust Overlapped. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration: Jewish Gestapo Agents in Action. Jewish (and Not Only Polish) Double Collaboration This WWII Jewish memoir is unusual in a number of respects. It is refreshingly free of Polonophobic innuendo. The author… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Eber
The Choice: Poland, 1939-1945, by Irene Eber. 2004
Fugitive Polish Jews Feared Being Denounced by Jews As Much as They Feared Being Denounced by Poles Irene Eber first describes the idyllic life of herself and her family before the war. [Evidently, Poland was not the pit for Jews as often… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Feared Ziemian
The Cigarette Sellers of Three Crosses Square, by Joseph Ziemian. 2005
Polish Blackmailers (SZMALCOWNIKI) Were Usually Petty Extortionists, Not Jew-Killers. Fugitive Jews Feared Jewish Gestapo Agents Instead of repeating other reviewers, I focus mainly on barely-mentioned and unmentioned content. The story of the Jewish boys who sold cigarettes in the… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Frister
The Cap: The Price Of A Life, by Roman Frister, Hillel Halkin (Translator). 2000
Candor About Jewish Denunciations, Looting, and Almost-Insuperable Difficulties in Polish Rescue of Jews This Holocaust-survivor account is packed with seldom-told and often-unwelcome information. Even as late as 1941, Frister's mother didn't believe that the invading Germans… Read moreJewish Gestapo Agents Harmed Poles Rabinovici
Eichmann's Jews: The Jewish Administration of Holocaust Vienna, 1938-1945, by Doron Rabinovici. 2011
Holocaust, Like Other Genocides, Was Limited, and “Rational”. Austrian Jewish Informers Spied on Poland For the Third Reich. Strong Exculpatory Bias on Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis This work, written by a Viennese Jew, is about the… Read moreJewish Economic Privileges Austrian Ruled Poland Margoshes
A World Apart. A Memoir Of Jewish Life In Nineteenth Century Galicia (Judaism And Jewish Life), by Joseph Margoshes. 2008
Wealthy Jews Promoted Usury and Liquor. Jewish Contempt for Polish Peasants. Assimilation Driven By Self-Advancement Rather Than an Attempt to "Become Poles". Joseph Margoshes (1866-1955) emigrated to the USA… Read moreJewish Economic Privileges Harmed Poland Aly
Architects of Annihilation: Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction, by Götz Aly, Susanne Heim, A.G. Blunden (translator). 2003
Jewish Economic Hegemony Had Harmed Poland. Holocaust Was Not Unique or Economically Irrational. Misquoted Erhard Wetzel Did Not Esteem Poles Over Jews This paradigm-shattering book goes beyond Nazi anti-Semitism and racism as… Read moreJewish Economic Privileges Prewar Poland Medykowski
The First To Be Destroyed, by Witold Medykowski...Tuvia Horev (eds.) 2019
Jewish Privileges in Poland. Skewed Occupations and Minimal Jewish Physical Labor. Secret Graves for the Victims of the Germans Complicate Death-Toll Estimates of Murdered Poles This work includes fascinating data from archival materials, which I emphasize in my review.… Read moreJewish Economic Privileges Scale Reddaway
Marshal Pilsudski, by William Fiddian Reddaway. 1939
January 1863 Insurrection. Pilsudski the Young Polish Revolutionary. Scale of Jewish Economic Hegemony. Teschen/Cieszyn 1938 his work by an Englishman has details on every major aspect of Pilsudski's life. It also touches on various developments in interwar Poland (1918-1939). THE POLES' JANUARY 1863… Read moreJewish Elitism Breeds Polonophobia Goldmann
The Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann. 1978
Jewish Elitism and Polonophobia. Jews “The Other”--Because They Were. Jews Long in Ghettos By Choice The author presents a wealth of interesting information. For instance, we learn that, “Until the last century, art played no role in Judaism and the Jews had no… Read moreJewish Economic Advantage International Connections Borowitz
The Mask Jews Wear: The Self-Deceptions of American Jewry,, by Eugene B. Borowitz. 1973
Who is the American Jew? Insights into the Persistence of Jewish Economic Monopolies Centuries Ago By way of introduction, Borowitz’ grandfather came from Sokolow, in Russian-occupied Poland. (p. 33). The author traces the self-identity of American… Read moreJewish Economic Advantage Literacy Gitelman
A Century of Ambivalence: The Jews of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1881 to the Present, by Zvi Y. Gitelman, Yivo Institute for Jewish Research. 2001
Near-Universal Jewish Literacy Gave Jews a Huge Advantage in Many Nations, Including Tsarist Russia. Zydokomuna Details If you enjoy oversized books (review based on… Read moreJewish Economic and Political Privileges Harmed Poles Fishman
Studies on Polish Jewry 1919-1939, by Joshua A. Fishman (Editor). 1974
Growing Jewish Political Power, and Economic Hegemony, Stifled the Poles Politically and Economically. Pogroms, Including (Yes) Jews Against Jews This anthology, simultaneously published in English and Hebrew, generally adheres to the Jewish-lachrymose template of history. However, it also includes… Read moreJewish Economic Habits Cause Multiple Problems Bujak
The Jewish Question in Poland, by Franciszek Bujak. 1919
Jewish Economic Hegemony Over Poland: Multiple Harmful Effects. Jewish Polonophobia, and Not Polish Anti-Semitism, is the Main Problem This short (48 page) book presents a great deal of information. The author was a professor at Cracow (Krakow) University. (My review is… Read moreJewish Economic Habits Physical Labor Avoided Szczepanski
Dzieje Spolecznosci Zydowskiej: Poltusk i Makow Mazowiecki, by Janusz Szczepański. 1 993
Jewish Economic Hegemony. Jewish Occupational Structure [Surveyed in Detail] Featured the Usual Jewish Avoidance of Physical Labor English-language title: THE DEEDS OF THE JEWISH SOCIETIES OF THE COUNTIES OF POLTUSK AND MAKOW MAZOWIECKI. This in-depth history of every… Read moreJewish Economic Habits Russian Ruled Poland Frederic
the New Exodus: A Study of Israel in Russia, by Harold Frederic, T.S. Wentworth (foreword). 2011
Jews and Poles Oppressed by the Tsar. Insights into Jewish Business Advantages This work follows a lachrymose approach to the Jews of 19th-century tsarist Russia, but is also cognizant of the sufferings of the… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1944 Ginsberg
The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, by Benjamin Ginsberg. 1993
Significance of the Zydokomuna in the USSR and in the Soviet-Imposed Communist Puppet Governments of Eastern Europe Ginsberg advances the notion that the Jewish-state embrace, designed to ameliorate the effects of anti-Semitism, has, paradoxically, exacerbated the latter: "Thus, over… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1944 Toranska
Them: Stalin's Polish Puppets, by Teresa Torańska. 1987
The Zydokomuna Was Unambiguously Real and Relevant This book is eye-opening in certain respects. It serves to debunk the myth of the myth of the Zydokomuna. JEWISH COMMUNISTS: "THERE ARE TOO MANY LEADING JEWISH COMMUNISTS!" While some commentators have tried to minimize… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1945 BUND Endorsed Red Rule Blatman
For Our Freedom and Yours, by Daniel Blatman. 2003
Revealing: The Bund Wholeheartedly and Openly Supported the Soviet-Imposed Communist Puppet State in Post-WWII Poland By way of introduction, author Daniel Blatman has recently (late 2018) become the newly appointed chief historian of the 'Warsaw Ghetto Museum' in Poland. Ironic to… Read moreJewish Economic Advantage Family Ties Fraser
The Conquering Jew, by John Foster Fraser.
Insights into PROPINACJA, Family Ties Boosting Jewish Economic Hegemony, Profiteering in Germany, Rarity of Jewish Farmers, etc. Author John Foster Fraser, a Briton, states that this 1915 work is written from neither a pro- nor anti-Semitic viewpoint. (p. 1). He emphasizes the Jews… Read moreJewish Economic Advantage Family Ties Sendyk
The End of Days: A Memoir of the Holocaust, by Helen Sendyk. 2000
Jewish Family Networks Facilitated the Permanence of Jewish Economic Hegemony (Forcing Poles To Boycott Jews). Jewish Nazi Collaboration. Polish, and Not Only German, Women Were Raped by Soviet Soldiers Helen Sendyk was a Jew who lived in… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War Sabrin
Alliance For Murder: The Nazi-ukrainian Nationalist Partnership, by B.F. Sabrin (Editor). 1991
1939 Zydokomuna. Impending Nazi Extermination of Slavs Most of this work rests upon Jewish eyewitness testimonies, not Soviet documents. Contrary to the title, Ukrainian-Nazi collaboration is a secondary issue. The main topic is the fate of the Jews… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War Spector
The Holocaust Of Volhynian Jews: 1941 44, by Shmuel Spector. 1990
Rare 1939 Zydokomuna Candor. OUN-UPA Genocide of Poles. ARMIA KRAJOWA Welcomed Jews This scholarly work was written by a Jewish author. It first describes the prewar life of Jews, and then focuses on the Soviet invasion of Wolyn (Volyn).… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War Szawlowski
Wojna Polsko Sowiecka 1939 , by Richard Szawlowski. 1986
Polish Combat in the 1939 Nazi-Soviet Conquest of Poland. Massive Jewish-Soviet Collaboration This detailed, two-volume Polish-language scholarly work, THE POLISH-SOVIET WAR OF 1939. It has a significant English-language summary. (Volume 2, pp. 265-270). Besides describing the battles in considerable detail, this… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War Waydenfeld
The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom, by Stefan Waydenfeld. 2010
1939 German Terror Bombing. 1939 Zydokomuna. Deportation to Siberia This review is based on the 2010 Aquila Polonica edition. The author of this book grew up in pre-WWII Poland. He came from a… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War Weiss
From Oswiecim to Auschwitz: Poland Revisited, by Moshe Weiss. 1994
Includes an Example of Jewish-German Collaboration, Against Poland, in the 1939 War Much has been written about some Poles who, during the Nazi German occupation, had served the Germans at the expense of the Jews (the "Polish complicity in the… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War Wierzbicki
Polacy i Bialorusini W Zaborze Sowieckim, by Marek Wierzbicki. 2007
Systematic Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in the 1939 German-Soviet Conquest of Poland: Outstanding Research POLES AND BYELORUSSIANS UNDER SOVIET CAPTIVITY: POLISH-BYELORUSSIAN RELATIONS IN THE NORTHEASTERN TERRITORIES OF THE SECOND REPUBLIC UNDER SOVIET OCCUPATION 1939-1941, is the title of this scholarly… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1920 War Szczepanski
Wojna 1920 Roku Na Mazowszu I Podlasiu, by Janusz Szczepański. 1995
Systematic Jewish Disloyalty to Poland During the Crucial 1920 Polish-Soviet War. Pogroms Demystified and Contextualized English-language title: THE WAR OF 1920 IN MAZOVIA AND PODLASIE Part of the Jewish population was consistently loyal to Poland. (p.104, pp. 230-231). However,… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1930 Gdansk Wasserstein
On the Eve, by Bernard Wasserstein. 2012
Interwar Danzig (Gdansk) Jews Backed Nazi Germany Against Poland. The Much-Criticized Polish Cardinal August Hlond (1936) Was Very Right About Jewish Atheism The Jewish communities of both eastern and western Europe underwent many changes in the decades leading up to WWII, but the… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War British Eyewitness Anonymous
My Name Is Million: The Experiences of an Englishwoman in Poland (Classic Reprint), by Unknown. 2018
Eyewitness Englishwoman to the 1939 War, Good Polish-Lithuanian Relations, and Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in 1939 This book, originally published in 1940 by an anonymous Englishwoman who was married to a Pole, should not… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War Carolan
The Mass Deportation of Poles to Siberia: A Historical Narrative Based on the Written Testimony of the Polish Siberian Survivors, by Michael Carolan (Editor), Antoni Piechuta. 2009
Includes Eyewitness Accounts of Jewish-Soviet Collaboration against Poles, Do Not Minimize the Number of Polish Deportees This work consists of dozens of 2-4… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1939 War Cygan
Kresy W Krwi, by Wiktor Krzysztof Cygan. 2012
September-October 1939: Nazi Germany Attacks Poland; the Soviet Union Stabs Poland in the Back, and Then Jewish Irredentists Came Out of the Woodwork THE KRESY (EASTERN BORDERLANDS) IN BLOOD: THE DEFENSE OF NORTHEASTERN POLAND IN SEPTEMBER 1939, is the title of this… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1918 Provokes Pogroms Pilsudska
Pilsudski: A Biography, by Alexandra Pilsudska. 2007
Jewish Disloyalty in 1918-1920 Provoked Retaliatory Polish Pogroms, Which Pilsudski Tried to Stop Jozef Pilsudski’s second wife provides invaluable details about Polish history from the mid-19th-century until early WWII. Owing to the wealth of content in this work, I can only focus on… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1918 Prusin
Lands Between: Conflict in the East European Borderlands, 1870-1992, by Alexander V. Prusin. 2010
Relatively Objective on Polish-Jewish Relations: No Black and White. Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in 1918 This book introduces its intended topic, beginning with the events leading up to the WWI-era disintegration of the central-European empires. It… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1918 Systematic Machray
Poland 1914-1931, by Robert Machray.
Systematic 1918-Era Jewish Disloyalty to Poland. Bogus Pogrom Horror Stories (Like Today). 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War Anti-Polish Propaganda Refuted This powerhouse book has insights into Polish Politics, Pogrom Tales, Ukrainian-Polish Conflicts, the 1920 Polish-Soviet War, etc. NORTHWEST POLAND UNDER THE GERMAN BOOT The author begins with… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1919 Uprisings Prybyla
When Angels Wept: The Rebirth and Dismemberment of Poland and Her People in the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century, by Jan Prybyla. 2010
Silesian Uprisings [Injuries Forgiven; German Contempt Not Forgiven]. Bereza Kartuska Demythologized. Auschwitz: Slow (Polish) and Fast (Jewish) Deaths The author, Jan S. Prybyla, is the nephew… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1920 War Bergmann
Narodowa Demokracja a Żydzi 1918-1929, by Olaf Bergmann. 2015
Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War. The Endeks Were Much Less Hostile to Jews Than The Way They are Usually Portrayed! THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATS IN RELATION TO THE JEWISH PROBLEM IN THE YEARS 1918-1929, is the title… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1920 War Heller
On The Edge Of Destruction: Jews Of Poland Between The Two World Wars, by Celia Stopnicka Heller. 1994
Very Polonophobic Tone. But Candor on Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in the Crucial 1920 Bolshevik War Celia Heller combines a great deal of detail on Jewish life in prewar Poland with an… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1912 Duma Elections Portnoy
Vladimir Medem: The Life and Soul of a Legendary Jewish Socialist, by Samuel A. Portnoy. 1979
Zydokomuna: Fuzzy Boundary Between Jewish Socialists and Jewish Communists, and Between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. Why 1912 Duma Elections Meant Jewish Disloyalty to Poland This work covers the life of Vladimir Medem, from his beginnings… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1914 Levene
War, Jews and the New Europe: Diplomacy of Lucien Wolf, 1914-19, by Mark Levene. 2009
Various Manifestations of Jewish Hostility to the Resurrection of Poland. Counterintuitively, However, Dmowski was FLEXIBLE on Jews This book focuses on different political positions, personages, and developments concerning Jews during this pivotal time in history.… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1918 Brandon
The Shoah in Ukraine: History, Testimony, Memorialization, by Ray Brandon (Editor), Wendy Lower (Editor). 2010
Jewish Russophilia, Aloofness to Poland, and Economic Dominance. Zydokomuna and HOLODOMOR A number of features of this book stand out, and I elaborate on them below. JEWISH ECONOMIC HEGEMONY, AND ABSENCE OF ATTACHMENT TO POLAND… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1918 DEFINITIVE WORK Benson
The White Eagle of Poland (Classic Reprint), by E.F. Benson. 2018
Jewish Disloyalty to Poland Upon Her Regaining Independence (1918)--Motivated By Economic Opportunism. Jews Boycott Poles First My review is based on the original 1919 edition. This work provides much detail on the policies o f the major powers during… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1918 Janowsky
The Jews and Minority Rights 1898-1919 Signed, by Oscar I. Forward by Judge Julian W. Mack Janowski.
The So-Called Minorities Treaty (1918) Demanded Special, Separatist Rights For Poland's Jews--Rights That Were Not Even Imagined For the Polish Minority in Germany Jewish author Oscar Janowsky is quite even-handed on this subject.… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1890 Austria Bermant
The Jews, by Chaim Bermant. 1977
Jews Were Not Forced Into Usury. Intolerance Flowed Both Ways. Jewish Disloyalty to Poland Because They Identified With the Stronger This book provides much detail, of which one review can only cover a little. Particularly interesting are items about Jewish successes in such things… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1890 Example Klier
Imperial Russia's Jewish Question, 1855 1881, by John Doyle Klier. 2005
Jews Avoid Farming. Jewish Ambivalence About a Future Restored Poland. Jews Acquire Poles’ Landed Estates After Doomed January 1863 Insurrection. Jewish Elitism Colors Assimilation This work provides a variety of Russian and Jewish perspectives on the problems involving Jews… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1890 Russia Zimmerman
Poles, Jews, and the Politics of Nationality: The Bund and the Polish Socialist Party in Late Tsarist Russia, 1892–1914, by Joshua D. Zimmerman. 2003
Organized and Systematic Jewish Disloyalty to Polish National Aspirations in Tsarist Russia This work provides considerable detail on the relationship between Jewish and Polish socialist parties.… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1900 Prussia Tims
Germanizing Prussian Poland: The H-K-T Society And The Struggle For The Eastern Marches In The German Empire, 1894-1919, by Richard Wonser Tims. 2011
Poland's Successful Struggle Against the Prussian Boot. Jewish Complicity in the Prussian Oppression of Poles The author is either British or British-oriented. He refers to the Poles… Read moreJewish Pogroms of Poles and Jewish Disloyalty 1905 Confronted Unszlicht
O Pogromu Ludu Polskiego, by Julian Unszlicht. 1912
Vicarious Jewish Violence Against Poles. Polish Jew Analyzes and Confronts Jewish Disloyalty, Under Tsarist Russian Rule, Towards Polish National Aspirations, That Long Preceded Dmowski's Pushback ON THE POGROMS AGAINST THE POLISH PEOPLE (THE ROLE OF THE SOCIALISTS-LITVAKS IN THE RECENT REVOLUTION) is… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1912 Duma Elections Paderewski
The Paderewski Memoirs, by Ignacy Jan Paderewski. 1980
Russians, Not Poles, Delayed the Abolition of Serfdom. 1912 Duma Elections: Jewish Contempt for Poland; Dmowski Retaliates This book presents an angle that is seldom seen in today's largely Judeocentric approach to past events. BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS Ignace Jan Paderewski was born in… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1830 Wandycz
The Lands of Partitioned Poland, 1795-1918, by Piotr Stefan Wandycz. 1975
Jewish Support for the November 1830 Insurrection (to the Extent That It Existed), Was Motivated By Antipathy to the Tsar Rather Than Loyalty to Poland This work is very detailed. It focuses on the political issues surrounding the attempts… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1830 Weeks
From Assimilation to AntiSemitism, by Theodore R. Weeks. 2005
Jewish Disloyalty To Poland in the November 1830 and January 1863 Insurrections Rabbi Ber Meisels, who was Orthodox and unsympathetic to assimilation, strongly supported the Poles in the events leading up to and including the January 1863 Insurrection. According to some… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1846 Stanislawski
A Murder in Lemberg: Politics, Religion & Violence in Modern Jewish History, by Michael Stanislawski. 2007
Jews as Orientals. German Culture Preferred Over Polish. Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in the 1846 Insurrection The author, Michael F. Stanislawski, is Professor of History at Columbia University. The stated inspiration for his research… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1848 Prussia Hagen
Germans, Poles, and Jews: The Nationality Conflict in the Prussian East, 1772-1914, by William W. Hagen .
German Imperialism and Colonialism. Strong Jewish Disloyalty to Poland This work is very detailed and technical. It requires an in-depth knowledge of this specific subject to evaluate fully. Hagen also has a tendency… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1863 Opalski
Poles and Jews: A Failed Brotherhood, by Magdalena Opalski, Israel Bartal. 1992
Limited Jewish Support for the Poles’ Ill-Fated January 1863 Insurrection. Jewish Profiteering in the Wake of Russian Repressions Against Poles This book surveys the attitudes of Jews and Poles to each other during the second half of the… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1655 Dubnow
History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, by Simon Dubnow. 2008
Jewish Disloyalty to Poland: Swedish (1655), Napoleonic (1812) Invasions; (1830), (1863) Insurrections; Nowadays-Blamed Dmowski Despite Long-Preceding Militant Jewish Separatism The vast majority of "Russian" Jews were Polish Jews living in tsarist Russian-occupied Polish territories. (Review based on original… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1794 Jozelewicz An Opportunist Penslar
Jews and the Military: A History, by Derek J. Penslar. 2013
The Myth of the Violence-Averse Jew. Jews Celebrated Military Exploits--Their Own. Berek Jozelewicz an Opportunist? Derek J. Penslar is a historian who teaches (or who taught) at the University of Oxford. His work is a fascinating one, but with… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1812 Friedlaender
The Jews of Russia and Poland: A Birds-Eye View of Their History and Culture, by Israel Friedlaender. 2007
Soon After the Partitions, Poland’s Jews Switched Their Loyalties To Poland’s Enemies My review is based on the original 1915 edition. Friedlaender begins with how bad the Jews had it in Poland… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1812 Rakeffet
The Rav: The World Of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Volume 2), by Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff. 1999
Insights Into Bribery, Jewish Disloyalty to Poland in 1812, Pitfalls of Jewish-Christian Dialogue, and Residual Talmudic Antigoyism The Rav was Rabbi Joseph Baer Soloveitchik (1903-1993). This book is a collection of biographical information, religious messages,… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1830 Jewish Economic Hegemony Boyarin
A Fire Burns in Kotsk, by Menashe Unger, Jonathan Boyarin (eds.), and Glenn Dynner. 2015
Hasidic Ideas. Hasidic Jews & Alcohol. Jewish Elitism. Patterns of Jewish Disloyalty to the Polish November 1830 Insurrection. Jewish Spies The setting of this book is at Kotsk (Kock), in Russian-ruled partitioned Poland, around 1825.… Read moreJewish Disloyalty 1830 Margolis
A Partisan from Vilna, by Rachel Margolis. 2010
Jewish Disloyalty to Poland During the November 1830 and January 1863 Insurrections. Subsequent Pro-Russian Jewish Orientation. WWII German Death Penalty Appreciated Anthony Polonsky writes: "The Poles effectively lost power in the region after the Uprising of 1830 and after 1863 the Tsarist… Read moreJewish Collaboration Sought Jewish Autonomy Ewa Kurek Correct Katzenelson
The Song of the Murdered Jewish People, by Yitzhak Katzenelson. 1980.
German-Jewish Rapprochement, Early in WWII, Chilled Polish Sympathies. The German-Made Holocaust--and Jewish-Nazi Collaboration--In Fact and in Poetry Yitzhak Katzenelson considers the implications of the JUDENRAT. He then dwells on the forced evacuation of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the dispatch… Read moreJewish Collaboration vs Polish and Double Standards Bauer
Jews for Sale?: Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933-1945, by Yehuda Bauer. 1994
Double Standards on Nazi Collaboration and Widespread Holocaust Awareness. Jewish Victimhood Absolutism. Newer Books Available (Listed) My review identifies and focuses on deeper issues, related to the Shoah, than the specific Jewish-Nazi negotiations for the release on some Jews. Consider… Read moreJewish Cynicism Analyzed Prager
Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism, by Dennis Prager.
The Cynicism of Many Influential Jews, and Its Impact on Journalism, Academia, and the Entertainment Industry. Communism, Weimar Germany, USA. Why Polononophobia This work is a curious mixture of the very astute and the very superficial. I focus on a… Read moreJewish Cynicism Popular Example Roth
Portnoy's Complaint, by Philip Roth. 1995
A Teenage Version of the Archetypical Jewish Cynic. Polonophobic Innuendo Also Repeated PORTNOY’S COMPLAINT is far more than a tale of adolescent rebellion and assorted fantasies. A close look makes this clear. EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IS DERIDED Portnoy makes unfriendly remarks about Jews (e.… Read moreJewish Dialectic of Negation Breeds Polonophobia Atzmon
The Wandering Who? A Study of Jewish Identity Politics, by Gilad Atzmon. 2011
Dialectic of Negation: Jewish Polonophobia Cause? International Jewry and the Zydokomuna. Holocaust Supremacism Slights the Armenian Genocide Far from being a self-hating Jew, as demonized by his detractors, Atzmon is measured and careful about his criticisms of… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Tory
Surviving the Holocaust: The Kovno Ghetto Diary,, by Avraham Tory. 1990
Jewish-Nazi Collaboration: Not All Choiceless Choices (Even Profiteering). Looting: Jews From Poles as Well as Poles From Jews. Germans Wanted No Polish Quisling--A Myth It would be a mistake for the uninitiated reader to suppose that this diary is… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Ungar
Destined to Live, by William Chanoff, David Ungar, David Chanoff. 2000
Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis: Choiceless Choice and Save-One’s-Life Exculpations Fail This book has a variety of interesting information. For example: AT LEAST TWO SIDES TO POLISH ANTI-SEMITISM Author William Ungar's childhood in Krasne (near the Zbrucz River) repudiates… Read moreJewish Collaboration No Exculpations Guterman
A Narrow Bridge to Life: Jewish Slave Labor and Survival in the Gross-Rosen Camps System 1940-1945, by Belah Guṭerman. 2008
Features Jewish KAPOS, With No Easy Exculpation For Their Nazi-Collaborating Behavior. Nazi Officials Kept Even Unneeded Jews Alive to Evade Service on the Russian Front (Implications for Oskar Schindler) The… Read moreJewish Collaboration No Exculpations Huberband
Kiddush Hashem: Jewish Religious and Cultural Life in Poland During the Holocaust, by Shimon Huberband, Jeffrey S. Gurock, Robert S. Hirt. 1987
No Exculpations For Jewish-Nazi Collaboration. Zydokomuna Prominent. Jews as Well as Poles Engaged in Looting This work elaborates on the Germans burning synagogues during the 1939 German-Soviet conquest… Read moreJewish Collaboration Refreshing Candor Finkel
Ordinary Jews: Choice and Survival during the Holocaust, by Evgeny Finkel. 2017
Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Candidly Analyzed (Not Merely Choiceless Choices). Earlier Jewish-Soviet Collaboration at Bialystok Evgeny Finkel’s analysis of Jewish-Nazi collaboration is quite good, and I discuss it first. JEWISH COOPERATION AND COLLABORATION WITH THE GERMANS (NAZIS): DEFINING THE TERMS… Read moreJewish Collaboration Repressed Ben Naftali
International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, by Orna Ben-Naftali. 2011
Israeli Trials of Jewish Kapos. Double Standards on Collaboration. Redefining "Nazi Collaboration", and Suppressing Information, In Order To Allow Jews to Summarily Escape Blame, While Non-Jewish Collaborators Remain Blamed The various authors of this work focus on international… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Farbstein
The Forgotten Memoirs-Moving personal accounts from Rabbis who survived the Holocaust, by Esther Farbstein. 2011
Jewish Nazi Collaboration Not Summarily Excused By the Extremity of Circumstances This is a collection, written by rabbis, of the unfolding Holocaust. The rabbis were from Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, and other eastern European nations.… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Gelissen
Rena's Promise: A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz, by Rena Kornreich Gelissen, Heather Dune Macadam. 1996
Jewish Nazi Collaborators: Not Just Choiceless Choices: Jewish Kapos Who Went Beyond the German Call of Duty Rena was a Polish Jew who hailed from Tylicz, which is located southeast of Krakow. Perhaps without… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Goda
Jewish Histories of the Holocaust: New Transnational Approaches, by Norman J W Goda (Editor), Omer Bartov. 2014
Jewish Collaboration With the Nazis: Jewish Ghetto Police at Kielce: Beyond Choiceless Choices. Holocaust Supremacism, Minimized Communist Crimes, and a Cavalier Dismissal of Scholars Who Disagree Two items in this anthology stand out,… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Kulkielko
Escape From The Pit, by Renya Kulkielko. 2015
1939 German Terror Bombing. Jewish Nazi Collaboration Went Far Beyond Choiceless Choices. Jewish Banditry Renya Kulkielko was a Polish Jew who masqueraded as a gentile on Aryan papers, frequented the Kielce area (including Bendzin), and traveled at times to Warsaw. Her testimony… Read moreJewish Collaboration Not All Choiceless Choices Niewyk
Fresh Wounds: Early Narratives of Holocaust Survival, by Donald L. Niewyk (Editor). 1998
Jewish-Nazi Collaboration: Not All Choiceless Choices. Paid Greedy Rescuer Myth. Bentschen (Zbaszyn) 1938 This anthology features Holocaust survivors from Poland and a few other countries, including Germany. The experiences include those of Jews who fled the ghettos… Read moreJewish Collaboration Even Profiteering Sierakowiak
The Diary of Dawid Sierakowiak: Five Notebooks from the Lodz Ghetto, by Dawid Sierakowiak, Alan Adelson (Editor), Kamil Turowski (Translator). 1998
Jewish Complicity in the 1939 Poland-Destroying Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration and Profiteering in the Lodz Ghetto: “Save One’s Life” Exculpation Fails This Holocaust diary touches on quite a few… Read moreJewish Collaboration Expansive Wolgelernter
The Unfinished Diary: A Chronicle of Tears, by Chaim Yitzchok Wolgelernter.
Sunday Closing Law. SCHECHITA Law. Prostitution. Draft Dodging. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Detailed. Nazi-Sponsored Auctions of Jewish Property This work has the title it does because the author of the diary, Chaim Yitzchok Wolgelertner, did not survive the Holocaust. He was… Read moreJewish Collaboration Ghetto Police Exculpations Wanting Braatz
From Ghetto to Death Camp: A Memoir Of Privilege and Luck, by Timothy Braatz, Anatol Chari. 2011
Jewish Complicity in the Holocaust? Serving the Enemy to Better One’s Own Lot at the Expense of Others We hear a lot nowadays of “Polish complicity in the Holocaust” and so, in the… Read moreJewish Collaboration Ghetto Police Exculpations Wanting Drix
Witness to Annihilation: Surviving the Holocaust, by Samuel Drix. 2003
Jewish Ghetto Police Collaboration: Exculpations Rejected. Insights on Polish Rescuers Killing Their Jews The author was a Jewish doctor, and Holocaust survivor, from Lwow (Lviv). This book touches on the author’s experiences in pre-WWII Poland, the 1939 Communist-Nazi conquest of… Read moreJewish Collaboration Ghetto Police Exculpations Wanting Eisner
The Survivor Of The Holocaust, by Jack Eisner. 1996
Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Fear-of-Death Exculpation Fails. Jews in ARMIA KRAJOWA (A. K.) (Review based on 1980 edition). Author Eisner describes life in the German-made Warsaw Ghetto in some detail. Interestingly Jews, and not only Poles, had their superstitions. "She [mother] spat three… Read moreJewish Collaboration Ghetto Police Exculpations Wanting Zelkovitsh
In Those Terrible Days: Writings from the Lodz Ghetto, by Yosef Zelkovitsh. 2003
Like Poles Like Jews in Sordid Behavior, Denunciation For as Little as a Bag of Sugar, etc. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration NOT Dependent Upon Fear of Death Having read many diaries of the Polish Jews who had been locked… Read moreJewish Collaboration Double Standards Bazyler
Jewish Collaboration Double Standards Trunk
Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe under Nazi Occupation, by Isaiah Trunk, Steven T. Katz (Introduction). 1996
The JUDENRAT and Jewish-Nazi Collaboration. Let's Have No Double Standards on Collaboration by Jews and by Poles This encyclopedic work (review based on 1972 edition) includes arcane details about the origins and… Read moreJewish Collaboration Especially Odious Tushnet
The Pavement of Hell: 3 Leaders of the Judenrat, by Leonard Tushnet.
Poles Indifferent to Jews? Dig This: Jews Indifferent to Gypsies. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration Odious. Karaites Spared. Endeks and Jews Had Agreed That Most Jews Must Leave Poland This three-part book focuses on the lives of three top JUDENRAT leaders:… Read moreJewish Collaboration Even Profiteering Kruk
The Last Days of the Jerusalem of Lithuania: Chronicles from the Vilna Ghetto and the Camps, 1939-1944, by Herman Kruk, Benjamin Harshav (Editor), Barbara Harshav (Translator). 2002
Jewish Nazi Collaboration Went Far Beyond “Choiceless Choices” or Desperately Trying to Save One’s Life. Incisive Details This extensive diary covers most of… Read moreJewish Collaboration Even Profiteering Robertson
Don't Go to Uncle's Wedding: Personal Stories from the Warsaw Ghetto, by Jenny Robertson. 2000
Touches on Pre-WWII Polish-Jewish Economic Rivalry. Candor on Jewish Nazi Collaboration (as Profiteering). "God's Will" For Not Helping Jews This work includes extracts from the works of Ringelblum, Lewin, Szpilman, and others. Quotations from non-English-language… Read moreJewish Civilization CLASSIC Koneczny
Jewish Civilization, by Feliks Koneczny. 1975
A Classic. Monotheism Vs. Monolatry. The Talmud. Modernized Jewish Messianism Behind Communism. Judaism and Nazism JEWISH CIVILIZATION is the title of this Polish-language work (review based on original 1943 Polish-language edition, not the abridged English-language translation). There is such a wealth of information… Read moreJewish Civilization Koneczny Correct Montefiore
Liberal Judaism: An Essay, by Claude Goldsmid Montefiore. 2015
Leading British Jew Confirms Feliks Koneczny on Jewish Monolatry and Monotheism Claude G. Montefiore (1858-1938) was a leading British Jew. This work, originally published in 1903, provides a snapshot of liberal Jewish thinking that existed before the defining events of the… Read moreJewish Civil Rights Spurned For Jewish Separatism Biale
Power & Powerlessness in Jewish History, by David Biale. 2010
Jewish "Nonviolence", Jewish "Nondogmatism", the Jewish Star, Jewish Privileges Amidst Occasional Persecution, Jewish Separatism, and the PROTOCOLS This work is not so much about power and powerlessness per se, as it is a book about Jewish history in the last… Read moreJewish Civil Rights Spurned For Jewish Separatism Heschel
The Earth Is the Lord's: The Inner World of the Jew in Eastern Europe, by Abraham Joshua Heschel. 1995
Jewish Particularism and Aggressive Jewish Nonconformism Were the Main Drivers Behind Jewish Anti-Assimilationist Tendencies My review is based on the original 1950 edition. In common with many Jewish authors, author Abraham… Read moreJewish Civil Rights Spurned For Jewish Separatism Jews Were Poor Myth Rabinowicz
The Legacy of Polish Jewry 1919-1939, by Harry Rabinowicz. 1965
The Untruth of Overall Jewish Poverty. Jewish Self-Imposed Apartheid. Proffered Civil Rights a Hindrance To, Not a Condition For, Jewish Assimilation. JUDENRAT Collaborationists Morally Responsible In common with all too many books of this genre, Rabinowicz dwells on (what else?)… Read moreJewish Collaboration a Rare Moral Reckoning Opoczynski
In Those Nightmarish Days: The Ghetto Reportage of Peretz Opoczynski and Josef Zelkowicz, by Peretz Opoczynski, Josef Zelkowicz, David Suchoff (Translation), Samuel D. Kassow (Editor). 2015
Not Only Poles: Jews Robbed Jewish Dead. A Rare Jewish Moral Reckoning on Jewish-Nazi Collaboration This work features the written works of Peretz Opoczynski… Read moreJewish Chosenness Exculpatory Deflection Morris
Judaism as Creed and Life, by Joseph Morris 1848-1930. 2015
The Hellenization of Jews; Jewish Chosenness; Hellenization (Implications for Endek Policies) My review is based on the sixth edition, published 1929. This work begins with basic issues surrounding the nature of God, faith, humanity, Israel's mission, etc. It then provides… Read moreJewish Chosenness Itself Reckoned Christians Idolaters Harris
The Pride of Jacob: Essays on Jacob Katz and His Work, by Jay M. Harris (Editor), Elisheva Carlebach (Contributor), Richard I. Cohen (Contributor), David Ellenson (Contributor), Immanuel Etkes (Contributor), Moshe Halbertal (Contributor), David N. Myers (Contributor), Michael K. Silber (Contributor) , Israel Ta-Shma (Contributor). 2002
Jewish Chosenness Itself Requires That… Read moreJewish Chosenness Racialized Kohler
Jewish Theology - also includes an annotated bibliography on select works associated with Jewish Literature and History, by Kaufmann Kohler, Georgia Keilman (Editor). 2011
Racialized Jewish Chosenness Preceded Nazi Racialism My review is based on the original 1923 edition. The author thinks of Judaism as a community invested in the… Read moreJewish Chosenness Repudiated Reconstructionist
Sabbath Prayer Book: With a supplement containing prayers, readings and hymns and with a new translation, by Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation. 2017
Jewish Reconstructionist Prayer Book Repudiates “Jews are Chosen People” This book (review based on the 1945 edition) contains prayers for many different occasions. Many of the prayers are Psalms.… Read moreJewish Chosenness Repudiated Scult
The Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan, by Mel Scult. 2013
Jews Transform Societies. Jewish Chosenness (Including Its “Benevolent” Form) Repudiated. Polonophobia. Judaism Nondogmatic Myth In order to form my own opinion of Mordecai Menahem Kaplan without being influenced by that of anyone else, I first read Kaplan myself.… Read moreJedwabne No Jewish Self Defense Incredulity Zipperstein
Pogrom: Kishinev and the Tilt of History, by Steven J. Zipperstein. 2018
Jedwabne Pole-Blaming Narrative Inadvertently Discredited by Kishinev Pogrom Jewish Self-Defense This most interesting part of this book deals with the way that Jews defended themselves when attacked at Kishinev. (p. 68, 86-91, 132). Some Jewish defenders used common… Read moreJedwabne Poland Guilty Unless Proven Innocent Forecki
Reconstructing Memory: The Holocaust in Polish Public Debates, by Piotr Forecki. 2013
What Magnificent Justice! Poland is Guilty of Jedwabne Unless Proved Innocent This book is almost entirely a rehash of things written many times before. I give it two stars because of its comprehensiveness and its relatively objective portrayal… Read moreJewish Chosenness Analyzed Deconstructed Kaplan
Judaism as a Civilization: Toward a Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life, by Mordecai Menahem Kaplan. 1994
Jewish Chosenness Deconstructed: An In-Depth Analysis This work (review based on original 1934 edition) covers many topics, and I consider a few of them. I especially focus on Jewish Chosenness. For more on this specific… Read moreJewish Chosenness Confronted Kaplan
The Future of the American Jew, by Mordecai Menahem Kaplan. 1948
Confronting Jewish Chosenness. Jews Once Found Germany Worthy and Poland Unworthy of Jewish Assimilation Rabbi Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, the author, presents a wealth of ideas. I focus on a few themes. AMERICAN JEWS ALREADY VERY SECULAR IN 1948 The… Read moreJewish Chosenness Exculpatory Deflection Beker
The Chosen: The History of an Idea, the Anatomy of an Obsession, by Avi Beker. 2008
Jewish Chosenness: An Exculpatory Deflection. Corrections Provided This book is a disappointment. The analysis of Jewish Chosenness is quite shallow and rather exculpatory in tone. The most important practical aspect of the concept of… Read moreJedwabne IPN Details Polonsky
The Neighbors Respond: The Controversy over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland, by Antony Polonsky, Joanna B. Michlic (Editor). 2009
The Investigative IPN Commission Did Not "Prove Jan T. Gross Right" on Jedwabne. Nor Did It Prove That Germans Had Nothing To Do With the Burning of Jews Alive in a… Read moreJedwabne IPN Findings Ambiguous Responsibility Machcewicz
Wokol Jedwabnego, by Pawel Machewicz and Krzysztof Persak (eds.) 2002
This Investigative IPN Polish Commission Did NOT Exculpate the Germans or Inculpate the Poles For Burning the Jews in a Barn at Jedwabne. A Forensic Dig Was Prematurely Terminated Because of Jewish Pressure Here is a direct quote from the… Read moreJedwabne LEWACTWO Tool Gutman
Thou Shalt Not Kill: Poles on Jedwabne, by Jan Tomasz Gross (Contributor), Israel Gutman (Introduction), Antoni Macierewicz (Contributor), William Brand (Translator). 2001
Jedwabne a Tool of Polish Left (LEWAKS) For Pushing Polish Self-Flagellation. Selective Indignation on Boycotts. Manipulated Evidence For Anti-Polish Agendas One lasting value of this anthology is its… Read moreLomza Area: Many Jedwabnes Unproven Kosmala
Facing the Catastrophe, by Beate Kosmala. 2011
“Many Jedwabnes” Unproven. Evidences of Extensive German Responsibility for Jedwabne This book covers topics as diverse as Holocaust denial, Nazi-occupied France and Poland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, etc. Owing to its breadth, my review is necessarily limited to a few topics. As usual, there… Read moreJedwabne Neighbors Gross
Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland, by Jan Tomasz Gross. 2002
Relies Primarily on One Source: Consider the Source! Ignored Jewish Sources (Quoted Below) Finger the Germans, and Not the Poles, as the Main Killers of Jews at Jedwabne It is never wise to construct an… Read moreJedwabne No Jewish Self Defense Incredulity Abulafia
Religious Violence Between Christians and Jews: Medieval Roots, Modern Perspectives, by Anna Sapir Abulafia (Editor). 2002
Jewish Self-Defense in Russian Pogroms Discredits Jan T. Gross’ Tale of Poles and Jedwabne. Crusader Pogroms Against Jews in Perspective This book is essentially two books. The first one is primarily about the medieval… Read moreJedwabne Eyewitnesses Speak Marciniak
Jedwabne w Oczach Swiadkow, by Eugeniusz Marciniak. 2001
Jedwabne Eyewitnesses Debunk the Falsehoods of Jan T. Gross. Sensational Numbers Persist Today (2018) JEDWABNE AS SEEN BY EYEWITNESSES is the title of this Polish-language book, whose author is a Polish priest. When the Soviets invaded the area in 1939 as part… Read moreJedwabne Findings Suppressed Baginski
Jedwabne, by Marian Baginski. 2014
Ignored and Censored Facts About the Jedwabne Massacre, Including the Research of Andrzej Kola The author’s father lived in Jedwabne. (p. 149). This book assembles a great deal of information about this subject. Owing to the fact that much has been already written about… Read moreJedwabne Jewish-Acknowledged German Deed Maik
Deliverance, by Michael Maik. 2004
Jewish Source: Jedwabne Murderers Germans, Not Poles Author Michael Maik writes, “Refugees from Jedwabne and Radzilow arrived, who were coincidentally saved from death, and who saw with their own eyes and felt the hell on their flesh. With the help of local farmers, the Germans… Read moreJedwabne Jewish-Acknowledged German Deed Zissman
The Warriors, by Harold Zissman. 2005
This Jewish Source Affirms the Germans, and Not the Poles, as the Main (or Even Sole) Killers of Jedwabne's Jews The author writes, “Later on, some Jews who had fled Jedwabno [Jedwabne] for Derechin told us when the Germans first entered their town, they… Read moreJedwabne How Jan T Gross Manipulates Facts Chodakiewicz
The Massacre at Jedwabne, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. 2005
Noted Historian Debunks the Media Narrative of Unquestionable and Solitary Polish Guilt for Jedwabne In recent years, neo-Stalinist Jan T. Gross' books, especially NEIGHBORS, FEAR, and GOLDEN HARVEST, have been widely publicized and quoted as fact by media and historians despite… Read moreJedwabne and Politicized Trials Bilsky
Transformative Justice: Israeli Identity on Trial, by Leora Y. Bilsky. 2004
Politicized Trials (Implications for Jedwabne). The Suppressed Kufr Qassem Massacre (Israeli Forces Murdered Arab Civilians) This work features the trails of Kasztner, Eichmann, and Israeli murderers at Kufr Qassem, and Yigal Amir (the assassin of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin).… Read moreJedwabne Apology Blame Selectivity Nowak
Kogo Musza Przeprosic Zydzi? by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2001
The Perpetual Jedwabne Apology Game, With Almost-Complete Silence on Jewish Crimes This book, written by noted historian Jerzy Robert Nowak, although written almost 20 years ago, remains as relevant as ever. The truth about Jedwabne is being suppressed by the refusal… Read moreJedwabne a Coverup DEFINITIVE WORK Kurek
Jedwabne: Anatomia Klamstwa, by Ewa Kurek. 2018
The Jedwabne Coverup: An Obstruction of Justice. Rebuking the Polish Government for Its Timidity (Corruption?) in Refusing a Long-Overdue Proper Forensic Exhumation at Jedwabne THE ANATOMY OF THE LIE SURROUNDING JEDWABNE: A WHITE BOOK OF CENSORSHIP AND LAWLESSNESS OF THE POLISH GOVERNMENT 2001-2017… Read moreJedwabne a German Crime DEFINITIVE WORK Longerich
Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, by Peter Longerich. 2009
Jedwabne: This Holocaust Scholar Recognizes German Primary GERMAN GUILT! Fugitive Jews, Allegedly Denounced By Poles, Have Been Greatly Exaggerated. The Nazi German Polokaust, Just like the Holocaust, Had Been Racially Motivated German Holocaust historian Peter Longerich provides… Read moreJedwabne a German Crime Nowicki
Between Falsehood And Truth, by Stefan Nowicki. 2003
Jedwabne a German, Not Polish, Crime. Anti-Polish Accusations Are Endlessly Repeated If you are interested in an introduction to the truth about Polish-Jewish relations before and during WWII, this book is for you. Stefan Nowicki, who went through the war and observed… Read moreJedwabne Exhumation Coverup Zebrowski
Zatruwania Pamieci, by Leszek Zebrowski. 2014
The Jedwabne Coverup, and a Survey of Common Falsifications of History Regarding Poles, Jews, and WWII THE POISONING OF MEMORY: JEDWABNE, NALIBOKI, KONIUCHY (1941). THE POLITICIZATION OF HISTORY IN THE THIRD (POLISH) REPUBLIC is the title of this Polish-language work. Historian Leszek Zebrowski points… Read moreJan T Gross Rebutted Nowak 4
Falsze i Przemilczenia Grossa, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2011
A Detailed Refutation of Jan T. Gross and His Polonophobic Screed, ZLOTE ZNIWA (GOLDEN HARVESTS) THE FALSEHOODS AND OMISSIONS OF [JAN T.] GROSS is the title of this Polish-language book. It is a natural sequel to Nowak's NOWE KLAMSTWA GROSSA (THE… Read moreJedwabne 1949 Lomza Trials Dubious Winstone
The Dark Heart of Hitler's Europe: Nazi Rule in Poland under the General Government, by Martin Winstone. 2014
Relative Fairness to: The Polokaust, Jew Killing By Poles, Paid Polish Rescuer "Greed"-Not, and Jedwabne. Veiled Censorship of This Author A RARITY: THE POLOKAUST GIVEN ALMOST EQUAL TIME TO THE JEWS' HOLOCAUST… Read moreJedwabne 1949 Lomza Trials Unreliable David Fox
The Holocaust in the East: Local Perpetrators and Soviet Responses, by Michael David-Fox (Editor), Peter Holquist (Editor), Alexander M. Martin (Editor). 2014
Unreliability of Soviet Archival Information. Unreliability of the 1949 Lomza Trials on Jedwabne Massacre. Egregious Holocaust Supremacism. Invalid, Canned Zydokomuna Exculpations Most of this anthology is about the… Read moreJedwabne and Gardelegen Barn Size Constraint No Last-Minute Nazi Killing of Only Jews Blatman
The Death Marches, by Daniel Blatman. 2011
The Gardelegen Massacre (German Barn-Burning of 1,016 Mostly Non-Jewish Captives) Shows a MAXIMUM Hundreds (Not 1,600 or 3,200) Jedwabne Victims This work presents a wealth of information, and I focus on some particularly relevant items. THE GARDELEGEN MASSACRE CONSTRAINS THE NUMBER OF JEDWABNE… Read moreJedwabne and Katyn Blame False Equivalence Mackiewicz
The Katyn Wood Murders, by Józef Mackiewicz. 1951
Polish Rejection of Blame for Jedwabne is in NO Sense Comparable to the Soviet Rejection of Blame for Katyn. Can Katyn Be Equated With the Holocaust? Yes! Published 11 years after the Katyn genocidal crime (1940) and 8 years after it… Read moreJanuary 1863 Insurrection Zebrowski
Powstanie Styczniowe, by Leszek Zebrowski (ed.) 2013
Includes Little-Known Facts on the Poles' January 1863 Insurrection The introduction, written by historian Leszek Zebrowski, is packed with more information than many books on this subject. Let us look at some of it. SCOPE OF THE JANUARY 1863 INSURRECTION Approximately 200,000 Polish… Read moreJan T Gross Poles Stole From Jews Rebutted in Detail Chodakiewicz
Golden Harvest or Hearts of Gold?, by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. 2012
Totally Upends the One-Sided Media Narrative on Poles and Jews During WWII. Clarifies: Wartime Looting, Property Restitution, Organized Polish Rescue, Cultural Marxism, neo-Stalinism This work is head and shoulders above the media-touted writings of Jan T. Gross, Jan Grabowski,… Read moreJan T Gross Rebutted German Guilt Diffusion Nowak
Sto Klamstw J. T. Grossa o Jedwabnem i Zydowskich Sasiadach, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2001
An Eye-Opening Expose of Jan T. Gross and the Agenda behind Him This Polish-language book is titled: 100 LIES OF J. T. GROSS ON JEDWABNE AND THE JEWISH NEIGHBORS. It is nothing less than a… Read moreJan T Gross Rebutted Rebutted Nowak
Przemilczane Zbrodnie, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 1999
The Other Side of the Coin: Large-Scale Jewish Crimes against Poles This Polish-language book has the title: HUSHED-UP CRIMES: JEWS AND POLES IN THE EASTERN BORDERLANDS IN THE YEARS 1939-1941. Much press attention has been devoted to Polish crimes against Jews, such as… Read moreJan T Gross Rebutted Why Rescuers Covert Nowak
Nowe Klamstwa Grossa, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2006
Contra FEAR: A Valuable Unmasking of the Frauds of Jan T. Gross THE NEW LIES OF [JAN T.] GROSS is the title of this Polish-language book. As always, Jan T. Gross tells untruths and half-truths, plays fast and loose with the facts,… Read moreInterwar Poland Undemocratic a Myth Biskupski
The Origins of Modern Polish Democracy, by Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski et al. (ed.) 2010
A Survey of Polish Democracy. Too Much LEWACTWO in This Anthology This anthology of scholarly articles requires the reader to have a deep understanding of Polish politics in order to appreciate and evaluate fully. The articles… Read moreInterwar Poland Undemocratic A Myth Patterson
Pilsudski: Marshall of Poland, by Eric James Patterson. 1934
Poland's Pre-Partition Weaknesses Were Nothing Unusual Among Nations. 1926: The Myth of Pilsudski the Dictator: Poland's Democracy Was Never Abolished This delightful book spans the life of Pilsudski from before his birth, his revolutionary days in tsarist-Russian occupied Poland, the resurrection… Read moreEngelking and Grabowski Polish Jew Killing Debunked DEFINITIVE WORK Domanski
Korekta Obrazu? by Tomasz Domanski. 2019
The Nazi German Occupation of Poland as It Really Was: A Brilliant and Long-Overdue Scholarly Expose of the Falsehoods of Grabowski, Engelking, and Other Media-Touted Poland-Bashing “Authorities” A CORRECTION TO THE NARRATIVE? is the title of this research work. It systematically examines and deconstructs… Read moreIsraeli Teenagers’ Inculcated Polonophobia Feldman
Above the Death Pits, Beneath the Flag: Youth Voyages to Poland and the Performance of Israeli National Identity, by Jackie Feldman. 2008
Israeli Teenagers’ Holocaust-Related Visits to Poland: Revealing Insights "Over the past two decades, the Shoah has come to play an increasingly significant role in Israeli collective memory and… Read moreIsraeli Teenagers’ Inculcated Polonophobia Totten
Teaching about the Holocaust: Essays by College and University Teachers, by Samuel Totten (Editor), Paul R. Bartrop (Editor). 2004
Israeli Teenagers’ Holocaust-Related Visits to Poland Bring Out Severe Polonophobic Prejudices The highlight (or, more accurately, lowlight) of this book is a passage in the chapter written by Nili Keren. She… Read moreJanuary 1863 Insurrection Gawronski
Walka o Wolnosc w roku 1863, by Fr. Rawita-Gawronski. 1913
A Rare Gem. Background to the January 1863 Insurrection: Why Poles Found Russian Rule So Odious THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM IN THE YEAR 1863 is the title of this Polish-language book. (Review based on original 1913 edition). Author Franciszek Gawronski… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Strongly Repudiated Neusner
Stranger at Home: The Holocaust, Zionism, and American Judaism by Jacob Neusner. 2003
Holocaust Supremacism Repudiated Because It Slights the Genocides of Non-Jews [Review based on 1981 edition.] Jacob Neusner notes that modes of thinking and behavior may have originated from non-Jews, but "became Jewish" by being adapted by Jews… Read moreHOLODOMOR Jewish Complicity Magocsi
Jews and Ukrainians: A Millennium of Co-Existence, by Paul Robert Magocsi, Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern. 2016
Lazar Kaganowicz Drove the HOLODOMOR. Babyn Yar. Mendel Beilis. Ruthenians vs Ukrainians This picture-filled book can serve as an excellent introduction for the beginning reader interested in the shared Jewish-Ukrainian experience. It features history, culture, religion,…
Read moreHOLODOMOR Jewish Complicity Martin
The Affirmative Action Empire, by Terry Martin. 2001
Jewish Complicity in the HOLODOMOR. Soviet Political Correctness and Now Western Neo-Marxist Political Correctness Terry Martin's book is based primarily on Soviet sources. There are already several other reviews which inform the reader about the general features of this book. My review… Read moreHOLODOMOR Jewish Complicity Yakovlev
A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, Yakovlev, Alexander. 2002.
Lazar Kaganovich in the Spotlight. 20-25 Million Died Under Soviet Communism This book presents much information. I focus on some relevant items. LAZAR KAGANOVICH Yakovlev writes, "Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich: His entire political career is one of punitive action. Known for… Read moreHOLODOMOR Was Genocide Dolot
Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust, by Miron Dolot, Adam B. Ulam (Introduction). 1987
The Holodomor Was No Misstep or Accident. It was an Act of Sustained Genocide This review is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of this tragedy. Miron Dolot is the pseudonym of a Ukrainian who went through… Read moreInternational Jewry 1918 Harmed Poland Kruszynski
Zydzi a Polska, by Jozef Kruszynski. 1921
Jewish Disloyalty to Poland at Her Re-Founding (1918). How International Jewry Harmed Poland JEWS AND POLAND, published in 1921, traces part of the path by which Jews came on a collision course with Polish national aspirations. It facilitates the undemonizing of Roman Dmowski,… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights Gypsies Lemarchand
Forgotten Genocides: Oblivion, Denial, and Memory, by Rene Lemarchand (Editor). 2011
Yes, Holocaust Preeminence Does Create a Zero-Sum Game (or Close To It). Numerous Long-Slighted Genocides This book discusses genocides which very few have heard of: Eastern Congo, Burundi, Herrero, Tasmanian Aborigines, Tibetan, Assyrian, and others. THE LONG-NEGLECTED NAZI GERMAN… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights Poles Detailed Example Berenbaum
Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the Nazis, by Michael Berenbaum (Editor). 1992
Holocaust Dominance on Full Display: Attempts to Delegitimize the Genocides of Non-Jews Though Various Dubious Premises This book appears to be a bit of a fig leaf intended to cover what was planned, and what… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights Poles Example Alexander
Remembering the Holocaust: A Debate, by Jeffrey C. Alexander, Martin Jay (Contributor), Bernhard Giesen (Contributor), Michael Rothberg (Contributor), Robert Manne (Contributor), Nathan Glazer (Contributor), Elihu Katz (Contributor). 2009
Priceless! Polokaust is a “Sideshow” to the Jews’ Holocaust. So Are All Other Genocides—Thanks to Leftist Ideation and Jewish Influence INTRODUCTION: THREE… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights Poles Example Steinlauf
Bondage to the Dead, by Michael C. Steinlauf. 1997
Holocaustianity: The Mystification of the Holocaust Taken to Egregious Extremes. Polokaust Openly Belittled This book has a few good points, and then rapidly goes downhill. RECIPROCITY OF PREJUDICES Michael C. Steinlauf recognizes the mutuality of Polish-Jewish prejudices: "For the Jew, both… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights Poles PROOF Wojciechowska
Waiting To Be Heard: The Polish Christian Experience Under Nazi And Stalinist Oppression 1939 1955, by Bogusia J. Wojciechowska. 2009
Ramifications of the Polokaust. It is Actively Marginalized by Holocaust Supremacism This extensive collection of written testimonies demonstrates the scale of Polish suffering at the hands of the German and… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights All NonJewish Genocides Example Morsink
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Holocaust, by Johannes Morsink. 2019
Not Human Rights: Holocaust Supremacism is on the Throne Even When Non-Jewish Genocides Are Freely Discussed This book focuses on human rights in the light of the Holocaust. However, “human rights” are not precisely defined, and it… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights All NonJewish Genocides PROOF Azrieli
US – Canada Holocaust Survey Comparison – Topline Results, by Azrieli Foundation. 2018
Proof Non-Jewish Genocides All Marginalized: Holocaust Supremacism Continues to Rule Over the American and Canadian Public Consciousness This review refers to: US – Canada Holocaust Survey Comparison – Topline Results, which is a survey of American adults… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights All NonJewish Genocides PROOF Hovannisian
The Armenian Genocide: Wartime Radicalization or Premeditated Continuum, by Richard G. Hovannisian (Editor). 2007
Holocaust Supremacism Quantified: The Staggering Silence on All the Genocides of Non-Jews This anthology on the Aghet (Armenian Genocide) has a variety of perspectives, and includes little-known information, including an eye-opening Internet study on the dominance… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights Armenians Auron
The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide, by Yair Auron, Maggie Bar-Tura (Translator). 2001
Holocaust Supremacism in Action: This Time Marginalizing the Armenian Genocide This book has items of deeper significance than just the question of how Jews reacted to the Armenian Genocide. MONOPOLIZING THE TERM HOLOCAUST—THIS TIME… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights Armenians Dadrian
The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus, by Vahakn N. Dadrian. 2003
Armenians Were Targeted For Total Genocidal Destruction, But This Fact Has Not Lessened Holocaust Supremacism Aghet is the term for the Armenian genocide. Vahakn N. Dadrian has written a… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Slights Gypsies Barsony
Pharrajimos: The Fate of the Roma During the Holocaust, by Janos Barsony (Editor). 2007
Holocaust Supremacism: The Same Arguments Used to Marginalize the Poles’ Genocide (POLOKAUST) Now Reused to Marginalize the Gypsies’ Genocide (PORAJMOS) This Hungarian-based work, now in the English language, provides interesting perspectives on the PHARRAJIMOS (PORAJMOS), the… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Pushed By European Union Pakier
The Construction of European Holocaust Memory, by Malgorzata Pakier. 2013
European Union Strongly Pushes Holocaust Preeminence. German Publisher. German Guilt Diffusion: Poles and Germans Now on the Same Side!
Author Malgorzata Pakier describes the crucial role of the European Union in the exclusivist promotion of the Jews' Holocaust, "In recent…
Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Pushed Internationally Bayer
Holocaust Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Images, Memory, and the Ethics of Representation, by Gerd Bayer (Editor), Oleksandr Kobrynskyy (Editor). 2015
Holocaust Memorialization Driven By International Pressure. Attempts to Delegitimize Dissent From Holocaust Supremacism This anthology can be of value insofar as it catalogues many Holocaust-related films. We also learn… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Pushed Internationally Himka
Bringing the Dark Past to Light: The Reception of the Holocaust in PostCommunist Europe, by John-Paul Himka and Joanna Beata Michlic (eds.) 2013
A Prejudicial Orwellian Title. Holocaust Preeminence: A Near-Lament That Eastern Europeans Are Not Buying It! The only value of this book is the comprehensiveness of its treatment… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Actively Pushed on Poles Ambrosewicz Jacobs
Why Should We Teach About the Holocaust, by Jolanta Ambrosewicz-Jacobs. 2004
Holocaust Supremacism in Action: Primarily About Promoting the Preeminence of the Holocaust, at Polish Expense, Than About Holocaust Education Per Se. Neo-Marxism Thrown In. Unfortunately, there is almost nothing new in this book. Thus: THE INSTILLING OF SHAME IN… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Rules Even NonJewish Museums Beresniova
Holocaust Education in Lithuania: Community, Conflict, and the Making of Civil Society, by Christine Beresniova. 2017
Western Elitist Attempts to Control the Narrative of the Few Memorial Museums That Present the Genocidal Sufferings of Non-Jews This book presents information that some readers may find controversial. But is must be told.… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Chills Dissent Mintz
Popular Culture and the Shaping of Holocaust Memory in America, by Alan L. Mintz. 2001
Origins of Holocaust Preeminence in the USA, and the Intimidating Effect It May Have Towards Potential Dissenters The author identifies himself as Jewish- the grandson of Jews from Lithuania in the 1880s. (p. 168). He… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Debate Rosenbaum
Is the Holocaust Unique?: Perspectives on Comparative Genocide, by Alan S. Rosenbaum (Editor). 2008
Very Chauvinistic Question. Answer: No This work directly deals with the issues surrounding Holocaust preeminence and Holocaust supremacism--the elevation of the Jews' Holocaust over the genocides of all other peoples HOLOCAUST SUPREMACISM AKIN TO CONSPIRACY THEORIES… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism in the Light of Marketing Principles Ries
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind: How to Be Seen and Heard in the Overcrowded Marketplace, by Al Ries, Jack Trout. 2001
Inadvertent Clues as To How to the Holocaust Became Dominant, and Remains Dominant, in the American Mind, Over All Other Genocides Although this book [my review based on… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Modern Disguise Example Rothberg
Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization, by Michael Rothberg. 2009
"Multidirectional Memory": An Attempt to Deflect Argument, About the Pre-Eminence of the Holocaust Over All Other Genocides, By “Universalizing” It This book appears to be an attempt to mend fences, between the Jewish and African-Americans, in… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Overt Lipstadt
Holocaust: An American Understanding, by Deborah E. Lipstadt. 2016
An Obvious PROMO for the Jews’ Holocaust. Totally and Egregiously Mischaracterizes (and Belittles) the Nazi German Genocide of Poles (Polokaust or Polonocaust) A strength of this book is its history of the emergence of Holocaust dominance in the USA. Lipstadt comments,… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Poles Conciliatory Yet Attacked Berman
Holocaust Agendas, Conspiracies and Industries?: Issues and Debates in Holocaust Memorialization, by Judith E. Berman. 2006
Issues in Holocaust Supremacism. No Blame-Christianity German Guilt Diffusion. Holocaustianity. Polonophobia Even Though Polish Acquiescence to the Standard Holocaust Narrative This book covers issues, among Jews and non-Jews, related to the legacy of the… Read moreHOLOCAUST Series TV 1978 Falsehoods Gorson
Our Answer to T. V.'s Holocaust, an anti-Polish Show, by Ziggy Gorson. 1978
A Pamphlet With a Punch. A Polish Jew and Successful Businessman Exposes the Polonophobic Messages in the HOLOCAUST Television Series. A Diversion by American Jews Because of Their Inaction? The 1978 HOLOCAUST Series on American television, viewed… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Admitted Racist Implications Alexander
The Jewish Divide Over Israel: Accusers and Defenders, by Edward Alexander (Editor). 2006
Jews Against Jews: The PROTOCOLS as a Rhetorical Device Against Unwelcome Jewish Influence The strong and one-sided invective that typifies this book, directed against Jews who criticize Israel, has been discussed by other reviewers, and I will… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism a Zero Sum Game Churchill
A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust & Denial in the Americas 1492 to the Present, by Ward Churchill. 2001
A Decisive Blow for Genocide-Recognition Equality: A Splendid Demolition Job on Holocaust Supremacism (a Zero Sum Game). Perceptive Understanding of the Polokaust The author, Ward Churchill, specializes on the genocides of… Read moreHolocaust Supremacism Chills Dissent Bazyler
Law and the Holocaust: U. S. Cases and Materials, by Michael J. Bazyler, Robert M. Jarvis. 2018
Implications of Genocide Recognition Inequality, So-Called Hate Crimes Legislation, and Ongoing German Culpability For WWII Crimes Against Poland This work is densely packed with interesting information. One learns, for example, the fact that… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Via the Most Visited Museums TEA
Theme Index / Museum Index 2016: Global Attractions Attendance Report, by Themed Entertainment Association (TEA), Economics practice at AECOM. 2017
In the USA and Europe: The Most-Visited Museums Perpetuate and Reinforce the Preeminence of the Jews’ Holocaust Over the Genocides of All Other Peoples My review is that of the… Read moreHolocaust Irrationality Katyn Also Irrational Swianiewicz
In the Shadow of Katyn: Stalin's Terror, by Stanislaw Swianiewicz. 2002
The Irrationality of the Katyn Genocidal Crime. Not Only the Jews' Holocaust Was "Irrational". Katyn-area Locals: "FORGIVE US, POLES!" This book, originally published in Polish (1976), and made available to Poland (1990), was eventually translated into Russian and now… Read moreHolocaust Myth Catholic Silence Neumark
Hiding In The Open: A Young Fugitive in Nazi-Occupied Poland, by Zenon Neumark. 2006
Fugitive Jewish Life in German-Occupied Poland; Hypocrisy/Irony on the “Inaction” of the Polish Catholic Church The author traces his life in prewar Poland, in the German-made Lodz and Warsaw Ghettos, at a German labor camp at… Read moreHolocaust Polokaust Temporary Truce Auerbacher
Children of Terror, by Inge Auerbacher, Bozenna Urbanowicz Gilbride. 2009
A Rarity: Victimhood Competition Truce: Juxtaposed Polish and Jewish Suffering Without Obvious Jewish Objections This book is unusual in that it juxtaposes the Nazi-related sufferings of a Pole with that of a Jew. There was an earlier such juxtaposition: See… Read moreHolocaust Powerful Political Instrument Rosenberg
Testimony: Contemporary Writers Make the Holocaust Personal, by David Rosenberg (Editor). 1989
The Jewish Holocaust as a Powerful Political Instrument: Confessions of a Noted Jewish Writer The following are quotes from Jewish-American film critic and writer Phillip Lopate: “In its life as a rhetorical figure, the Holocaust is a bully.”… Read moreHolocaust Preeminence Marginalizes Communist Crimes Courtois
The Black Book of Communism, by Stephanie Courtois (ed.) 1999
Double Genocide. Red=Brown. How Holocaust Preeminence Marginalizes the Crimes of Communism and Makes Its Victims Almost Invisible. Holocaust Supremacism Debunked Though some of the groups targeted by the Soviets were in accordance with their ethnicity, and so qualify as Communist… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Via Israel Lobby Smith
Big Israel: How Israel's Lobby Moves America, by Grant F. Smith. 2016
Outstanding, Well-Supported Research on the Reason Behind the Preeminence of the Holocaust On the back cover, author Grant F. Smith recounts the depth of his research. It also included some lawsuits to pry-loose the unwelcome information. This book… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Via Manipulative Symbols Stier
Holocaust Icons: Symbolizing the Shoah in History and Memory, by Oren Baruch Stier. 2015
Iconized Images of the Jewish Holocaust. A Diminishing of Other Genocides? The icons discussed in this book include the railway cars, the shoes of the Jewish victims, the ARBEIT MACHT FREI sign, the 6 million figure,… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Via Selective Memorialization Maier
The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust, and German National Identity, with a New Preface, by Charles S. Maier. 1998
Inadvertently Shows the Unfairness of Overattention to the Holocaust and Not Enough to Other Peoples' Genocides Much of this book is an attack on German historian Ernst Nolte, especially for daring to… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Via Television Rosenfeld
The End of the Holocaust, by Alvin H. Rosenfeld. 2011
The Media is More Important in Promoting the Holocaust, Among Americans, Than Anything Else Virtually everything in this book has been said before. For instance, Rosenfeld brings up the old controversies about President Reagan’s visit to Bitburg, Germany. HOLOCAUST SUPREMACISM… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Via Television Shandler
While America Watches: Televising The Holocaust, by Jeffrey Shandler. 1999
The Crucial Role of Television in the Elevation of the Holocaust Over All WWII Events and Over All Other Genocides This book provides a useful survey of Nazi crimes, as featured in American cinema and TV. It covers WWII through… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Shoah Harmed Germany a Myth Gruner
Jewish Forced Labor Under the Nazis, by Wolf Gruner. 2006
Holocaust Uniqueness Myths Upended: Genocide of Jews Was "Rational" (Harmless to Germany). Extermination AND Exploitation of Jews Freely Coexisted as Nazi Policies Many popular Shoah misconceptions have entered both common and academic thinking. Holocaust-uniqueness advocates would have us believe that,… Read moreHolocaust Fatigue From Overexposure Dean
The Fragility of Empathy after the Holocaust, by Carolyn J. Dean. 2004
Features Holocaust Fatigue, and the Question About the Nazis and Homosexuality The title of this book is misleading. It makes the reader suppose that this book is about how the moral capital of Jews, caused by gentile sympathy… Read moreHolocaust God Punished the Jews Jewish Views Rosenberg
Theological and Halakhic Reflections on the Holocaust, by Bernhard H. Rosenberg, Fred S. Heuman (Editor). 1991
Not Only Some Christians Believed That the Holocaust Was God's Punishment of Jews: Some Leading Jews Did Also This work includes the early-postwar testimonies of rabbis, and their lucid and moving description of the… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Antidote Forgotten Genocides Rummel
Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900, by R.J. Rummel. 1997
The Endlessly-Publicized 6 million Jews and Their Holocaust. How Little Awareness Do You Have of the 100-200 Million Non-Jewish Victims of State-Sponsored Mass Murder? This volume is an excellent antidote to the Holocaust supremacism that permeates the… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Via Control of the Narrative Williams
Memorial Museums: The Global Rush to Commemorate Atrocities, by Paul D. Williams. 2008
It’s Not How Many Non-Holocaust Memorial Museums are Built: It’s Who Controls the Narrative This book surveys quite a few memorial museums to genocide and suffering all over the world. However, the most relevant issues revolve around… Read moreHolocaust Indoctrination Via Intense Americanization Reynolds
Postcards from Auschwitz - Holocaust Tourism and the Meaning of Remembrance, by Daniel P. Reynolds. 2018
Beyond Holocaust Preeminence: The Holocaust Now a Top All-American Institution. Jewish and Polish Ways Fundamentally Incompatible. Canned Polonophobic Memes Most of this book repeats old information. I focus on some issues that are especially… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Memes Corrected Gerlach
The Extermination of the European Jews, by Christian Gerlach. 2016
Atypical Justice to the “Non-Jewish Victims of the Nazis”. Holocaust-Uniqueness Misconceptions Countered NOT ONLY JEWS SUFFERED UNDER THE NAZIS: POLISH SLAVES FOR NAZI GERMANY Consider the forced laborers in the Third Reich. Author Gerlach confirms earlier Polish and German statistics… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Myth on VOLKSDEUTSCHE Olejnik
Zdrajcy Narodu: Losy Wolksdeutchow w Polsce Po Drugiej Wojnie Swiatowej, by Leszek Olejnik. 2006
Holocaust Meme False: Actually Polonized Germans Become Re-Germanized, Not “Poles Allowed to Become Germans” TRAITORS TO THE NATION? THE FATE OF THE VOLKSDEUTSCHEN AFTER WORLD WAR II is the title of this Polish-language book. The Volksdeutsche… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Not True Seidman
The Warsaw Ghetto Diaries, by Hillel Seidman, Yosef Israel (Translator). 1997
Holocaust Uniqueness Contradicted by the Facts. Cardinal Hlond Correct. Two-Way Polish-Jewish Boycotts This work is rich in Jewish terminology, traditional Jewish ideation, and cries to God and man for deliverance during the unfolding Holocaust. In contrast to most Holocaust-era… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Only Jews Die Last Minute a Myth Tomaszewski
Inside a Gestapo Prison: The Letters of Krystyna Wituska, 1942-1944, by Irene Tomaszewski. 2006
Pre-Lemkin Realization of German Policies Against Poles as Genocide. Holocaust-Uniqueness Myth: Last-Minute Nazi Killings Only of Jews This book contains a variety of relevant information, and I discuss some of it: EARLY NATION-DESTROYING ACTS IN GERMAN-CONQUERED… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Politics Not Factuality Moses
Conceptual Blockages and Definitional Dilemmas in the ‘Racial Century”: Genocides of Indigenous Peoples and the Holocaust, by A. Dirk Moses. 2002
The Presumed Exceptionality of the Holocaust Has No Factual Basis. It is Instead Based on Philosophy, Metaphysics, and—Especially—Politics. It is Inherently Divisive, Inconsiderate of All the Other Genocides, and… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Common Misconceptions Hayes
Why?: Explaining the Holocaust, by Peter Hayes. 2017
Some Good Information, But Also Considerable Distortion. Alternative Scholarly Sources Provided Popular author Peter Hayes makes some dubious statements. Consider the following correctives: The Nazi German extermination of 5-6 million Jews is a fact: The Nazis-were-out-too-kill-every-single-Jew (the usual talking point for the… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Extinct Race Museum a Myth Veselska
"The Museum of An Extinct Race”—Fact Vs. Legend, by Magda Veselska. 2016
“The Museum of An Extinct Race” Legend. No Evidence That the Nazis Ever Planned Any Such Museum: A Postwar Invention Commandeered to Promote the Presumed Exceptionality of the Jews’ Holocaust Author Magda Veselska uses the exact words that… Read moreWannsee Demystified Holocaust Exceptional FALSE According to Genocide Scholar Bloxham
The Final Solution, by Donald Bloxham. 2009
A Much Larger Polokaust Thwarted Only By Events. Wannsee Clarified. The Holocaust Was NOT “Special” in Any Objective Sense of the Word, According to This Genocide Scholar and Author! Author Donald Bloxham is identified as Professor of Modern History at Edinburg University, and… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Gassing Only of Jews a Myth Friedlander
Origins of Nazi Genocide, by Henry Friedlander. 1997
Ambivalence on Holocaust Supremacism. Nazi Gas Chambers Were Originally For the Handicapped, and Only Later For Jews. Holocaust Was As “Rational” As All Other Genocides This book has much to say about the Third Reich’s targeting of the handicapped, Jews,… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Gassing Only of Jews a Myth Kogon
Nazi Mass Murder: A Documentary History of the Use of Poison Gas, by Eugen Kogon. 1994
Mass Gassings Not Only in Death Camps, But Also in “Ordinary” Concentration Camps. Poles Were the First Non-German Victims of Systematic German Gassing As part of the mystification of the Holocaust, the large-scale gassing… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional Lampooned Finkelstein
A Nation on Trial: The Goldhagen Thesis and Historical Truth, by Norman G. Finkelstein, Ruth Bettina Birn. 1998
Norman G. Finkelstein Lampoons Holocaust Exceptionalism, Which Does in Fact Minimize all the Genocides of Non-Jews, and Which Serves Certain Political Agendas This book is mostly a critique of Daniel Goldhagen's HITLER"S… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Rigg2
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military, by Bryan Mark Rigg, Theodore A. Wilson (Editor). 2004
Nazi-Spared Half-Jews and Full-Jews Destroy the Main Pillar of the Preeminence of the Holocaust Over All Other Genocides> WHO IS A JEW?… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Shulman
The Case of Hotel Polski, by Abraham Shulman. 1982
The Myth of Nazis Intending to Kill All Jews: Hotel Polski Affair Freed at Least 170 Jews After the fall of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943) and the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, there were still some 10,000—30,000 Warsaw Jews still… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Wallace
In the Name of Humanity, by Max Wallace. 2017
Bombshell! Nazi Germany Herself, and Not the Victorious Allies, Put an End to the Holocaust The chief argument advanced for the elevation of the Holocaust over the genocides of all other peoples is the one about the unprecedented attempt to destroy… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die Nazis Rule World a Myth Hitler
Hitler's Table Talk, 1941-1944, by Norman Cameron (Translator), R.H. Stevens (Translator), Hugh Trevor-Roper (Introduction). 2000
Holocaust Exceptionalism Upended. Hitler Never Envisioned the Global Extermination of All Jews, Not Even in the Distant Future This book is revealing in a number of ways. I discuss some of these. HOLOCAUST EXCEPTIONAL—FALSE. NO… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die Nazis Rule World a Myth Mazower
Hitler's Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe, by Mark Mazower. 2008
A Fallacy: Nazis Were to "Conquer the World" and Thereby Kill ALL Jews. Polokaust Detailed, Including GENERALPLAN OST The author uses many scholarly sources. For example, he praises historian Marek Jan Chodakiewicz's BETWEEN NAZIS AND SOVIETS as a pioneering… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Hoffmann
Hitler's Personal Security: Protecting the Führer, 1921-1945, by Peter Hoffmann. 2000
Not All Known Jews Were Targeted by the Nazis for Extermination: Honorary Aryan Emil Maurice. Hitler's Last-Minute Obsessions With Slavs, and Not Only Jews My review is based on the original 1979 edition. IMPLICATIONS OF THE STANDARD “ALL JEWS… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Langer
Mind Of Adolf Hitler, by Walter C. Langer. 1972
Very Freudian. Affirms the Fact of Nazi-Spared Jews, Redefined as Aryans The Nazi Holocaust of 5-6 million Jews is factual: Its special status is not. Nowadays, we keep hearing that every single Jew was targeted for death by the Nazis, and… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth MacLean
The Cruel Hunters: Ss-Sonderkommando Dirlewanger Hitler's Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit, by French L. MacLean. 1998
Being Partly Jewish Not Necessarily an Impediment For Membership in the SS. Genocidal German Atrocities Against Polish Civilians in the Poles' Warsaw Uprising Among Germans at least, admission into the SS was forbidden to anyone… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Morris
Untold Valor: Forgotten Stories of American Bomber Crews over Europe in World War II, by Rob Morris. 2006
Western Allied Jewish POWs Spared By Nazis: The Holocaust Was Neither Unique, Unprecedented, or Especially Irrational. Nor Was It Qualitatively Different From All Other Genocides The most fascinating part of the book… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Noakes
The Development of Nazi Policy Towards the German-Jewish “MISCHLINGE” 1933-1945, by Jeremy Noakes. 1989
Internally-Inconsistent Nazi German Policies Towards Those of Mixed Jewish-German Ancestry. Deliberate Nazi Sparing of Certain German Jews By Re-Labeling Them Honorary Aryans Both the Nazis and the German Jews adopted an attitude of exclusion towards the… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Rigg1
Lives of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: Untold Tales of Men of Jewish Descent Who Fought for the Third Reich, by Bryan Mark Rigg. 2009
Holocaust Uniqueness Myth Upended: Not All Jews Targeted. Includes Details on Full-Blooded Nazi-Spared German Jews In this sequel to his HITLER’S JEWISH SOLDIERS, Rigg focuses on individuals’… Read moreHolocaust Education Inculcates Multiple Fallacies Totten
Teaching and Studying the Holocaust, by Samuel Totten (Editor), Stephen Feinberg (Editor). 2000
Liabilities of Current Holocaust Education: Inculcation of Holocaust Supremacism, of a Whitewashed Jewish Nazi Collaboration, of German-Guilt Diffusion, of anti-Polonism, and of Blaming Christianity Probably without intending to, this book shows what is wrong with today’s Holocaust… Read moreHolocaust Education is Indoctrination Fallace
The Emergence of Holocaust Education in American Schools, by Thomas D. Fallace. 2008
Open-Ended Inquiry? Holocaust as Indoctrination: Just Who is Teaching the Holocaust in Accordance With Predetermined Answers? This book includes interesting information. For instance, 120 million Americans saw SCHINDLER”S LIST. (p. 113). THE JEWISH MONOPOLIZATION OF THE TERM… Read moreHolocaust Education Rare Fairness To Poles Stevick
Holocaust Education: Promise, Practice, Power and Potential, by E Doyle Stevick (Editor), Deborah L Michaels (Editor). 2015
A Rarity! The Majority of British Educators Expand the term Holocaust to Encompass the Polish Victims of Nazi German Genocide--But to No Avail. Holocaust Mis-Education in Poland This recently-published book shows what has… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Abrams
Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler's Third Race, by Alan Abrams. 1987
Numerous Nazi German Subterfuges for the Sparing of German Mischlinge and Full-Blooded Jews The Nazi genocide of 6 million Jews, commonly called the Holocaust or Shoah, is a fact. The “All Jews Were Targeted for Death”—the constantly-invoked… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Frischauer
Himmler: The Evil Genius of the Third Reich, by Willi Frischauer. 1953
Nazis Did Not Require the Death of All Accessible Jews. Potential Deals for Sparing Jews This book includes both biographical and historical information on the thoughts and policies of Reichsfuehrer S. S. Heinrich Himmler. Although written decades before… Read moreHolocaust Exceptional All Jews Die a Myth Goebbels
The Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943, by Joseph Goebbels. 1970
Holocaust Uniqueness (Not); Slav Genocide; Polish Guerilla Successes; Nazi anti-Christianity (1942-1943) It is commonly supposed, as through frequent retelling, that the Jews were the only people in history to be targeted for COMPLETE extermination. Limiting oneself to the contents of this volume,… Read moreHolocaust Blame Turn For American Jews Schreiber
Explaining the Holocaust: How and Why It Happened, by Mordecai Schreiber, Mordecai Paldiel (Introduction). 2015
A Strong Indictment of Diaspora Jews and Their Indifference to Jews Dying During the Holocaust Author Mordecai Schreiber is a rabbi. His book raises many topics, including the fact that the Jews of the Yishuv… Read moreHolocaust Education Children Discern Its Unfairness Schweber
Making Sense of the Holocaust: Lessons from Classroom Practice, by Simone Schweber, Gloria Ladson-Billings (Foreword). 2004
Even Children Realize That the Holocaust Supremacism They are Being Taught is Fundamentally Unjust To All the Non-Jewish Genocides Author Dr. Simone Schweber is an authority on Holocaust education. This book is about Holocaust… Read moreHolocaust Education Children Discern Its Unfairness Zehavit Gross
As the Witnesses Fall Silent: 21st Century Holocaust Education in Curriculum, Policy and Practice, by Zehavit Gross (Editor), E. Doyle Stevick (Editor). 2015
Holocaust Mis-Education: Holocaust Supremacism Imposed Internationally. Even Children Realize Its Unfairness. The Attempted Trivialization of Communist Crimes This book, perhaps without intending to, has a lot of… Read moreHolocaust Education Exclusivist Totten
Essentials of Holocaust Education: Fundamental Issues and Approaches, by Samuel Totten (Editor), Stephen Feinberg (Editor). 2016
Includes an Element of Fairness Towards All the Genocides of Non-Jews, But to No Avail. Continued Blame-Christianity Memes This book contains a wealth of information, and numerous references for further study. I focus on… Read moreHitler’s Pope Rubbish Bottum
<3>The Pius War: Responses to the Critics of Pius XII, by Joseph Bottum (Editor), David G. Dalin. 2004 A Solid Debunking of Pope Pius XII as "Hitler's Pope". But How Did This Monstrous Lie Ever Become Seriously Entertained in the First Place, and Why Does it Persist Today? Rabbi David…
Read moreHitler’s Pope Rubbish Dalin
The Myth of Hitler's Pope: Pope Pius XII And His Secret War Against Nazi Germany, by David G. Dalin. 2005
Hitler Tried to Kidnap Pope Pius XII: The Reductio Ad Absurdum of Hitler's Pope. Deeper Issues in Holocaust-Related Anti-Christianity Need to Be Addressed The highlight of this book is the… Read moreHitler’s Pope Rubbish Lawler
Were the Popes Against the Jews?: Tracking the Myths, Confronting the Ideologues, by Justus George Lawler. 2012
Attacks on the Popes, in Terms of the Jews, are All Based on Distortions and Smears. So Are Polonophobic Memes There have been a series of books attacking Pope Pius XII and several… Read moreHitler German Opposition Mixed Motives Fest
Plotting Hitler's Death, by Joachim Fest. 1996
Various Motives, Many of Them Utilitarian, For What Little German Opposition There Was to Hitler. Some German Christians Feared the Wrath of God on Germany This scholarly work provides a history of German opposition to Hitler. I focus on a few long-term relevant… Read moreHitler Monument Lipski Canard British-Polish Alliance a Provocation Fallacy
Diplomat in Berlin 1933-1939, Papers and Memoirs, by Josef Lipski and Waclaw Jedrejewicz. 1968
Monument to Hitler: The “Lipski Endorsed Holocaust” Canard. 1938 Teschen (Cieszyn) and Bentschen (Zbaszyn) Facts. Hitler: British 1939 Aid to Poland a Joke, Not a Provocation. German Guilt Diffusion, Blame-the-Victim, Already Early Post-WWII Jozef Lipski practically… Read moreHollywood AntiPolonism Reasons Biskupski
Hollywood's War With Poland 1919-1945, by Mieczyslaw B. Biskupski. 2009
The Hollywood Left, and to a Lesser Extent Some Hollywood Jews, Were Behind the Anti-Polish Tone of Quite a Few Movies The author has examined numerous WWII-era Hollywood films, evaluated them for their content on Poland (usually absent, seldom neutral… Read moreGulags Like Nazi Death Camps Zarod
Inside Stalin's Gulag: A True Story of Survival, by Kazimierz Zarod. 1990
Some of the Gulags Approached (or Reached) the 100% of the Mortality of the Nazi German Death Camps. It Just Took Longer The author begins with his experiences during the 1939 German-Soviet conquest of Poland. He joined the… Read moreHaller’s Army and Jews the Facts Trawinski
Odyseja Polskiej Armii Blekitnej, by Witold H. Trawinski. 1989
At Last. The Truth About General Haller's Army and the Jews. No Black and White THE ODYSSEY OF THE POLISH BLUE ARMY is the title of this Polish-language work. The author, Witold Hilary Trawinski (1894-1976) was one of the combatants, and… Read moreHatred Jews Against Jews Goldberg
Running Through Fire: How I Survived the Holocaust, by Zosia Goldberg, Hilton Obenzinger, Paul Auster (Introduction). 2004
Against the Awfulization of Polish Jewish Experience. Zydokomuna Not Marginal. Jewish-Nazi Collaboration. Like Poles Like Jews in Suffering Zosia Goldberg traces her experiences in prewar Poland, war-torn Poland, and then wartime Germany (as… Read moreHenry Ford Right About Polish Jewish Relations
<3>The International Jew, by Henry Ford. 2007 Henry Ford Was Right About Polish-Jewish Relations: Bogus 1918-Era Pogroms and Their Modern Counterparts. Unilateral Sympathy for Jews, at Polish Expense, and Jews Largely Control the Narrative Henry Ford advocated PROTOCOLS-style conspiracy theories involving Jews. To him, Jewish conduct itself was proof of…
Read moreHISTORIKERSTREIT Holocaust Supremacism Stifled Recognition of Red Crimes Knowlton
Forever in the Shadow of Hitler, by James Knowlton (ed.) 1993
HISTORIKERSTREIT: German Historians’ Debate Challenged: Holocaust Supremacism, the Ignoring of Non-Jewish Victims, and the Devaluation of Communist Genocides. Long-Term Implications: Double Genocide. Red=Brown. Nazi=Soviet This volume consists of English-language translations of the papers of German historians that had participated… Read moreGulags Like Nazi Death Camps Conquest
Kolyma: the Arctic Death Camps, by Robert Conquest. 1978
Falsely Minimizing the Deadliness of the Soviet Gulags to Whitewash Communism or To Promote Holocaust Supremacism This book is full of disturbing information, but it must be told, especially in the light of today's tendencies to elevate the crimes of the… Read moreGulags Like Nazi Death Camps DEFINITIVE WORK Buca
Vorkuta, by Edward Buca.
Jewish Inmate of Soviet Gulags and Nazi German Camps Says Gulags Were Worse! Some Gulags Had 100% Mortality, Just Like the Nazi Extermination Camps Author Buca was part of the wave of Polish deportees that was part of the second Soviet occupation of Poland (1944-on). The… Read moreGulags Like Nazi Death Camps Herling
A World Apart, by Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, Andrzej Ciolkosz (Translator), Anne Applebaum (Introduction). 2005
Double Genocide. Some Gulag Camps Had the 100% Mortality of the Nazi Death Camps This book, originally published in 1951, is one of the first, if not the first, English-language account by a Polish inmate from the… Read moreGulags Like Nazi Death Camps Lisiewicz
Destiny Can Wait, The Polish Air Force In World War II (Aviation Series), by M. Lisiewicz. 1988
Polish Airmen in WWII: Much Detail. Some Gulags (For Poles) as Deadly as the Nazi Death Camps (For Jews). Recaptured Slavic Great Escapees All Murdered Owing to the fact that this book was… Read moreGulags Like Nazi Death Camps Shifrin
The First Guidebook to Prisons and Concentration Camps of the Soviet Union, by Avraham Shifrin. 1982
Soviet Gulag System Long After Stalin. Double Genocide Valid. Red=Brown Some people think that Communism was a great idea until it went bad because of Stalin, and that the Gulag system was a product… Read moreGulags Like Nazi Death Camps Solzhenitsyn
The Fact of Double Genocide Affirmed. Red=Brown. Soviet Betrayal of Warsaw Uprising Recognized. Author Admits Soviet Guilt for the Katyn Massacre This monumental work provides a great deal of arcane details about Russian history, Soviet thinking and policies, and the situation inside the Gulags. For this reason, it can be…
Read moreGrave Robbery Virtually Universal Muzychenko
Jewish Ludmir: The History and Tragedy of the Jewish Community of Volodymyr-Volynsky: A Regional History, by Volodymyr Muzychenko. 2015
Post-Nazi Cemetery Repurposing, Looting of Sites of Jewish Dead, Occurred Not Only in Poland Author Volodymyr Muzychenko is head of the Jewish community of Ludmir. This book has been translated into… Read moreGrave Robbery Virtually Universal Tumarkin
The Living And The Dead: The Rise And Fall Of The Cult Of World War II In Russia, by Nina Tumarkin. 1995
Not Only By Poles and Not Only From the Jewish Dead: Systematic Grave Robbery in the USSR. Also: Katyn Was Genocide A travelling display of a MATSEVA (macewa:… Read moreGulags as Genocide Polian
Against Their Will: The History and Geography of Forced Migrations in the USSR, by Pavel Polian. 2003
Double Genocide (Red=Brown) Tacitly Validated. No Legitimate Dualism Between Classicide and Genocide. Deportation to Widely-Scattered, Remote Areas Is Itself a Form of Genocide The obvious strength of this work is its comprehensiveness. It… Read moreGulags Delegitimized Landlords For Classicide Agenda Rossi
The Gulag Handbook: An Encyclopedia Dictionary of Soviet Penitentiary Institutions and Terms Related to the Forced Labor Camps, by Jacques Rossi, Robert Conquest. 1989
Insights into Gulag-Related Vocabulary, Communist Doublespeak, Class-Warfare Anti-Polish Rhetoric, etc. This work, in dictionary format, lists the Russian word written in Cyrillic alphabet, and then provides… Read moreGulags Like Nazi Death Camps Anonymous
The Dark Side of the Moon. With a preface by TS Eliot., by Anonymous. 1947
Polish Deportees in the Interior of the USSR in 1940-1941. Some Gulags Were Almost as Deadly as the Nazi Death Camps This book (review based on 1946 edition) is probably the first English-language book on… Read moreGrave Robbery Common in Wartime Tennenbaum
In Search Of A Lost People; The Old And The New Poland, by Joseph Tenenbaum, Sheila Tenenbaum. 2016
Grave Robbery Common, Not "Poles Did It To Jews". Pro-Communist Jewish-American Author on Jewish-Nazi Collaboration, German Guilt, Expanding Polokaust, Communist Property Expropriation POLES DID NOT PICK ON JEWS: EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY POLISH GRAVE ROBBERS… Read moreTo see a series of truncated reviews in a Category click on that Category:
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