Jew Killing WWII By Poles 200,000 Fake News Source Datner
Las Sprawiedliwych, by Szymon Datner. 1968
These Completely-Misquoted Works Are the Ultimate Origin of the Fake News That Poles Killed 150,000 or 200,000 Fugitive Jews During WWII
(LAS SPRAWIEDLIWYCH. Title in English: The Forest of the Righteous–is an allusion to the then-new Yad Vashem).
Author and Holocaust scholar Szymon Datner (p. 29) suggests that 80,000—100,000 (some scholars, according to Datner, say more) of Poland’s Jews survived the German-made Holocaust as fugitives. [Note that this not include those Polish Jews who survived in German concentration camps, or around 200,000 Polish Jews who survived by virtue of being in the interior of the Soviet Union. Notice also that the 80,000–100,000 (or more) figure is greater than the nowadays-quoted 40,000–60,000 Jewish fugitive survivors].
Datner then quotes his 100,000 fugitive Jewish survivors figure in the following work:
“Zbrodnie Hitlerowskie Na Zydach Zbieglych Z Gett” [Crimes of the Hitlerites on Jews That Had Fled the Ghettos]. BIULETYN ZYDOWSKIEGO INSTITUTU HISTORYCZNEGO Lipiec-Wrzesien 1970, Nr. 75, pages 9-29.
The quote of the 100,000 fugitive Jews survival figure is as follows:
“W jednej z prac [LAS SPRAWIEDLIWYCH] liczbe ocalalych Zydow oszacowalem, glownie dzieki pomocy ludnosci polskiej—na ok. 100 000 osob. Rownie orientacyjnie oceniamy, ze co najmniej drugie tyle ofiar zostalo wychwytanych przez organa okupacyjne i padlo ofiara zbrodni.” (p. 29).
Translation Into English:
“In one of the works [THE FOREST OF THE RIGHTEOUS], I had assessed the number of surviving Jews, mainly thanks to the help of the Polish population—as around 100,000 persons. We also indicatively assess, that at least that many victims were seized by the organs of the occupation authorities and fell victim to crime.” (p. 29).
Notice what Datner does NOT say. Datner does not say that fugitive Jews who failed to survive the German occupation had been killed or denounced by Poles: Datner says that they were “seized by the organs of the occupation authorities and fell victim to crime.” Quite a difference!
In addition, notice that Datner does not even say that 150,000 or 200,000 fugitive Jews were killed. He suggests “At least that many”, meaning at least 100,000.
Finally, notice also something else that Datner does not say–and this is crucial. He does not say how he arrived at these figures! Datner provides absolutely no surveys, statistics, censuses, or even references that back up these numbers. It is obvious that Datner’s numbers are—at best—unproven, if not conjectural.
The answer can be found on pp. 2-3 of Jan Grabowski vel Abrahamer’s HUNT FOR THE JEWS (originally JUDENJAGD). It has also been promoted by other neo-Stalinist authors, notably Jan T. Gross and Barbara Engelking. Since then, the media has picked it up and run with it. The bigger the Jewish-victimization anti-Polish story, the better.
It is impossible to escape the conclusion that the media-touted figure of 200,000 is anything more than primal anti-Polish propaganda. It is frankly reminiscent of the 1918 newspaper horror stories of 30,000 Jews, in Poland, killed in massive pogroms. Here we are a century later, and nothing has changed.
It is high time that the media gets its act together, stops promoting the 200,000 fake news as fact, formally retracts the 200,000 falsehood, and apologizes to the Poles. Better yet, the media should finally start paying attention to some of the Jewish crimes against Poles. Fat chance.
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