Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Jedwabne IPN Findings Ambiguous Responsibility Machcewicz

Wokol Jedwabnego, by Pawel Machewicz and Krzysztof Persak (eds.) 2002

This Investigative IPN Polish Commission Did NOT Exculpate the Germans or Inculpate the Poles For Burning the Jews in a Barn at Jedwabne. A Forensic Dig Was Prematurely Terminated Because of Jewish Pressure

Here is a direct quote from the English-language abstract:

“The testimonies varied and none of the participants or witnesses could have included all of what had occurred. AS A RESULT, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE CONCLUSIVELY JUST WHAT THE GERMAN ROLE ACTUALLY WAS IN THAT LAST, MOST TRAGIC PHASE–THE BURNING ALIVE OF JEDWABNE’S JEWISH RESIDENTS IN THE BARN. The sources present contradictory and imprecise descriptions of the Germans’ behavior, and historians’ assessments also vary greatly.” (WOKOL JEDWABNEGO, Volume 1, p. 491; emphasis added.)

Polish guilt has not been proved, and German innocence has not been proved either. What could be clearer?


There was a partial exhumation at Jedwabne, and it was prematurely terminated, in accordance with demonstrably-bogus Jewish religious pretexts, when bullets began to be found at the site. Now here we are nearly 20 years later, and the Polish government, evidently bowing to Jewish political pressures, still refuses to conduct a proper forensic investigation at Jedwabne.

For details, see: JEDWABNE, ANATOMIA KLAMSTWA, by scholar Ewa Kurek [see my review]

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