Holocaust Supremacism Admitted Racist Implications Alexander

The Jewish Divide Over Israel: Accusers and Defenders, by Edward Alexander (Editor). 2006
Jews Against Jews: The PROTOCOLS as a Rhetorical Device Against Unwelcome Jewish Influence
The strong and one-sided invective that typifies this book, directed against Jews who criticize Israel, has been discussed by other reviewers, and I will not repeat them. Instead, I focus on the pre-eminence of Jewish deaths, over that of all others peoples, as a form of racism. I also elaborate upon a surprising Jew-against-Jew use of the PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION.
Authors Edward Alexander and Paul Bogdanor quote Professor Michael Neumann of Trent University in Canada, who remarked, “To regard any shedding of Jewish blood as a world-shattering calamity…is racism, pure and simple: the valuing of one race’s blood over all others.’” (p. xx).
Although Neumann’s statements had been made in the context of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, they need to be expanded. One can immediately think of Holocaust supremacism as a form of the Jewish racism. It unambiguously elevates the genocide of Jews over all the genocides of the GOYIM. One can also think of the constant focus on Poles (allegedly) killing Jews at Jedwabne, combined with the fact of Jews killing Poles (as at Koniuchy and Naliboki) languishing in an Orwellian memory hole. The Talmudic-style dual morality is vividly evident.
I do not do conspiracy theories. But let us consider the use of THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION not only by anti-Semites, but also, counterintuitively by Jews, as a rhetorical tool. That is, as described below, certain Jews invoke the PROTOCOLS as a term of opprobrium against those Jews whose influence they do not like.
Authors Alexander the Bogdanor condemn the leftist Jewish historian Paul Buhle as follows, “The PROTOCOLS have fueled anti-Semitic violence for a century. But Jewish endorsement of them is something new.” (p. xx). So what is the fuss all about? To answer this question, I looked up the original article by Paul Buhle (The Civil Liberties Crisis and the Threat of “Too Much Democracy”. TIKKUN 18(3)33. [May/June 2003]).
Paul Buhle had been criticizing the neocons Perle, Wolfowitz, and Abrams for their alignment with the hawkish Democrat Henry “Scoop” Jackson. Buhle then added, “There the future superhawks likely envisioned their own roles in the triumph of the political Right that still lay ahead. It is almost as if the anti-Semitic Protocols of Zion, successfully fought for a century, have suddenly returned with an industrial sized grain of truth.” (ibid, p. 33).
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