Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Gulags Delegitimized Landlords For Classicide Agenda Rossi

The Gulag Handbook: An Encyclopedia Dictionary of Soviet Penitentiary Institutions and Terms Related to the Forced Labor Camps, by Jacques Rossi, Robert Conquest. 1989

Insights into Gulag-Related Vocabulary, Communist Doublespeak, Class-Warfare Anti-Polish Rhetoric, etc.

This work, in dictionary format, lists the Russian word written in Cyrillic alphabet, and then provides an English-language definition of it. Explanatory notes are also frequently included.
Of course, the gulag terms are often expressions of Communist doublespeak. For instance, the term “mass exile” was used for deported Poles.


The term Pan (Sir, or Landlord) was a fixture in Communist ideology—an emotional term of opprobrium for Poles of whatever means. (Note that the vast majority of Poles deported to the interior of the USSR were not landlords.). The Communists actually defined a Pan as anyone whose clothing was better than that of the typical Soviet citizen! (p. 291).

The delegitimization of the target group is obvious. Thus, a “Pan” was almost as bad, to a Communist, as a “Jew” was to a Nazi.


This work is not limited to vocabulary. There are sketches of gulag-camp layouts, and tables of such information as types of prison sentences, purported gulag inmates’ food rations, etc. A detailed bibliography of gulag literature is included, including seldom-cited works on this subject.
The authors recognize the fact that the Soviet Union, not Nazi Germany, was responsible for the Katyn Massacre. (pp. 155-156).

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