German Supremacism Long Before Hitler No Exculpations Archer
Gems(?) of German Thought, by William Archer. 1917
Leading German Thinkers and the German Drive to Control Others. Exculpations Rejected. Antecedents to the European Union
This 1917 work has numerous quotations from leading Germans. It is profusely indexed, giving the source of the quote and a brief biographical blurb about every person quoted. Major themes in this work include German expansionism, the pursuit of war as a legitimate policy, the will to power, and related concepts. The informed reader will probably be struck as to how many of the ideas presented in this century-old book are now fulfilled in terms of German hegemony over Europe through the modern European Union.
Some German commentators have complained that Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Friedrich A. J. Bernhardi, and Heinrich v. Treitschke, are not nearly as important as they are made out non-Germans. Archer soundly rejects this exculpation, and comments, (quote) For whatever the Germans may say, they are the major prophets of the new-German spirit. Treitschke is the prophet of tribalism, Nietzsche of ruthlessness, Bernhardi of ambition. It is absurd to say that they are not influential. Treitschke may have fallen somewhat out of fashion in the years immediately preceding the war (WWI), but his spirit had permeated the political thought of a whole generation. To the living influence of Nietzsche there is a host of witnesses. [Archer lists specific names.]…As for Bernhardi…his “Germany and the Next War,”…ran through five editions… (unquote). (pp. 20-23).
Archer adds that, (quote) It is an error, however, to suppose that a writer’s importance is to be measured solely by the influence he can be show to have exerted. A book or pamphlet may have had little or no active influence, and may yet be a very illuminating symptom of the national frame of mind. Every book must be an effect before it can become a cause. (unquote). (p. 23).
The author also rejects the argument that Nietzsche’s ideas were not intended as a literal guide to behavior. Literal or not, they definitely animated German conduct. (p. 22).
Finally, the author goes far beyond the likes of Nietzsche-Treitschke-Bernhardi. In fact, as if to show that belligerent and self-adulatory German statements are not rare, author Archer presents no less than 501 quotations from prominent Germans. These are profusely indexed. Those who say that the quotes are out of context are employing a standard ploy, and only showing that they have already lost the argument.
The following paragraphs are examples, and are direct quotes from this book:
The Germans let the primitive Prussian tribes decide whether they should be put to the sword or thoroughly Germanized. Cruel as these processes of transformation may be, they are a blessing for humanity. It makes for health that the nobler race should absorb the inferior stock.—Heinrich v. Treitschke (1834-1896). (pp. 169-170).
We Germans represent the latest and the highest achievement of European Kultur.—Professor Adolf Lasson. (b. 1832). (p. 64).
We are indubitably the most martial nation in the world…We are the most gifted of nations in all the domains of science and art. We are the best colonists, the best sailors, and even the best traders!—Fritz Bley (b. 1835), journalist and author. (p. 111).
…the German soul is God’s soul: it shall and will rule over mankind.—Pastor W. Lehmann. (p. 73).
We want to become a world people.—Professor Friedrich Meinecki. (b. 1862). (p. 83).
For the will of the State, no other principle exists, but that of EXPEDIENCY (ZWECKMASSIGKEIT), which is at the same time SELFISHNESS; not, however, the short-sighted selfishness commended by Machiavelli, but FAR-SEEING, SHREWDLY-CALCULATING selfishness.—EIN DEUTSCHER. (p. 192). (Emphasis in original.)
The German people must rise as a master-folk above the inferior peoples of Europe and the primitive peoples of the colonies.
Our Kultur-mission has in view some hundred millions of Slavs, and draws its geographical frontier-line at the Ural Mountains.—Karl A. Kuhn. [Dozent in Military History, Charlottenburg]. (p. 65).
Let us bravely organize great FORCED MIGRATIONS of the inferior peoples. Posterity will be grateful to us. We must coerce them!—Klaus Wagner. (pp. 109-110). (Emphasis in the original.)
Germany will be the schoolmaster of all the world, as every German has a bit of the schoolmaster in him.—Professor Wilhelm Blume. (b. 1867). (p. 126).
————–End of direct quotes———–
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