Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Germans of Polish Origin Roucek

Slavonic Encyclopaedia, by Joseph S. Roucek (Contributor). 1969

Prominent Germans of Polish (or Other Slavic) Descent

This encyclopedia, naturally, covers many different topics, so I will focus on just one. It is found in Volume 2, p. 394, “Germans of Slavonic Origins”.

German Reformer Martin Luther was descended from the Slavic tribe of Lutycy. This was Germanized to Lutyr, Luthyr, and finally Luther. His native Eisleben once had the Polish name SEBENICA (Gallows). Interestingly, the old town district of this town is still called Siebenhitze.

Von Liebnitz was of Polish descent. The name was Labienicz.

Friedrich Nietzche was a Germanized Pole. Originally Niedzielski, the name was Germanized to Nietzki, Nietzkie, and finally Nietzche.

Karl von Clausewitz previously had the name Karol Klausewicz. It probably was originally Hlusewicz [Hluszewicz?].

Nazi German Field Marshal Walter von Brauchitsch, who was one of the leaders of the 1939 war against Poland, originated from the Polab tribe named Brachicz, and more early Brzuchacz.

The author claims that General Johannes Blaskowitz, another major attacker of Poland in 1939, was of Polish descent (Blaszkiewicz). However, other sources suggest that he had been a recently-Germanized Slovenian.

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