Dismantling Catholicism Recent Centuries Fahey
The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World, by Denis Fahey. 1964
Christian Exclusion of Jews in Pre-Modern Times: The Seldom-Presented Other Side!
By way of introduction, the Catholic Church condemns anti-Semitism, because in the Jewish nation the Word became Flesh, and because our Lord is a Jew in the House of David. (p. 171). Fahey does also. However, he states that Christians have a right to defend themselves, and their societies, from inimical Jewish influences. Although the author does not mention Alfred Dreyfus, he, by citing traditionalist French authors, enables the reader to understand the atmosphere in which the Alfred Dreyfus affair developed.
Dennis Fahey notes that, prior to 1789 (the French Revolution), Jews were forbidden from owning Christian slaves, from opening schools for Christians or teaching in universities, from having posts in the army, from having any part in the making or interpreting of laws, from being magistrates, from being owners of real estate, and from being chemists or hotel keepers. (p. 155).
Nowadays, the limited rights of Jews in pre-modern Christian societies is almost always framed in terms of the intolerance of Christianity and the victimhood of Jews. Father Fahey presents a refreshingly-different perspective on this state of affairs. It all boils down to protecting Christian societies from the de-Christianization influences of Jews, and to protecting Christians from Jewish attempts to dominate them.
He writes, (quote) Whether this Messias is taken to be an individual or the race, it means that the Jews, as a nation, must strive to impose their particular national form on other nations. This imposition of the Jewish National FORM inevitably spells decay for other traditional national FORMS. The imposition by any nation of its national FORM on other nations leads to the decay of the other nations, and this is all the more emphatically the case when the attempted imposition is accompanied by the rejection of the one true order of the world, which can be achieved only though Our Lord Jesus Christ…Father Joseph Lemann, a Jewish convert priest, emphasizes the total lack of natural prudence displayed in the admission of Jews to French citizenship at the French Revolution and contrasts the folly of revolutionaries with the supernatural foresight of the Catholic Church. “The Church is very far-seeing”, he writes, “…she would not allow a Jew to hold any key position in Christian society, in the 18th century any more than in the 10th century. She would not allow a Jew, for example, to teach Christians, to sit under a crucifix as judge over Christians, to take part in the drawing up of laws for a Christian state. The Church’s line of conduct is always the same. The Church tolerates Jews, treats them kindly, has compassion on them, but on condition that they remain apart in their quarters, and do not seek to enter into the bosom of Christian societies. She knows well that, if they once obtain entrance, they will get control of the heart (of these societies) and upset its proper functioning.” (unquote). (Emphasis in original). (pp. 154-155).
Author Fahey paraphrases the work of Achilles Laurent, (quote) The other point which renders the organization of the Jews in Christian countries most dangerous and multiplies a hundredfold the aversion of which they are the object, is the superstitious belief fostered by the Talmud that the Israelites not only constitute the noblest race of the human species, all the others being inferior to them, but that by full divine right the universe belongs to them and will be theirs one day… (unquote). (p. 159).
Dennis Fahey quotes from the famous French social writer, Marquis de la Tour du Pin, (quote) “The Jews inevitably act as a solvent on the Christian State, because they, as a nation, continue to be convinced that the Empire of the world belongs to them (under the natural Messias to come)…” (unquote). (p. 165).
There are many factors to consider other than the very nature of secret societies, their blasphemous oaths, their anti-Catholicism and—according conspiracy theories—their goal to rule the world. Fahey points out that Freemasonry stands for the primacy of human reason (p. 196). It propagates religious indifference by stating or implying that all religions are equally true (pp. 197-198), and strives to promote naturalism, notably by eliminating the supernatural from society. (pp. 198-199).
The author stops short of claiming that Freemasonry is a Jewish invention. (p. 233). Rather, he sees an alliance between these two forces of naturalism. (pp. 233-236). There is also significant overlap between the two groups. For instance, B’nai B’rith Lodges do not admit non-Jews, but its members are admitted to ordinary Masonic Lodges. (p. 168; See also p. 235).
Fahey writes, (quote) Modern History since 1789 [the French Revolution] has been, to a large extent, the account of the domination of State after State by the naturalistic supranationalism of Freemasonry, behind which has been steadily looming up the still more strongly organized naturalism of the Jewish Nation. That is why the post-revolutionary epoch has witness, in country after country, persistent attacks on the program of Christ the King in regard to the Church, the State, the Family, Education, the Religious Orders, the Press and Private Property. Soon after every successful Judeo-Masonic Revolution, since the first in 1789 down to and including the Spanish Revolution of 1931, the world has begun to hear of the country’s entering upon the path of ‘progress’ by the introduction of ‘enlightened’ reforms, such as the separation of Church and State, the legalization of divorce, the suppression and banishment of religious orders and congregations, the glorification of Freemasonry, and secularization of the schools, the nationalization of property, and the unrestrained license of the press. (unquote). (p. viii). Were Fahey alive today, what would he think about the moral decadence of western societies!
Author Fahey describes a seemingly-ironic turn of events, (quote) A little-known historical instance of the collusion between Jewish finance and Jewish-guided revolutionaries may prove interesting. It dates from the first openly Communist revolution, that of Paris in 1871. An account of it is to be found in Edouard Demachy’s book, LES ROTHSCHILD, pp. viii, is. He relates that one of the principal barricades erected by the Communards in Paris was just near the corner of the Rue de Rivoli, on which was situated the splendid mansion of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild. It was formerly the residence of Talleyrand-Perigord. The Rothschilds were certainly well known to be wealthy bourgeois, in fact, one would expect their house to be the first to be burned, when the Marxian “proletariat” began to move. Yet those who were systematically setting fire to houses passed, with the petrol-cans in their hands, in front of this fine mansion and the numerous others which the Rothschilds had elsewhere in the Avenue Marigny, Rue Lafitte, etc., etc., and never even stopped. (unquote). (p. 325).
Dennis Fahey comments, (quote) Jewish propaganda against National Socialism, when appealing to Catholics, stresses the deadly opposition of the National Socialist regime to the Catholic Church and the anti-Catholic character of the race theory. It does not point out that the quarrel between the National Socialist Government and the Jewish Nation is between two sections of the naturalistic army, both of which are hostile to the Catholic Church…They [Jews as well as Nazis] deify their own nation. (unquote). (p. 149).
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