Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Cultural Marxism Overall Warning Opinion-Forming Polonophobia Nowak

Zagrozenie Dla Polski i Polskosci, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 1998

Cultural Marxists Make War Against Poland’s Catholic and Patriotic Traditions

THREATS TO POLAND AND POLISHNESS is the English-language translation of the title of this Polish-language book. There is certainly a culture war going on in Poland. Virtually every item dear to Poles has come under often-vulgar attack, and this is examined Nowak in exhaustive detail.


Owing to his courageous stand, Nowak has been called every name under the sun including–surprise–an anti-Semite. In actuality, Nowak individualizes Jewish behavior, and provides details on the seldom-heard contemporary Jews who are Polish patriots (Vol. 1, pp. 299-312). He does take strong issue with the many overt manifestations of Polonophobia, such as SOPHIE’S CHOICE, EXODUS, MILA 18, SHOAH, SHTETL, MAUS, HOLOCAUST Series, SCHINDLER’S LIST, ESCAPE FROM SOBIBOR, etc.

Far from scapegoating Jews or any other single group, Nowak identifies many sources of attacks on Poland. For instance, there has been a disturbing resurgence of old-fashioned anti-Polish thinking among Germans, Russians, and certain Ukrainians (Volume 2). Furthermore, many attacks originate from within. In fact, Nowak provides evidence for the existence of a pervasive spirit of self-abnegation among many Poles, even a “national masochism” (Vol. 1, pp. 272-273, 306). He fingers many blame-Poles-first spokespersons namely Polonized Jews, such as: Adam Michnik, Jacek Kuron, Anna Bikont, Jerzy Urban, and many others.


All previous Polish Communist governments were Quisling ones. Since then, various LEWAKS, post-Communists, “internationalists”, selfish “latter-day Targowicians”, “Euro-enthusiasts”, etc., would sell Poland to the highest bidder. They would also have Poland discard her rich patriotic and religious heritage, replacing it with western-European-style secularism and amorality. Such is the self-serving idea of progress of cultural Marxism. “No thanks!” says Nowak.

The LEWACTWO (just as American leftists) attack patriotism as jingoism, and then attempt to redefine terms so that treason becomes patriotism (Vol. 1, p. 197). There is an ongoing smear campaign against Christianity, the Church, and especially against RADIO MARYJA. [Nowak wrote this book 20 years ago. It has since gotten much worse.] This has gone beyond words. There has been an alarming epidemic of church-burnings and cemetery-desecrations across Poland (Vol. 2).


Jacek Kuron (and, more recently, Jan T. Gross in his FEAR) tried to make a big issue of the fact that Poles acquired post-Jewish properties. What is conveniently forgotten is the fact that millions of Poles also lost their properties during and after WWII (Vol. 1, p. 144, 296-298).

Various items of information are presented. Polish economists helped put prewar Poland on her economic feet (Vol. 2, p. 299). Newly-revived tales of Poles killing Jews during the Warsaw Uprising originated from falsified documents once tailored by the Communist pseudohistorian-politruk Bernard Mark (Vol. 1, p. 188). Operation Wisla wasn’t Polish; it had been Stalin’s plan (Vol. 2, p. 305). So why should Poles apologize for it–all the while that Ukrainians never apologize for over 130,000 defenseless Poles murdered by the OUN-UPA?

Volume 2 focuses on specific Polish policies. It ends with a comprehensive index consisting of hundreds of names mentioned throughout both volumes.

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