COUNTERCLAIM Restitution 1939 Jews Got Polish Housing Koprowski
Żołnierze wyklęci. Wspomnienia i relacje, by Marek A. Koprowski. 2018
1939 Zydokomuna Unjust Enrichment of Polish Property. Poland’ s Anti-Communist Freedom-Fighting Guerrillas (ZOLNIERZE WYKLECI): Some Testimonies
Author Marek A. Koprowski is a historian, writer, and journalist. He specializes in the fate of Poles from the former Kresy (Soviet-confiscated eastern Poland), notably those of Wolyn (Volhynia). Marek A. Koprowski has many publications, and is the recipient of a number of awards.
This work is an anthology of thirteen testimonies. The Underground soldiers describe not only their combat, on behalf of a free Poland and against the impending Soviet-imposed Communist puppet government, but also many historical events as personally experienced.
While a boy, Wiktor Wlazlo experienced the aftermath of the 1939 war. The guerrilla unit of Hubal stayed over at the family residence. Wiktor s job was to wander the forests, risking death at the hands of the Germans if caught, and gather the arms and ammunition that had been abandoned by the 1939 Polish soldiers. Some of this priceless war material was later delivered to ” Hubal” . (pp. 48-49).
Now consider the Ukrainian fascist-separatist OUN-UPA genocide of the Poles (1943-on) further east, which mainly took place under the Nazi German occupation. Waclaw Gasiorowski, while a youth at Budy Ossowskie in Wolyn, saw the Ukrainians cut his mother in half. He barely managed to get away. (p. 256). Later, his guerrilla group caught a Ukrainian priest who had been caught in possession of tracts that urged Ukrainians to kill their Polish neighbors. (p. 258).
There was an almost seamless transfer of power from the old conquerors of Poland (the Germans) and the new ones (the Soviets). Czeslaw Nalezinski, who as active in the Rzeszow region, was taken aback by the almost-immediate unfriendliness of the Russians, who had just driven out the Nazis. He was soon arrested by the Smiersz (SMERSH), and taken to the rapidly-established NKVD headquarters. (p. 206).
The new Red authorities vainly tried to ” persuade” Polish peasants to adopt Soviet-style collective farming (the kolkhozes). They began their efforts by indicating to the peasants that their livestock was not really their property, but was actually the property of the state. (Wiktor Wlazlo, p. 51).
As the Soviet Communists and their Polish puppets consolidated their authority, it became more and more difficult for the Polish guerrillas to evade capture. They were sometimes successful in freeing their captured colleagues from captivity, whether earlier from the Germans (Stanislaw Soczynski, p. 228), or now from the Communists. (Stanislaw Szefer, p. 224; Waclaw Gasiorowski, p. 276).
The Communists used refined tortures on those they caught. This included being locked in a very small, dark enclosure while being splashed with water on a freezing December night. It also included beatings, being hung from rafters, having fingernails ripped off, teeth broken out, ribs fractured, and near-drownings. (Wieslaw Fijalkowski, p. 24; Julian Kilar, p. 118).
Here are some ancillary topics raised in this book:
Julian Kilar, said to be the youngest soldier in the Zubryda unit, gave his testimony, for this anthology, shortly before passing away at the age of 84. (pp. 75-on).
Kilar grew up in Rymanow. He remembers Polish-Jewish relations there as amiable. The Polish peasants were poor, and the local Jews would sell items to Poles on credit. This led to the saying: JAK BIDA, TO DO ZYDA. (When you are poor, go to the Jew.)(p. 77). After the German-made Holocaust, and the emigration of Rymanow s surviving Jews, the Poles who took up business. They would not sell items on credit. This led to a new saying: TERAZ BIDA, A NIE MA ZYDA. (Now there is poverty, but there are no Jews.)
Although not mentioned by Kilar, the source of Polish-Jewish conflict is obvious. Because Jews sold items on credit, the poverty-stricken Polish peasants were driven, by acute circumstances, to economic bondage at the hands of the Jews. The very nature of this forced debtor-borrower relationship, no matter how benign, could only lead to resentment. In addition, the power that Jews had over the Poles was, by its very nature, easily exploited.
During the 1939 German-Soviet conquest of Poland, Mieczyslaw Tuznik fled with his parents from their home in the city of Brzesc. Upon their return to Russian-occupied Brzesc, they found out that their home had been expropriated, and was now owned by Jews who had collaborated with the Soviet Communist invaders of eastern Poland. (These Jews are sometimes called the Zydokomuna). The Tuzniks had to find new housing. (p. 287).
In recent years, neo-Stalinist Jan T. Gross and the Holocaust Industry had made much of the fact that Poles acquired the properties of Jews that the Germans had murdered during the Holocaust. Needless to say, the media was completely silent about all the times in the past that Jews had gotten the property of Poles through unjust enrichment, including those of Poles who were still alive, as exemplified by the fate of the Tuznik family. So are the heirs of the Tuznik family now entitled to property restitution from the State of Israel?
Ryszard Dreksler, when imprisoned, met Salomon Morel. Dreksler described this Jewish Communist U. B. (Bezpieka) official as a beast. (p. 38).
Morel asked where Dreksler was from, and Dreksler answered that he was from Czestochowa. Alluding to the shrine there, Morel mocked the Virgin Mary, and told Dreksler that Morel is in charge here, and that the Virgin Mary could do absolutely nothing for Dreksler. (p. 38)
[Decades later, Morel fled to Israel to escape justice for his crimes, and was freely welcomed there as a Jew, and protected from extradition. So much for the silly exculpatory argument that Jewish Communists are not Jews.]
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