Zydokomuna Elite Poland 1944 Was the Majority Gradzka-Rejak
Elity i Przedstawiciele Spolecznosci Zydowskiej Podczas II Wojny Swiatowej, by Gradzka-Rejak et al. (eds.) 2017
The Zydokomuna Comprised Over 50% of the Core of the Communist Puppet Government, Eventually Imposed Upon Poland, in 1944, on the Heels of the Red Army
My review of this IPN work is limited to the work of Miroslaw Szumilo. Anyone who doubts the magnitude of the Zydokomuna (Judeo-Bolshevism), in the central role of Stalin’s willing satraps and Stalin’s willing executioners, is in for a rude awakening upon reading his study.
Stalin had long schemed the subjugation of Poland—something for which he freely got the green light by the Churchill-Roosevelt sellout of Poland in 1943 Teheran and 1945 Yalta. Back in 1941, at a time when the Soviet Union was militarily on the ropes, the Comintern already drew up a list of “Polish comrades recommended for use”, consisting of 313 individuals, of whom 224 (that is, 72%) were Jews, and only 75 were Poles (in addition to 8 Ukrainians and 3 Russians). (p. 341). So fully 76% of the impending Soviet-created puppet government was non-Polish!
The creatively- and Orwellian-misnamed Union of Polish Patriots (ZWIAZEK PATRIOTOW POLSKICH, or ZPP) was formed by Stalin in June 1943, long before the entry of the Red Army into Poland, to serve as the nucleus of the new Communist government that was to become forced on Poland. The presidium of the ZPP consisted of 47 top individuals, of whom 24 (that is, 51%) were Jews. (p. 338). Among the 35 members of the ZPP elite, 22 (that is, 63% were Jews). (p. 342).
The line about Jewish Communists not being Jews is a very convenient one. After all, multitudes of Jews do not practice the Jewish religion, or any Jewish customs, yet are unambiguously recognized as Jews. A Jew born to a Jewish mother who has not converted to another religion is a Jew. So Jewish Communists qualify as Jews.
Clearly, the non-practice of Jewish customs is irrelevant to being Jewish. As if to add to the silliness of the Jewish-Communists-are-not-Jews exculpatory argument, some leading Jewish Communists DID practice Jewish customs. For instance, lifelong unrepentant Stalin-idolizer Jakub Berman spoke fluent Yiddish and was married in a religious Jewish ceremony under the permission of the Communist Party. (p. 344). The Jewish Communist writer and publicist Dawid Sfard remained in a Yiddish circle, and uttered the Kaddish at the funeral of his father. (p. 344).
Miroslaw Szumilo conducted a survey of the backgrounds of leading Jewish Communists in the elite of the ZPP. For all the professions of Communism being a working-class movement, none of the elitists came from a working class background, and none came from backgrounds of poverty. (p. 344). The Jewish elitists came from either a background of intelligentsia or handcrafts (the latter itself overlapped the intelligentsia: p. 342).
Most if not all were university educated. (pp. 342-343). For example, Jewish butcher Julia “Luna” Brystigier (Bristiger) had been from a family of pharmacists and had been educated in history. Dawid Sfard had come from a family of rabbis and had majored in philosophy. Jakub Berman had been trained as a lawyer.
Author Szumilo endorses this exculpation. (p. 344). Unfortunately, he does not see through it. The Jewish Communists who used Polish anti-Semitism as their excuse were clearly engaging in phony indignation. After all, beginning in 1939, the Soviet Union had deported Jews to Siberia, closed Jewish synagogues, abolished various Jewish cultural and political organizations, and murdered the prominent Bundist leaders Henryk Erlich and Wiktor Alter. Yet we hardly ever heard the Jews peep about that. They just went merrily along still supporting Communism.
In the interwar era (1918-1939), the much-maligned “anti-Semitic” Poland had done no such things. Had she done half of what the USSR had done to the Jews, the stink raised by the worldwide Jewish press would have reached high heaven, and we would not have heard the end of what a terrible fascist place is Poland. Yet—lo and behold—the ardor of the Zydokomuna was not cooled one bit the massive Soviet crimes against Jews. So much for the hypocritical excuse of Polish anti-Semitism driving Jews to Communism.
Will the real reason for the Zydokomuna please stand up? It was selfish opportunism, pure and simple–moreover a selfish opportunism at the expense of Poles and Poland. It is high time that the Jewish side come to terms with the past instead of blaming everything on Poland as it always does.
For details on the criminality of leading Jews once Soviet-subjugated Poland had become a reality, see my review of BESTIE, by Pluzanski.
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