USHMM Holocaust Supremacism Berenbaum
The World Must Know: The History Of The Holocaust As Told In The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, by Michael Berenbaum. 1993
Correction: The World Must Know ALL Genocides, Not Just the Jews’ Holocaust
Jeshajahu Weinberg informs the reader about the scope of the USHMM (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum):
“The museum consciously avoided including in its permanent exhibition or its Learning Center genocidal events other than those that occurred in the framework of the Holocaust of 1933-1945. This does not mean that the planners of the museum were unaware of the strong intellectual and moral relevance of many such events to the Holocaust. However, it was their mandate to build a Holocaust museum rather than a museum dealing generally with genocide in human history. [Editorial comment: Why Holocaust supremacism, especially in the nation’s capital?} However, by no means does this thematic distinction preclude the inclusion of materials pertaining to other genocidal events, such as the Middle Passage of African slaves, the Armenian massacres in Turkey in 1915, or the Cambodian events after the Vietnam War, in the museum’s library and archives or in its educational activities.” (p. xv).
The message is clear. Non-Jewish genocides are welcome at the USHMM (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum), but only as long as they “know their place” as second-class genocides.
Author Michael Berenbaum adds that, “Who were the victims of the Holocaust? Are the word and the event it signifies restricted to Jews alone or do they encompass all the Nazi victims…the question is unresolved.” (p. 2). Berenbaum also warns of “dejudaizing the Holocaust”, which has become a common meme in Holocaustspeak.
Berenbaum does not take this far enough. The Jewish monopoly on the term Holocaust has spawned phrases such as: Armenian Holocaust, Black Holocaust, Cambodian Holocaust, Ukrainian Holocaust (Holodomor), and the Polokaust or Polonocaust.
This book was now written 25 years ago, and nothing has changed. If anything, it has gotten worse.
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