Property Restitution and Polish Death Camps Lie Dean

Robbery and Restitution: The Conflict Over Jewish Property in Europe (War and Genocide), by Martin Dean (Editor), Constantin Goschler (Editor), Philipp Ther (Editor). 2008
SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE: Direct Connection of the Holocaust Industry With the “Polish Death Camps” Lie. Squatters Rights Disregarded in Property Restitution Claims
The title of this book is very misleading. It lumps all acquisitions of Jewish and post-Jewish properties, regardless of circumstances, as one and the same—robbery. That, of course, is the modus operandi of the Holocaust Industry. There is no business like Shoah business.
Dieter Pohl mentions some studies on the subject, including that of S. J. Zabludoff (in Beker. 2001. THE PLUNDER OF JEWISH PROPERTY DURING THE HOLOCAUST), regarding Jewish ownership in pre-WWII Poland, and points out that, “However, these figures remain highly controversial and give only a very rough indication of the scale of Jewish property losses”. (p. 78).
No mention is made of the implications: Owing to the fact that the prewar Jewish wealth in Poland cannot be reconstructed with any degree of accuracy, the claims of the Holocaust Industry, against Poland, lack credibility for this reason alone.
Dieter Pohl comments, “Most Jewish-owned enterprises were confiscated in the annexed areas of Poland as early as 1939; in the General Government this process continued up until the mass murders of 1942. In the latter region alone, 112,000 Jewish-owned businesses, often the smallest enterprises, fell prey to confiscation; almost 100,000 of them were completely closed down. The approximately 115,000 handicraft businesses in the General Government suffered a similar fate.” (p. 72).
Authors Goschler and Ther reflect on “theft” as follows, “As a historical category, therefore, property remains dependent on special social and economic structures, and the time-related normative understanding of this concept is linked to the respective language and culture. This oscillates between the anarcho-socialist slogan ‘property is theft’ (Pierre Joseph Proudhon), which historically can be found in its National Socialist version in which ‘Jewish property is theft’ (Gerald D. Feldman)[this book].” (p. 8).
Unfortunately, Goschler and Ther do not go far enough. They do not realize that the oft-bandied notion of “plundered Jewish property” is itself a novel Orwellian concept, invented by the Holocaust Industry for its purposes. Thus, “stolen Jewish property”, in Holocaustspeak, now means anything that once belonged to a murdered Jew. It does not matter that your forebears had nothing to do with the murder, and that your forebears had followed the law as existed at the time when they acquired the property. If you are in possession of such property, you are a long-term thief, and you now must pay the Holocaust Industry.
Dariusz Stola falls into the same Judeo-compliant mode of thinking. He would even have us believe that it is improper to speak of the property of the Jewish dead as POZYDOWSKI, and, furthermore, according to him, “the Holocaust in a sense remains hidden within the term.” (p. 246). That is utter nonsense. Common sense, as well as law, teaches that the property of the deceased no longer is owned by the deceased. Nor does it belong to the tribe (or nationality or religion) that the deceased person belongs to. It belongs to the deceased’ heirs and, if there are no heirs, it escheats to the state.
Author Dariusz Stola describes how, after WWII, many Poles simply began living in the homes of absent and presumably-dead Jews, and these Poles did not care about formal ownership of the property. After four decades, the property was “theirs” [theirs], even if the official documents still listed the original Jewish owners. (p. 245). The insinuation, in Stola’s statements, appears to be that these long-squatting Poles do not validly own the property that had belonged to the long-dead Jews, and so they, their heirs, and/or the Polish state, must now pay the Holocaust Industry for the property. His reasoning is clearly invalid.
Let us examine this more closely. Dariusz Stola, whether inadvertently or deliberately, leads the reader to believe that the Poles’ appropriation of the property of German-murdered Jews was some kind of unusual, illegal, or anti-Jewish act. It was not. It was simply an exercise in squatting rights—a right which has existed since antiquity, including in Poland. With the destruction and transfer of so much property during and after WWII, it is not difficult to comprehend the fact that squatting took on a new prominence during this time. Unfortunately, Stola does not.
Although overt Jewish Polonophobia had long preceded the deployment of the Holocaust Industry, Poles had long suspected that the denigration and defamation of Poland, in the West’s media, was connected with the Holocaust Industry. It relates to the attempt to sway public and politicians’ opinion in accordance with the PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU: Poles are a villainous people whose only hope for redemption lies in prostrating themselves before the Jewish accusations against Poland, and in lining the pockets of the Holocaust Industry. The following is a vivid example of this process in action.
Author Dariusz Stola describes the following case: Garb et al. v. Republic of Poland, 99 Civ. 3487 (ERK), filed in the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. (p. 255). He relates the case in these revealing terms, “The best-known case is that of the class action brought against Poland (the Republic of Poland, the Polish government, and other Polish persons and institutions) in 1999 before a New York court in the name of eleven American Jews and ‘others similarly situated’. The statement of complaint demanded the return of property and compensation for loss of use during the period when the defendant administered this property. It opened with a very peculiar historical introduction, INTENDED TO PROVE THAT OVER THE PRECEDING 54 YEARS POLAND HAS PURSUED A POLICY AIMED AT THE DESTRUCTION OF THE JEWS, THAT NAZI GERMANY SET UP EXTERMINATION CAMPS IN POLAND BECAUSE OF THE ‘ANTISEMITIC CLIMATE’ THAT PREVAILED THERE AND THAT AFTER THE WAR THE COMMUNIST AUTHORITIES, HAND IN HAND WITH THE ANTI-COMMUNIST UNDERGROUND, TRIED TO IMPLEMENT A DIABOLICAL PLAN TO DRIVE OUT THE LAST REMAINING JEWS. After nearly three years the court dismissed the class action on the grounds that Poland has immunity by reason of its state sovereignty.” (Emphasis added. pp. 249-250).
This is not to say that the PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU is the sole tactic of the Holocaust Industry against Poland. There is now also the cultivation of Judeocompliant ethnic Polish scholars, who endorse Jewish attacks on Poland, and whom the Holocaust Industry publicly strokes as “courageous”, and then exploits for its own purposes.
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