Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Postwar Poland Hid Jewishness of Deaths Myth Debunked Friedman

This was Oswiecim: The Story of a Murder Camp, by Filip Friedman.1946

Very Early Post-WWII Auschwitz Account Debunks the Hiding Jewish Death Myth of Which Poles are Accused

Modern Holocaust fare commonly accuses the Polish authorities, in the years and then decades after WWII, of trying their best to hide the fact that most victims of Auschwitz were Jews. This was supposed to have been done by either ignoring them, subsuming them within the ranks of Polish victims as “Polish citizens”, or “victims of fascism”, etc., or by “padding” the death camp toll with millions of nonexistent ethnic Polish victims.

This booklet, written in 1946 a Jewish author (Filip Friedman), and published by the United Jewish Relief Appeal, is yet another refutation of that ridiculous canard. He repeatedly refers to most Auschwitz victims as being Jews.

There is more. A quoted member of the visiting British Parliamentary delegation, Mrs. Mavis Tate, unambiguously stated that most of the (then-believed) 3.5 million victims of Auschwitz were Jews. (p. 8).

Further proof that the inflated figures of Auschwitz victims were not some kind of Polish “padding”, designed to hide Jewish deaths, is proved by the existence of even-more-inflated figures presented Jewish spokesmen. For instance, Jacob Wolman of Lodz was ready to accept a total of 7 million victims of Auschwitz-Birkenau! (p. 14).

So why do we keep hearing this canard? Could it be that it is a rhetorical device that serves as a role-reversal of the fact that Jews are the ones monopolizing their genocide (the Holocaust)? That is why we have Holocaust supremacism.

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