Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Polokaust Driven By LEBENSRAUM Poles Too Were Scapegoats Hitler

The Words of Hitler, by Adolf Hitler. 1942

Lebensraum. Hitler Blaming Jews and Blaming Poles. Nazism Clashed With Both Capitalism and Communism

This book is full of quotes from Hitler. For example:


Hitler made it obvious that his main geopolitical orientation was not the “injustices” of Versailles, but the might-makes-right, conquer-or-perish (pp. 3-13) concept of Lebensraum. (pp. 15-33. 324). Besides, according to Hitler, Germany’s high population density was intolerable (p. 33), and the German people needed Lebensraum in order to revive German agriculture instead of overemphasizing industry. (pp. 23-27). Hitler praised the past German expansions into Slavic territories. (p. 27).


Hitler had especial contempt for the OSTJUDEN: “The poor eastern Jew! Naturally they did not have anything to begin with, for the simple reason that they came from a country which they had pillaged and eaten to the bone for centuries, and have never been and never will be productively active.” (p. 69). “Jews and freemasons…spurred on the Polish state to adopt an attitude that was out of proportion to Germany’s demands, still less to the attendant consequences.” (p. 326).

However, Jews were not the only scapegoats. For example, the Fuhrer also adopted a blame-the-victim attitude towards Poles for “having started WWII”. (e. g., p. 215, 318, 368). Ironically, as recently as one year before ordering the attack on Poland, Hitler had affirmed the propriety of the Polish Corridor and the Danzig (Gdansk) situation. (p. 190).

To Hitler, there was no such thing as Polish culture–It was all copied German culture. (p. 368). However, Hitler paid tribute to 1939 Polish valor: “It is not that the Pole was a coward or that he merely ran away from us; no, indeed. In many places he fought valiantly.” (p. 94).


Despite cooperating with Communists, Hitler scoffed at its “classless society” and condemned the NOMENKLATURA: “All the treasures which the ‘Proletarian’ in his madness took from the so-called `Bourgeoisie’ in order to fight so-called capitalism, have all now gotten into the hands of the Soviet commissars.” (p. 70). “We rejected Bolshevism and fought Bolshevism because we are Socialists, and because by Socialism we do not understand the regime of a small group and the forced labor and starvation of millions of others.” (p. 258).


Despite benefiting from German corporations, Hitler was a classic anti-capitalist who said that the poverty-stricken masses, paid meager wages, toil for the benefit of the wealthy few (e. g., p. 329), while the newspapers and political parties unilaterally serve the latter. (pp. 328-329). To Hitler, democracy was a silly rejection of the genius leader in favor of an illusory popular-majority rule that was actually a plutocracy. (p. 37, 42, 215).


Hitler defined Nazism: “The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood.” (p. 80). “Bolshevism teaches the overthrow of the rule of one class means of a forcible dictatorship on the part of another class. National Socialism places no value upon the purely theoretical dominance of the working class but lays all the more value on the practical improvement of their conditions of life and way of living.” (p. 255). Not only was National Socialism actually a form of socialism, but, according to Hitler (November 1939), “The object of their [British] hate is this Germany with its social welfare, which is striving to do away with social injustice and class distinctions.” (p. 325). Nazi Germany celebrated May Day (p. 325), and Hitler contended that the Nazi social-welfare, labor-protection, and worker-wage achievements were belatedly and partially copied by Roosevelt in his New Deal policies. (p. 325).

To Hitler, both capitalism and Communism were “Judeocracies”, albeit not entirely so. (p. 348).

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