Polokaust DEFINITIVE WORK Up to 8 Million Poles Perished Materski

Polska 1939-1945, Straty Osobowe…, by Wojciech Materski. 2009
The Definitive Work on the Polokaust (Polonocaust). Not “Only” 1.5–3.0 Million Ethnic Poles Died in World War II. Even 8 Million is Possible!
The usually-Judeocentric books in the West tend to minimize the Nazi German genocide of ethnic Poles during WWII. In contrast, the Polish government after World War II wrote of 6.028 million Polish citizen deaths–roughly half of them ethnic Poles.
New figures, quoted by researcher Andrzej Chmielarz (p. 91), write of 4.114 million ethnic Poles murdered by the Germans, and a total loss of up to 8 million from all WWII-related causes! (However, this figure does not appear to include the victims of passive genocide–that is, those Poles who were never born, or who had died premature “natural” deaths because of the deliberately-unlivable conditions created the Nazi German conquerors and occupants of Poland in 1939-1945).
Will these new facts come to American public consciousness? Not very likely. Holocaust museums will continue to repeat the ridiculously-deflated figures of 1.5-2.0 million dead Poles.
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