Zydokomuna Brains Behind Communism Dukes
Red Dusk and the Morrow: Adventures and Investigations in Soviet Russia, by Paul Dukes. 2012
British Eyewitness to the Aftermath of the Russian Revolution and the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War. The Jewish “Brains” Behind Communism
The author, an official of the British intelligence service, visited the new Soviet Union, “not to conspire but to inquire”. (p. viii). He talked to many of the locals, and was an eyewitness to a battle in the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War. (More on this later). [My review is based on the original 1922 edition.]
Sir Paul Dukes illustrates the farcical nature of Communist ideology with a photograph of a Russian peasant by his cattle and chickens (pp. 146-147), along with the title: “A typical peasant ‘bourgeois-capitalist’.” A drawing (pp. 146-147) has the following title: “Peasants hiding their grain from Bolshevist requisitioners.” [These kulaks later became famous for their resistance to the Communist-forced collectivization of agriculture].
The author is fairly candid about what is sometimes called the Zydokomuna [Judeo-Bolshevism], as elaborated below. He shows that Jewish influence is greater than just the large number of Jews in high positions: It also owes to the high intelligence of Jews, and to their elitist mindset. However, Dukes tries to soften its impact by alleging that there are just as many anti-Communist Jews as there are pro-Communist ones, and that the former were afraid to express themselves. [Even if true, this exculpation will not do. Jews who accuse Poland do not think that Polish rescuers of Jews, during the Shoah, “cancel out” the Polish denouncers of Jews. Neither, then, do Jewish anti-Communists “cancel out” the Jewish Communists and their crimes. Besides, a lot of the Jewish anti-Communists were not exactly animated by noble motives. Many were entrepreneurs who were afraid of losing their property to the Communists.]
——–The following [EXCEPT FOR THE TITLES] are direct quotes——–
Leo Bronstein, the genius of the Red army, now universally known by his more Russian-sounding pseudonym of Trotzky, is the second of the triumvirate of “Lenin, Trotzky [Bronshteyn], and Zinoviev [Apfelbaum],” who guide the destinies of the Russian and the World revolution. That the accepted order of precedence is not “Trotzky, Lenin, and Zinoviev” must be gall and wormwood to Trotzky’s soul. His first outstanding characteristic is overweening ambition; his second—egoism; his third—cruelty; and all three are sharpened by intelligence and wit of unusual brilliancy. (pp. 229).
The creation and control of a huge militarist machine has hitherto afforded full and ample scope for the exercise of Trotzky’s superhuman energy and indomitable will. Regarding the Russian peasants and workers as cattle and treating them as such… (p. 230).
Intellectuality in the party has always been represented largely, though by no means exclusively, by Jews, who dominate the Third International, edit the Soviet journals, and direct propaganda. (p. 283).
In discussing with the Bolsheviks, out of official hours, the internal Russian situation, the Lithuanians asked how, in view of the universal misery and lack of liberty, the Communists continued to maintain their dominance. To which a prominent Bolshevist leader laconically replied: “Our power is based on three things: first, on Jewish brains; secondly, on Lettish and Chinese bayonets; and thirdly, on the crass stupidity of the Russian people.” The incident eminently betrays the true sentiments of the Bolshevist leaders toward the Russians. They despise the people over whom they rule. They regard themselves as of superior type, a sort of cream of humanity, the “vanguard of the revolutionary proletariat,” as they often call themselves…The Russian people have shown not stupidity but eminent wisdom in repudiating both Communism and the alternative to it presented by the landlords and the generals. (pp. 316-317).
Few people ventured to be so outspoken as this, for everybody feared the four or five Communists who were attached to the regiment to eavesdrop and report any remarks detrimental to the Bolsheviks…The only posts in the Red army held in any number by Jews are the political posts of commissars. One reason why there appear to be so many Jews in the Bolshevist administration is that they are nearly all employed in the rear, particularly in these departments (such as food, propaganda, public economy) which are not concerned in fighting. It is largely to the ease with which Jewish Bolsheviks evade military service, and the arrogance some of them show toward the Russians whom they openly despise, that the intense hatred of the Jew and the popular belief in Russia that Bolshevism is a Jewish ‘put-up’ are due. (p. 228).
In September, 1920, I witnessed the retaking of the fortress in Grodno by the Poles. (p. 240).
There is bitter irony and a world of significance in the fact that in 1920, when I observed the Red army again from the Polish front, I found many of the thousands who deserted to the Poles wearing British uniforms which had been supplied, together with so much war material, to Denikin. (p. 225; See also p. 240).
But the Russian people are not and never will be fired by enthusiasm for the Communist revolution. (p. 238).
But the first campaign of the Red army against a non-Russian foe, Poland, which did not threaten the peasants’ possession of the land, resulted in complete collapse at the very height of Red power. And this is the more significant in that quite an appreciable degree of anti-Polish national feeling was aroused in Russia, especially amongst educated people, and was exploited by the Bolsheviks to strengthen their own position. (p. 239).
The Polish victory effectually dispelled the myths of peasant support of the revolution and the invincibility of the Red army, but beyond that it served no useful purpose as far as Russia is concerned. (pp. 239-240).
—–End of direct quotations—-
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