Wartime Profiteering Jewish Lutoslawski
Bolshevism and Poland (Classic Reprint), by Wincenty Lutoslawski. 2018
Leading Endek Thinker: Nationalism, the Zydokomuna, Wartime Jewish Profiteering, Bogus Pogroms, Nature of Communism, Forecast of German Nazism
This classic is packed with sagacious information. For example:
Nowadays, nationalism is a bogeyman in academia, and Endeks are condemned in this regard. In contrast, Lutoslawski has a realistic understanding of this matter: (Quote) The worship of the State is a feeling totally different from genuine patriotism…A true nation is a brotherhood in which those who have more, either in money, intelligence, or moral strength, serve the needs of those who have less in any respect. Worship of a powerful State breeds ambition, which is incompatibility with the humility taught by real patriotism. (unquote)(pp. 28-29).
These days, Poles in general and Endeks in particular are simplistically accused of anti-Semitism. Lutoslawski assesses Polish attitudes as follows, (Quote) Though the Poles have never had any real anti-Semitism such as exists in Germany or Russia, they have an innate distrust of the Jews… (unquote)(p. 32).
As in the case with Russians, the Endek Lutoslawski is careful not to make Jews a scapegoat for Communism. He does mention the leading role of Jews in Communism (p. 9, 14, 16), including their desire to destroy the existing order of things for their own ends–a conduct facilitated by their absence of nationality. (p. 9). However, he never reduces Bolshevism to Jews, and, as partly elaborated earlier, dwells on the many factors behind Communism and its success.
When Lutoslawski mentions objectionable behaviors among Jews, he treats them as situational in nature, and certainly not as something innate to Jews or Jewishness. Thus, while focusing on the susceptibility of Poland’s huge Jewish population to Communist propaganda, he writes, (Quote) The Polish Jews are miserable, dirty, and full of greed and envy. They emancipate themselves from all moral scruples as soon as they give up the religion of their ancestors. By their greed they have accumulated wealth during the war [WWI] without sharing the risk, and they have produced so much adverse feeling that sometime (sic) this led to violent outbreaks of public indignation, which was represented as massacres of the Jews [read: pogroms] in the Jewish press all over the world. In truth, very few Jews have suffered in Poland…(unquote). (p. 31).
Lutoslawski’s mention of the breakdown of religion and morality, among the Jews of Poland, anticipates Cardinal August Hlond’s much-maligned Jews-are-freethinkers statement 17 years later (in 1936).
Now consider the subject of pogroms. Lutoslawski cites a Jewish source that affirms that, during the 1905 revolution, Jews suffered 700 pogroms in Russia against one in Poland (Siedlce), in which Russian officers created the disturbance, and Poles lost lives in defending the Jews. (p. 4). Later, certain Jews, in order to destabilize and defame the soon-to-be resurrected Polish state, fabricated nearly all of the accounts of WWI-era Polish pogroms.
Lutoslawski comments, (Quote) The Jews of Poland know very well that they are safe. They calumniate Poland only to save Germany, because a strong Poland is the only remedy against German militarism, and German war is an excellent business for the Jews of all countries. No people has won so much money through the war as the Jews, in Poland and elsewhere. When in Cracow in April 1918, the population had no bread, the Jews bought, at extravagant prices, the flour which could still be got from the peasants, in order to export it to Germany. (unquote)(p. 5).
Wincenty Lutoslawski (1863-1954) sees through the bogus slogans and claims of Communism. [Review based on English edition.] He debunks the Communists’ championing of the working class (p. 17), and calls them to task for actually harming working people and peasants by destroying cultural wealth and general property, killing liberty and initiative, etc. (pp. 18-21). Most of the wealth confiscated from the rich went to the Communists, not “the people”. (p. 26). He unmasks the demonization of the bourgeoisie, (Quote) They [Communists] have no positive plan or programme of reforms, except the hatred and denunciation of the bourgeois; and they call bourgeois every educated person, every refined artist or scholar…The Bolshevist rule has as its inevitable consequence the destruction of educated and refined people… (unquote)(pp. 19-20).
Finally, as if having the power of seeing the future of the Soviet Union and other Communist-ruled
nations, Lutoslawski correctly predicts that, (Quote) The-so called dictatorship of the proletariat leads to the arbitrary dictatorship of ambitious individuals, who will fail one after another to restore a durable order. (unquote)(p. 22).
The author contends that the Russian Revolution took place in Russia because the conditions there were ideal for its occurrence. This owed to societal factors (pp. 23-on), and not the existence of any inherent flaw of being Russian. (p. 16, 23). To begin with, class differences were extreme–much greater, for example, than that between the English workman and English lord. (p. 23, 26).
Russian leaders were self-seekers, not patriots, and the welfare of the Russian people was of little concern to them. (p. 25). Idealistic people were driven to cynicism. The people were uneducated. The Russian commoners were religious, but the upper classes were not. The Russian clergy, unlike its counterparts among Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Jews, provided no moral or intellectual example, and the people despised them. In addition, the clergy had become a tool of the tsar and his oppressive policies. (p. 25). The bureaucratic centralization of the tsar became an easy tool for the Communization of the Russian Empire. (pp. 22-on).
The danger of Communism also existed in Germany. (p. 28-30), [This eventually became reality in the form of Nazism, and then by the harsh nature of the Communism in East Germany.]. All classes of Germans were essentially irreligious, and German theologians promoted higher criticism. Materialism, such as that taught by Haeckel, was popular. As in Russia, there were sharp class differences, and the leaders were indifferent to the situation of common Germans. In addition, bureaucracy was centralized. Finally, Germans worshipped the state, and the German people were recognizably susceptible to “idealistic doctrines”. (p. 30).
[Lutoslawski wrote all this long before Hitler had become even a blip on the political screen.]
As for Poles (that is, non-Jews), Lutoslawski sees them as refractory towards the temptations of Bolshevism owing to the intense national feeling in all classes, strong religiosity, and the great number of small landowners to whom Communism has little appeal. In addition, over a century of foreign rule has taught the Poles skepticism to authority and contempt for government. (p. 31).
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- Jewish Economic Dominance
- Jews Antagonize Poland
- Jews Not Faultless
- Jews' Holocaust Dominates
- Jews' Holocaust Non-Special
- Nazi Crimes and Communist Crimes Were Equal
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- Poland in World War II
- Polish Jew-Rescue Ingratitude
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- The Decadent West
- The Jew as Other
- Understanding Nazi Germany
- Why Jews a "Problem"
- Zydokomuna