Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Victimhood Competition Poles Beat Jews Zygmunt

Polish Americans in California, Volume II, by Gene Harubin Zygmunt. 1995

Polish Activism Puts a Dent in Holocaust Supremacism, and Wins the Polokaust (My Term) a Measure of Coverage in California Public Schools

This 1995 work is a sequel to the 1977 first volume. Please read the Peczkis review of Polish Americans in California, 1827-1977 and Who’s Who. (Volume 1).


The most eye-opening item in this volume is Arthur Zygmont’s entry on what then was named the Polish American Congress Anti-Defamation Committee of California (PAC-ADCC). [It has since renamed itself the PADC (Polish American Defense Committee)].This organization not only fights against the mischaracterization of Poles and Poland, but also serves to overcome general ignorance by educating people about the truth regarding Polish history.


The Polish American Congress Anti-Defamation Committee of California (PAC-ADCC) was successful in the political arena, as described by Zygmont, (quote) It was formed specifically to challenge the California State Department of Education in its implementation of a mandated model curriculum for “Human Rights and Genocide” which totally ignored the Polish World War II experience. It took 18 months of lobbying, writing letters, telephoning, speaking out at a public forum (August 1987) at Ontario, California before the California State Department of Education agreed to include a Polish section in the model curriculum. (unquote)(p. 158).

Bravo, California Pol-Ams! POLAK POTRAFI (the Pole will do it).


This work consists of multiple short chapters. They focus on biographical, cultural, political, and religious matters. As with the first volume, owing to the breadth of information presented, I focus on only a few items.

Al Antczak (p. 31) describes the historic September 15-16, 1987 visit of Pope John Paul II to Los Angeles. The Pope spoke about hope, peace, and the upholding of Church doctrine in the face of dissent and the secular culture.

As in the first volume, specifically named local Polish achievers are featured. This includes the phenomenal contributions of Professor Gustaw Andrej Mokrzycki toe the field of Aviation. (pp. 83-84).

Various Polish organizations are also discussed. This includes the POLAM Federal Credit Union. It flourished in the 1980’s are a result of California’s then economic prosperity. (p. 140).

The Polish Home Army Veterans’ Association (Kolo A. K., Los Angeles Post) fought in the Armia Krajowa during WWII. They raise money to provide financial support for A. K. veterans in Poland and elsewhere, many of whom are in need. They also accumulate books, memoirs, and other materials on the A. K.

Another organization, the Relief Committee for Poles in the Former U.S.S.R. (RCPFUSSR), aids the tree million Poles in the former Soviet Union. (p. 196). These Poles are the descendants of those sent to Siberia, as well as the descendants of Poles who lived in Polish territories (the Kresy) before it was seized by the USSR during WWII. The aid includes various cultural materials.

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