Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Undemonizing Dmowski on Nazism Dmowski2

Duch Europy, by Roman Dmowski.

Dmowski Comments on Nazi-Style Racism–In No Sense Embracing It

THE SOUL OF EUROPE is the title of this 45-page book. It was originally published, to a small audience, by Dmowski in 1938. This was less than one year before his death. It is one of his last, if not his last, work. However, this book was not widely published until well after WWII.

The author ponders the theory that Europeans are Aryans in the sense that they are descended from a people in India. (p. 19). He considers this a question, not a fact. Dmowski then mentions how “scientific” racism had become popular in the 19th century. It promoted the view that one people is superior to another. Dmowski mentions the views of Gobineau and, obviously alluding to the Nazis, notes how the Germans had come to believe that they are the closest to the original Aryans, and that they had a right to rule over others because of it. (p. 22).

At no time does Dmowski endorse these views. (Ironically, were Dmowski to do so, he would have to reverse his lifelong premise—that Germany was Poland’s main enemy–and would have to repudiate his lifelong work by concurring that Germans have an innate right to rule over Poles!) At no time does Dmowski use the word Aryan in any sort of Nazi-style Aryan-Jew dialectic.

Dmowski reflects upon classical antiquity. He praises the achievements of the Ancient Greeks. He also admires the strength of Ancient Roman Civilization, but realizes that the origins of this civilization are obscure. Finally, Dmowski contends that the emergence of Christianity saved humanity from barbarism. (p. 43).

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