Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Round Table Agreement 1989 Deception Gontarczyk

Najnowsze Klopoty z Historia, by Piotr Gontarczyk. 2013

Revealing Information on Communist Agent Lech Walesa, the Round Table Agreement, and Jan T. Gross’ Attacks on Poland

THE NEWEST TROUBLES WITH HISTORY is the title of this Polish-language book, written by historian Piotr Gontarczyk. It is an anthology of various articles that had been published, in the Polish press, in 2008-2012. It covers a wide variety of subjects, including Wojciech Jaruzelski and his false credit for the Soviets’ finally admitting fault for Katyn. (pp. 96-97). It also describes the Soviet system and its battle with religion.


Gontarczyk repeats the fact that the initially-killed person, the Pole, Stanislaw Wiesiak, shot and killed by a Jew, had not taken part in any fisticuffs against Jews. Neither had the other two Poles who had been shot and wounded by the Jewish shooters. (p. 395).

In retaliation, Poles killed two Jews’–the Minkowskis. This took place when the Poles broke into the Minkowski home. The accused killers were not seen in the area, and the Minkowski boy, the only eyewitness, gave conflicting information. Clearly, the evidence against the accused Polish killers was weak. It was for this reason that the Poles’ sentence was lighter than that of the Jewish killers’ sentences- and not out of some partiality of the Polish courts towards the Poles. (p. 398).


Piotr Gontarczyk identifies the code-named ” Bolek” , in Communist sources, as Lech Walesa. However, the file referring to ” Bolek” has never been found. (p. 121).

According to a reproduced S. B. (Bezpieka) document (p. 108), dated November 28, 1980, Lech Walesa is identified as one who cooperated with the Communist security forces. Walesa purportedly served as a paid agent for the Communists during 1970-1976. (p. 116, 179, 187). Walesa denied the charges. (p. 117). This whole controversy is burdened the fact that the S. B. frequently made fake documents. (p. 121, 129).


Defenders of the Round Table Agreement, which officially ended Communist rule over Poland 1989, claim that it was necessary, in that it averted bloodshed. Gontarczyk disputes this, pointing to the fact that the twilight of Communist rule was in no danger of turning violent, as it did in Romania. (p. 340).


Historian Piotr Gontarczyk takes issue with various spokesmen who assert that Gross is telling the truth. He is not. Far from it! The very cover of Gross’ latest anti-Polish hit piece, GOLDEN HARVEST (ZLOTE ZNIWA), is fraudulent. The cover photo purportedly shows Polish peasants digging through the Treblinka area in search for Jewish gold. In actuality, the photo is of unknown provenance. The left-wing GAZETA WYBORCZA hemmed and hawed while being forced to admit this fact. (p. 282)

Jan T. Gross dishonestly quotes Jewish historian Emmanuel Ringelblum, who claimed that the POLICJA GRANATOWA killed tens of thousands of Jews. But, as Gross surely knows, Ringelblum was hiding from the Germans during the Holocaust, and could not possibly have verified the figure for himself. In addition, Ringelblum’ s invented figure finds no corroboration in any other source of information. (pp. 270-271). In fact, when shown to be incorrect, Gross ignores this, and goes around still repeating the same falsehoods- such as this ” fact” of thousands of Jews killed the POLICJA GRANATOWA. (p. 388). Furthermore, Gross not only takes this entire matter out of the realm of history; he effectively makes it a form of anti-Polish mysticism.

The self-serving double standard in Gros’ argumentation is palpable. When a Jew overcharged a Pole during the German occupation, it was nothing. But when a Pole overcharged a Jew–look out–this was a manifestation of Polish complicity in the Holocaust. (p. 273).

Gross complains that some Poles took money as a condition for aiding Jews. However- surprise- Gross never tells his readers that Poles themselves lived in crushing poverty under the German occupation. (p. 276).

Jan T. Gross is demonstrably prone to make up numbers at will, and to change them according to his whims. Based not on a shred of evidence, he variously claimed that Poles killed between 100,000 and 200,000 fugitive Jews, and then- lo and behold–arbitrarily changed the figure to ” a few tens of thousands” . (p. 274; pp. 284-285).


Consider double collaboration. Jan Grabowski claims that Poles who were in the POLICJA GRANATOWA, who killed Jews, systematically escaped justice, because they just joined the Communist M.O. (MILICJA OBYWATELSKA) or the U. B. (URZAD BEZPIECZENSTWA, or Bezpieka). This is false. Gontarczyk points out that the Communists, with some justification, reckoned the POLICJA GRANATOWA to be a Nazi-collaborating organization, and would not let its former members join the M. O., much less the U. B. (p. 289). With few exceptions, such was the case. (p. 298).

Failing everything else, Grabowski accused historian Piotr Gontarczyk and historian Bogdan Musial of being unqualified to comment on Jewish-related matters. This is deliciously ironic, as Gontarczyk has been combing the archives for war-related information, including that affecting Jews, while Grabowski was still studying the diplomacy of the Iroquois Indians! In addition. Bogdan Musial has an impressive record of historical publications on WWII. (pp. 301-302).


When questioned about the number of Jews killed by Poles during the Nazi occupation, Barbara Engelking made a revealing comment. (pp. 291-292). She actually said that questions about the actual number are, in her words, a “blind alley” . She added that what really matters is not the numbers, but the fact that the Holocaust is part of Polish history, and that the Poles are guilty of betraying and killing fugitive Jews.

In other words, the facts don’ t matter! What matters is the treatment of Jews as special, and the blaming of the Poles. This is the PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU with a vengeance.


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