Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

RADIO MARYJA Clarified Nowak

Alleluja i Pod Prad, by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2009.

Information About, and Correct Understanding of, RADIO MARYJA. The Never-Ending Left-Wing Dream of Discrediting RADIO MARYJA

ALLELUJA AND LET’S PROCEED UPSTREAM: WITNESSES TO RADIO MARYJA, is the title of this eye-opening book. It contains numerous statements of support of RADIO MARYJA from priests, bishops, and other prominent officials. One would never guess this from reading the so-called mainstream media.

RADIO MARYJA serves as an inspiration to its listeners, contains much devotional and theological content, and deepens their faith. It is a welcome delight to long-isolated Poles in places like Lithuania (p. 86), Kazakhstan (p. 26), and Irkutsk. (p. 43).


Not surprisingly, RADIO MARYJA is the common target of vitriolic attacks by the liberal left (LEWACTWO) because it is a bastion of faith and Polish patriotism, and a source of truth. It does not kowtow to political correctness or to other forms of thought-control practiced by liberals. (Bishop Stanislaw Napierala, pp. 43-44; Professor Zbigniew Zmigrodzki, p. 88). All this strikes at the very heart of cultural Marxism.

Detractors of RADIO MARYJA, identified by Bishop Edward Frankowski (p. 36), include modernists, Masons, supporters of the New Age, and those who would like to make compromises with the politically and financially powerful, even to the point of betraying Poland’s Catholic heritage and national sovereignty, for their own ends. Frankowski also notes that those who want to divide Poland’s Catholics also attack RADIO MARYJA. (p. 39).


In addition, the attackers of RADIO MARYJA include the KATOLEWICA (Catholic left) who want to “modernize” the church according to their notions of “progress”. Some of these Catholic leftists, no less than pseudo-Catholics, have actually allied themselves with post-Communists in their attacks on RADIO MARYJA. (Fr. Waldemar Kulbat, p. 68). Professor Zbigniew Zmigrodzki (p. 90) has suggested that, were Fr. Popieluszko alive today, he would speak regularly on RADIO MARYJA, and would be hated liberals and modernists even more than Fr. Rydzyk.

Poland’s onetime President Lech Walesa had attacked RADIO MARYJA. Perhaps he did not want to be reminded of the harmful Targowica-like concessions he had made to the Communists in the Round Table agreements. (Janusz Olewinski, p. 150).

The issues run deeper than ideology. RADIO MARYJA, being an independent entity, is at best distasteful to the powerful, be they religious or secular. The last thing that they want is a maverick like Fr. Rydzyk. Hence the charges of Lepperism (independent political action, with insubordination to the establishment). (Professor Janusz Nagorny, p. 70).

The “mainstream” media sees a threat to its monopoly in RADIO MARIA. (Bishop Tadeusz Ploski, p. 51). Earlier, Communism had always been based upon lies and the suppression of the truth, based on a media monopoly. Unfortunately, much of Poland’s “mainstream” media continues this mindset. (Professor Rafal Broda, p. 97). Lodz Mayor Jerzy Kropiwnicki (p. 83) said that the secularist monopoly in the Polish media that had existed before RADIO MARYJA’s 1991 founding, has been broken by it.

Poland’s political leaders, not always having Poland’s interests at heart, fear that RADIO MARYJA may inspire people to make political changes–and at their expense. (Father Stanislaw Stzelecki, p. 74). Some priests dislike RADIO MARYJA because parishioners’ donations to it may mean fewer donations to their parish. (Fr. Professor Janusz Nagorny, p. 69).


Insinuations about RADIO MARYJA listeners being uneducated, easily influenced, hateful in nature, etc., are silly. (Bishop Anthony Pacific Dydycz, p. 33). However, what if it is true that RADIO MARYJA listeners tend to be uneducated? In that case, so-called elitists belittling such listeners would only be displaying their own snobbery. (p. 70).


The attacks on RADIO MARYJA are devoid of merit. Consider anti-Semitism. Father Ifulat Ireneusz Skubis (p. 72) and Father Stanislaw Strzelecki (p. 74), both regular listeners, report never hearing a single attack on Jews on RADIO MARYJA. [I am a regular listener of RADIO MARYJA, and can attest to the fact that its programming rarely even mentions Jews in the first place. Otherwise, a handful of questionable guests or programs, out of many hundreds total, hardly justify painting RADIO MARYJA with any sweeping generalization.] Upon close examination, accusations of anti-Semitism revolve around the objections of RADIO MARYJA towards the elevation of WWII Jewish sufferings above that of all others (what I call Holocaust supremacism), and that against the Holocaust Industry attempting to extort “reparations” money from Poland. (Bohdan Cywinski, pp. 113-114). It is obviously very self-serving to call this anti-Semitism!


What about nationalism? Is this a dirty word? Father Kazimierz Majdanski points out that patriotism should never be confused with blind and hateful nationalism, and that the “political involvement” of RADIO MARYJA is governed concern for the fate of the Polish nation. (p. 17). [One might add that leftists never complain about the church being “involved in politics” when it serves their purposes.] Father Ignacy Tokarczuk (p. 27) has compared the “harshness” of the tone of RADIO MARYJA with the “harshness” of the tone of Jesus Christ in confronting deliberate hypocrisy and sin.


Archbishop Stanislaw Wielgus defends the free speech rights of RADIO MARYJA, notably regarding the European Union. (p. 28). [Polexit Now!] In addition, a 2007 letter with the signatures of 107 prominent Poles was sent to Donald Tusk, urging him to stop poisoning the atmosphere around RADIO MARYJA. (pp. 104-110).


Historian Jerzy Robert Nowak calls attention to the fact that RADIO MARYJA has withstood years of attacks, emerged stronger than ever and, in recent years, acquired new defenders. Accusations of RADIO MARYJA promoting xenophobia, nationalism, or anti-Semitism are so absurd as to be laughable. (p. 4). Listeners of RADIO MARYJA number in the millions.


Apart from its religious programming, RADIO MARYJA defends the rights of the unborn, defends the presence of the Cross in public places, upholds Christian morality, defends the dignity of the family, defends the sacredness of children and youth, defends the Gdansk shipyard, and defends various institutions against licentiousness and destruction. (Bishop Edward Frankowski, p. 36; Bishop Stanislaw Napierala, p. 45).

RADIO MARYJA actively promotes the social teachings of the church—defending the unemployed, the homeless, etc. (Bishop Teofil Wilski, p. 61). [In recent years, RADIO MARYJA has defending illegal immigrants (be they Polish or Hispanic) in the USA—hardly a right-wing position!] Is this dark Catholicism? Is this narrow Catholicism? No. It is Catholicism at its best.

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