Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Property Restitution Propaganda Poles Feel Guilty Jan T Gross

Golden Harvest by Jan T. Gross. 2012

Creatively Transforms Normal and Universal Wartime Behavior Into Polish Catholic Thievery and Villainy

Neo-Stalinist Jan T. Gross has outdone himself. He gives us story after story of Poles acquiring post-Jewish property, effectively making Poland a nation of thieves, and the Jews a nation of perpetual victims. If so, then ALL nations (yes, including the Jews) are nations of thieves. Looting is common in wartime. It is standard practice for the property of the dead to become the property of the living. There is nothing specific Polish (or Jewish) about this.

But why is Poland supposed to be this mythological nation of thieves? Simple. Read on.


In order to make the thought process of Jan T. Gross clear to the reader, I have made up the following story:

Mr. Rosenbaum, an American Jew, lived in New York in the early 1940s, and was murdered by a Nazi German agent. He left no heirs, and so his property reverted to the state, exactly as prescribed by law.

Now, 75 years after the fact, the Holocaust Industry is announcing to everybody that the United States is a Nation of Thieves because it appropriated Mr. Rosenbaum’s property as its own. We are told, in accordance with the imagination of the likes of Jan T. Gross, that the USA is riven with long-repressed guilt for its ill-gotten gain. What’s more, even though few Americans collaborated with the Nazis, the USA is still “complicit in the Holocaust” because Americans benefitted from the death of the Jew Rosenbaum.

The only remedy is clear: The USA must “come to terms with the past”, “face up to dark chapters in its history”, perform a “moral reckoning”, and pay property restitution monies, to the self-appointed members of the Holocaust Industry, for Mr. Rosenbaum’s long-stolen property.

Such is the situation facing Poland today, especially with the recent passage the U. S. Government, via a rather dubious voice vote, of S.447. It would be a surreal joke were it not for real.

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