Property Restitution Poland Owes Jews Nothing Lisiak
Nie Musimy Placic Zydom!, by Ireneusz T. Lisiak. 2013
Holocaust Industry Update: The All-Bogus Jewish Property Restitution Claims Against Poland, and Ongoing Blackmail Attempts Against Her
WE HAVE NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS TO THE JEWS! is the title of this Polish-language anthology. I focus on author Ireneusz T. Lisiak’s articles on the financial restitution claims that are being pushed by certain Jewish groups. By way of introduction to the subject of the Holocaust Industry, the reader should consult Finkelstein: The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.
The entire post-Jewish property restitution issue should be aired out in the open. Instead, it is being handled secretively by Polish government officials, away from the scrutiny of the Polish public. (pp. 184-185).
Ireneusz T. Lisiak debunks the myth, promoted by the likes of media-hero Jan T. Gross, that Poles have been reluctant to return Jewish properties to their Holocaust-surviving Jewish owners, and that they did so owing to (what else?) anti-Semitism. Fact is, some 150,000 Polish Jews re-acquired their property before selling it and emigrating to Palestine and elsewhere. (p. 168, 170). Furthermore, the vast majority of Jews had no problem whatsoever in the reacquisition of their property. (p. 157, 173, 184).
However, the new post-WWII Soviet-imposed Communist puppet government was opposed to the return of large-sized Nazi German-seized property to their rightful Jewish owners because, after all, this property was soon to be nationalized. Perhaps ironically, one of the main enforcers of this nationalization policy was Mieczyslaw Mietkowski, a Jewish Communist official. (p. 167, 173). More on nationalized properties later.
Germany is the nation that unilaterally developed and implemented the Shoah, and Germany has been paying billions of Marks to the Jews, as reparation, since 1952 (the Luxembourg Agreement). The payments cover ALL the Jewish property seized by the Nazis from the Jews. (p. 169, 171). That alone makes it obvious that Poland owes nothing to the Jews.
As if the foregoing had not been enough, there was the July 16, 1960 agreement involving Poland, and western nations, which included Poland paying a then-considerable sum of 40 million U. S. dollars. It explicitly covered all the properties that had been nationalized as part of the Communization process immediately after WWII. (p. 183, 185). (For details on the 1960 agreement, see the Appendix in this book: pp. 295-on).
The large properties nationalized by the Communists had included breweries, mills, and factories that had once belonged to Jews. (Of course, it also included large properties that had been owned by non-Jews). The 1960 agreement between Poland, the USA and Canada, and 12 western European nations specified that, once Poland had paid restitution, which she did, NO nation had any further claims upon Poland for these properties. (p. 173, 187). This entire process was closed in 1981. (p. 186). In fact, a U. S. Congressional resolution stated, in 2008, that the 1960 agreement completely satisfies all property-restitution claims regarding Communist-seized properties. (p. 182).
The issue is unambiguous. Ireneusz T. Lisiak categorically states that Poland has no unrealized property-restitution obligations to the Jews whatsoever. (p. 169, 181). In 2008, minister Sikorski plainly said that Poland had generously returned all the common properties that had belonged to the Jews. (p. 187).
Owing the fact that the property restitution claims of the Holocaust Industry have no merit, the profiteers of the Holocaust Industry resort to blackmail to try to force Poland to pay them off. (p. 172). Thus, for example, in the west, “German death camps” have yielded to “Nazi death camps”, and now they are “Polish death camps.” The likes of Anna Bikont, Jan T. Gross, and GAZETA WYBORCZA types have been working overtime to harm Poland until she is forced to pay up. (p. 172). Author Ireneusz T. Lisiak calls this the “Politics of Shame”. (p. 184).
Were Poland to yield to the tactics of blackmail of the Holocaust Industry, this would defy Poland’s right as a state. Finally, the reader must realize that Poles themselves have not, to this day, gotten compensation for their estates that had been seized by the Communists. (p. 187).
I now touch on some items, raised by Lisiak, that are not related to the Holocaust Industry.
Consider the events of 1968. Adam Michnik-Szechter, and other Jews who had lost their privileged positions in 1968, tend to portray this as an anti-Semitic act. In contrast, Lisiak sees this as a fight between different factions in which one side won and the other side lost. There was little essential difference between the factions. For example, the Pulawian and the Natolin factions were the same in their enslaving of Poland on behalf of the USSR. (pp. 100-101).
The author elaborates on the left-wing war against Polish history and Polish patriotism waged by cultural Marxism. The motive is simple. A people lacking pride in their past, deprived of their moral foundations, and lacking a sense of history, are much easier to control. This strategy is quite old. For instance, Bismarck, during an address to the Hakata, stated that, once they take away Poland’s land and Poland’s history, Poland will cease to be a nation. (p. 49).
There has been a sustained smear campaign against RADIO MARYJA. Lisiak (p. 199-on) refutes the claim that RADIO MARYJA listeners are primarily old people and uneducated people. Newspapers such as GAZETA WYBORCZA and GAZETA POMORSKA have spread falsehoods about Father Tadeusz Rydzyk being a very rich man. (pp. 200-201). [This “get rich” trope comes in handy in many different contexts. I have personally heard Jews say that those Jews who profess belief in Jesus Christ had been paid a great deal to do so, and I have personally heard Hindus tell me that missionaries in India are successful because they have paid the natives a lot to get them to convert to Christianity.]
The same “progressive” media that glosses over Islamic customs, such as female circumcision, as “cultural prerogatives”, acts quite differently towards Christians. Every manifestation of traditional Christianity is demonized as a “rebirth of fascism” (p. 122), and Christians are told to keep their views and their practices secret so that they “do not offend anyone.” Enough is enough!
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