Polonophobic Memes Ritual Murder Tokarska Bakir
Pogrom Cries, by Joanna Tokarska-Bakir. 2019
A German-Published, Holocaust-Industry, Gross-Grabowski Rerun. Ritual-Murder Pole-Blaming Narrative Avoids Facts and Similar Jewish Beliefs
The very title of this book is misleading and inflammatory. (Very little of this book is actually about pogroms). To make the point, imagine this alternative title: POLISH-INMATE CRIES IN THE WAKE OF FINGERNAILS RIPPED OUT IN THE JEWISH-RUN COMMUNIST PRISON.
Those readers interested in some of the technical issues raised this book should read the latter part of this review.
The content of this book is the standard Judeocentric fare—anecdotal accusations that have been asserted a hundred times before. Jews are always victims: Poles are nearly always villains (e. g, Polish rescuers of Jews, and ZEGOTA, were “very rare”). All Jewish wrongdoing (e. g, the ZYDOKOMUNA) must be a myth. Anything negative Poles said about Jews must always be the Poles’ fault. The publisher is a German one (Peter Lang GmbH). It figures.
The publisher of this book is the German company, Peter Lang GmbH of Frankfurt Am Main. It has published many anti-Polish books before. [I know; I have reviewed them]. This is consistent with the premise that Germans are trying to diffuse their own guilt for the Holocaust, changing the subject to (what else?) real or imagined Polish anti-Semitism.
This book has the Holocaust Industry written all over it. The accusations of neo-Stalinist authors such as Jan T. Gross and Jan Grabowski are repeated without so much as a glimmer of questioning. Thus, the reader is taken into another world, in which Poles had “enriched themselves with Jewish property” (p. 160). But wait, it gets even better. Poles were “greedy” and “got rich” off the Jews. (p. 170). It is the old PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU (Politics of Shame) in action.
It is as if the property of the dead never became the property of the living, after a war, until “Poles did it to Jews”. So the property of murdered Jews is eternally sacred, while the property of all the Goyim that died in all the wars in history, is not. Poles getting post-Jewish properties is such a cosmic big deal, while Ukrainians getting post-Polish properties (including my grandfather’s) is no big deal. And never mind the crushing poverty and staggering losses that Poles had just experienced at the hands of their German and Soviet occupants, which, in any case, forced them to appropriate the post-Jewish properties to ameliorate their situation. (So what were Poles supposed to do: Sit around and let post-Jewish properties stand vacant as perpetual shrines?)
Author Joanna Tokarska-Bakir mystifies the whole of Jewish history by elaborately attempting to connect the medieval blood libel with modern notions of the Jew bloodsucker, materialist, and profiteer. (pp. 173-on; See especially p. 213). Evidently, to the author, all history reduces to a dialectic of the misunderstood, persecuted Jew, pitted against everybody else.
There is rich irony in all of this. With the recent passage of .S447, the U. S. Government, moreover in a farcical voice vote, the Holocaust Industry now enjoys overt U. S. Government support for its shakedown attempts against Poland. And THAT is doing more to revive and popularize the notion of the Jewish bloodsucker than anything that Joanna Tokarska-Bakir is trying so hard to blame on the Poles!
The author brings up the paintings, of Jewish ritual murder, at the Sandomierz Cathedral, and asserts that Bishop Waclaw Szierzawski of Sandomierz, in a private letter, had held out that some sects in Judaism could have conducted ritual murder, and wondered “‘whether this issue will ever be clarified’”. (p. 189). She also brings up the 1946 position, of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, who had expressed a similar view.
What these bad-boy Polish bishops had said was no different from what certain Jewish scholars (e. g, Ariel Toaff [see his Blood Passover] and Bernard Lazare [see his Antisemitism]) had also said!
NOTE: In doing so, no one is actually accusing MAINSTREAM Jews of conducting ritual murder.
Because Joanna Tokarska-Bakir’s analysis of the blood libel is anything but objective, I provide the following technical information for the interested reader. See my reviews of the following items:
The Real Basis for Considerations of Ritual Murder: An Ingrained Jewish Vendetta Against All Christians
[[ASIN:0520258185 Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages]]
According to the following Jewish scholars [Ariel Toaff and Bernard Lazare], the consumption of human blood, while anathema to mainstream Judaism, DID occur in some cult-offshoots of Judaism. Consequently, accusations of ritual murder cannot all be summarily dismissed:
[[ASIN:1521203083 The Bloody Satanic Sacrifice Rituals of the Jewish Race: Blood Passover, English Version]]
[[ASIN:080327954X Antisemitism: Its History and Causes]]
So Some Poles—As During the Kielce Pogrom—Believed the Blood Libel. Big Deal
Poland’s Jews taught that Gypsies habitually steal Jewish children:
[[ASIN:0921870779 Bialystok to Birkenau]]
[[ASIN:089604159X The Janowska Road]]
[[ASIN:0805200207 Life is With People : The Culture of the Shtetl]]
Turkey’s Jews Accused Jewish Converts to Islam of Conducting Ritual Murder:
[[ASIN:111588445X Israel in Europe]]
Poland’s Jews Even Taught That Poles Give Poisoned Candy to Jewish Children:
[[ASIN:1906764220 Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Volume 27: Jews in the Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1918]]
And the Poles? Alexander Bruce Boswell, a British researcher of Poland, concluded that Polish peasants were quite unlike the Russian peasants in Tsarist Russia during the infamous Mendel Beilis trial. Already by 1913, belief that Jews conduct ritual murder was rare among the Polish peasantry.
[[ASIN:B004QGYTQ0 Poland and the Poles]]
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