Nazism AntiChistian Steed
The Meaning of Hitlerism, by Wickham Steed. 1934
Especially Insightful on the Nazi Efforts to Re-Imagine and Redefine Christianity
This book (review based on the original 1934 edition) is valuable, because it was written soon after Hitler came to power. Since it long predated WWII and the Holocaust, it offers a perspective not colored by these later events.
Ironically, even though Nazism is supposed to be the unrelenting foe of Marxism, both Nazism and Communism are based upon Hegelian dialectics. Marx and Engels had begun as Hegelians, and Engels remained so until the end—as Engels personally told the author. (p. 67).
Author Wickham Steed assesses Hitler. The Fuhrer can be seen as a great leader, but he can also be seen as someone who reflects the instincts, appetites, and aspirations of the German people. (p. 50).
The author adds that, “…pan-German Imperialism took the place of the humanitarian ideals of Lessing, Herder, Goethe, Kant, and Schiller…Germany was to be lord and master of all…Darwin’s doctrine of the survival of the fittest was invoked in support of historical right and of the theory that the strongest must rule.” (pp. 88-89).
Steed suggests that Nazism had shown, from the beginning, that it was a barbarous movement. For instance, the Roehm Putsch cost some 1,200 lives. (p. xxvi). Roehm had represented the “Left wing” of the Nazi movement, emphasizing revolutionary activity and the socialist aspects of National Socialism. (p. 171). Hitler, having come to power, now had little further interest in revolutionary activities and the redistribution of wealth.
Alfred Rosenberg (later hanged at Nuremberg) tried to purge German Christianity of all traces of Jewish doctrine, and of pacifism and humility. The Old Testament was to be abolished entirely, and replaced with Nordic sagas and legends, including that of Odin. (p. 119). Herr Wilhelm Teudt, an appointee of Alfred Rosenberg, wrote GOD-SONGS FOR THE GERMAN PEOPLE. In it, 150 Psalms were replaced with 75 German-centered songs. For instance, Psalm 87, with its message of God loving Zion, was changed to say that God loved Germania more than foreign places. (p. 121).
In recent years, some liberals have tried to re-imagine God as a Goddess, in conformity with feminist ideology. The following are quotes that show how the Nazis tried to re-imagine Jesus Christ, in conformity with Nazi ideology:
…in German schools, he [Hitler] is consistently compared to Christ… (p. 114).
These new German men must be like unto gods…Instead of the crucified Deity, the Germanic Churches will show Christ as the fearless, spirited teacher, the hero in the highest sense of the word. Jehovah must be expunged from the hymn books…”The God whom we revere would not exist if our soul and our blood did not exist.” (pp. 119-120).
A little volume of carols, entitled, CHRISTMAS IN THE THIRD REICH, which was issued in 1933,…contains Hitlerite versions of Christian hymns, and celebrates Hitler as the Leader whom Christ has sent to redeem the German land… (p. 121).
…Nazi Germans, while believing in God and in God’s blossoming in noble human form, reject the heresy of Christian other-worldliness. They wish not merely to believe in a Christ, but each and all are to be Christs. (p. 141).
“When racial research, in itself not a religious matter, makes war upon religion and attacks the foundations of Christianity; when antagonism to the Jews of the present day is extended to the sacred books of the Old Testament, and Christianity is condemned because it has relations of origin with pre-Christian Judaism; when stones are cast at the Person of Our Lord and Savior, and this in the very year we are celebrating the centenary of His work of redemption, then the bishop cannot remain silent.” (p. 161). [This quote has been taken from Faulhaulber’s English-language JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY AND GERMANY.]
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