Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Nazi AntiSemitic Platform Not Christian Eckhart

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany, by Francis Dupont. 2013

Don’t Blame Christianity: The Actual Roots of the Popularity of the Nazi Movement, As Directed Against Jews, in Weimar Germany

I approach this book for its historical value. [My review is based on a condensed, 31-page version of Eckhart’s “The New Germany and the Jews” instead of the 63-page version by the same title that is listed at this product page.]

The emotionalism and primal vulgarity of the diatribes against Jews, by the likes of Adolf Hitler and Julius Streicher, have tended to obscure the substantive issues behind Nazi anti-Semitism. Eckhart helps rectify this situation.

Nowadays, the Holocaust is often mystified as something that is unfathomable. The hatred of the Nazis towards the Jews, it almost seems, came out of nowhere. Otherwise, the Holocaust is commonly blamed, by the usually-leftist academics and by many Jews, on centuries of antagonistic Christian teaching about Jews (e. g, deicide). Interestingly, Eckhart, while making all sorts of statements against Jews, never once accuses Jews of the Crucifixion of Christ! Clearly, the most sensible place to look for the causes of German enmity against Jews is within the German-Jewish relations just before the Nazi period. That is what Eckhart provides.

The author provides a history of Jews in Prussia since their Emancipation. He indicates that, as of 1925, 2/5ths of the Jews of Prussia lived in Berlin. (p. 3). His analysis of Jewish-German relations, from then on, is entirely one-sided. He never mentions the long history of Jewish Germanophilia, and the ways that Jews had enriched Germany in more ways than one.


Owing to the fact that the author is a Nazi, some reviewers have automatically discounted the figures he presents, even though they supposedly come from a Jewish source. (Dr. Heinrich Silbergleit: p. 1). However, the quoted figures for Jewish dominance (or, depending upon semantics, pre-eminence) in Weimar Germany, are corroborated by a non-Nazi British author. Please read my detailed review, of: Unfinished Victory. Other details are corroborated by: Germany Puts the Clock Back, although it is unclear how much of the social decay of Weimar Germany can validly be attributed to influential German Jews. These sources also corroborate the central role of Jews in German Communism, and the Jewish financial scandals in pre-Nazi Germany.


Eckhart writes that (at that time) Jews were still able to engage in commercial activities, and that restrictions on the numbers of Jewish lawyers, doctors, and judges were mild. Moreover, they did not affect Jews who had been in these professions before 1914. (p. 29).

The author does not repeat the standard Nazi tropes that accuse Jews of having a PROTOCOLS-style “shadow government” that presumably controls Germany and other nations, and he makes no statements accusing Jews of having some kind of innate or organized drive to destabilize societies for their own benefit. Of course, the Nazis were no monolith, differing from each other in their degree of anti-Semitic extremism, and Eckhart may have been relatively moderate. In addition, the reader must remember that Eckhart wrote this booklet soon after Hitler had come to power, and the overall massive radicalization of Nazi anti-Semitism, culminating with the Holocaust starting in 1941, was yet in the future. In addition, Eckhart wrote this book for the non-German reader, and appears to have softened even the relatively-tame vintage-1933 Nazi ideology and policies in order to make them more palatable to such readers.


Eckhart focuses on several of the advocates of sexual libertinism: Magnus Hirschfeld, Felix Abraham, Erich Wulffen, Richard Linsert, Ludwig Lewy-Lenz, Max Hodann, etc. (pp. 12-13). Their views and influences were so far out of the mainstream of German thinking that they were offensive not only to the devout and the prudish, but to virtually all Germans.


Eckhart cites the Jewish poet Paul Mayer, who, in 1913, wrote, “See, I strike no roots on earth/Ties of country have I none…Loud resound your cries of envy. For I drink from your wells and I weigh your values…/Yet I have a clever touch/And pander to your vices/While looking on in exultation…/The strange and terribly subtle/Final aims of my Asiatic blood/That remain a mystery to you.” (p. 12). [Note that this Jew also thought in terms of Jews in quasi-racial terms (“Asiatic blood”) as non-Aryans.]

The author comments on this (quote) One hardly knows what is more astonishing in this remarkable lyrical effusion, its absolute frankness or its frivolous cynicism…The ideal of “rootlessness” is proclaimed without any ballast of tradition or piety, while the ideals of other peoples are lightheartedly ridiculed. This spirit, to which nothing is sacred, and which indeed indeed boasts of its animal lusts with almost blasphemous vanity, this was the spirit which succeeded in spreading more and more under the influence of Jewry. (unquote). (p. 12).

Eckhart then brings up Kurt Tucholsky, and rejects the notion that he was simply a pacifist. Tucholsky wrote that “Soldiers are murderers”, called them “victims of the general intoxication”, and asserted that “they gave their lives for muck.” (p. 15). Eckhart asks his English readers, (quote) Would they remain silent in fact of such a terrible calumniation of those who gave their bodies and their lives in defense of their native land? (unquote). (p. 15).

[The informed reader can extend the foregoing considerations to other nations. Consider Poland. Julian Tuwim, before becoming a full-blown Communist, derided the Polish military. Jerzy Urban regularly made vile statements against the Catholic Church and John Paul II. Nowadays, the largely Jewish-run GAZETA WYBORCZA (Poland’s largest newspaper) regularly runs articles attacking the ARMIA KRAJOWA, the ZOLNIERZE WYKLECI, Polish wartime heroism, etc. This unending Jewish aggressiveness against the ideals of Poles is often framed in terms of such telltale phrases as “coming to terms with the past”, “deconstructing national myths”, Poles stuck in their “heroic narrative” and “Jesus Christ of Nations”, etc.]


There had been a large wave of immigration of Eastern European Jews to Prussia, during and after the War (WWI). (p. 2). In fact, fully one-fifth of the entire Jewish population of Prussia consisted of such aliens. (p. 5).

[The foregoing at once explains why Hitler wanted to expel the “Polish” Jews and force them to return to Poland. In turn, the fact that the erstwhile Polish Jews had voluntarily left Poland, and moreover had lived in Germany for at least 20 years, makes it easy to appreciate the rationality of the Polish government’s reluctant to recognize these Jews as Polish, and accept them.]


This book has an add-on chapter on negotiations between Zionists and Nazis, which culminated in the Haavara agreement. For a Jewish perspective on this, please see: The Martyrdom of Jewish Physicians in Poland , and read my detailed review.

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