Journalism and Jews Segel
Stranger in Our Midst: Images Of The Jew In Polish Literature, by Harold B. Segel (Editor). 2015
Journalism and Jews: Pre-WII Disrespect Towards Polish Catholicism
This book is not one that analyzes images of the Jew in Poland per se. Rather, it is an anthology of otherwise-disconnected separate articles about Poland’s Jews. The articles are serialized according to time, beginning with Jews in Poland several centuries ago, and ending with post-Holocaust times. The articles include those by Polonized Jews such as Julian Tuwim and Antoni Slonimski.
One particular article struck me. Written by Father Jan Gnatowski (1855-1925), it shows the asymmetry (in terms of both morality and influence) of Poles and Jews slandering each other. He comments, (quote) And yet, through the centuries, the Jews themselves were the object of many calumnies… But ignorance is a greater misfortune than a sin; how less evil it is than a lie told in full consciousness! The little shoemaker who screams in good faith that Jews in the neighboring street drew the blood from a Christian child can be excused to some extent in light of his stupidity. But how much less deserving of forbearance is the highly educated editor of a prominent newspaper who twice daily, with the smile of an augur, feeds his readers tales of Jesuit millions, the secrets of cloisters and confessionals, even the illegitimate children of Pius IX and Leo XIII, the debauchery reigning in the court of these two popes as well as at that of Pius X, cardinals being poisoned by other cardinals, and still other cardinals operating houses of ill repute for the augmentation of their income!… (unquote)(p. 281).
Fr. Gnatowski’s comments are even more relevant today. Nowadays, Jewish attacks on the Church and Poland are more odious than ever–ironically in this age of interfaith dialogue, “pluralism” and “tolerance”.
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- Anti-Christian Tendencies
- Anti-Polish Trends
- Censorship on Poles and Jews
- Communization of Poland
- Cultural Marxism
- German Guilt Dilution
- Holocaust Industry
- Interwar Polish-Jewish Relations
- Jewish Collaboration
- Jewish Economic Dominance
- Jews Antagonize Poland
- Jews Not Faultless
- Jews' Holocaust Dominates
- Jews' Holocaust Non-Special
- Nazi Crimes and Communist Crimes Were Equal
- Opinion-Forming Anti-Polonism
- Pogrom Mongering
- Poland in World War II
- Polish Jew-Rescue Ingratitude
- Polish Nationalism
- Polish Non-Complicity
- Polish-Ukrainian Relations
- Polokaust
- Premodern Poland
- Recent Polish-Jewish Relations
- The Decadent West
- The Jew as Other
- Understanding Nazi Germany
- Why Jews a "Problem"
- Zydokomuna