Jew Killing WWII By Poles NSZ When Real Were Justified Zebrowski
Narodowe Sily Zbrojne: Dokumenty, Struktury, Personalia (3 Volumes), by Leszek Zebrowski. 1994
The Polish Underground NSZ–Dealing With Communist and Jewish Propaganda
This Polish-language book, NATIONAL ARMED FORCES, focuses mainly on the SN (Stronnictwo Narodowe–NATIONAL PARTY) and its guerrilla-arm NSZ, whose positions overlap those of the ONR, as elaborated in the Peczkis review of Narodowe Sily Zbrojne (Polish Edition). The present work consists of 3 volumes: vol. 1 (1994) bears ISSN 8390039893, vols. 2 and 3 (1996) bear ISSN 8390444623.
This work contains the nom de guerre, names, and often photos of N.S.Z. members. [The photo of “Poraj” (Stefan Marcinkowski)(vol. 3, p. 137) shows a much younger man than the one I had known since childhood, and with whom my adult self had endless discussions.]
One NSZ document mentions how the German occupants had the Polish Catholic Church on a very short leash. The Germans forced the Church to promote anti-Communism, the payment of goods to Germans, volunteering for labor in Germany, etc. (vol. 2, p. 95). [The obvious German duress against the Church clarifies the accusation of Jan T. Gross about some Polish priests allegedly telling their flocks to obey the Germans denouncing or handing-over fugitive Jews.]
The NSZ strongly repudiated the dichotomizing of Nazis and Germans: “Hitlerism is merely the fullest and most modern incarnation of the timeless German spirit–the barbaric spirit of nomadic conquest…Hitler was no tyrant…Hitler became leader because he was the most excellent expression of the timeless German-Prussian spirit and of the German peoples’ deepest wishes and goals…`Adolf Hitler ist das deutsche Volk, und das deutsche Volk ist Adolf Hitler.'” (vol. 1, p. 88). Also: “Hitler turned out to be worse than Bismarck and Wilhelm II. We don’t care to see later editions, and for this reason the destruction of Germany’s might is our dogma.” (vol. 1, p. 72). As for the Holocaust, the NSZ commented: “Only the Germans, of all the peoples of the world, could, in their unlimited pagan barbarity, liquidate the Jews in such a manner…” (vol. 1, p. 89).
As for the USSR, the N.S.Z. commented: “This Soviet hatred of all elements of Polishness is not a revolutionary or socialistic one…It is a timeless hatred that has always grown out of Russian despotism and imperialism.” (vol. 1, p. 58).
Now consider the NSZ on the Ukrainian fascist-separatist OUN-UPA genocide of kresy Poles: “We know of the agonizing deaths under haidamak knives…the savage Ukrainian bands, disregarding all norms of Christian conduct and human rights, have bestially tortured and murdered tens of thousands–infants, children, women, and the elderly–for no other reason than the fact that they were Poles…Since the beginning of the war the Ukrainian national movement has stood in the ranks of the worst enemies of humanity. It is co-responsible for many crimes perpetrated the [Soviet and Nazi] occupants.” (vol. 3, p. 75). The heroism of the Poles in defended villages such as Przebraze is praised. The NSZ recognized the minority rights of Polish-loyal Rusins. (vol. 3, p. 76).
Leszek Zebrowski takes the likes of Krystyna Kersten and the liberal George Soros funded newspaper GAZETA WYBORCZA to task for misrepresenting the N.S.Z. (vol. 1, pp. 15-18), as in accusations of the NSZ killing fugitive Jews. (e. g., vol. 1, p. 19-on; vol. 2, pp. 6-7, 21-22). (See, for instance, p. 217 of Yisrael Gutman and Communist Shmuel Krakowski’s book, UNEQUAL VICTIMS). Actually, the Jewish accusations are widely contradictory, and some of them refer to places and times where and when Polish guerillas didn’t exist. One of them is exposed as a flat lie: Jews “killed Poles” at Zakrzowek (Lublin area) were killed the Nazis, as proved local archives. (vol. 1, p. 19).
Other NSZ killings of Jews were legitimate–that of Jews as bandits preying on Poles, and Jews in the Communist GL-AL serving Poland’s Soviet enemy. Consider the Communist PPR band in the Holy Cross Mountains. (vol. 2, pp. 66-67). It consisted of Russians, Jews, and Polish degenerates. The band murdered Polish farmers in cold blood and burned their properties, including irreplaceable cultural treasures.
Krakowski’s article in the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE HOLOCAUST misrepresents a document as containing a veiled order to kill Jews. (vol. 3, pp. 23-25, 31). Actually, the reference to “hostile minorities” is demonstrably a Communist-era forged addition, while other references to minorities in NSZ orders refer to Nazi-collaborating Ukrainians, etc., not Jews.
By 1944, the NSZ guerillas had 20,000-30,000 members. (vol. 3, p. 16). However, Zebrowski considers this figure exaggerated.
Communist propaganda frequently accused the NSZ of Nazi collaboration, and the postwar Communist government made convincing-looking forged documents, complete with the signatures of incarcerated Gestapo members. (vol. 1, p. 15). What actually happened? There were occasional contacts of NSZ (and AK) with low-ranking German military officers, allowing for such tactical matters as the Germans locally and temporarily looking away from Communist-fighting guerillas (vol. 3, pp. 20-21), but these temporary truces hardly rise to the level of collaboration with the Nazis!
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