Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Holocaust Supremacism Slights All NonJewish Genocides PROOF Azrieli

US – Canada Holocaust Survey Comparison – Topline Results, by Azrieli Foundation. 2018

Proof Non-Jewish Genocides All Marginalized: Holocaust Supremacism Continues to Rule Over the American and Canadian Public Consciousness

This review refers to: US – Canada Holocaust Survey Comparison – Topline Results, which is a survey of American adults that was conducted in October 2018. The survey was conducted by the Azriel Foundation and the Claims Conference [read: Holocaust Industry], and the results are located at the Claims Conference website:


In this survey, overt Holocaust supremacism is still being actively promoted, as demonstrated by the following question asked! Question #31: “The Holocaust is unique and different from any act of genocide that has occurred in the 20th or 21st century”.

65% of American adults agreed, as did 57% of Canadian adults.

So, even when non-Jewish genocides, such as the Polokaust, Holodomor, Aghet, or Porajmos get a little bit of attention, they effectively remain second-class genocides in the eyes of most Americans.


Now consider the active disenfranchisement of all the non-Jewish genocides. (For the student of Polish-Jewish relations, this includes Polokaust negationism.)

Question #22 asks: “Thinking about the Nazis, did the Nazis persecute just the Jewish people or were other groups persecuted as well?”

An astonishing 34% of all U. S. adults, and 27% of Canadian adults, agreed with the following statement, “Only Jews were persecuted by the Nazis.”

So much for the myths that: The Jews’ Holocaust is now universal (whatever that is supposed to mean), that it validly can be made part of a so-called multidirectional memory of many genocides (e. g, Michael Rothberg), that it does not functionally create a zero-sum game (or close to it), or that it does not diminish the genocides of non-Jews. It most certainly does.

There is one and only one possible remedy:

Genocide Recognition Equality Now!

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