Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

HOLOCAUST Series TV 1978 Falsehoods Gorson

Our Answer to T. V.’s Holocaust, an anti-Polish Show, by Ziggy Gorson. 1978

A Pamphlet With a Punch. A Polish Jew and Successful Businessman Exposes the Polonophobic Messages in the HOLOCAUST Television Series. A Diversion by American Jews Because of Their Inaction?

The 1978 HOLOCAUST Series on American television, viewed by over 100 million people, has rather grotesque falsifications of history. For instance, as criticized by Gorson, it shows Polish Army soldiers shooting at Jews. How many uninformed American viewers now believe that canard?

Author Ziggy Gorson, who identifies himself as a “proud Polish Jew”, points out the HOLOCAUST Series, owing to its untruths, actually dishonors the 6 million Jewish dead.

Gorson contends that American Jews are trying to shift the blame on Poland in order to divert attention from the fact that their fathers did so little to alleviate the German-made Holocaust in Europe.

Ziggy Gorson rejects the artificial dichotomy between the Jewish and Polish victims of Nazi Germany. He also has a rather sanguine view of Polish collaborators. He stresses the fact that collaborators can be found in every nationality.

Finally, Gorson expands his criticism to other Jews that falsify history at Poland’s expense. This includes Leon Uris and his MILA 18.

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