German Reparations Orwellian Constructs Balabkins
Germans Voted-In Hitler. German Goods to Israel. Holocaust Industry “Compassion to Holocaust Survivors” Is Off the Mark. Orwellian Constructs on Reparations
Although this work was published in 1971, it remains relevant. This owes to what nowadays is called the Holocaust Industry. It also relates to current German attempts to whitewash themselves.
The Appendix A, in this book, consists of a now-published July 1950 letter, from the World Jewish Congress to Lord Henderson, the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs in London. It is unambiguous in the fact that the Germans were fully responsible for bringing Hitler to power, even if it is technically correct that they never directly voted Hitler into power.
The letter states that, “It is necessary to recall that the Nazi Government came to power with the consent, and by the act, of the constitutionally elected representatives of the German people. On 24th Match 1933, the German Reichstag by a four-fifth majority of its members, 447 against 92, voted for the Bill which authorized Hitler to abolish all German laws and to introduce new ones at his discretion. That Bill was not forced upon the other parties by a majority consisting of members of the Nazi party, nor, at that time, had the Nazi party gained the power to adopt totalitarian methods. By that fateful vote, Nazi rule became legalized and legitimate, the parliamentary authority was given, consciously and deliberately, to make wrong right and lawlessness lawful. In the case of the Jews, the consequences of this act of the German parliament were made known in advance to all Germans and were, therefore, constitutionally sanctioned by the German people.” (p. 274).
Fast-forward to the post-WWII period. West German leaders realized that paying the Jews would rehabilitate Germany in the eyes of the world. (p. 131). Many Jews all over the world opposed the financial settlement, as it was a modernized version of the old Teutonic WERGELD (p. 138), wherein the family of the murderer paid blood money to the family of the murder victim, in order to avert a long-lasting blood feud. Both Jewish and German leaders “papered over” the agreement with rhetoric that insisted that the monies had nothing to do with reparations for the Holocaust. Ironically however, the word used, Shilumim, means exactly that–reparations.
Author Balabkins writes: “The sum of DM 3.45 billion [Shilumim Agreement—mostly industrial equipment and goods to Israel: p. 183], roughly equivalent to $820 million at the prevailing exchange rate of DM 4.20 to the dollar, was to be paid to Israel. But DM 450 million (or $107 million) were to be transferred to the Claims Conference in New York. This amount was to be applied to the work of Jewish relief organizations throughout the world.” (p. 143). The latter was for the rehabilitation of Nazi victims. (p. 143).
In summary, during 1953-1965, West Germany paid out a total of 21,562 million DM in Balabkins-undefined “moral reparations” payments, of which 3,450 fulfilled the Shilumim Agreement for Israel, and 4,318 was for individual compensation to Israeli citizens. (p. 187). It is unclear how much of the 21,562 million DM actually went to Holocaust survivors worldwide, but is it obvious that a large fraction DID NOT.
As noted earlier, the first part of the Luxembourg Agreement, Shilumim [reparations], included DM 3 billion paid primarily for the industrial development of the State of Israel. It is revealing. Balabkins comments, “The Shilumim Agreement did not settle the claims of individual Israeli citizens for personal indemnification. It was, rather, Bonn’s payment of collective Jewish claims FOR HEIRLESS PRIVATE AND COMMUNAL PROPERTY and a compromise rationalization of the cost of resettlement and integration in Israel of refugee European Jews.” (p. 155. Emphasis added).
Since Jewish communal and heirless private properties have already been compensated by the Luxembourg Agreement, the Holocaust Industry has no business trying to make Poland pay restitution for such properties today (as required by the voice-vote-passed .S447)–moreover since they are heirless or unused-communal as a consequence of German crimes!
What about the compensation of individuals? Nowadays, the Holocaust Industry puts politicians “on the spot” by appealing to emotions regarding “the need for belated justice to the Holocaust survivors”, and painting such politicians as heartless monsters if they refuse. This is a classic exercise of the PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU (Pedagogy of Shame). It also borders on fraud. Were Holocaust survivors the REAL issue, then ALL the monies from the 1952 Luxembourg Agreement would have gone to Holocaust survivors, and done so immediately! Only then would German-sent monies have been spent on anything other than Holocaust survivors. As for those not in a position to benefit during the 1950s, these unfortunate Holocaust-surviving individuals should subsequently have been paid out of Israeli funds that accrue from the wealth created by the industrial equipment and goods given by West Germany to Israel in 1953-1965.
Nothing should need to be said about “those destitute long-denied Holocaust survivors” for a LONG time now. The fact that they are only goes on to show the political manipulation that is
Germans Voted-In Hitler. German Goods to Israel. Holocaust Industry “Compassion to Holocaust Survivors” Is Off the Mark. Orwellian Constructs on Reparations
Although this work was published in 1971, it remains relevant. This owes to what nowadays is called the Holocaust Industry. It also relates to current German attempts to whitewash themselves.
The Appendix A, in this book, consists of a now-published July 1950 letter, from the World Jewish Congress to Lord Henderson, the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs in London. It is unambiguous in the fact that the Germans were fully responsible for bringing Hitler to power, even if it is technically correct that they never directly voted Hitler into power.
The letter states that, “It is necessary to recall that the Nazi Government came to power with the consent, and by the act, of the constitutionally elected representatives of the German people. On 24th Match 1933, the German Reichstag by a four-fifth majority of its members, 447 against 92, voted for the Bill which authorized Hitler to abolish all German laws and to introduce new ones at his discretion. That Bill was not forced upon the other parties by a majority consisting of members of the Nazi party, nor, at that time, had the Nazi party gained the power to adopt totalitarian methods. By that fateful vote, Nazi rule became legalized and legitimate, the parliamentary authority was given, consciously and deliberately, to make wrong right and lawlessness lawful. In the case of the Jews, the consequences of this act of the German parliament were made known in advance to all Germans and were, therefore, constitutionally sanctioned by the German people.” (p. 274).
Fast-forward to the post-WWII period. West German leaders realized that paying the Jews would rehabilitate Germany in the eyes of the world. (p. 131). Many Jews all over the world opposed the financial settlement, as it was a modernized version of the old Teutonic WERGELD (p. 138), wherein the family of the murderer paid blood money to the family of the murder victim, in order to avert a long-lasting blood feud. Both Jewish and German leaders “papered over” the agreement with rhetoric that insisted that the monies had nothing to do with reparations for the Holocaust. Ironically however, the word used, Shilumim, means exactly that–reparations.
Author Balabkins writes: “The sum of DM 3.45 billion [Shilumim Agreement—mostly industrial equipment and goods to Israel: p. 183], roughly equivalent to $820 million at the prevailing exchange rate of DM 4.20 to the dollar, was to be paid to Israel. But DM 450 million (or $107 million) were to be transferred to the Claims Conference in New York. This amount was to be applied to the work of Jewish relief organizations throughout the world.” (p. 143). The latter was for the rehabilitation of Nazi victims. (p. 143).
In summary, during 1953-1965, West Germany paid out a total of 21,562 million DM in Balabkins-undefined “moral reparations” payments, of which 3,450 fulfilled the Shilumim Agreement for Israel, and 4,318 was for individual compensation to Israeli citizens. (p. 187). It is unclear how much of the 21,562 million DM actually went to Holocaust survivors worldwide, but is it obvious that a large fraction DID NOT.
As noted earlier, the first part of the Luxembourg Agreement, Shilumim [reparations], included DM 3 billion paid primarily for the industrial development of the State of Israel. It is revealing. Balabkins comments, “The Shilumim Agreement did not settle the claims of individual Israeli citizens for personal indemnification. It was, rather, Bonn’s payment of collective Jewish claims FOR HEIRLESS PRIVATE AND COMMUNAL PROPERTY and a compromise rationalization of the cost of resettlement and integration in Israel of refugee European Jews.” (p. 155. Emphasis added).
Since Jewish communal and heirless private properties have already been compensated by the Luxembourg Agreement, the Holocaust Industry has no business trying to make Poland pay restitution for such properties today (as required by the voice-vote-passed .S447)–moreover since they are heirless or unused-communal as a consequence of German crimes!
What about the compensation of individuals? Nowadays, the Holocaust Industry puts politicians “on the spot” by appealing to emotions regarding “the need for belated justice to the Holocaust survivors”, and painting such politicians as heartless monsters if they refuse. This is a classic exercise of the PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU (Pedagogy of Shame). It also borders on fraud. Were Holocaust survivors the REAL issue, then ALL the monies from the 1952 Luxembourg Agreement would have gone to Holocaust survivors, and done so immediately! Only then would German-sent monies have been spent on anything other than Holocaust survivors. As for those not in a position to benefit during the 1950s, these unfortunate Holocaust-surviving individuals should subsequently have been paid out of Israeli funds that accrue from the wealth created by the industrial equipment and goods given by West Germany to Israel in 1953-1965.
Nothing should need to be said about “those destitute long-denied Holocaust survivors” for a LONG time now. The fact that they are only goes on to show the political manipulation that is
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