Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Cultural Marxism Warning Ryba

Odklamac Wczoraj i Dzisiaj, by Mieczyslaw Ryba. 2014

Feliks Koneczny. Postmodernism. German Guilt Diffusion. PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU

REMOVING THE FALSEHOODS OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY is the title of this Polish-language book. It has more to do with setting the record straight than with exposing falsehoods per se. The book is easy reading, and perhaps its greatest strength is the provision of references for deeper study of the themes raised by the author.


The author examines some of today’s events in the light of the works of Feliks Koneczny. [For background, the reader should read my detailed English-language reviews, of B0000CLABJ and 095070511X].

How could the OUN-UPA rezuny (cutthroats) torture and murder thousands of Poles in cold blood, while most of them were churchgoers (even the sons of Greek Catholic priests)? Ryba believe that the answer lies in the fact that the Turanian (eastern Mongolian) civilization governs Ukrainians, just as it did the Tatars and the Russians. In accordance with Turanian civilization, politics is divorced from morality, and the church is subordinate to the state. What’s more, the politics of ruthlessness is a characteristic of Turanian civilization. For this reason, the OUN-UPA terror was directed not only against Poles, but also against Ukrainians who did not conform to the OUN’s ideology. (pp. 229-230).


One particularly good citation (p. 58) examines the idea behind the EU (European Union). It is John Laughland’s work, THE TAINTED SOURCE, which shows the rational foundation of Euroskepticism. It focuses on the long history of European powers (notably Germany) attempting, through non-military means, to acquire hegemony over Europe, not rarely at the expense of Polish sovereignty.


The author mentions the divide in the west between those who promote abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, etc., and those who oppose these things. (p. 27). Ryba also repeats the warnings of Saint Pope John Paul II on the dangers of moral relativism, the subjective re-definitions of truth, and self-serving re-definitions of pluralism and tolerance. (p. 31).
Author Mieczyslaw Ryba traces these trends to neo-Marxist Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School. Western society and Christianity were not to be destroyed by a violent revolution emanating from the working class. They were instead to be destroyed by neo-Marxist elitists taking over the culture, and leading it to such things as multiculturalism. (pp. 111-on).


The WWII portrayal of Poles as unenlightened reactionaries served the left-wing agenda. Leftists would not allow Catholic Poland to be appreciated as a bastion against Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. (p. 204).

Fast forward to the present. Author Mieczyslaw Ryba characterizes the current teaching of history in Poland as one governed by ahistorical postmodernism, and the agenda of marginalizing the knowledge of Polish history and giving it a left-wing slant. (p. 221). It is this deliberately-cultivated ignorance of Polish history that enables the media-propagated “Poles were co-responsible for the Holocaust” falsehoods of neo-Stalinist Jan T. Gross to have any credence. (p. 209, pp. 221-222).


The author then focuses on German influence on Poland’s media and educational system. He discusses the drive for Silesians to be recognized an autonomous group, the tendency of Germans to repaint themselves as the victims of WWII, and the German tendency to instill in Poles a vague sense of guilt for the atrocities of WWII (e. g, the film, GENERATION WAR; and the non-accidental mendacious phrase “Polish death camps”). (pp. 217-218). This is German guilt diffusion, and use of the PEDAGOGIKA WSTYDU.

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