Polish-Jewish Relations: 1,300 Keyword-Phrase-Indexed Book Reviews (by Jan Peczkis)

Communist Assassination Attempt on Pope John Paul II West

The Third Secret: The CIA, Solidarity & the KGB’s Plot to Kill the Pope, by Nigel West. 2001

Communism at Its Best: The Soviet-Sponsored Assassination Attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981

There is so much information packed into this little book! Its title comes from the third secret of the Lady of Fatima. West begins with a biographical sketch of Pope John Paul II. He discusses the Solidarity movement in Poland, and how the CIA gave it aid (pp. 201-202). He touches on Richard Kuklinski and on Soviet plans for the invasion of Poland.

Oleg Kalugin, the KGB chief of counterintelligence, admitted that, unlike the Czechs and East Germans, “the Poles were always difficult” (p. 192). West comments that: “Communists hate most who understand their methods.” (p. 30).

The Soviet Union had a long history of political assassinations. In contrast, accusations about the CIA being responsible for political assassinations, according to West, are unfounded (p. 32).

After decades of lying, the Soviet Union admitted responsibility for the Katyn crime. And, following the fall of Communism, once-classified Bulgarian and Soviet reports confirmed their nations’ involvement in the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II (p. 74).

A personal note: When I first heard news of the Pope being shot, my first thoughts were: “I knew it! I knew that the Communists would get rid of him!” Thank God he survived.

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